"California judge" blocks President Trump order withholding funding to sanctuary cities

I'm not going to comment on whether the judge/panel is right or wrong, should or shouldn't have ruled as s/he/it did, etc. because I haven't read the decision, nor do I know off the top of my head what precedents and so on pertain to the matter, and, frankly, I don't feel like making the effort to find out. I will say, however, that at this rate, we're going to end up with the country being "run" by the judicial rather than by the executive branch.
Simply impeach all these Obama judges that are destroying our way of life and replace them with constitutional mind who will not act like they are President. Then have GOP Congress change what federal judges can rule on. Do not let them decided whether a President is acting Constitutionally. Save that for the SCOTUS ecluksively. Problem solved
I suspect you haven't any idea of the problems your suggested "solution" creates. C'est la vie.
The Executive Branch can't run the Legislative, the legislative can't run the Executive so neither should the Judicial interfere with the Executive branch's constitutional responsibilities.

This faggot judge did not show reason why the government can't withhold Federal funds.
Do the words "judicial review" mean anything to you?
You are by far more kind and generous than I. I specifically opted not to respond to that post because for all its pedantry, it was patently clear that given the very-material-to-the-line-of-discussion nature of judicial review, the concept hadn't even crossed the member's mind. That was enough for me to discern that the member didn't really know what he was talking about, thus why I was unwilling to be so kind as to respond to him/her, even if s/he knows some things about the matter.

When you know a subject well, never enter or remain in a discussion with an ignoramus. They will drag you down to their level and overwhelm you with experience.
― Sarah Cook (adapted)
Another damn activist judge.

why don't we just make these judges president?

California judge blocks Trump order on sanctuary city money

What is disgusting about this is that on one hand they say that "not giving these sanctuary cities funds will hurt these cities", but on the other hand they tell these same cities that if an illegal immigrant which they defend harms or kills a citizen, they cannot be sued and are protected from culpability. Which is it? Do these cities have responsibility for their actions or not? If not, they shouldn't be given a penny from the rest of the nation that opposes these cities

Arrogant and hypocritical. These "cities" want their cake and eat it too even though the vast majority of Americans are against their positions. Kate Steinles family should sue all the way to the Supreme Court. This is bothersome at the very least. One state or another impacting the entire nation by playing a political power play.
the federal govt LET THEM IN....not the States. If the federal govt did their jobs, the States/cities would not be faced with this predicament?


Do we just roll over and suck our thumbs like a good liberal does?
If a local government and their law enforcement, who were hired to keep their citizens safe, believe it is in their citizens best interest to not fill up their jail cells with illegal immigrants, and safer for their citizens to use their Police who they pay, to protect their neighborhoods instead of stopping people on the streets asking for ID, or their Police department, based on the neighborhood watch groups and calls they have received from those who are undocumented on illegal doings in their neighborhoods or even harm done to them.... and how those calls have helped them capture more perps and keep their neighborhoods safer and believe using their jail cells and their money and their time to do the job that ICE and the federal govt is suppose to do would harm their citizens more by making it less safe for them, then I think there could be some merit to that argument.

I do NOT believe that if a citizen commits a crime and is jailed for that crime that a non citizen should simply be let loose for committing the same crime....they should be jailed also.

I just don't think the Police should be forced by the Federal govt to take the time and ask every person they stop for a minor traffic violation if they are a citizen or not and spend the time arresting them and putting them in their jails until someone from ICE decides to mosey on down there and retrieve them.

Even in the most conservative communities in the country, I doubt the locals would really want their local police enforcing immigration law. They would have to allocate significant portions of their time and local tax dollars chasing down people that are at most guilty of a just a misdemeanor instead of going after thieves, murders, and rapists.

The people being deported today are mostly convicted criminals whose nationality and location is know to law enforcement. So picking these people up and deporting them is relatively easy. However, they are in the minority. Most undocumented immigrants are not known to the police and have not been convicted of any serious crime. These people will not be easy to apprehend or deport. To find these people ICE will need significant help from local law enforcement and other agencies and they are not likely to get it.

No one is asking or requiring them to do that. The rest of your post is irrelevant.
Actually the feds do want the locals to get into "arrest the illegal" business and hold them until ICE shows up.

Locals do not have the $$$ for the extra load.
Breaking Update!

Judge William H. Orrick III: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

1. He Was Nominated by President Barack Obama
2. He Donated Money to Barack Obama During the 2008 Campaign
3. He Worked at the Justice Department While the Obama Administration Was Suing Arizona Over Its Immigration Law
4. He Blocked the Release of Undercover Videos on Planned Parenthood

[5. He Has Said He Will Not Let His Political Views Influence His Rulings]

Judge William H. Orrick III: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Breaking Update!

