California law will force thousands of independent truckers off the road.

If the existing drivers stay out of California, it would be generations before the state of California could train, and pay, enough new truckers to fill the void...

And there is no real incentive to become one there thanks to this law
Does this apply to all truckers who drive in California, or only to those who are based out of California?

If that was mentioned in the article, I missed it...

I didn't read the OP because I read about it a year or so ago. It affects all truckers in or out of the state. In fact the article I read said it won't allow trucks over ten years old to drive in the state either because of environmental concerns.
You need to explain or it's just a boi pissing in the wind on himself.
You are the dumbass claiming the truckers were being exploited. I’m not sure how in the hell you came up with that BS.

You realize that getting rid of owner/operato drivers, you are limiting options of owner/operators and leading them to be exploited by companies that will restrict who they work for. You bastards hate working people.
Democrats just flat do not care what they do to American citizens. They prove it everyday and the AB-85 law is another example. This is not the time for California to lose thousands of truckers because of their stupid law. The US gets a high percentage of goods through California ports, and they are going to add a new disruption to the supply chain.

Not sure if this article mentions this or not (it's behind a paywall)... but this case went all the way up to the Supreme Court but they refused to hear it.
You are the dumbass claiming the truckers were being exploited. I’m not sure how in the hell you came up with that BS.

You realize that getting rid of owner/operato drivers, you are limiting options of owner/operators and leading them to be exploited by companies that will restrict who they work for. You bastards hate working people.

The one thing I liked about being a driver is I was always in such demand, I could piss on my bosses desk, and have a new job a few days later.

Otto doesn't understand this line of work. The country needs drivers more than drivers need the work. We call the shots so there is no way for an independent or company driver to be exploited. There are too many companies that want us to work for them and will pay just about anything to get us to work.
The law is intended to protect Independent contractors from just being exploited Uber drivers.
Show us the clause that out of state trucking companies have to abide by this law. My brother -in-law is in California and giving up his trucking business as it won't be as lucrative as it has been for him. It's a shame that California penalizes everyone for the sins of a few. But hell, you know better than those working the jobs, right?

Do you suppose that otto105 has ever held an honest job in its life?

I rather doubt it.
I used to talk to many of the OTR drivers when I was driving. They said going to CA is great but make sure your tanks are full before you cross state lines. Today I don't see why any independent would want to work there. Our country is short over 60,000 drivers now. They can work anywhere they desire. Who needs CA?
Yeah, let’s ignore the 7th largest economy in the world.

Little bois
The issue many California independent truck drivers have is they would need to all be hired, that is normally a two-week process and with 70000 needing jobs, that could take a month or more of trucks sitting and supply chains being throttled. I know it is a great policy for you non-working types, but this hurts small business and gives big business the power, damn shame how we sacrifice our hard-working Americans workers so that big business gets the bulk of the money.

Even worthless parasites such as otto105 need goods that depend on trucks to bring them in.

Otto105 will experience the same supply issues everyone else does, but it is too damn stupid to see the connection between the supply issues and the idiotic policies that it supports.
WTF is that supposed to mean?

California controls the world corporate supply chain or you're a little turd boi?

Has to be one right boi?
boi? how racist is your demafacist roots?

yes cali has massive control over the united states supply chain…so does xiden’s admin
Yeah, let’s ignore the 7th largest economy in the world.

Little bois

Yes, ignore it when the 7th largest economy in the world is run by Communists who kick you in the nuts when you try to work with them. It's like having a fiancee who's constantly screwing around on you. No matter how hot she is, she's simply not worth the trouble. Cut your losses and let her be somebody else's problem.
Democrats just flat do not care what they do to American citizens. They prove it everyday and the AB-85 law is another example. This is not the time for California to lose thousands of truckers because of their stupid law. The US gets a high percentage of goods through California ports, and they are going to add a new disruption to the supply chain.

When you just sit on your ass and don’t do anything about the corrupt politicians in our country you get what you deserve.the citizens in America brought it on themselves,it’s coming to America as well,when califirnia falls so does the rest of america.
So, they had 2.5 years to come to become complaint with the law, but choice not too?
They can't, iif they want to remain independent. (Most do.) It's easier to just not run Kalifornia.
If the existing drivers stay out of California, it would be generations before the state of California could train, and pay, enough new truckers to fill the void...
Or bring them in from the third world...
As I posted, let drivers from other states take reduced money for driving increased time to fulfill your atlas dreams.
I used to talk to many of the OTR drivers when I was driving. They said going to CA is great but make sure your tanks are full before you cross state lines. Today I don't see why any independent would want to work there. Our country is short over 60,000 drivers now. They can work anywhere they desire. Who needs CA?

Which is exactly why my buddy became a trucker.

Even driving for a big company he's making almost five times what he was making working in a bacon factory in Missoula, and he was making pretty good money there...
Which is exactly why my buddy became a trucker.

Even driving for a big company he's making almost five times what he was making working in a bacon factory in Missoula, and he was making pretty good money there...

I can't tell you how many drivers I ran into that had a college degree. They spent tens of thousands of dollars for that piece of paper only to find out they can make more money driving than their chosen career.

If it were up to me, nobody would be allowed to attend college until the age of 21. Most of these kids have no real life experiences. Let them go out and work for a few years. Save their money so they don't have to take loans for college or much less in loans. By the time they get work experience, if they still want to go to college, at least they'll have some clue as to what they want to take and understand how much money they are going to spend paying cash.

The way things are done (and have been done for many years) is a kid gets out of school, has no idea what they want to be in life, goes to college to be with his or her friends, and not looking into what fields of work are in demand, winds up with a career that pays nothing because nobody needs the services they were educated for, and ends up repaying those loans until their mid 30s.

My niece, a very smart girl, went to college to get a biology degree. She ended up waiting on tables at restaurants until she became too physically impaired to work any longer.

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