California law will force thousands of independent truckers off the road.

It will give drivers in other states to make tons of money off California and since they don't live in California and don't have to adhere to California's silly law, that money will be free from the California tax other than IFTA.

Many trucking companies won't send their drivers to California anymore. My buddy's company, which is one of the largest trucking fleets in the country, has told him not to expect to go to California any time soon...
It will give drivers in other states to make tons of money off California and since they don't live in California and don't have to adhere to California's silly law, that money will be free from the California tax other than IFTA.
They'll be exploited!!!
It will give drivers in other states to make tons of money off California and since they don't live in California and don't have to adhere to California's silly law, that money will be free from the California tax other than IFTA.

The issue many California independent truck drivers have is they would need to all be hired, that is normally a two-week process and with 70000 needing jobs, that could take a month or more of trucks sitting and supply chains being throttled. I know it is a great policy for you non-working types, but this hurts small business and gives big business the power, damn shame how we sacrifice our hard-working Americans workers so that big business gets the bulk of the money.
As I posted, let drivers from other states take reduced money for driving increased time to fulfill your atlas dreams.
Many trucking companies won't send their drivers to California anymore. My buddy's company, which is one of the largest trucking fleets in the country, has told him not to expect to go to California any time soon...
Utah has more loads anyway.
Evil capitalists!!!

People can't be trusted to think for themselves. They'll be tricked by capitalists and exploited!! Only the state can save us.
Where do you get to this extreme?

Are you advocating for full adam smith no rules capitalism?

Or not?

Drugs and prostitution legal?

Abortion legal?

No limits on monopoly?
My brother in law has been exploited to the tune of a 6-figure income, it's been a damn shame how well he did. California can't have that.
You need to explain or it's just a boi pissing in the wind on himself.
Many trucking companies won't send their drivers to California anymore. My buddy's company, which is one of the largest trucking fleets in the country, has told him not to expect to go to California any time soon...

I used to talk to many of the OTR drivers when I was driving. They said going to CA is great but make sure your tanks are full before you cross state lines. Today I don't see why any independent would want to work there. Our country is short over 60,000 drivers now. They can work anywhere they desire. Who needs CA?
I used to talk to many of the OTR drivers when I was driving. They said going to CA is great but make sure your tanks are full before you cross state lines. Today I don't see why any independent would want to work there. Our country is short over 60,000 drivers now. They can work anywhere they desire. Who needs CA?
They'll end up doing a carve out. But they're still all in on squashing independent workers as a long-term goal. Everybody's got to be an "employee". Much easier to control the masses that way.
If truckers as a whole decided to boycott California, well, then California is completely fucked. I'm not saying I think it'll happen (I don't), but there's no denying the absolutely devastating effect it would have.

That's the problem, it effects the entire country because they have the largest ports there. Some went to Florida by the invite of DeSantis, but of course ships have to charge more for the trip. Some ships are too large for their ports to handle.

In other words if they keep it up, we can expect an augmented supply chain shortage.
They'll end up doing a carve out. But they're still all in on squashing independent workers as a long-term goal. Everybody's got to be an "employee". Much easier to control the masses that way.

If anything it's kissing up to the unions.........again.
As I posted, let drivers from other states take reduced money for driving increased time to fulfill your atlas dreams.
They won't get reduced money you moron, they will get more money because they have deadhead miles and also with fewer truckers, the companies with more bargaining power can charge more. You really don't understand supply and demand do you?
If the existing drivers stay out of California, it would be generations before the state of California could train, and pay, enough new truckers to fill the void...

The problem for them is nobody wants to do that job any longer. Industry can't find drivers in any state yet alone Commieforinia. Walmart is offering their dock workers a chance to move up by teaching them how to drive and offering six figures to do it too. This year, the bureaucrats made a new regulation. If you want to drive or advance to a class A license, now you have to go to a government school on top of the training by a trucking school or your employer. Every year these dress shirts make it harder and harder for people to choose a career in trucking.

Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem.
Ronald Reagan

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