California judge rules that an Abstinence-only curriculum is not sex education.

Yeah, sex education in schools is working sooooooooo well. Rampant teenage pregnancies.
Mississippi The National Campaign
Mississippi [abstinence only] 42.6 births per 1000 girls in 2013

New Hampshire The National Campaign
New Hampshire [comprehensive sex education] 12.6 births per 1000 girls in 2013

You fail, abstinence only fails, the whole far right/Christian kook fantasy fails.

You're welcome

So New Hampshire has how many abortions? You counted only births. How many abortions?

You're welcome.
Yeah, sex education in schools is working sooooooooo well. Rampant teenage pregnancies.

Teenage pregnancies have been on the decline for over 20 years

About Teen Pregnancy Teen Pregnancy Reproductive Health CDC

You're quoting live birth rates and not taking abortion into account.

So how do the numbers change when abortion is introduced?

It increases the number of teen pregnancies? I didn't look over the entire site you referenced but from what I saw it only included live births, how many abortions are obtained by teens each year? Is that number increasing or decreasing?
Reproductive Health Full text Religiosity and teen birth rate in the United States


With data aggregated at the state level, conservative religious beliefs strongly predict U.S. teen birth rates, in a relationship that does not appear to be the result of confounding by income or abortion rates. One possible explanation for this relationship is that teens in more religious communities may be less likely to use contraception.

The states with the highest teenage pregnancy rates are the red states.

Family Values In Red States Vs. Blue States NPR

Many of our assumptions about the cultural divide between red and blue states may be wrong. New research shows that more liberal states, like Massachusetts, tend to have the lowest rates of divorce and teen childbirth. In other words the most stable families, the homes with two parents to nurture their kids, are found in the liberal strongholds along the East and West Coasts.

Conversely, the higher rates of teen childbirth and divorce occur in the red states that conservatives so often celebrate as the heartland of family values.


The New Geography of Teen Mothers - CityLab

By golly, the red states are leading in one category, for sure.

Conversely, the higher rates of teen childbirth and divorce occur in the red states that conservatives so often celebrate as the heartland of family values.
1) Liberal states may have less divorce only because the inhabitants marry less.

2) Some of the very conservative states in the West have few teenage mothers.

3) Some young mothers are married. Is it so terrible when a young married woman decides to have children early?
Doctors warn of risks to older mothers Society The Guardian

4) Poor states with large minority populations have many teenage mothers. It may have nothing to do with how many Republican Senators a state has! Does a growing minority population disturb you?
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1) Liberal states may have less divorce only because the inhabitants marry less.
2) Some of the very conservative states in the West have few teenage mothers.
3) Some young mothers are married. Is it so terrible when a young married woman decides to have children early?
Doctors warn of risks to older mothers Society The Guardian
4) Poor states with large minority populations have many teenage mothers. It may have nothing to do with how many Republican Senators a state has! Does a growing minority population disturb you?
So you stand for this tendencies? First you must understand that teenage mother can be still a child so it doesn't matter what she decides herself, she needs parental care, it matters what her mother thinks about that.
Abstinence-only curriculum is not sex education judge rules - SFGate
I really hate how much influence the religious right has on our children's education. Keep religion out of schools
Proper sexual education has been shown to significantly reduce the risks of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Proper sexual education in the school is extremely important for that.
If you teach abstinence you don't have to talk about sexual infections or worry about teenage pregnancy. You won't have either. The problem is people like you ridicule it and impressionable youth listen. Abstinence works every time it's used. Your sex Ed teaches nothing but how to fuck, so the children fuck. The idea is to prevent children from fucking in the first place.
My child my choice in what they learn. They should be learning it at home first to begin with. I know mine are being taught what they need to know.These schools use this "sex ed" to push homosexual sex acts and agenda.
Another ridiculous lie from the right.
Which one dickhead? I said several things. So which one is a "lie"? The fact its OUR right to know what our kids are being taught? The fact its the PARENTS job to start teaching their kids about sexual education? The fact these programs are used to push homosexuality as a "lifestyle" choice and to show homosexual sex acts....damn I must have been imagining that in sex ed class when I took it then....blow it out your ass.
Austria, a country I have lived in and am familiar with, has a teenage pregnancy rate of 3 per 1,000 in 2013. They have comprehensive sex education.

In comparison, the US has a rate of 26.5 per 1,000 in 2013. Sex education in the US is controversial and often limited in certain areas. It is something the religious right does not want us to have.

Good sex education does work.
Austria has a far smaller population then the USA so your comparison is complete hogwash
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Yeah, sex education in schools is working sooooooooo well. Rampant teenage pregnancies.
Mississippi The National Campaign
Mississippi [abstinence only] 42.6 births per 1000 girls in 2013

New Hampshire The National Campaign
New Hampshire [comprehensive sex education] 12.6 births per 1000 girls in 2013

You fail, abstinence only fails, the whole far right/Christian kook fantasy fails.

You're welcome
Another dishonest comparison with vastly different populations .
Abstinence-only curriculum is not sex education judge rules - SFGate
I really hate how much influence the religious right has on our children's education. Keep religion out of schools
Proper sexual education has been shown to significantly reduce the risks of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Proper sexual education in the school is extremely important for that.
Funny how you guys keep bringing up these old arguments....

The Christian right doesn't run the Republican party knot-head.
Abstinence-only curriculum is not sex education judge rules - SFGate
I really hate how much influence the religious right has on our children's education. Keep religion out of schools
Proper sexual education has been shown to significantly reduce the risks of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Proper sexual education in the school is extremely important for that.

Still not sure public schools, kids are legally required to attend, is the right venue for sex ed. Ideally, it should come from parents or actual sex-educators. One of the biggest problems with public school educators is very few teach what they themselves majored in. So if they're only passing on information from some pre-written curriculum, that curriculum's accuracy comes into question. Also, teaching it before or after math, history, english, etc. risks kinda blowing away the others' in terms of what the kids are thinking about in other classes. Should try and minimize distractions school kids have to deal with, not fill their heads with sexual imagery before other classes and the like.

Plus, the advisability of teaching kids still under the legal age of consent all about sex, then tell them they can't have sex without breaking some major laws is counterproductive, possibly even damaging. "Now I know all this stuff about sex, but can't do it without being a sex offender?" That's a messed up message to give kids.

Year before whatever the state's aoc is, give em what they need to know to keep them safe and healthy. Prior to that though I think sex-ed does more harm than it prevents.

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