California Gov. Brown signs law allowing illegal aliens to attend college.

Also, you can have a SS number and not be a citizen. You can apply before you get your citizenship.

illegal immigrants pony up

Fake SSN or not, the cash is still coming out of their paychecks and going to the gubmint. If they all stopped paying taxes, our SS and Medicare would be in even more trouble.
You are correct to say that illegal immigrants pay taxes, in the same way all foreigners pay taxes if residing in the United States. However, if the stopped paying taxes we would not be in any worse shape. The taxes make up a miniscule portion of all tax revnue, and if illegal immigrants also receive taxpayer funded benefits then it all cancels out. Rather than give noncitizens benefits of citizens, noncitizens should simply have to obtain citizenship. I really don't see the logic in expanding government programs to people who are not US citizens. It makes so much more sense to just set up a better process of making noncitizens citizens.

But that's assuming they receive welfare benefits. And if they were granted citizenship and started collecting Social Security, we would have a problem.

What California is doing is letting them have in state tuition. If you have a certain GPA in California, you can go. It's not like a bunch of middle class white kids are suddenly without a U.

Ahhhh but they do. That's the problem. California spends around 10 billion dollars per year on illegals. That's conservative BTW, I have seen estimates as high as 16 billion dollars per year. What do think the odds are that the sales taxes (just about the only tax they are forced to pay, underground economy and all that) they pay cover that?

If they contribute so much to society why is it whereever they are they drive hospitals into bankruptcy? As you can see 70 hospitals have closed in CA alone, that doesn't include New Mexico or Arizona or Texas, due to illegals not paying their bills.

Los Angeles Emergency Care Crisis Deepens


Published: August 21, 2004

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LOS ANGELES, Aug. 20 - A crisis in Los Angeles County's emergency health care system became more acute this week with the announcement that the oldest hospital in the San Fernando Valley would close by Dec. 31, officials said here Friday.

News of the closing of the institution, the Northridge Hospital Medical Center campus in the Van Nuys section, which opened in 1929, follows by a week the closing of the emergency room at Elastar Community Hospital in the East Los Angeles neighborhood.

In the last two years, four other emergency rooms, most in low-income areas, have closed in the county, primarily because of the high cost of treating thousands of uninsured people, officials said.

"We're mandated to treat anyone who comes in through those doors, regardless of their ability to pay," Tracey Veal, a spokeswoman for the Northridge hospital, said.

Ms. Veal estimated that the hospital had spent $13 million on so-called charity care in the fiscal year that ended on June 30. In addition, she said, the hospital faced $16 million bill for state-ordered earthquake retrofitting and could not afford it.

Since 1990, 70 hospital emergency rooms and trauma centers have closed in California, a state whose emergency and trauma system is overwhelmed and underfinanced, health officials say.

"This is definitely cause for alarm," Carol Meyer, director of the Los Angeles County Emergency Medical Services Agency, said on Friday in an interview. "The whole system is more and more tenuous."

A severe shortage of nurses is adding to the distress, Ms. Meyer said, as new state regulations actually require adding nurses. The rules, starting on Jan. 1 and meant to be applied around the clock, say there must be no more than four patients per nurse in an emergency room. In intensive-care units, the ratio is two to one. In severe trauma cases, it is one to one, and in medical and surgical wards six to one.

"We are in real tough times here," Ms. Meyer said. "I don't know what the solution is going to be. The ultimate answer, of course, is money. It's not going to change until somebody in a high position has a family member die because they couldn't get treatment in an emergency room."

Fewer and fewer doctors, she said, are willing to be on call to emergency rooms, given the high insurance premiums they must pay and, in many cases, the lack of reimbursement for treating the uninsured.

Ms. Meyer said 30 percent of the nine million people in the county were underinsured or had no medical insurance at all. Statewide, seven million people are uninsured, according to the California Medical Association.

"It used to be that physicians would build their practice by working in an emergency room," said Ms. Meyer, who formerly instructed paramedics. "Now they do contracts with H.M.O.'s. They don't need to be on call."

The 500 hospitals in the state are "on the verge of a whole series of unraveling events," said Dr. Jack Lewin, executive director of the California Medical Association, which represents the interests of the 35,000 doctors in the state.

Uncompensated health care, Dr. Lewin said, affects everyone in the system.

"No place is safe when you have large volumes of people who need care, but there's no one to pay for it," Dr. Lewin said. "Employers are increasingly forced to dump coverage of their employees and their dependents. The state used to bail us out, but no more."

