"California judge" blocks President Trump order withholding funding to sanctuary cities

Which one.

The one original (that Obama wiped his ass with), or the one the left wishes were in place ?

the one that references checks and balances

that help?

That would be the first one I mentioned.

However, please show me where it says that the President is obligated to follow courts decision.
However, please show me where it says that the President is obligated to follow courts decision.
One could start with the President's oath of office and go on to the full US Constitution from there!

Well, not really.
there is no exception for the President, we all have to follow the law, including court decisions, all the way through the appeals court and then if it makes it there, by the Supreme Court....

If it's unconstitutional, then yes, the president has to abide with the law as we all do.
However, I for one would never trust a federal judge in San Francisco on this matter. I think it's likely he reflects the local culture, and we all know what that means when it comes to San Francisco.
Hopefully this will make it to the Supreme Court, and we can get the final word.
GOP Congress will pass an "Act"...not a law, banning sanctuary cities...Trump will sign it.
SCOTUS will have to decide on its constitutionality. The screaming and yelling here of the antifas does not meant a thing in the real world. :) Poor neo-fascist alt right snowflakes just melting away in all of their steam.
Are you trying to say that antifa and fascists are the same?

indeed they are the same

No they aren't but you need a history lesson anyway.

Alt Right neo-fascists are antifa

this is false

antifa and fascists do have much in common
Anti first amendment people, and fascists who hate democracy and civil rights, and people like you who don't like checks and balances are all peas in a pod.

The judge has ruled, and now the judicial process must play out.
SCOTUS will have to decide on its constitutionality. The screaming and yelling here of the antifas does not meant a thing in the real world. :) Poor neo-fascist alt right snowflakes just melting away in all of their steam.
Are you trying to say that antifa and fascists are the same?

indeed they are the same

No they aren't but you need a history lesson anyway.

Alt Right neo-fascists are antifa

this is false

antifa and fascists do have much in common
Anti first amendment people, and fascists who hate democracy and civil rights, and people like you who don't like checks and balances are all peas in a pod.

The judge has ruled, and now the judicial process must play out.

once again you resort to you childish lies

fuck you
Flash, please produce the evidence for "Of course the filthy ass judge that made the ruling is an Obama appointee that contributed a quarter of a million to Obama's campaign", because your say so gets the heave ho without proof.

That asshole is a great example of Obama's filth.

If you Liberals got your news from sources other than Comedy Central or Rachael Maddow you would know it.

Judge William H. Orrick III: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Judge William H. Orrick III: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

2. He Donated Money to Barack Obama During the 2008 Campaign

When Barack Obama was running for president, Judge William Orrick reportedly helped raise money for him and donated some of his own money as well.

According to Public Citizen, a consumer rights advocacy group, Orrick donated approximately $30,000 to committees supporting Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign for president. In addition, he helped raise $200,000 in contributions to the Obama campaign.

This had not been Orrick’s first time raising money for a Democratic politician. During the 2004 election, he helped raise funds for John Kerry, according to Public Citizen.
Are you trying to say that antifa and fascists are the same?

indeed they are the same

No they aren't but you need a history lesson anyway.

Alt Right neo-fascists are antifa

this is false

antifa and fascists do have much in common
Anti first amendment people, and fascists who hate democracy and civil rights, and people like you who don't like checks and balances are all peas in a pod.

The judge has ruled, and now the judicial process must play out.

once again you resort to you childish lies

fuck you
Anyone can read your posts over the last year and see you are on the side of the hard right and oppose American civil liberties, including the right to free speech.

And flash's statement of 1/4 million dollars is down to 30 thousand, and that from a questionable source.
Only some beta male with tons of butt hurt would or could come up with that.

That would be why all the Trump-wimps are whining out their butthurt here in thread after thread.

It's strange. You'd think they'd be pleased about winning, but instead, the Trump-wimps constantly keep getting more whiny and butthurt. Every day they're here crying even harder about how the mean ol' liberals keep humiliating them and DearLeader.

You poor Trump-snowflakes. I suggest you all create a SafeSpace where you don't have to worry about those awful liberals laughing at you and triggering you with facts and evidence. Then you can retreat there, and do what conservative men always do when they're together out of the public eye.
Kate Steinle thought she was in a safe place!

CA judge rendered a decision, you can't do shit about it snowflake.
It's a federal judge. What's "California" got to do with anything?

Is California "an island in the Pacific"? Or is there some new geographical feature this week that magically nullifies the federal judiciary?
California just happens to be the most liberal state in the US, filled with liberal activist judges. No surprise here.
States right, whuyagonna do.
A minority once again imposing its will on the majority, illegally again in this case.

It's what liberals do...
LOL. the above offal offered by a trumptard, a member of a very deplorable minority.
Say it with me: SEE YOU IN COURT!

Being how Trump keeps getting humiliated in court, why are you asking for more humiliation?

It's not complicated. If Trump wants to stop losing in court, he should stop pissing on the Constitution. If you all of your Trump-bedwetters want the country to stop laughing at you, you have to stop whining like little loser bitches.
Whining?! Trump?

Only some beta male with tons of butt hurt would or could come up with that.
"I do whine because I want to win and I'm not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win," ~ and then i whine some more and some more and some more, cuz mean judges, mean democrats, mean press, mean wimmin, mean reality, and so it goes.
LOL. the above offal offered by a trumptard, a member of a very deplorable minority.
Actually, Trump won the Presidency, not Hillary.

