"California judge" blocks President Trump order withholding funding to sanctuary cities

There are people in this country, many of them democrats that just want more Americans to to die. They enjoy the Kate Steinleys, they celebrate the Brian Terrys. All those who were just in the wrong place and got tortured to death or burned alive, those are appetizers to democrats and many of them are judges. It's better to kill thousands, tens of thousands if necessary than to support a republican president.
I'm not going to comment on whether the judge/panel is right or wrong, should or shouldn't have ruled as s/he/it did, etc. because I haven't read the decision, nor do I know off the top of my head what precedents and so on pertain to the matter, and, frankly, I don't feel like making the effort to find out. I will say, however, that at this rate, we're going to end up with the country being "run" by the judicial rather than by the executive branch.
That is notCity, BS true. The check and balance system is working. I don't necessarily agree with the Sanctuary City, BS ; however, it is good to see the Republicans don't have free rein over everything!
GOP Congress will pass an "Act"...not a law, banning sanctuary cities...Trump will sign it.
SCOTUS will have to decide on its constitutionality. The screaming and yelling here of the antifas does not meant a thing in the real world. :) Poor neo-fascist alt right snowflakes just melting away in all of their steam.
Are you trying to say that antifa and fascists are the same?
I say withhold the funds anyway, screw the psycho libtard judge.
I say go for it! It will add another charge onto the Articles of Impeachment of the Narcissist-in Chief.

And the Orange One just keeps 'WINNING' in his race to the bottom!

Your user name is appropriate. The crap you post is a crime against thought because none took place in your empty cranium.
I'm not going to comment on whether the judge/panel is right or wrong, should or shouldn't have ruled as s/he/it did, etc. because I haven't read the decision, nor do I know off the top of my head what precedents and so on pertain to the matter, and, frankly, I don't feel like making the effort to find out. I will say, however, that at this rate, we're going to end up with the country being "run" by the judicial rather than by the executive branch.
That is notCity, BS true. The check and balance system is working. I don't necessarily agree with the Sanctuary City, BS ; however, it is good to see the Republicans don't have free rein over everything!
GOP Congress will pass an "Act"...not a law, banning sanctuary cities...Trump will sign it.
SCOTUS will have to decide on its constitutionality. The screaming and yelling here of the antifas does not meant a thing in the real world. :) Poor neo-fascist alt right snowflakes just melting away in all of their steam.
Are you trying to say that antifa and fascists are the same?

indeed they are the same
I say withhold the funds anyway, screw the psycho libtard judge.
I say go for it! It will add another charge onto the Articles of Impeachment of the Narcissist-in Chief.

And the Orange One just keeps 'WINNING' in his race to the bottom!

Your user name is appropriate. The crap you post is a crime against thought because none took place in your empty cranium.
It's a crime a lib would even try to think.
‘[Judge]Orrick in his order found the city and county were likely to succeed on their claims that Trump was attempting to wield powers “exclusive to Congress," and that the executive order violates the Constitution’s Tenth and Fifth amendments. As such, the judge rejected the government’s argument that any injunction issued in the case should only apply to the two jurisdictions.

"These constitutional violations are not limited to San Francisco or Santa Clara, but apply equally to all states and local jurisdictions," Orrick said.’

Trump’s Sanctuary Cities Order Blocked by Federal Judge

Further proof of this administration’s contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.
I'm not going to comment on whether the judge/panel is right or wrong, should or shouldn't have ruled as s/he/it did, etc. because I haven't read the decision, nor do I know off the top of my head what precedents and so on pertain to the matter, and, frankly, I don't feel like making the effort to find out. I will say, however, that at this rate, we're going to end up with the country being "run" by the judicial rather than by the executive branch.
That is not true. The check and balance system is working. I don't necessarily agree with the Sanctuary City, BS ; however, it is good to see the Republicans don't have free rein over everything!
That is not true.
What "that" do you mean is untrue?

check and balance system is working.
I don't know why you mentioned that. You're the second person who has. I have only one response to it. "Of course, the system of checks and balances is working."

