California is officially insane!

And yet if he were black , it WOULD be discussed during Black History Month. California is already required to include minority contributions in their Social Studies curriculum. This is just ADDING another minority.

Growing up a gay kid, I can tell you that I would have loved to learn about the contributions of LGBT Americans.
with internet these days what about learning this stuff on your own free time, instead of shoving it down the throats of people who do not want to know about it. :cuckoo:

Homosexuality is a non-issue for most kids these days. Seems like the people who don't want to know about it are the bigots on this board. Since when do your own views determine what cirriculum is taught in CA public schools?

It's got nothing to do with bigotry.. It's because this indoctrination is REPLACING the emphasis on basic academics. I got MY KIDS out of the failing California school system and left the state BECAUSE there was no real learning going on..

NONE of this social engineering belongs in the classroom. Do it as OPTIONAL interest groups. OR --- DEDICATE a UNIQUE segment of time to discuss diversity issues. DO NOT spread this crap throughout the entire curriculum.. When Calif kids can read, write, and know enough math to balance a checkbook --- call me.
Yeah, I am serious. If this cirriculum causes one kid with a chip on his shoulder to respect gay people, and think twice about beating one up, then it is worth it. Or we could continue to do things the way the cons on this board seem to be in favor of: put the gay kids in the closet and forget about them, and when they do come out of the closet, ridicule them and tell them they're not worth shit.

To summarize:

Better the entire school fail, than one gay kid gets his feelings hurt.

To summarize: You can't see beyond your nose.

This has got to be an intelligent response as far as you are concerned.
To summarize:

Better the entire school fail, than one gay kid gets his feelings hurt.

To summarize: You can't see beyond your nose.

This has got to be an intelligent response as far as you are concerned.

I think my response sums up your argument pretty well. You are unable to see the big picture. You are concerned with only your views. Judging from your response - an insult - I must have struck a nerve. Carry on.
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I thought homosexuals wanted to be treated as equals? I don't remember any lesson I learned in school emphasizing the sexual orientation of the person(s) discussed. What difference does it make if some inventor or explorer or president or whoever was a homosexual or not? Why is this being forced on kids to learn when they are failing miserably at the basics? :cuckoo:
I thought homosexuals wanted to be treated as equals? I don't remember any lesson I learned in school emphasizing the sexual orientation of the person(s) discussed. What difference does it make if some inventor or explorer or president or whoever was a homosexual or not? Why is this being forced on kids to learn when they are failing miserably at the basics? :cuckoo:

Only every time they mention them getting married and having kids. Besides that, not at all.
And neither should political indoctrination... which is what we are really talking about here, isn't it?

With regard to the measure in California, no. Equal access, equal protection, and equality in general aren’t political issues, they belong to no particular partisan ideology. Unfortunately those hostile to homosexuals have forced the issue into the political and judicial realm.
I thought homosexuals wanted to be treated as equals? I don't remember any lesson I learned in school emphasizing the sexual orientation of the person(s) discussed. What difference does it make if some inventor or explorer or president or whoever was a homosexual or not? Why is this being forced on kids to learn when they are failing miserably at the basics? :cuckoo:

Only every time they mention them getting married and having kids. Besides that, not at all.

EMPHASIZING . . . as in their sexual orientation was pertinent to whatever it was that they did.

What difference does it make if some inventor or explorer or president or whoever was a homosexual or not? Why is this being forced on kids to learn when they are failing miserably at the basics?
And neither should political indoctrination... which is what we are really talking about here, isn't it?

With regard to the measure in California, no. Equal access, equal protection, and equality in general aren’t political issues, they belong to no particular partisan ideology. Unfortunately those hostile to homosexuals have forced the issue into the political and judicial realm.

I would say if I was a parent who belived homosexuality was wrong and God was going to send you to burn forever for it, and I had a school telling my kid that it was perfectly acceptable and we'll have someone by tomorrow to teach "fisting", I would call that indoctrination in contradiction to the parents wishes.

Don't have a dog in this fight, personally. But the thing is, liberals seem to see Public education as a place to indoctrinate kids in their idealogy...
I thought homosexuals wanted to be treated as equals? I don't remember any lesson I learned in school emphasizing the sexual orientation of the person(s) discussed. What difference does it make if some inventor or explorer or president or whoever was a homosexual or not? Why is this being forced on kids to learn when they are failing miserably at the basics? :cuckoo:

Only every time they mention them getting married and having kids. Besides that, not at all.

