California law essentially makes paying traffic fines VOLUNTARY!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Why can't the blacks and latins just obey the law???

California no longer will suspend driver's licenses for traffic fines

june 29 2017 Californians no longer will face losing their driver's licenses because of unpaid traffic fines starting next month.

Gov. Jerry Brown said the punishment doesn't help the state collect unpaid fines and can send low-income people into a cycle of job losses and more poverty.

The policy will help ensure people's lives are not derailed by traffic tickets, said Sen. Bob Hertzberg, a Van Nuys Democrat who has championed the issue in the Legislature.

Brown approved the provision as part of a series of bills he signed Tuesday to enact the state budget. It will prevent courts from suspending someone's driver's license simply because of unpaid fines.
I've come to believe that the vast majority of traffic and parking enforcement is done, not out of any concern for safety and order, but as a way to extort money from the very people that the system is supposed to serve and protect. In my opinion, it has become a form of corruption.
I've come to believe that the vast majority of traffic and parking enforcement is done, not out of any concern for safety and order, but as a way to extort money from the very people that the system is supposed to serve and protect. In my opinion, it has become a form of corruption.
Fines are not extortion, They are penalties. Is a prison sentence for extortion, extortion?
I've come to believe that the vast majority of traffic and parking enforcement is done, not out of any concern for safety and order, but as a way to extort money from the very people that the system is supposed to serve and protect. In my opinion, it has become a form of corruption.
Fines are not extortion, They are penalties. Is a prison sentence for extortion, extortion?
I think he's referring to selective application. Imagine extortionists being sentenced only when it's convenient to the system.
Every time I get a seatbelt ticket here in NC I fight it. Got 1 dropped after a year of court as did my father. Another one I appealed lol. I would pay them if they wouldn't cost me 162$ a piece. Now I warn people where the cops are sitting so they can avoid them. I always wear my government is corrupt shirt to court plead not guilty and then get several continuances because usually its the state patrol that pulls me over here and they get transferred sooner or later.
Some damn good ganja growing kullyfornia, I tell ya, their thinking is just... STUPENDOUS.
I've come to believe that the vast majority of traffic and parking enforcement is done, not out of any concern for safety and order, but as a way to extort money from the very people that the system is supposed to serve and protect. In my opinion, it has become a form of corruption.

It's easy to see it that way but the solid truth is EVERYONE breaks traffic and parking laws now. Without at least the threat of consequences, it would truly be Mad Max. Even parking is an issue as I've seen people who cannot find legal parking, block roads, park on sidewalks, and even knock down trees to find a place to put their cars while they run in for a six pack.

I work as a LEO in a Transit Division and while traffic isn't my main concern, I am in a position to write tickets for traffic/parking violations several times on any given shift. I typically don't give tickets unless someone is a)willfully obstructing traffic, b) driving dangerously, c) parked in a handicap spot, or d) just being a jerk.

That means literally hundreds of traffic violator have gone without punishments in the last two years I've been doing this job.
I've come to believe that the vast majority of traffic and parking enforcement is done, not out of any concern for safety and order, but as a way to extort money from the very people that the system is supposed to serve and protect. In my opinion, it has become a form of corruption.

I dont know man.
I havent had a ticket in the last 15 years at least.
I speed pretty regular(when it's safe)and i'm always the first one off the light yet I never get pulled over.
Every time I get a seatbelt ticket here in NC I fight it. Got 1 dropped after a year of court as did my father. Another one I appealed lol. I would pay them if they wouldn't cost me 162$ a piece. Now I warn people where the cops are sitting so they can avoid them. I always wear my government is corrupt shirt to court plead not guilty and then get several continuances because usually its the state patrol that pulls me over here and they get transferred sooner or later.
So you lose 2 or 3 days of work and pay a lawyer to avoid a 162 dollar fine. Would it not be simpler to wear your seal belt?
If you go through life assuming the government is out to get you, the government is going to punish you for disregarding the law. Forget that you think seatbelt laws are unjust. I tend to agree. I've fought for the elimination of helmet laws in 2 states even paying for my activism with blood in one instance until I realized that working within the system would yield better results than bloodying a state cop's billy club with my head.
Your shirt will no impress the Judge. It may, in fact piss him off. But then, if that's your intention, good for you. I'd much rather organize a meeting between a group of people who shared my views and my elected representative than miss a few days of work. Maybe you too will grow up one day.
I've come to believe that the vast majority of traffic and parking enforcement is done, not out of any concern for safety and order, but as a way to extort money from the very people that the system is supposed to serve and protect. In my opinion, it has become a form of corruption.
Fines are not extortion, They are penalties. Is a prison sentence for extortion, extortion?
I think he's referring to selective application. Imagine extortionists being sentenced only when it's convenient to the system.
Think however you want, but he said, "the vast majority of traffic and parking enforcement is done, not out of any concern for safety and order, but as a way to extort money from the very people that the system is supposed to serve and protect." He said nothing about "selective application".
I've come to believe that the vast majority of traffic and parking enforcement is done, not out of any concern for safety and order, but as a way to extort money from the very people that the system is supposed to serve and protect. In my opinion, it has become a form of corruption.

