"California judge" blocks President Trump order withholding funding to sanctuary cities

actually, you were blubbering about a "minority once again imposing its will on the majority". i notice that you cut that out of the context, you little maggot.
No, snowflake. I was pointing out how the Democrats, who are in the minority in this country, have a habit of imposing their will on the majority.

For example, the Democrats pushed a Socialist Agenda-driven, minority-supported, lie-based ACA into law despite the majority of Americans who opposed it at the time.

Recent polls show that if the election was held again today 98% of Trump voters would still vote for Trump, as opposed to only 85% of Hillary voters who would vote for her crooked ass again, According to those numbers, Hillary would NOT capture the Popular Vote win - she, and Democrats, would be the MINORITY.

Sorry those FACTS 'Triggered' you, snowflake.
your facts are, alternative?

Party Affiliation
actually, you were blubbering about a "minority once again imposing its will on the majority". i notice that you cut that out of the context, you little maggot.
No, snowflake. I was pointing out how the Democrats, who are in the minority in this country, have a habit of imposing their will on the majority.

For example, the Democrats pushed a Socialist Agenda-driven, minority-supported, lie-based ACA into law despite the majority of Americans who opposed it at the time.

Recent polls show that if the election was held again today 98% of Trump voters would still vote for Trump, as opposed to only 85% of Hillary voters who would vote for her crooked ass again, According to those numbers, Hillary would NOT capture the Popular Vote win - she, and Democrats, would be the MINORITY.

Sorry those FACTS 'Triggered' you, snowflake.
meh, look up the meaning of the terms minority and majority, and then tell me again how a trumptard like you is not in the minority. amazing disconnect, typical of a raging idiot like yourself.
I say withhold the funds anyway, screw the psycho libtard judge.
I agree. That would speed up impeachment quite a bit.
I find it hard to believe that a city intentionally BREAKING EXISTING FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW by harboring, aiding, and abetting violent illegal criminals is not grounds for all existing contracts, agreements, and federal funds being cut off.

I guess if the courts say federal funds can't be cut...for now...there is only 1 thing to do:

Trump needs to direct Sessions to send in the Justice Department - Federal Marshalls, FBI, etc... - TO ARREST THE MAYORS AND INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE BREAKING THE LAW. :p

DO IT! :mm:
actually, you were blubbering about a "minority once again imposing its will on the majority". i notice that you cut that out of the context, you little maggot.
No, snowflake. I was pointing out how the Democrats, who are in the minority in this country, have a habit of imposing their will on the majority.

For example, the Democrats pushed a Socialist Agenda-driven, minority-supported, lie-based ACA into law despite the majority of Americans who opposed it at the time.

Recent polls show that if the election was held again today 98% of Trump voters would still vote for Trump, as opposed to only 85% of Hillary voters who would vote for her crooked ass again, According to those numbers, Hillary would NOT capture the Popular Vote win - she, and Democrats, would be the MINORITY.

Sorry those FACTS 'Triggered' you, snowflake.
your facts are, alternative?

Party Affiliation
No, snowflake. They are not. They are just 'offensive' to snowflakes.
It's a federal judge. What's "California" got to do with anything?

Is California "an island in the Pacific"? Or is there some new geographical feature this week that magically nullifies the federal judiciary?

He was an obama appointee who bundled about 200,000 dollars for obama during the election...
‘[Judge]Orrick in his order found the city and county were likely to succeed on their claims that Trump was attempting to wield powers “exclusive to Congress," and that the executive order violates the Constitution’s Tenth and Fifth amendments. As such, the judge rejected the government’s argument that any injunction issued in the case should only apply to the two jurisdictions.

"These constitutional violations are not limited to San Francisco or Santa Clara, but apply equally to all states and local jurisdictions," Orrick said.’

Trump’s Sanctuary Cities Order Blocked by Federal Judge

Further proof of this administration’s contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

just arrest the damn city and county, and/or state, officials.
We have escaped judicial tyranny before
A judge cannot issue any enforceable order that an illegal act is not illegal, that an illegal act can be promoted and assisted by a city or county, and that actions or penalties to stop an illegal act cannot be implemented
For the first time I am disappointed in Trump, this does not need to wait for the Supreme Court. The liberals have sworn to hamstring Trump with litigation so just brush that aside, ignire the judge, and let the USA people be governed by who they elected and not an in Obamas pocket appointed judge
The judge essentially said that Trump cannot make up new laws, and of course he cannot.

All he intends to do is enforce EXISTING law that has not been enforced for years.
I say withhold the funds anyway, screw the psycho libtard judge.
I agree. That would speed up impeachment quite a bit.
If you think that the GOP is going to impeach one of its own Presidents, you are more stupid than I once gave you discredit for.
why? Their base of religious freaks have been drooling over a President Pence all year. You think they will risk their entire party's future, for donnie.
Actually the feds do want the locals to get into "arrest the illegal" business and hold them until ICE shows up.

Locals do not have the $$$ for the extra load.
Although there would be extra cost for local police to investigate and arrest undocumented immigrants, that is not the problem. First off, local police departments can detain undocumented immigrants only the time limit specified in habeas corpus legislation, usually 24 or 48 hours. They either have to charge them, which they can't do or release them. Secondly, they do not have the tools they need in the form of state statues and resources needed to do immigration investigations. Also, in many of these communities, the local police would have no community support if they started arresting people for immigration violations. They would loose the trust of the community that they depend on everyday to arrest, charge, and convict those committing really serious crimes, not federal misdemeanors.

Asking the local police to enforce immigration laws makes about as much sense as asking them to enforce Internal Revenue Code.
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Like I said before. Trump cannot withhold federal money from state and local governments with an EO, it HAS to be done by Congress, because if it involves money, Congress has to pass a bill to authorize spending.

Same thing with the border wall.
If the money has been authorize, ABS, yes, a President can withhold funds. Nixon did so during his administration.
the one that references checks and balances

that help?

That would be the first one I mentioned.

However, please show me where it says that the President is obligated to follow courts decision.
However, please show me where it says that the President is obligated to follow courts decision.
One could start with the President's oath of office and go on to the full US Constitution from there!

Well, not really.
there is no exception for the President, we all have to follow the law, including court decisions, all the way through the appeals court and then if it makes it there, by the Supreme Court....

If it's unconstitutional, then yes, the president has to abide with the law as we all do.
However, I for one would never trust a federal judge in San Francisco on this matter. I think it's likely he reflects the local culture, and we all know what that means when it comes to San Francisco.
Hopefully this will make it to the Supreme Court, and we can get the final word.
Would the Supreme Court hear the case? The court has previously ruled in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, that the government cannot use the threat of large cuts in federal funds to “coerce” states into adopting federal policies. There is also strong case law that supports the ruling. There are also other issues involved such as concerns over the constitutionality of holding detainees after they are legally free to leave custody and have not been charged with a new crime or made subject to a formal warrant. ICE depends on local communities to holding undocumented immigrants without a warrant which seems clearly unconstitutional.

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Are you people really trying to say that federal laws do not "tricke down". Of course they do. State and local police agencies may not have to be the enforcement entity but neither can they turn a blind eye
Sure, they can. That is the All American game of resisting the feds, from the far right in the South and Boston to the lefties today.

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