California Gov. Brown signs law allowing illegal aliens to attend college.

I live in California and this really pisses me off. Tuition for both in-state and out-of-state citizens and legal residents has risen the past several years, with financial aid being based on an ethnic rather than economic basis. Now foreign nationals are being given preference for admission and financial assistance. This helps our state budget crisis... how? Oh, right... it doesn't help, it actually makes it even worse.

Really pisses me off.
This is the reason Gov. Brown is wrong for california. Illegal aliens do not have any right to go to our colleges at our expense. They do not even pay taxes. Shows how stupid the left is.

Shows how stupid the right is. Undocumented immigrants pay taxes, but they don't get the same refunds and Social Security benefits that you do.

Uh... they don't pay taxes. They can't. They don't have a legal green card or social security number. IF they have a job where SS tax is deducted, it means they are using a stolen SS number and are royally screwing up some poor schlep's benefit account showing income he never earned... which the IRS will be interested in investigating. These people who have had their SS numbers stolen and their SS benefit accounts totally FUBAR'd should be... grateful? I don't think so.

For the same reason, they pay no state or federal income tax and merely put in a W-4 showing enough tax deductions that none will be withheld.

The only tax illegals pay is sales tax, because there's no way around that.
California isn't the first. CT, NM, and others. I hope CO is next.

These same states don't give instate tuition to our military who grew up in those states and then left for more than a year to serve their country. What an injustice. You should be ashamed of yourself, wanting rights granted to illegals that aren't even granted to our service men and women.

Really? I'm under the impression that military receives in-state funding and federal grants. Can you provide a link for me to back up that claim? I've never heard any of my friends complain.
This is the reason Gov. Brown is wrong for california. Illegal aliens do not have any right to go to our colleges at our expense. They do not even pay taxes. Shows how stupid the left is.

Shows how stupid the right is. Undocumented immigrants pay taxes, but they don't get the same refunds and Social Security benefits that you do.

Uh... they don't pay taxes. They can't. They don't have a legal green card or social security number. IF they have a job where SS tax is deducted, it means they are using a stolen SS number and are royally screwing up some poor schlep's benefit account showing income he never earned... which the IRS will be interested in investigating. These people who have had their SS numbers stolen and their SS benefit accounts totally FUBAR'd should be... grateful? I don't think so.

For the same reason, they pay no state or federal income tax and merely put in a W-4 showing enough tax deductions that none will be withheld.

The only tax illegals pay is sales tax, because there's no way around that.
Also, you can have a SS number and not be a citizen. You can apply before you get your citizenship.

illegal immigrants pony up

Fake SSN or not, the cash is still coming out of their paychecks and going to the gubmint. If they all stopped paying taxes, our SS and Medicare would be in even more trouble.
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I live in California and this really pisses me off. Tuition for both in-state and out-of-state citizens and legal residents has risen the past several years, with financial aid being based on an ethnic rather than economic basis. Now foreign nationals are being given preference for admission and financial assistance. This helps our state budget crisis... how? Oh, right... it doesn't help, it actually makes it even worse.

Really pisses me off.

Federal financial aid is colorblind.
I think we should just hand over Calf to Mexico. They are broke anyway and the love the illegals there so just let them have it..
This is the reason Gov. Brown is wrong for california. Illegal aliens do not have any right to go to our colleges at our expense. They do not even pay taxes. Shows how stupid the left is.

Shows how stupid the right is. Undocumented immigrants pay taxes, but they don't get the same refunds and Social Security benefits that you do.

shows you how stupid you are by calling them "Undocumented" instead of what they are....they are ILLEGAL Aliens......
Shows how stupid the right is. Undocumented immigrants pay taxes, but they don't get the same refunds and Social Security benefits that you do.

Uh... they don't pay taxes. They can't. They don't have a legal green card or social security number. IF they have a job where SS tax is deducted, it means they are using a stolen SS number and are royally screwing up some poor schlep's benefit account showing income he never earned... which the IRS will be interested in investigating. These people who have had their SS numbers stolen and their SS benefit accounts totally FUBAR'd should be... grateful? I don't think so.

For the same reason, they pay no state or federal income tax and merely put in a W-4 showing enough tax deductions that none will be withheld.

The only tax illegals pay is sales tax, because there's no way around that.
Also, you can have a SS number and not be a citizen. You can apply before you get your citizenship.

illegal immigrants pony up

Fake SSN or not, the cash is still coming out of their paychecks and going to the gubmint. If they all stopped paying taxes, our SS and Medicare would be in even more trouble.
You are correct to say that illegal immigrants pay taxes, in the same way all foreigners pay taxes if residing in the United States. However, if the stopped paying taxes we would not be in any worse shape. The taxes make up a miniscule portion of all tax revnue, and if illegal immigrants also receive taxpayer funded benefits then it all cancels out. Rather than give noncitizens benefits of citizens, noncitizens should simply have to obtain citizenship. I really don't see the logic in expanding government programs to people who are not US citizens. It makes so much more sense to just set up a better process of making noncitizens citizens.
Shows how stupid the right is. Undocumented immigrants pay taxes, but they don't get the same refunds and Social Security benefits that you do.

Uh... they don't pay taxes. They can't. They don't have a legal green card or social security number. IF they have a job where SS tax is deducted, it means they are using a stolen SS number and are royally screwing up some poor schlep's benefit account showing income he never earned... which the IRS will be interested in investigating. These people who have had their SS numbers stolen and their SS benefit accounts totally FUBAR'd should be... grateful? I don't think so.