What's wrong with making the criminal drivers pay??? They cause the expensive crashes and consequent traffic jams . I say hell with them.
Every time I get a seatbelt ticket here in NC I fight it. Got 1 dropped after a year of court as did my father. Another one I appealed lol. I would pay them if they wouldn't cost me 162$ a piece. Now I warn people where the cops are sitting so they can avoid them. I always wear my government is corrupt shirt to court plead not guilty and then get several continuances because usually its the state patrol that pulls me over here and they get transferred sooner or later.
So you lose 2 or 3 days of work and pay a lawyer to avoid a 162 dollar fine. Would it not be simpler to wear your seal belt?
If you go through life assuming the government is out to get you, the government is going to punish you for disregarding the law. Forget that you think seatbelt laws are unjust. I tend to agree. I've fought for the elimination of helmet laws in 2 states even paying for my activism with blood in one instance until I realized that working within the system would yield better results than bloodying a state cop's billy club with my head.
Your shirt will no impress the Judge. It may, in fact piss him off. But then, if that's your intention, good for you. I'd much rather organize a meeting between a group of people who shared my views and my elected representative than miss a few days of work. Maybe you too will grow up one day.

You're assuming he works.
Every time I get a seatbelt ticket here in NC I fight it.

Why don't you just buckle up?. It's safer for you and will save you money.

BTW - when you don't buckle up, you are in a small way endangering others. The belt keeps you in your seat and in control if you spin out. THINK
Every time I get a seatbelt ticket here in NC I fight it. Got 1 dropped after a year of court as did my father. Another one I appealed lol. I would pay them if they wouldn't cost me 162$ a piece. Now I warn people where the cops are sitting so they can avoid them. I always wear my government is corrupt shirt to court plead not guilty and then get several continuances because usually its the state patrol that pulls me over here and they get transferred sooner or later.
So you lose 2 or 3 days of work and pay a lawyer to avoid a 162 dollar fine. Would it not be simpler to wear your seal belt?
If you go through life assuming the government is out to get you, the government is going to punish you for disregarding the law. Forget that you think seatbelt laws are unjust. I tend to agree. I've fought for the elimination of helmet laws in 2 states even paying for my activism with blood in one instance until I realized that working within the system would yield better results than bloodying a state cop's billy club with my head.
Your shirt will no impress the Judge. It may, in fact piss him off. But then, if that's your intention, good for you. I'd much rather organize a meeting between a group of people who shared my views and my elected representative than miss a few days of work. Maybe you too will grow up one day.

You're assuming he works.
I also assume he lives in Mamma's basement, but I was trying to be kind for once.
Every time I get a seatbelt ticket here in NC I fight it. Got 1 dropped after a year of court as did my father. Another one I appealed lol. I would pay them if they wouldn't cost me 162$ a piece. Now I warn people where the cops are sitting so they can avoid them. I always wear my government is corrupt shirt to court plead not guilty and then get several continuances because usually its the state patrol that pulls me over here and they get transferred sooner or later.

You're such a rebel
Fines are not extortion, They are penalties. Is a prison sentence for extortion, extortion?

I think he's referring to selective application. Imagine extortionists being sentenced only when it's convenient to the system.

I am specifically speaking of what I said—laws that are enacted and enforced, not to promote any rational concept of public order, safety, or fairness, but specifically to trap people into breaking them, so that they may be extorted into paying fines.

Anyone who has ever lived in downtown Sacramento, in an apartment complex that doesn't offer off-street parking, would be very familiar with one clear example. There are certain times and days when you may not park on certain sides of the street. The signs announcing this cite “street cleaning” as the reason, though, in the time I lived in that situation, I never saw any relevant street-cleaning activities. It gets tricky to keep track of where you may leave your car when, and I don't think anyone who lives there very long avoids getting an occasional parking ticket. I think that it is quite clear that the true purpose of this confusing and irrational set of parking restrictions is specifically to catch people violating them, for the purpose of fraud and extortion.

I believe that similar principles are behind many traffic regulations, especially speed limits. I'm not saying that there should be no speed limits, but I often find them to be implemented in a way that shows no clear connection to safety. I'll point out, as an example, Gerber Road, in the Sacramento area. At the east end, where it meets Excelsior road, the posted speed limit is 55 miles per hour. At that point, it's a rather rough, unlit, narrow road, poorly maintained, and as heavy as my right foot sometimes tends to get, I say that 55 is too fast for that section of road, but that's the posted speed limit. After a few miles of that, going west, it crosses Bradshaw, and becomes a much better road. The condition of the pavement is better, it's wider, better lit, and in every way built to support a higher speed, but now the speed limit drops to 50. A few miles further west, it crosses Florin-Perkins, the road condition becomes even better, but now the posted speed limit drops to 40. If the speed limits were being set according to legitimate safety concerns, then the posted speed limit would be lower at the east end, and go higher as it went further west, rather than doing the opposite. 40 would be a reasonable and rational limit for the portion that is posted at 55, and 55 would be reasonable and rational for the portion that is posted at 40.
I've come to believe that the vast majority of traffic and parking enforcement is done, not out of any concern for safety and order, but as a way to extort money from the very people that the system is supposed to serve and protect. In my opinion, it has become a form of corruption.