Judge William H. Orrick III: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

1. He Was Nominated by President Barack Obama
2. He Donated Money to Barack Obama During the 2008 Campaign
3. He Worked at the Justice Department While the Obama Administration Was Suing Arizona Over Its Immigration Law
4. He Blocked the Release of Undercover Videos on Planned Parenthood

[5. He Has Said He Will Not Let His Political Views Influence His Rulings]

Judge William H. Orrick III: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
He's not, he's following the law.
The president is not the chief executive and cannot issue executive orders
Several hundred not elected but politically appointed judges run the show
That is wrong and should be stopped by ignoring it and let whatever happens just happen
I volunteer in my county's sheriff auxiliary. I patrol in a police car, and wear a uniform with a badge. it is my responsibility to radio in to the deputies if I see anyone violating county ordinances. I have no responsibility whatever to notify the feds of suspected federal law violations.
America has become a judicial dictatorship. As another example, a federal judge recently ordered this to a civil litigant before illegally confiscating all of his property and terminating his civil rights, stating:

“You are a fool, a fool, a fool, a fool to screw with a federal judge, and if you don’t understand that, I can make you understand it … I have the full force of the Navy, Army, Marines and Navy behind me,”

Dallas Judges Shred Constitution, Steal Millions
I say withhold the funds anyway, screw the psycho libtard judge.

why do you hate the Constitution?


Which one.

The one original (that Obama wiped his ass with), or the one the left wishes were in place ?

the one that references checks and balances

that help?

That would be the first one I mentioned.

However, please show me where it says that the President is obligated to follow courts decision.
I say withhold the funds anyway, screw the psycho libtard judge.

why do you hate the Constitution?


Which one.

The one original (that Obama wiped his ass with), or the one the left wishes were in place ?

the one that references checks and balances

that help?

That would be the first one I mentioned.

However, please show me where it says that the President is obligated to follow courts decision.
However, please show me where it says that the President is obligated to follow courts decision.
One could start with the President's oath of office and go on to the full US Constitution from there!
Donald Trump's run of failed Executive Orders is EPIC.
Only due to liberal activist judges over-stepping their legal bounds. Without California, snowflakes would be powerless.

Snowflakes everywhere are celebrating the fact that liberal cities are still using tax dollars to aid and abet criminals and enemies of the American people / this nation.
Are you not a proponent of checks and balances when one branch of the government is violating the constitution?
I say withhold the funds anyway, screw the psycho libtard judge.

why do you hate the Constitution?


Which one.

The one original (that Obama wiped his ass with), or the one the left wishes were in place ?

the one that references checks and balances

that help?

That would be the first one I mentioned.

However, please show me where it says that the President is obligated to follow courts decision.
However, please show me where it says that the President is obligated to follow courts decision.
One could start with the President's oath of office and go on to the full US Constitution from there!

Well, not really.
why do you hate the Constitution?


Which one.

The one original (that Obama wiped his ass with), or the one the left wishes were in place ?

the one that references checks and balances

that help?

That would be the first one I mentioned.

However, please show me where it says that the President is obligated to follow courts decision.
However, please show me where it says that the President is obligated to follow courts decision.
One could start with the President's oath of office and go on to the full US Constitution from there!

Well, not really.
there is no exception for the President, we all have to follow the law, including court decisions, all the way through the appeals court and then if it makes it there, by the Supreme Court....
What is disgusting about this is that on one hand they say that "not giving these sanctuary cities funds will hurt these cities", but on the other hand they tell these same cities that if an illegal immigrant which they defend harms or kills a citizen, they cannot be sued and are protected from culpability. Which is it? Do these cities have responsibility for their actions or not? If not, they shouldn't be given a penny from the rest of the nation that opposes these cities

Arrogant and hypocritical. These "cities" want their cake and eat it too even though the vast majority of Americans are against their positions. Kate Steinles family should sue all the way to the Supreme Court. This is bothersome at the very least. One state or another impacting the entire nation by playing a political power play.
the federal govt LET THEM IN....not the States. If the federal govt did their jobs, the States/cities would not be faced with this predicament?