For the same reason, they pay no state or federal income tax and merely put in a W-4 showing enough tax deductions that none will be withheld.

The only tax illegals pay is sales tax, because there's no way around that.
Also, you can have a SS number and not be a citizen. You can apply before you get your citizenship.

illegal immigrants pony up

Fake SSN or not, the cash is still coming out of their paychecks and going to the gubmint. If they all stopped paying taxes, our SS and Medicare would be in even more trouble.
Typical libtard attitude, the ends justify the means. IT DOES MATTER! THEY ARE ILLEGAL< DEPORT THEM!
This is the reason Gov. Brown is wrong for california. Illegal aliens do not have any right to go to our colleges at our expense. They do not even pay taxes. Shows how stupid the left is.

Governor Brown was a complete fuck-up in the 70s when I was living out there while serving in the Navy (San Diego - Gator Navy).

Why the good people of California (less Hollywood) re-elected this fuck up is beyond comprehension.
Typical libtard attitude, the ends justify the means. IT DOES MATTER! THEY ARE ILLEGAL< DEPORT THEM!

Although I dont like "naming" someone a Libtard..... I agree with your comment. GET THEM OUT!!!! And if you cant get them out, by god DONT give them a DIME of tax money from Federal OR State!

I get sooooo PISSED when I hear we are broke and then I see an Illegal whipping out a Link Card (debit card from Illinois paid with tax money) and they are paying for food and diapers for the freakin ANCHOR BABY!!!! :evil:
Uh... they don't pay taxes. They can't. They don't have a legal green card or social security number. IF they have a job where SS tax is deducted, it means they are using a stolen SS number and are royally screwing up some poor schlep's benefit account showing income he never earned... which the IRS will be interested in investigating. These people who have had their SS numbers stolen and their SS benefit accounts totally FUBAR'd should be... grateful? I don't think so.

For the same reason, they pay no state or federal income tax and merely put in a W-4 showing enough tax deductions that none will be withheld.

The only tax illegals pay is sales tax, because there's no way around that.
Also, you can have a SS number and not be a citizen. You can apply before you get your citizenship.

illegal immigrants pony up

Fake SSN or not, the cash is still coming out of their paychecks and going to the gubmint. If they all stopped paying taxes, our SS and Medicare would be in even more trouble.
You are correct to say that illegal immigrants pay taxes, in the same way all foreigners pay taxes if residing in the United States. However, if the stopped paying taxes we would not be in any worse shape. The taxes make up a miniscule portion of all tax revnue, and if illegal immigrants also receive taxpayer funded benefits then it all cancels out. Rather than give noncitizens benefits of citizens, noncitizens should simply have to obtain citizenship. I really don't see the logic in expanding government programs to people who are not US citizens. It makes so much more sense to just set up a better process of making noncitizens citizens.

But that's assuming they receive welfare benefits. And if they were granted citizenship and started collecting Social Security, we would have a problem.

What California is doing is letting them have in state tuition. If you have a certain GPA in California, you can go. It's not like a bunch of middle class white kids are suddenly without a U.
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Hey, they voted him into office.

Is it not fair that they oughta be given enough education to read his manifesto?
Although I dont like "naming" someone a Libtard..... I agree with your comment. GET THEM OUT!!!! And if you cant get them out, by god DONT give them a DIME of tax money from Federal OR State!

I get sooooo PISSED when I hear we are broke and then I see an Illegal whipping out a Link Card (debit card from Illinois paid with tax money) and they are paying for food and diapers for the freakin ANCHOR BABY!!!! :evil:

How in the hell do you know who has papers and who doesn't?
Although I dont like "naming" someone a Libtard..... I agree with your comment. GET THEM OUT!!!! And if you cant get them out, by god DONT give them a DIME of tax money from Federal OR State!

I get sooooo PISSED when I hear we are broke and then I see an Illegal whipping out a Link Card (debit card from Illinois paid with tax money) and they are paying for food and diapers for the freakin ANCHOR BABY!!!! :evil:

How in the hell do you know who has papers and who doesn't?

I asked her how difficult was it to get. She didnt understand and cant speak a lick of English. She had to have her kid translate. If youre in America.... its probably a good idea to speak at least SOME English. plus I have Latino friends and they tell me whats going on. I actually love the Latino culture. They are very similar to Italians. (plus the women are goooooooood lookin' :) ) But they simply can NOT be here illegally.
Well, many immigrants have work visas and they don't have to speak English for that. gotta eat. And a citizen is a citizen. Most states have very strict laws about how one can apply for benefits. I know that here, if you don't have papers, you're not getting them.

They are here illegally because the US has a policy that allows them to be. We ask for it. If we really wanted to crack down on it, we would. They provide cheap labor and spend money here.
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Although I dont like "naming" someone a Libtard..... I agree with your comment. GET THEM OUT!!!! And if you cant get them out, by god DONT give them a DIME of tax money from Federal OR State!

I get sooooo PISSED when I hear we are broke and then I see an Illegal whipping out a Link Card (debit card from Illinois paid with tax money) and they are paying for food and diapers for the freakin ANCHOR BABY!!!! :evil:


Whoa-whoa-whoa, there Noodle! I did NOT make the statement attributed to me in your quote!! America First made that statement!!!

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