What's wrong with making the criminal drivers pay??? They cause the expensive crashes and consequent traffic jams . I say hell with them.

What's wrong is the state criminalizing activity for purposes other than promoting safety, fairness, and order. What's wrong is the power of the law being abused to set people up to unintentionally violate it, so that they can be made victims pf state-sponsored fraud and extortion.

Yes, I acknowledge the need for some regulation, in order to prevent, as you say, “expensive crashes and consequent traffic jams” as well as other breaches of safety and order, but too much of regulation is rather openly being done not for that purpose, but for the purpose of simple extortion; to set people up to break the law just so that they can be fined.
Every time I get a seatbelt ticket here in NC I fight it.

Why don't you just buckle up?. It's safer for you and will save you money.

BTW - when you don't buckle up, you are in a small way endangering others. The belt keeps you in your seat and in control if you spin out. THINK
I second this. A girl that I went to junior high with was instantly killed not long after we started our freshman year of high school and wearing a seat belt is what would have made all the difference.

God bless you and her family always!!!

Every time I get a seatbelt ticket here in NC I fight it. Got 1 dropped after a year of court as did my father. Another one I appealed lol. I would pay them if they wouldn't cost me 162$ a piece. Now I warn people where the cops are sitting so they can avoid them. I always wear my government is corrupt shirt to court plead not guilty and then get several continuances because usually its the state patrol that pulls me over here and they get transferred sooner or later.
So you lose 2 or 3 days of work and pay a lawyer to avoid a 162 dollar fine. Would it not be simpler to wear your seal belt?
If you go through life assuming the government is out to get you, the government is going to punish you for disregarding the law. Forget that you think seatbelt laws are unjust. I tend to agree. I've fought for the elimination of helmet laws in 2 states even paying for my activism with blood in one instance until I realized that working within the system would yield better results than bloodying a state cop's billy club with my head.
Your shirt will no impress the Judge. It may, in fact piss him off. But then, if that's your intention, good for you. I'd much rather organize a meeting between a group of people who shared my views and my elected representative than miss a few days of work. Maybe you too will grow up one day.
I am unfortunately a stay at home dad so no job right now but that might change soon,youngest is starting head start in August. I don't EVER hire a lawyer when I can do it myself,the goal is to stretch out as long as possible that the cop is reassigned somewhere else,worked once and man did it piss the DA off. He watched 300$ walk out of his court room because cop wasn't there LOL! I know my shirt pisses judge and DA off...that's the point. I am not afraid of them and its why I also REFUSE to stand when a judge walks in when everyone else stands...I have no respect for those clowns. Its my body in MY vehicle I outright own on roads the taxes we pay via buying items,car tags,repairs etc pay for and cops who's salaries WE pay for. I will never wear my seatbelt. In fact I am removing my seatbelt to put in the back because one of my kids somehow broke a seatbelt and it won't latch now.
Every time I get a seatbelt ticket here in NC I fight it. Got 1 dropped after a year of court as did my father. Another one I appealed lol. I would pay them if they wouldn't cost me 162$ a piece. Now I warn people where the cops are sitting so they can avoid them. I always wear my government is corrupt shirt to court plead not guilty and then get several continuances because usually its the state patrol that pulls me over here and they get transferred sooner or later.
So you lose 2 or 3 days of work and pay a lawyer to avoid a 162 dollar fine. Would it not be simpler to wear your seal belt?
If you go through life assuming the government is out to get you, the government is going to punish you for disregarding the law. Forget that you think seatbelt laws are unjust. I tend to agree. I've fought for the elimination of helmet laws in 2 states even paying for my activism with blood in one instance until I realized that working within the system would yield better results than bloodying a state cop's billy club with my head.
Your shirt will no impress the Judge. It may, in fact piss him off. But then, if that's your intention, good for you. I'd much rather organize a meeting between a group of people who shared my views and my elected representative than miss a few days of work. Maybe you too will grow up one day.

You're assuming he works.
I also assume he lives in Mamma's basement, but I was trying to be kind for once.
You would be wrong...somehow I have a feeling you make a habit out of that snowflake. My folks live 100 miles from me. I pay rent on a wonderful 4 bedroom house that me and my wife rent.
Every time I get a seatbelt ticket here in NC I fight it. Got 1 dropped after a year of court as did my father. Another one I appealed lol. I would pay them if they wouldn't cost me 162$ a piece. Now I warn people where the cops are sitting so they can avoid them. I always wear my government is corrupt shirt to court plead not guilty and then get several continuances because usually its the state patrol that pulls me over here and they get transferred sooner or later.

You're such a rebel

Oh I know such a Jesse James I am!

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