One thing that is thematically consistent with your remark about "what's working" and that one can accurately infer from my earlier comment -- unless you genuinely suspect I'm not aware that the court challenges to Trump's edicts are illustrations the dynamics of Constitutional checks and balances -- is that I think something other than the "checks and balances system" is not working. That's about as far as one can "go" with that inference, however, because I gave no indication of what that/those other thing(s) might in my mind be.
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I'm not going to comment on whether the judge/panel is right or wrong, should or shouldn't have ruled as s/he/it did, etc. because I haven't read the decision, nor do I know off the top of my head what precedents and so on pertain to the matter, and, frankly, I don't feel like making the effort to find out. I will say, however, that at this rate, we're going to end up with the country being "run" by the judicial rather than by the executive branch.
That is not true. The check and balance system is working. I don't necessarily agree with the Sanctuary City, BS ; however, it is good to see the Republicans don't have free rein over everything!
That is not true.
What "that" do you mean is untrue?
I was responding to the notion that the Judicial branch will usurp the power of the president and "run" the country.
‘[Judge]Orrick in his order found the city and county were likely to succeed on their claims that Trump was attempting to wield powers “exclusive to Congress," and that the executive order violates the Constitution’s Tenth and Fifth amendments. As such, the judge rejected the government’s argument that any injunction issued in the case should only apply to the two jurisdictions.

"These constitutional violations are not limited to San Francisco or Santa Clara, but apply equally to all states and local jurisdictions," Orrick said.’

Trump’s Sanctuary Cities Order Blocked by Federal Judge

Further proof of this administration’s contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.
But you cheered when obuthole violated the Constitution. Hypocritical asswipe.
I say withhold the funds anyway, screw the psycho libtard judge.

why do you hate the Constitution?


Which one.

The one original (that Obama wiped his ass with), or the one the left wishes were in place ?

the one that references checks and balances

that help?
We're you crying when obuthole violated the Constitution? Thought not.
Trump needs to realize that he can't stop federal dollars from going to sanctuary cities with just an EO.

The only people that can cut federal funds to cities and counties is Congress. Not the president.

Not only is his EO against the Constitution, but it's illegal as well. If he wants to cut funds to sanctuary cities, he's gonna have to get Congress to pass a law for him to sign, not an EO.
Breaking Update:

The order:


The text of 8 USC 1373 is quite plain. It was written precisely to do what these Rat party operatives are trying to get away with: noncompliance with Federal immigration enforcement.

(a) In general

Notwithstanding any other provision of Federal, State, or local law, a Federal, State, or local government entity or official may not prohibit, or in any way restrict, any government entity or official from sending to, or receiving from, the Immigration and Naturalization Service information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.

(b) Additional authority of government entitiesNotwithstanding any other provision of Federal, State, or local law, no person or agency may prohibit, or in any way restrict, a Federal, State, or local government entity from doing any of the following with respect to information regarding the immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual:

(1) Sending such information to, or requesting or receiving such information from, the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

(2) Maintaining such information.

(3) Exchanging such information with any other Federal, State, or local government entity.

(c) Obligation to respond to inquiries

The Immigration and Naturalization Service shall respond to an inquiry by a Federal, State, or local government agency, seeking to verify or ascertain the citizenship or immigration status of any individual within the jurisdiction of the agency for any purpose authorized by law, by providing the requested verification or status information.
The statue says they (state or local authority) can not prohibit nor restrict..... However, they can certainly do nothing to help the federal government enforce the federal law which is exactly what most sanctuary cities are going to do, nothing.

If ICE wants a prisoner detained then they must have a warrant sighed by a judge and that warrant can not require the city to violated habeas corpus. ICE can't require local law enforcement to collect any information, investigate, or assist in arrest or detention.

The city can not prohibit employees or other entities from sending, receiving, or maintaining, immigration information but the city has no obligation to see that such actions are done or such information is collected.
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I'm not going to comment on whether the judge/panel is right or wrong, should or shouldn't have ruled as s/he/it did, etc. because I haven't read the decision, nor do I know off the top of my head what precedents and so on pertain to the matter, and, frankly, I don't feel like making the effort to find out. I will say, however, that at this rate, we're going to end up with the country being "run" by the judicial rather than by the executive branch.
That is notCity, BS true. The check and balance system is working. I don't necessarily agree with the Sanctuary City, BS ; however, it is good to see the Republicans don't have free rein over everything!
GOP Congress will pass an "Act"...not a law, banning sanctuary cities...Trump will sign it.
SCOTUS will have to decide on its constitutionality. The screaming and yelling here of the antifas does not meant a thing in the real world. :) Poor neo-fascist alt right snowflakes just melting away in all of their steam.
Are you trying to say that antifa and fascists are the same?
Nope. What I am saying is that the Alt Right neo-fascists are antifa, just as the hard left extremists have them. America will not let either extremes shut down free speech.

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