California Laws Raise Prices and Inflation, cargo ship crisis

WTF are you talking about?
See? Your failure to comprehend, illustrated
Where am I wrong?
You're wrong about Savannah - the reason for the backlog there is not in any way related to the backlog in LA/LB.
Savannah suffers from a shortage of container unloading and rail loading capacity -- this is -not- the problem in LA/LB.
We both agree that Florida is not the solution to the container issue in California and neither is a "lack of trucks" the problem.
Lack of truck capacity in the LA is the primary contributory to the problem in LA; it exacerbates the other major issue, a lack of chassis.
California has the CARB, the California Air Resources Board. This does not effect Georgia. If we go the CARB website, we find out Covid is a problem for CARB? They are unable to meet the demand that their laws, rules, and regulations has created. They are telling people that they must email scanned copies of the documents to prove compliance and become licensed to operate in California.

So are you under the belief Georgia is being governed by the California Air Resource Board.
"This does not effect(sic) Georgia"...and yet Georgia has the same kind of backlog issues.

Guess it ain't the CARB then huh?
You're wrong about Savannah - the reason for the backlog there is not in any way related to the backlog in LA/LB.
Yea it is. A 22% increase in Imports and overstretched infrastructure
Savannah suffers from a shortage of container unloading and rail loading capacity
They both do...along with a shortage of warehouse space and ya know...trucks to take shit away
this is -not- the problem in LA/LB. is
Yea it is. A 22% increase in Imports and overstretched infrastructure
In Savannah. Not LA/LB.
They both do...
Yours is a statement of ignorance or dishonesty - LA/LB has -plenty- of capacity to unload boats and move boxes by rail -- the APM terminal alone has more dock space, cranes and loading track than -all- of Savannah.
The LA/LB ports are short on truck and chassis capacity - this is why running the ports 24/7 won't change anything. is
You can lie to yourself all you want - it doesn't change anything.
"This does not effect(sic) Georgia"...and yet Georgia has the same kind of backlog issues.

Guess it ain't the CARB then huh?
CARB, restricting the trucks that can enter california as well as the ports. There is no guessing about it.

Ships wait 4 days to unload in Georgia.

Ships wait 8 days to unolad in California.

Georgia says the ports will not affect christmas shopping
California says the ports will affect christmas shopping

Georgia has no California Air Resource Board (CARB)
California, obviously does have CARB

Vast differences. Half the wait and no impact on christmas according to authorities in Georgia.

California, Santa Clause is not coming cause he has no Electric Reindeer,
Many of the containers go onto rail cars for delivery. I live in California and near Oakland port. I do not see any raised prices other than the usual winter fuel blend being more.
CARB says air quality around Oakland suffers cause of the port. They have plans to make it 100% electric in a few years? I wonder if that will affect prices?

I do know, certain things cost more out of California. It was not that long ago I paid .69 cents for a head of Romano Lettuce, how much is that price today. I also like to use the cost of butter as a benchmark. I pay as little as 2.99 for a pound of butter, off brand. In California 5 years ago I was paying 3.69 lb.

rules and regulations cost us a lot of money, all the global warming rules put in place by california are raising prices, maybe not drastically, but maybe so, why is lettuce so much?
Ships wait 4 days to unload in Georgia.

Ships wait 8 days to unolad in California.
20 ships waiting off Georgia ports.

It would be more but MOST imports go to the WEST COAST stupid

Same issues. A 22% increase in imports and LABOR shortages
20 ships waiting off Georgia ports.

It would be more but MOST imports go to the WEST COAST stupid

Same issues. A 22% increase in imports and LABOR shortages
sorry, but you stated there are no differences between Georgia and the West Coast. Everything is equal and the same, you stated that very clearly. Now you want to claim there are different circumstances in Georgia?

Sounds like you have a narrative but not facts.

Drayage, something I did not know, something I know now, is the problem. California and the Democrats Environment rules and regulations, actions, plans, are coming home to roost. The solution, the Democrats state they only need to spend trillions of dollars, and they can fix everything.

Drayage is the term for the trucking of goods inside the port to outside of the port. All those older trucks, had to replaced with newer trucks. The industry itself states there is an equipment shortage because of the CARB regulations.

we found that much of the congestion originates far from the docks.,” he says. “Warehouses are filled, causing back-ups all the way to port terminals, made worse by shortages of shipping containers, rail cars, trucks, and chassis to meet the enormous demand. These dynamics have driven delays, shortages, and increased prices at retailers nationwide.”


Drayage, something I did not know, something I know now, is the problem. California and the Democrats Environment rules and regulations, actions, plans, are coming home to roost. The solution, the Democrats state they only need to spend trillions of dollars, and they can fix everything.
This is my life.
The trucking companies have no issue pulling domestic containers from the CA rail yards, because the environmental and unsion laws only apply to the ports.
These cargo ships are starting to reroute to Florida where they can unload. Eventually, CA will barely be relevant.
The port of Oakland is begging for ships to come here. There are about 4 ships in harbor to be unloaded. None out in the ocean.

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