A poll shows that if the election were held today 98% of Trump voters would still vote for Trump as opposed to only 85% of Hillary voters who would still vote for Hillary. THAT means Hillary would no longer win the Popular Vote...which means snowflake Hillary supporters are the ones in the minority, chief.
LOL. the above offal offered by a trumptard, a member of a very deplorable minority.
Actually, Trump won the Presidency, not Hillary.

A poll shows that if the election were held today 98% of Trump voters would still vote for Trump as opposed to only 85% of Hillary voters who would still vote for Hillary. THAT means Hillary would no longer win the Popular Vote...which means snowflake Hillary supporters are the ones in the minority, chief.
A reliable poll? Yeah, that's what I thought. HRC would win a much larger PV. Quit being a snowflake, easy.
More fodder that the design of the liberals in America is to destroy the country........no worries.........just means the nationalistic fervor will grow even bigger!!:deal:
More fodder that the design of the liberals in America is to destroy the country........no worries.........just means the nationalistic fervor will grow even bigger!!:deal:
No, it won't. It's a two-fer. Get rid of the hard left and neo-fascist alt right. :woohoo:
Libs love to go 'Judge Shopping' to find activist judges who will make what they want happen...and there is no better place to go 'Judge Shopping' for Liberal Judges than the land of fruits, (snow)flakes, and nuts - California. :p
The Executive Branch can't run the Legislative, the legislative can't run the Executive so neither should the Judicial interfere with the Executive branch's constitutional responsibilities.

Once again for the short bus ----- the judicial branch is put there specifically as a check on the others. That's ITS Constitutional responsibility.

This faggot judge did not show reason why the government can't withhold Federal funds.

Your faggot post did not show any basis for its conclusion.

See what I did there? Naaah, you prolly don't.

Take your insults and go hang out somewhere else, will you please asshole?

Hey, WHO tried to bring up 'faggotry' as an argument for his own butthurt?
Me, I'm jes' shootin' holes in bad logic. Which is my gig here. You're welcome.

Do we just roll over and suck our thumbs like a good liberal does?
If a local government and their law enforcement, who were hired to keep their citizens safe, believe it is in their citizens best interest to not fill up their jail cells with illegal immigrants, and safer for their citizens to use their Police who they pay, to protect their neighborhoods instead of stopping people on the streets asking for ID, or their Police department, based on the neighborhood watch groups and calls they have received from those who are undocumented on illegal doings in their neighborhoods or even harm done to them.... and how those calls have helped them capture more perps and keep their neighborhoods safer and believe using their jail cells and their money and their time to do the job that ICE and the federal govt is suppose to do would harm their citizens more by making it less safe for them, then I think there could be some merit to that argument.

I do NOT believe that if a citizen commits a crime and is jailed for that crime that a non citizen should simply be let loose for committing the same crime....they should be jailed also.

I just don't think the Police should be forced by the Federal govt to take the time and ask every person they stop for a minor traffic violation if they are a citizen or not and spend the time arresting them and putting them in their jails until someone from ICE decides to mosey on down there and retrieve them.

Even in the most conservative communities in the country, I doubt the locals would really want their local police enforcing immigration law. They would have to allocate significant portions of their time and local tax dollars chasing down people that are at most guilty of a just a misdemeanor instead of going after thieves, murders, and rapists.

The people being deported today are mostly convicted criminals whose nationality and location is know to law enforcement. So picking these people up and deporting them is relatively easy. However, they are in the minority. Most undocumented immigrants are not known to the police and have not been convicted of any serious crime. These people will not be easy to apprehend or deport. To find these people ICE will need significant help from local law enforcement and other agencies and they are not likely to get it.

No one is asking or requiring them to do that. The rest of your post is irrelevant.
Just what is it the Trumpbots want the locals to do?

Stop hindering ICE from doing their job.
No one is doing that. BTW you don't seem to be aware of the Supreme Court has rendered a decision limiting local authorities' involvement with immigration law.
Please familiarize yourself with the following
Iink detailing that decision and take your broadened knowlege to the next level.
U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Parts of ALEC Immigration Law
LOL. the above offal offered by a trumptard, a member of a very deplorable minority.
Actually, Trump won the Presidency, not Hillary.

A poll shows that if the election were held today 98% of Trump voters would still vote for Trump as opposed to only 85% of Hillary voters who would still vote for Hillary. THAT means Hillary would no longer win the Popular Vote...which means snowflake Hillary supporters are the ones in the minority, chief.
actually, you were blubbering about a "minority once again imposing its will on the majority". i notice that you cut that out of the context, you little maggot.
Take your insults and go hang out somewhere else, will you please asshole?

That's coming from the precious little snowflake here who just whined out this at me as the sum total of his post.

Go fuck yourself.

DD, reason everyone that everyone laughs at your ongoing snowflake tantrums is that you keep weeping about insults right after your throw insults. You need to man up.

Me, I toss insults freely. I'm good at it. Difference is, being I'm not a squealing hypocrite, I don't cry about getting them back.
actually, you were blubbering about a "minority once again imposing its will on the majority". i notice that you cut that out of the context, you little maggot.
No, snowflake. I was pointing out how the Democrats, who are in the minority in this country, have a habit of imposing their will on the majority.

For example, the Democrats pushed a Socialist Agenda-driven, minority-supported, lie-based ACA into law despite the majority of Americans who opposed it at the time.

Recent polls show that if the election was held again today 98% of Trump voters would still vote for Trump, as opposed to only 85% of Hillary voters who would vote for her crooked ass again, According to those numbers, Hillary would NOT capture the Popular Vote win - she, and Democrats, would be the MINORITY.

Sorry those FACTS 'Triggered' you, snowflake.

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