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I had a small cardiac incident in May, which resulted in a trip to the emergency room, ekg, blood work, chest X-ray, and follow up appointments with my GP and my cardiologist, more blood work, stress testing, ultra sound, and a full cardio work up. I have no idea what the cost was but I know thousands of dollars when I see it.

Co-pay $0.
Yep. You get what you pay for. Congratulations on having the worst healthcare in the world.
Earlier this month, Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced that Canada's largest province would take a page from the U.S. playbook—and expand private care in order to provide some relief to the millions of Canadians waiting for treatment.

Ford recounted that a CEO had told him, "There's only two places in the world that have the health care that we have . . . Cuba and North Korea."
Absolutely humiliating for a so-called "developed country". Healthcare on par with fucking Cuba and North Korea...🤢🤮
That swipe card system keeps our administration costs down to 7% of the heathcare budget - its over 30% in the USA.
Your costs are "down" because your healthcare is among the worst in the entire world. Right at the very bottom with Cuba and North fucking Korea 🤢🤮
Earlier this month, Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced that Canada's largest province would take a page from the U.S. playbook—and expand private care in order to provide some relief to the millions of Canadians waiting for treatment.

Ford recounted that a CEO had told him, "There's only two places in the world that have the health care that we have . . . Cuba and North Korea."
Almost no pre-approvals. No billing departments or third party billing companies, and medical bankruptcies are unheard of.
Sadly, quality healthcare is also "unheard of" in Canada
We spend slightly more than half the amount per person on healthcare in Canada, than Americans do, and our outcomes are about equal.
Well a Yugo costs less than half the cost of a Lamborghini. For a reason. Crappy stuff (like Canadian healthcare) is dirt cheap. Quality stuff (like American healthcare) costs a lot. My health is worth spending a lot on.
But our life expectancy is higher
That has absolutely nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle. American affluence affords us unlimited quantities of unhealthy foods. Also, because Democrats refuse to secure our borders - and America is the dream destination of everyone on the planet - we have been invaded and now have to deal with a violence issue. Violence cuts life expectancy, genius.

Additionally, the lack of secure borders has led to a serous fentanyl problem. That also drastically decreased life expectancy.

The fact that you have to point to thing that have absolutely nothing to do with healthcare just proves that you know your healthcare is vastly inferior in every way, to the United States.
No,it isn’t. Nothing is free. But HEALTHCARE FOR everyone is less expensive.
And infinitely less accessible and drastically less quality. But, I mean, that's what leftism does: it lowers the bar for everything. Lower expectations. Lower results. Lower standard of living.

The left-wing ideology collapsed Cuba, Russia, Venezuela, Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea, etc.
Ha ha….the worse states to live in ?
People and corporations are fleeing California. It's a third-world shit-hole. And where are they both going? Deep red Texas and deep red Florida. Maximum freedom. Minimum taxes. Abundance of jobs. Low crime. The opposite of blue states.
20 states are worse to live in then California, most are RED STATES
And all are dragged down by the failed misery of blue counties and blue states. Perfect example: Louisiana. A "red" state. But deep blue New Orleans is among the most crime-ridden cities in the United States. Their poverty, crime, and total misery drags down the overall success of the state of Louisiana.

Says a lot that you have to hide behind red states. Says a lot that you are afraid to drill down and see what cities (and even counties) are prospering and which one's are third-world shit-holes. Spoiler Alert: all of them are deep blue.
Of course not. You moved to a state to save paying income taxes….lIke Fla et al. Looking for free bees !
  1. "Free bees" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Do the nests come with them?? It's "freebies", genius
  2. The guy crying for "free" healthcare and "free" housing and "free" food and "free" transportation, is crying about "freebies". Leftists hate it when they can't confiscate someone else's money in the form of "taxes"
Of course not, you didn’t want to pay taxes on your income anymore. YOU WANT FREEBEES JUST LIKE ALL REPUBLICANS.

I cannot stop laughing :lmao:
The shit-hole state of California strikes again. Failed liberal policy has run it into the ground, and now the left wants conservative states to bail them out…
Dem success and overpopulation meet GOP refusal to invest in housing
The shit-hole state of California strikes again. Failed liberal policy has run it into the ground, and now the left wants conservative states to bail them out…
After 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich the whole country is.
The shit-hole state of California strikes again. Failed liberal policy has run it into the ground, and now the left wants conservative states to bail them out…

Non-invested n'er-do-well Idiot voters in Kalipornia can't stop voting (D) because if they do their gravy-train stops cold.

But People with money know better and are slowly-but-surely bailing-out of that overpriced collapsing train-wreck in-the-making.
The shit-hole state of California strikes again. Failed liberal policy has run it into the ground, and now the left wants conservative states to bail them out…
The people who run the corporations are benefiting from the current economic situation that has so many homeless. Remember a lot of those homeless people came from your red state to make it big in Hollywood. Now they live under the bridge. If only they could find work that would pay for a roof over their heads.

Dude, I just drove up the intercoastal where I saw such extravagant wealth it was sickening. They just throw $85 million away. Meanwhile have you seen the homeless situation in Florida? It's sickening. Wouldn't the people of Florida like to get rid of the homelessness that I'm seeing?
The people who run the corporations are benefiting from the current economic situation that has so many homeless. Remember a lot of those homeless people came from your red state to make it big in Hollywood. Now they live under the bridge. If only they could find work that would pay for a roof over their heads.

Dude, I just drove up the intercoastal where I saw such extravagant wealth it was sickening. They just throw $85 million away. Meanwhile have you seen the homeless situation in Florida? It's sickening. Wouldn't the people of Florida like to get rid of the homelessness that I'm seeing?
I thought the economy was going gangbusters and jobs were everywhere.
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