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Yup, and many thousands are engineering and higher educated jobs that not enough Americans qualify for. Companies are begging to increase quotas.
The fat lazy ass uneducated Americans just aren’t doing their job and valuing education. They’re happy being Trump’s fodder.

Canada gave all of those low wage workers who were displaced by off-shoring or automation, free training and upgrading of their skills. As of March 2023, Canadian government student loans are interest free. We give families with income below $35,000 per year, $500 per month, per child in tax credits, a refund on GST and Carbon Tax credits. Seniors have a guaranteed annual income of $18,000, plus no pay on health care or prescriptions.
Our Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment NOT to give citizens protection from each other, but to enable us to take on the government when and if necessary, just as they took on the largest military in the world, Great Britain, and defeated it by a series of miracles.

I can write in all caps and bold too. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

"Many historians agree that the primary reason for passing the Second Amendment was to prevent the need for the United States to have a professional standing army. At the time it was passed, it seems it was not intended to grant a right for private individuals to keep weapons for self-defense."

Not to "take on the government" - a "well regulated militia" is one under the command and control of the government. The 2nd Amendment is to DEFEND the government.
Our Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment NOT to give citizens protection from each other, but to enable us to take on the government when and if necessary, just as they took on the largest military in the world, Great Britain, and defeated it by a series of miracles.

That is your opinion. That is NOT what the 2nd Amendment actually says. It notes instead that (in those days) a “well-regulated Militia” was necessary for “the security of a free State.” The threats to the state/s in those days came from riotous rebellion, foreign armies, Indian rebellions, and potential slave rebellions. That is the reality, and not your anti-state fantasy.

“The right of the people to keep and bear Arms,” was intimately connected to those issues, especially given the lack of a real Continental Army in peacetime. Of course on the frontier and for farmers in the country especially, gun ownership (of single shot long arms — i.e. muskets) was traditional, as was hunting.
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Canada gave all of those low wage workers who were displaced by off-shoring or automation, free training and upgrading of their skills. As of March 2023, Canadian government student loans are interest free. We give families with income below $35,000 per year, $500 per month, per child in tax credits, a refund on GST and Carbon Tax credits. Seniors have a guaranteed annual income of $18,000, plus no pay on health care or prescriptions.
College education in general has replaced HS education this century as a necessity to stay competitive with the rest of the world.
2;and 4 year programs should be free to those who qualify.
Because we in the US can’t seem to keep up with the rest of the world with anything but arming every man, woman or child, we will continue to require immigrants to full fill our labor needs.
College education in general has replaced HS education this century as a necessity to stay competitive with the rest of the world.
2;and 4 year programs should be free to those who qualify.
Because we in the US can’t seem to keep up with the rest of the world with anything but arming every man, woman or child, we will continue to require immigrants to full fill our labor needs.

We can keep up with the rest of the world educationally because leftism has destroyed our education system.
That is your opinion. That is NOT what the 2nd Amendment actually says. It notes instead that (in those days) a “well-regulated Militia” was necessary for “the security of a free State.” The threats to the state/s in those days came from riotous rebellion, foreign armies, Indian rebellions, and potential slave rebellions. That is the reality, and not your anti-state fantasy.

“The right of the people to keep and bear Arms,” was intimately connected to those issues, especially given the lack of a real Continental Army in peacetime. Of course on the frontier and for farmers in the country especially, gun ownership (of single shot long arms — i.e. muskets) was traditional, as was hunting.

The Founding Fathers made explicit reference to arms in the Federalist Papers in order to fight an unruly government. Do your homework.
I can write in all caps and bold too. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

"Many historians agree that the primary reason for passing the Second Amendment was to prevent the need for the United States to have a professional standing army. At the time it was passed, it seems it was not intended to grant a right for private individuals to keep weapons for self-defense."

Not to "take on the government" - a "well regulated militia" is one under the command and control of the government. The 2nd Amendment is to DEFEND the government.
`````2nd Amendment.jpg

Properly armed our best hope.jpg