EMPHASIZING . . . as in their sexual orientation was pertinent to whatever it was that they did.

What difference does it make if some inventor or explorer or president or whoever was a homosexual or not? Why is this being forced on kids to learn when they are failing miserably at the basics?

I see it only being a factor in the same way that a person's race is a factor...the first gay city councilman (Harvey Milk), the first gay President (James Buchanan), the first gay director of the FBI (J. Edgar Hoover)...only in that fashion
Only every time they mention them getting married and having kids. Besides that, not at all.

EMPHASIZING . . . as in their sexual orientation was pertinent to whatever it was that they did.

What difference does it make if some inventor or explorer or president or whoever was a homosexual or not? Why is this being forced on kids to learn when they are failing miserably at the basics?

I see it only being a factor in the same way that a person's race is a factor...the first gay city councilman (Harvey Milk), the first gay President (James Buchanan), the first gay director of the FBI (J. Edgar Hoover)...only in that fashion

What they did is what should be emphasized; their sexuality doesn't even need to be mentioned. Know why? It doesn't matter.

Why is this being forced on kids to learn when they are failing miserably at the basics? Instead of discussing the sexuality of those in history they ought to be teaching children how to read, write and add.
you couldn't pay me any amount of cash to live in cally. even though i live in naples, i'd rather live in sarasota. i used to live there,and whenever i went to a wal-mart, the cashiers were all AMERICAN !!!! u never heard people speaking spanish on the intercoms, all the employees spoke english and were as nice as can be, someday i wanna go back,,but i work here.....just waiting for real-estate to come back.

And for this:

Sen. Boxer proposes bill to let president raise national debt ceiling :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

By Pete Kasperowicz - 10/17/11 09:54 AM ET

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) has proposed legislation that would allow the president to increase the debt ceiling.

The legislation is intended to avoid the brinksmanship that rattled financial markets last summer as Congress and the White House bickered over extending the nation's borrowing limit.

Sen. Boxer proposes bill to let president raise national debt ceiling - The Hill's Floor Action
If you want to teach your kids to be intolerant of other people, then teach them that bigoted crap on your own time. I'm sure they'll turn out to be wonderful adults. Intolerance doesn't belong in public schools.

And neither should political indoctrination... which is what we are really talking about here, isn't it?, that isn't what "we're" talking about; but that sounds right up the right's alley.
Sen. Boxer proposes bill to let president raise national debt ceiling :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

By Pete Kasperowicz - 10/17/11 09:54 AM ET

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) has proposed legislation that would allow the president to increase the debt ceiling.

That one isn't so dumb. A vote for a deficit-spending budget should be a vote to raise the debt ceiling. If you don't want to increase the debt ceiling, don't vote for the budget.
And yet:

  • Having a Gay-Straight Alliance in school was related to more positive experiences for LGBT students, including: hearing fewer homophobic remarks, less victimization because of sexual orientation and gender expression, less absenteeism because of safety concerns and a greater sense of belonging to the school community.
  • The presence of supportive staff contributed to a range of positive indicators including fewer reports of missing school, fewer reports of feeling unsafe, greater academic achievement, higher educational aspirations and a greater sense of school belonging.
  • Students attending schools with an anti-bullying policy that included protections based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity/expression heard fewer homophobic remarks, experienced lower levels of victimization related to their sexual orientation, were more likely to report that staff intervened when hearing homophobic remarks and were more likely to report incidents of harassment and assault to school staff than students at schools with a general policy or no policy.

2009 National School Climate Survey

So, having these discussions in class actually reduces the incidents of anti-gay bullying.

What if you dont want your children to 'learn tolorance of homosexuals'??

Thats what it is coming to, if you want a normal child that is prepared for the world you have to homeschool or private school. If you want a liberal that has no control over themselves and exists only to serve whatever will please them most at an instant, send them to public schools.

If you want to teach your kids to be intolerant of other people, then teach them that bigoted crap on your own time. I'm sure they'll turn out to be wonderful adults. Intolerance doesn't belong in public schools.

Nor does intolerance belong in churches, barbershops, street corners, or wherever blacks have learned to hate white people, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, etc.
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