Jerry Conway, president of the 209-bed Northridge Hospital Medical Center, one of 42 such centers owned by Catholic Healthcare West in California, Arizona and Nevada, said the hospital has been losing $1 million a month for a year. The hospital, which delivers 250 babies a month and has 26,000 emergency-room visits a year, has worked out a plan to transfer much of its workload to Valley Presbyterian Hospital, a mile east, Mr. Conway said. Northridge Hospital's sister center on Roscoe Boulevard, eight miles west, will stay open.

Los Angeles Emergency Care Crisis Deepens -
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Written by a...... LATINO! Big freakin surprise. :eusa_hand:

Im am beyond tired of their racist rants and how Latinos are above the law. They want benefits for.... who? Latinos. To put a certain ethnicity above another is racist. I use common sense and I dont like BS. I see right through their cloak of propaganda. Anyone with common sense will also see through it. They are here ILLEGALLY. And if they already broke a MAJOR law (coming here illegally) why would this Country trust them to make them LEGAL citizens? Look I actually WANT more Latinos in my Country. But I want them here legally and respecting the American culture.
These same states don't give instate tuition to our military who grew up in those states and then left for more than a year to serve their country. What an injustice. You should be ashamed of yourself, wanting rights granted to illegals that aren't even granted to our service men and women.

So your ‘solution’ to this injustice is to violate the Constitution.

The LEFT are the stupid ones, they prove it all the time by opening their mouths. How do illegals pay taxes?

Sales taxes, the clerk at the convenience store doesn’t care if you’re illegal or not – just that your money is green.

Federal financial aid is colorblind.
As it the Constitution.

Typical libtard attitude, the ends justify the means.

Actually that’s typical republican dogma – see: Nixon, Richard.

The 14th Amendment and law do matter – they are innocent until proven guilty, and entitled to due process of the law.

Although I dont like "naming" someone a Libtard..... I agree with your comment. GET THEM OUT!!!! And if you cant get them out, by god DONT give them a DIME of tax money from Federal OR State!

I get sooooo PISSED when I hear we are broke and then I see an Illegal whipping out a Link Card (debit card from Illinois paid with tax money) and they are paying for food and diapers for the freakin ANCHOR BABY!!!!

The above is typical of the ignorance and hate of the right – they demonstrate only contempt for the Constitution and our laws.

We can only hope they represent a tiny minority.
The 14th Amendment and law do matter – they are innocent until proven guilty, and entitled to due process of the law.

:eusa_eh: We are talking about known Illegals. (that means we know they are illegal)

Now look... Im all for helping people. BUT, Im not for helping someone that is here illegally. Why? Is FREAKIN' ILLEGAL! And for a darn good reason. CA and IL cant pay their bills. One of the reasons is we give ILLEGALS benefits!
Yikes. California is going to educate Old Mexico and they're already so deep in debt they're paying a ransom for electric power since they cancelled all new power plant building some time back. :rolleyes:

Good luck, Golden bears.

Written by a...... LATINO! Big freakin surprise. :eusa_hand:

Im am beyond tired of their racist rants and how Latinos are above the law. They want benefits for.... who? Latinos. To put a certain ethnicity above another is racist. I use common sense and I dont like BS. I see right through their cloak of propaganda. Anyone with common sense will also see through it. They are here ILLEGALLY. And if they already broke a MAJOR law (coming here illegally) why would this Country trust them to make them LEGAL citizens? Look I actually WANT more Latinos in my Country. But I want them here legally and respecting the American culture.

Latinos can't be journalists? :confused:
This is the reason Gov. Brown is wrong for California. Illegal aliens do not have any right to go to our colleges at our expense. They do not even pay taxes. Shows how stupid the left is.

Shows how stupid the right is. Undocumented immigrants pay taxes, but they don't get the same refunds and Social Security benefits that you do.

You bet that ILLEGAL immigrants pay taxes. They do so by using STOLEN IDENTITIES! They, breaking FEDERAL laws more than once, are not entitled to refunds of anything! They suck up more benefits than the 'pay' into.

I throw the BS flag on illegals not receiving SS benefits.
While using a stolen identity many ILLEGAL immigrants apply for and receive SS benefits, that is, until the person whose identity has been STOLEN retires and applies for their SS benefits.

I have a friend in California who works for Homeland Security. He says there is no room for fence sitting. People are here illegally or not, period. Two illegals making anchor babies is not the intent behind the 14th Amendment. Anchor babies are a loophole that needs to be closed. BTW, he is a black man, a decedent of slaves, which he does NOT allow to define him as a man.
Your 'I have a token black friend who has this job and he agrees with me' anecdote isn't going to fly here.
This is the reason Gov. Brown is wrong for California. Illegal aliens do not have any right to go to our colleges at our expense. They do not even pay taxes. Shows how stupid the left is.