Do we just roll over and suck our thumbs like a good liberal does?
If a local government and their law enforcement, who were hired to keep their citizens safe, believe it is in their citizens best interest to not fill up their jail cells with illegal immigrants, and safer for their citizens to use their Police who they pay, to protect their neighborhoods instead of stopping people on the streets asking for ID, or their Police department, based on the neighborhood watch groups and calls they have received from those who are undocumented on illegal doings in their neighborhoods or even harm done to them.... and how those calls have helped them capture more perps and keep their neighborhoods safer and believe using their jail cells and their money and their time to do the job that ICE and the federal govt is suppose to do would harm their citizens more by making it less safe for them, then I think there could be some merit to that argument.

I do NOT believe that if a citizen commits a crime and is jailed for that crime that a non citizen should simply be let loose for committing the same crime....they should be jailed also.

I just don't think the Police should be forced by the Federal govt to take the time and ask every person they stop for a minor traffic violation if they are a citizen or not and spend the time arresting them and putting them in their jails until someone from ICE decides to mosey on down there and retrieve them.

Even in the most conservative communities in the country, I doubt the locals would really want their local police enforcing immigration law. They would have to allocate significant portions of their time and local tax dollars chasing down people that are at most guilty of a just a misdemeanor instead of going after thieves, murders, and rapists.

The people being deported today are mostly convicted criminals whose nationality and location is know to law enforcement. So picking these people up and deporting them is relatively easy. However, they are in the minority. Most undocumented immigrants are not known to the police and have not been convicted of any serious crime. These people will not be easy to apprehend or deport. To find these people ICE will need significant help from local law enforcement and other agencies and they are not likely to get it.

No one is asking or requiring them to do that. The rest of your post is irrelevant.
Just what is it the Trumpbots want the locals to do?
That is notCity, BS true. The check and balance system is working. I don't necessarily agree with the Sanctuary City, BS ; however, it is good to see the Republicans don't have free rein over everything!
GOP Congress will pass an "Act"...not a law, banning sanctuary cities...Trump will sign it.
SCOTUS will have to decide on its constitutionality. The screaming and yelling here of the antifas does not meant a thing in the real world. :) Poor neo-fascist alt right snowflakes just melting away in all of their steam.
Are you trying to say that antifa and fascists are the same?

indeed they are the same

No they aren't but you need a history lesson anyway.

Alt Right neo-fascists are antifa

this is false

antifa and fascists do have much in common
I volunteer in my county's sheriff auxiliary. I patrol in a police car, and wear a uniform with a badge. it is my responsibility to radio in to the deputies if I see anyone violating county ordinances. I have no responsibility whatever to notify the feds of suspected federal law violations.

But is there anyone stopping you from calling ICE, or are you the typical Dim who is in favor of harboring illegals, and wants to destroy our immigration laws ?
the federal govt LET THEM IN....not the States. If the federal govt did their jobs, the States/cities would not be faced with this predicament?


Do we just roll over and suck our thumbs like a good liberal does?
If a local government and their law enforcement, who were hired to keep their citizens safe, believe it is in their citizens best interest to not fill up their jail cells with illegal immigrants, and safer for their citizens to use their Police who they pay, to protect their neighborhoods instead of stopping people on the streets asking for ID, or their Police department, based on the neighborhood watch groups and calls they have received from those who are undocumented on illegal doings in their neighborhoods or even harm done to them.... and how those calls have helped them capture more perps and keep their neighborhoods safer and believe using their jail cells and their money and their time to do the job that ICE and the federal govt is suppose to do would harm their citizens more by making it less safe for them, then I think there could be some merit to that argument.

I do NOT believe that if a citizen commits a crime and is jailed for that crime that a non citizen should simply be let loose for committing the same crime....they should be jailed also.

I just don't think the Police should be forced by the Federal govt to take the time and ask every person they stop for a minor traffic violation if they are a citizen or not and spend the time arresting them and putting them in their jails until someone from ICE decides to mosey on down there and retrieve them.

Even in the most conservative communities in the country, I doubt the locals would really want their local police enforcing immigration law. They would have to allocate significant portions of their time and local tax dollars chasing down people that are at most guilty of a just a misdemeanor instead of going after thieves, murders, and rapists.

The people being deported today are mostly convicted criminals whose nationality and location is know to law enforcement. So picking these people up and deporting them is relatively easy. However, they are in the minority. Most undocumented immigrants are not known to the police and have not been convicted of any serious crime. These people will not be easy to apprehend or deport. To find these people ICE will need significant help from local law enforcement and other agencies and they are not likely to get it.

No one is asking or requiring them to do that. The rest of your post is irrelevant.
Just what is it the Trumpbots want the locals to do?

Stop hindering ICE from doing their job.
Again, always remember the party that is pro-sanctuary city, and has no respect for our immigration laws.


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