`````More  guns, less crime Harvard.jpg

Britain more violence than US.jpg

```patrick henery-reason to be armed.JPG
No it does not. No one knows who is armed and who isn’t except we know a uniformed cop with a utility belt is. They know he is legal and has the power to arrest. You ? You only have the legal power of self defense. Armed people are more likely to be shot.
Violent crime Criminals are not all physical cowards…. That’s a fallacy. They maybe afraid of a lot of things, but robbing and killing and violence for many is the only thing they know. You obviously aren‘t prepared to deal with them.
”And just to reiterate - just being armed drastically reduces crime. Criminals are cowards.”
An obvious lie. We arm criminals….and gun a holics promote it. We have more gun deaths then any modern nation and we have the highest rates of ownership. It’s obvious, as legal gun owners help arm criminals.
Every word of that is a lie. (As usual for you.)
Mine is renewed once every four years for $20. I’m legally armed, anyone without a permit isn’t. It was easy to get….for me. Cause I’m not a criminal, served my country and carried one for two decades in my jobs and as we speak. You’re just making up shit.

No, that's your specialty!

Wrong. All made up shit. Fact, we have the highest gun crimes in states and countries with the most LAXED gun laws. FACT.

Out and out lie. Stop. Fucking. Lying.

Funny, you agree with me about PERMITS then go in a rant of MADE UP SHIT. I’m a coward ? What am asshole internet bullshitter you are. I’m obviously more informed about law enfacement, the military and firearms in general. That should tell you all you need to know.

You're a lying sack of shit.

You're an absolute embarassment to the USA. A complete idiot who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, as this post clearly proves.

AIDS is no longer a "deadly virus", and is just another treatable illness. Infection isn't a death sentence, and so infecting someone is no longer a felony.

Based on your post, infecting someone with syphillis should be a charged as a felony, because syphillis was a deadly disease before the discovery of anti-biotics. It killed Al Capone, Oscar Wilde, and Henri Toulousse-Latrec.

Please keep posting and demonstrating your idiocy for all to see.
By all means, then, give yourself AIDS!

But I agree: deliberately spreading ANY STD should probably be a felony.
Projection and nothing more.
Actually, it's probably also libel.
Once again, immature Dagosa just makes shit up, completely out of thin air! 🤦‍♂️

Uneducated people like Dagosa are more likely to say something really stupid. The evidence is anecdotal at this time, but very strong thanks to the constant stupidity of DragonLady and her husband Dagosa!

No, I think he's just stupid.

Except that your article from the Blaze completely misrepresented what happened. His conceal carry license was not "revoked", it was suspended, briefly, because of his behaviour towards the police who investigated the incident - 3 days after it happened.

It seems that the Blaze, and the OP both think that the police shouldn't even have interviewed this home owner or questioned him over what happened. And that he was within his rich white guy rights in opening fire in a white residential neighbourhood without so much as explaining to police what happened.

Nobody's suggesting building a wall along the Canadian border, or blocking liberal Canadians from "infesting" the USA with our demands for free healthcare, and cradle to the grave social programs.

Canada brings in 500,000 new immigrants each year. That's like the USA bringing in 5,000,000 new immigrants each year. When I moved out to rural Ontario in 2014, after living in Toronto for 30 years - 55% non-white population, it was whiter than white. I could count on the fingers of one hand how many non-white faces I saw around this town. One of the local pharmacists was from India, but he didn''t live in town - he commutes from his home in Hamilton, which has a large community of emigrees from India.

These days, there are lots of minority faces around town. And unlike the pharmacist, more and more, they're living in town. Unlike Americans, Canadians aren't living in fear of "replacement", or that these people will steal our jobs. Every small business in town has a "help wanted" sign out. We tried to pick up the Tuesday special from KFC this week but they were closed because they have no staff. One of the local grocery stores put in a self checkout lane because they can't hire enough cashiers.

The USA has 11 million open jobs and only 3.5 million unemployed workers. Why aren't you brining in immigrants to fill all these jobs?
Because the illegals all come in to go on welfare. The latest thing here is using hotels as essentially flophouses...the state pays a great big pile of money, and the illegals live rent-free.
Every word of that is a lie. (As usual for you.)

No, that's your specialty!

Out and out lie. Stop. Fucking. Lying.

You're a lying sack of shit.

By all means, then, give yourself AIDS!

But I agree: deliberately spreading ANY STD should probably be a felony.

Actually, it's probably also libel.
Boot-licker Dagos views government employees as super hero’s like Batman 😂

Lord have mercy, the simpletons that make up the left are just something else 🤦‍♂️
Bet your ass dip shit. You are neither as well trained, armed or supported as the police or the military. You ignoramus have no idea what SUPPORT is. The police have the support of every civilian infrastructure apparatus plus their own. A civilian has NOTHING BUT LIABILITY.
That’s a hefty raise itself.

I had a small cardiac incident in May, which resulted in a trip to the emergency room, ekg, blood work, chest X-ray, and follow up appointments with my GP and my cardiologist, more blood work, stress testing, ultra sound, and a full cardio work up. I have no idea what the cost was but I know thousands of dollars when I see it.

Co-pay $0. Paperwork: I handed them my swipe card, and they confirmed my address phone number and contact information for next of kin. Same for the pharmacy. I hand them my swipe card, confirm no changes to the information, they give me my drugs.

My American friends have thousands of dollars of co-pays for similar events. I have a friend in New Mexico who is dreading the bills arriving for a recent nasty fall and concussion. She had to go to emerg, get stitches, and is now going to physio. I would pay $0 for any of it.
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