Shows how stupid the right is. Undocumented immigrants pay taxes, but they don't get the same refunds and Social Security benefits that you do.

You bet that ILLEGAL immigrants pay taxes. They do so by using STOLEN IDENTITIES! They, breaking FEDERAL laws more than once, are not entitled to refunds of anything! They suck up more benefits than the 'pay' into.

I throw the BS flag on illegals not receiving SS benefits.
While using a stolen identity many ILLEGAL immigrants apply for and receive SS benefits, that is, until the person whose identity has been STOLEN retires and applies for their SS benefits.

I have a friend in California who works for Homeland Security. He says there is no room for fence sitting. People are here illegally or not, period. Two illegals making anchor babies is not the intent behind the 14th Amendment. Anchor babies are a loophole that needs to be closed. BTW, he is a black man, a decedent of slaves, which he does NOT allow to define him as a man.

Many blacks I'm guessing are too brainwashed there on the lib plantation to realize that they as a group are particularly harmed by the illegal alien invasion. Illegals loot the social welfare system on which many blacks depend, and take up a lot of the unskilled jobs many of which would otherwise go to younger blacks. The black politicians are probably in favor, because looking at the 2/3 hispanic vote for even a leftwing extremist Abortion Holocaust supporter like obama, they know that in the future if they are naturalized as part of an amnesty, their tens of millions of votes could be counted on to complete the overthrow of the predominance of white people in this country.
Your 'I have a token black friend who has this job and he agrees with me' anecdote isn't going to fly here.

I understand your POV even if it's not correct.
I don't have a 'token' black friend. My 'anecdote' is fact, not fiction.

My circle of friends cover the entire color spectrum, except for blue. I cannot find a Smurf for the life of me around here!
Isn't calling someone a "token friend" racist in itself? That term is offensive.
This is the reason Gov. Brown is wrong for california. Illegal aliens do not have any right to go to our colleges at our expense. They do not even pay taxes. Shows how stupid the left is.

Governor Brown was a complete fuck-up in the 70s when I was living out there while serving in the Navy (San Diego - Gator Navy).

Why the good people of California (less Hollywood) re-elected this fuck up is beyond comprehension.
Thank you for your service.
Isn't calling someone a "token friend" racist in itself? That term is offensive.

If I called my own black friends 'token' friends, I'd be offensive.

If I point out that someone is using their friends' skin color as basis for a position on another [third] ethnic group, then calling them out on their 'token friend points' isn't racist. It's pointing out their backwards ethnocentric-ism.

I'm 100 per cent sure that's not what she meant to do, but saying, "I am white, I think this about brown people...and my black friend agrees with me" is upside down. It's a white v. everyone else mentality. The 'token black friend' is used to give credence to her (white) position on a group of Latinos.
Isn't calling someone a "token friend" racist in itself? That term is offensive.

If I called my own black friends 'token' friends, I'd be offensive.

If I point out that someone is using their friends' skin color as basis for a position on another [third] ethnic group, then calling them out on their 'token friend points' isn't racist. It's pointing out their backwards ethnocentric-ism.

I'm 100 per cent sure that's not what she meant to do, but saying, "I am white, I think this about brown people...and my black friend agrees with me" is upside down. It's a white v. everyone else mentality. The 'token black friend' is used to give credence to her (white) position on a group of Latinos.

I think it's all in the eye or mind of the beholder. I have a friend who's gay. HIS friend calls him "fag" all the time. I object and make him put a quarter in my cuss jar as I don't like those derogatory terms. My friend claims it's a term of endearment...that's fine when they are by themselves, but not in my house.

Oh, and while I don't use the "color" of my friends as a basis for an argument, I may use my "experience" with them. IE, one of the students we hosted was from Kenya. She's black and she can't stand American black women. Also she doesn't think American blacks should be able to call themselves "African American" since most of them haven't even set foot on the African continent.

I don't have any "token" friends. I have friends of all races and ethnicities, but they are my FRIENDS. They aren't "token" anything.
Well, your Kenyan friend must've forgotten that white people give all other non-whites their ethnic designations.
Voters in MD wanted to decide on the Dream Act via referendum. Illegal immigration advocates are trying to stop it. They don't like democracy when it isn't in their favor, I guess.

Maryland voters may be unfairly denied the chance to vote their approval or disapproval of a new law that allows in-state tuition for illegal immigrants, an opponent of law says, blaming immigrant groups for filing a “frivolous” lawsuit against his petition drive.

“All we want to do is allow voters to vote on the bill in November 2012,” he said. “Opponents are just grabbing at straws here.”

Read more: Maryland Lawsuit Filed to Uphold Tuition for Certain Illegal Immigrants -

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