California is a Democratic-Party catastrophe.


Nov 2, 2010
California today is an economic disaster because of the Democratic state legislature, Democratic congressmen, and Democratic big-city mayors who have ruled California since the 1970s and who during that time have made California a haven for illegal immigrants, most of whom are illegal immigrants from Mexico and Latin America.

The state legislature has the dominant say in running California, and the Democrats have been in control of the legislature since 1970; the California Assembly has been in Democratic hands since the 1970 election except for the period from 1995 to 1996, and the California Senate has been in Democratic hands continuously since 1970.

Democratic state-legislative dictators Jesse Unruh and Willie Brown (the latter made California a welfare giveaway state, stealing highway tax monies to pay for welfare) actually ran the state from the legislature for decades until conscious Californians enacted term limits to end that legislative dictatorship, but, of course, the one-party rule continued in California after term limits as the Democrats continued to control the state legislature, the big cities, and most of the Congressional offices.

California Democrats since the 1970s have been far-left on nearly every issue, including, of course, illegal immigration, and they made California a "sanctuary" for illegal immigrants.

California today is an economic disaster because of the Democratic state legislature, Democratic congressmen, and Democratic big-city mayors who have ruled California since the 1970s and who during that time have made California a haven for illegal immigrants, most of whom are illegal immigrants from Mexico and Latin America.

California Democrats since the 1970s have been far-left on nearly every issue, including, of course, illegal immigration, and they made California a "sanctuary" for illegal immigrants.

The crushing illegal immigration in California since the 1970s -- and particularly since the 1980s, and especially from Mexico and Latin America -- has devastated state, city, and county governments that have had to dole out record free public services for illegal immigrants and their offspring while also spending record amounts to fight rising gang activity and crime perpetuated by the same two groups.

Illegal immigration has also brought about record deficits to most of the states public school districts as illegal immigration has dumped millions of children into the school system by parents who pay little or no taxes. Most of the California's public school children in the last two decades have been either illegal immigrants or their offspring. Most of the illegal immigrants in the state are from Mexico and Latin America, and most of the students who have done poorly in school are Mexican or Latin American; thus, despite, California spending during that time more money per student than most states, California's public-school students, who ranked No. 1 nationally prior to the illegal immigration flood, have for years been among the nation's worst in both testing and dropout rates.

Illegal immigration has also caused a monumental jump in the state's population over the last three decades; this sudden population increase has taken a heavy toll on the state's infrastructure and the environment, so much so that even members of the ultra-liberal Sierra Club warned in the 1990s about the "immigration" and overpopulation problems in the state. These Sierra Club warnings, however, were quickly withdrawn after the Democratic Party and far-left groups who support the environmental organization demanded that the Sierra Club rescind those assertions.

The Democrats' answers to the illegal immigration problems have been the following: allow illegal immigration to continue unabated by forming sanctuary cites, do virtually nothing about either securing the borders or monitoring illegal employment, enact legislation like heath care and low-interest home loans to help illegal immigrants and their offspring, propose amnesty legislation for all illegal immigrants as well as “DREAM-Act” legislation that would provide educational loans, work study, and permanent residency for qualifying illegal immigrants, and throw more and more government money at the problems, paying for it all either by taxing American citizens through a broader range of taxes like sales taxes and parcel taxes or by taking on more public debt.

California is a Democratic-Party catastrophe.
California is Michigan with nice weather. The state has imposed so many muzzy-headed ideas of tax, spend and regulate that it has driven businesses away in droves. That is their problem. And until they can come to grips with it it will not get better. And I darn sure oppose any bailout for those simps. They are all girly-men, from the governor on down.
Not that I credit the DEMS for making California the golden state, or anything, but the fact is that California still has the largest economy in the nation.

Califonria GSP is the 8th largest economy on earth.
Not that I want them bailed out but saying Demos are the cause is over simplifying things. After all, there are Republicans in that government.
Not that I credit the DEMS for making California the golden state, or anything, but the fact is that California still has the largest economy in the nation.

Califonria GSP is the 8th largest economy on earth.

It's just this side of bankrupt. What it used to be is of no consequence. Now, it is an albatross around the neck of Americans. And I say that because I love the place, and hate what decades of mismanagement - by both sides - as done.
if you guy's could get Cali to half taxes and real estate values I might be able to afford it.
Not that I want them bailed out but saying Demos are the cause is over simplifying things. After all, there are Republicans in that government.

Yep, and it took real bipartisan effort to completely fuck up a perfectly wonderful state. This is the main reason why I treat both parties with a huge amount of disrespect.
Not that I credit the DEMS for making California the golden state, or anything, but the fact is that California still has the largest economy in the nation.

Califonria GSP is the 8th largest economy on earth.

It's just this side of bankrupt. What it used to be is of no consequence. Now, it is an albatross around the neck of Americans. And I say that because I love the place, and hate what decades of mismanagement - by both sides - as done.

Seems to me when you're the biggest fish in the pond, and pond gets polluted, you're apt to be the biggest sick fish in the pond.
So, the Republican "Governator" has had ZERO impact on the state, or are you all simply giving yet another Republican a pass?
So, the Republican "Governator" has had ZERO impact on the state, or are you all simply giving yet another Republican a pass?

He's a spineless RINO, and refuses to make the hard decisions needed for kullyfornia.
The good news for them is that Prop 25 will probably pass today. Requiring a two-thirds majority to pass a budget is just absurdity.
Not that I credit the DEMS for making California the golden state, or anything, but the fact is that California still has the largest economy in the nation.

Califonria GSP is the 8th largest economy on earth.

yep....and that should matter to many out there......if we go....a few others of you will be sucked down that hole with us...but dont worry....people like Pelosi and Boxer getting re-elected has to be a plus.....right?.....
Not that I want them bailed out but saying Demos are the cause is over simplifying things. After all, there are Republicans in that government.

there are?......:lol:....California is a great example of what happens in the long term when the powers that be are out of balance.....when this State was more evenly represented was arguably the best place on the planet to be....many programs are and have been out of control here for years now,and nobody wants to step up and admit that maybe we fucked up by not putting some kind of checks and balance on it years back.....if its a social program going haywire and you say something your branded a racist or a person who is against helping people....if this kinda a thing doesnt stop,California is going no where fast....
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