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I had a small cardiac incident in May, which resulted in a trip to the emergency room, ekg, blood work, chest X-ray, and follow up appointments with my GP and my cardiologist, more blood work, stress testing, ultra sound, and a full cardio work up. I have no idea what the cost was but I know thousands of dollars when I see it.

Co-pay $0. Paperwork: I handed them my swipe card, and they confirmed my address phone number and contact information for next of kin. Same for the pharmacy. I hand them my swipe card, confirm no changes to the information, they give me my drugs.

My American friends have thousands of dollars of co-pays for similar events. I have a friend in New Mexico who is dreading the bills arriving for a recent nasty fall and concussion. She had to go to emerg, get stitches, and is now going to physio. I would pay $0 for any of it.
No small cardiac instances….they are all expensive. If you have a cardiologist, you have an expensive heart problem. WTF anyone would be against universal healthcare in the US is way beyond logic. But that’s who we have to deal with in the GOP and corporate wing of democrats.
No small cardiac instances….they are all expensive. If you have a cardiologist, you have an expensive heart problem. WTF anyone would be against universal healthcare in the US is way beyond logic. But that’s who we have to deal with in the GOP and corporate wing of democrats.

That swipe card system keeps our administration costs down to 7% of the heathcare budget - its over 30% in the USA. Almost no pre-approvals. No billing departments or third party billing companies, and medical bankruptcies are unheard of. No copays for doctors or hospitals. We spend slightly more than half the amount per person on healthcare in Canada, than Americans do, and our outcomes are about equal. But our life expectancy is higher, and continues to rise, while yours is declining.
That swipe card system keeps our administration costs down to 7% of the heathcare budget - its over 30% in the USA. Almost no pre-approvals. No billing departments or third party billing companies, and medical bankruptcies are unheard of. No copays for doctors or hospitals. We spend slightly more than half the amount per person on healthcare in Canada, than Americans do, and our outcomes are about equal. But our life expectancy is higher, and continues to rise, while yours is declining.
Exactly ! Its sad as the only one who has vehemently campaigned for it is Bernie Sanders. Even our Medicare is a capitulation to big business profit. Both parties have been stealing from FICA surpluses for decades and much of our debt is simply what we owe our entitlement programs to pay back what we stole. Turning that around means doing nothing more than universal healthcare. But biggest impediment is bigotry. All the white people here think “ they” are entitled but would only support UHC if it were “ whites only”. Poor people hear is code for non whites and immigrants.
Liberals turned California into a Shit Hole!

Soft on crime, soft on punishment, soft on bail, soft on prisoners, soft on shoplifters, soft on every f" thing! :p
Liberals turned California into a Shit Hole!

Soft on crime, soft on punishment, soft on bail, soft on prisoners, soft on shoplifters, soft on every f" thing! :p
Hilarious bubba. California would do much better if were allowed to keep all the federal taxes that goes into keeping red states afloat. The miss management of red states throughout the country is legendary. It started with slavery when southern whites used free black labor as a matter of business practice.

Few blue states miss manages crime more than red states. They are routinely among the worse places to live.
Hilarious bubba. California would do much better if were allowed to keep all the federal taxes that goes into keeping red states afloat. The miss management of red states throughout the country is legendary. It started with slavery when southern whites used free black labor as a matter of business practice.

Few blue states miss manages crime more than red states. They are routinely among the worse places to live.
Hey Bubba Dagosa. I used to live in California. You could not pay me to live there now. No Thank You! :p
I lived there for 41 years, once I was able to retire, it took me two weeks to get out of that state.
Haven't regretted a day of that decision.
Of course not, you didn’t want to pay taxes on your income anymore. YOU WANT FREEBEES JUST LIKE ALL REPUBLICANS.
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Homesnacks????? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Bubba Meister. Check the worse states. find any source that says differently. YOU CAN’T
Boot-licker Dagos views government employees as super hero’s like Batman 😂
Bet your ass dip shit.
I mean, kudos for a rare moment of honesty from Dagosa. But viewing government as super hero's - ewww. Gross as fuck. That kind of blind devotion and worship is exactly what led to Adolf Hitler being elected.

I never understood how that happens (a Hitler, a Kim Jong Ill, etc.). Now I know. Lazy, greedy people like Dagosa believing that if they worship and submit enough, they will get "free shit".
You are neither as well trained, armed or supported as the police or the military.
You continue to illustrate how profoundly ignorant you are on all of this subject matter. Which is fine. The problem comes when you speak out like an "authority", and then just make shit up to back up your uneducated, false claims.

For the record, I am infinitely better trained than police. Because I'm not a piece of shit like you, I won't say whether or not I am better trained than the military because I simply do not know. But my father was the range officer for his police department (ie he handled all firearm training and qualification). Bi-annually, just popping a few rounds at a range. I would attend every time (and shoot with them).

By contrast - I train weekly. I train on moving targets (they did not - ever). I train with dropping the magazine and inserting another one while the target is moving and while timed. Something else almost no police department does.

Thank you Dagosa, it's always a pleasure to expose your ignorance (and lies).
The police have the support of every civilian infrastructure apparatus plus their own.
Not even remotely true. But you've already admitted you just make shit up to support your ignorant position.

For instance - law enforcement has absolutely no control over cell towers. And no cell providers will leverage a tower to provide real-time "support" to law enforcement.

Likewise, law endorsement has absolutely no control over the internet. And no ISP will leverage servers/connections/etc. to provide real-time "support" to law enforcement.

Has never happened. Never will. Both of those are "civilian infrastructure". Law enforcement has 0 control over either and would not even get cooperation from either without a proper warrant.
I would pay $0 for any of it.
It's sad that you're proud of that.

I mean, aside from the fact that you're literally proud to mooch off of society like a fuck'n parasite, you also receive among the most shitty healthcare in the world. There's a reason that Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams came running to the United States for his heart surgery. He actually desired quality care for his life.
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