California Laws Raise Prices and Inflation, cargo ship crisis

The massive pileup can be traced to, among other things, port closures in China, factory lockdowns in Vietnam, an uptick in online purchases from consumers stuck at home with stimulus checks to spend, and an unprecedented shortage of truckers and warehouse workers needed to transport items from the ports.

Not a word about a shortage of trucks
Weird how all the ports in China being closed led to ships being stacked up outside our ports waiting to be unloaded. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
And yet as demonstrated on THIS very thread dickface, it's NOT a lack of trucks but rather a lack of drivers as well as a huge increase in demand
"Other ocean based states" have better and more currently active ports than the ONE port that can handle more than a handful of container ships in Florida...Jacksonville.

Like NJ, VA, Charleston, Savannah

But go ahead genius...

Tell us how to fix this
How to fix it? won't happen over night but you could begin by stopping the jab for your job shit...remove wasteful regulation that does nothing but slow the process down even without the pandemic....
Trump had the ports working better than they have for years...covid ended that and Biden could help more than he has....
"Other ocean based states" have better and more currently active ports than the ONE port that can handle more than a handful of container ships in Florida...Jacksonville.

Like NJ, VA, Charleston, Savannah

But go ahead genius...

Tell us how to fix this

We fix it by vitrifying every inch of California, north to south and east to west. Big words I know. It's the only way to be sure . . .
How to fix it? won't happen over night but you could begin by stopping the jab for your job shit...remove wasteful regulation that does nothing but slow the process down even without the pandemic....
Trump had the ports working better than they have for years...covid ended that and Biden could help more than he has....
NONE of that will fix this.

Save your boogeyman

And guess what? They reduced the backlog by a third already
A HUGE spike in imports (22%) and less truckers (through retirement...closed truck driving schools)

Newsflash...they're having similar problems in Savanah Georgia.
you are replying to your own comment? now that is really really pathetic
Half of the USA's trucks, overnight, are no longer allowed in California because of emission regulations.

That is described as a problem with driving schools?
They reduced the backlog by a third already
Not true lesh....this will go on for months maybe do the shelves look in your stores...better get use to it....start a hothouse garden and maybe stock up on dry goods....I actually invested in survival packages which is something I use to laugh at...I have enough food to last years in my basement...and I can my vegetables that I better stop licking Joe's butthole and get your ass ready for 3rd world living....communism is ugly and you libs are going to find that out the hard way....
The massive pileup can be traced to, among other things, port closures in China, factory lockdowns in Vietnam, an uptick in online purchases from consumers stuck at home with stimulus checks to spend, and an unprecedented shortage of truckers and warehouse workers needed to transport items from the ports.

Not a word about a shortage of trucks
Truckers are trucks dumb ass. Where is you picture of thousands of trucks, with no truck drivers???????
Half of the USA's trucks, overnight, are no longer allowed in California because of emission regulations.

That is described as a problem with driving schools?

This installed Prez and his Admin. was so NOT READY FOR PRIMETIME!!
Truckers are trucks dumb ass.
You don't know the difference between a truck and a truck driver?

That explains so much

Ya know what you CAN'T EXPLAIN? The backlog of ships off Georgia (Savannah)
You don't know the difference between a truck and a truck driver?

That explains so much

Ya know what you CAN'T EXPLAIN? The backlog of ships off Georgia (Savannah)
show us the fields of empty trucks
A. There aren't a hundred "floating off" California ya stupid fuck

B. The backlog off Georgia has been documented previously IN this fucking thread, retard
Weird how you can't provide a link to your claims.

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