California mayor killed by wife , but PC reason , so cool

usually in California if you touch a gun you automatically guilty.
she's supposed to call the police.

she got off due to money, power, over-priced attorneys , political correctness.
pure BS

they buried this story as well

California is a state where a person could end up dead just going to county jail
Sounds like he had it coming, they should commute her sentence and pin a medal on her.
So women being kinda bitchy and fucking up my TV time for a few years is all I need to off her and only serve 90 days.
This is just WRONG. She murdered him and the spousal abuse card has been played again. If it was that bad, she could have left. Period.
This is just WRONG. She murdered him and the spousal abuse card has been played again. If it was that bad, she could have left. Period.
I'm not sure we can deduce that based on the story here. He may have been coming at her in a rage threatening to kill her. Self-defense only requires that "a reasonable person would believe their life is in danger".

So you think someone who kills after "years of domestic abuse" should get the same sentence as someone who kills just for the hell of it then?

She should have left him.

Well, there are lots of things people should do and don't do. It's not like humans always do the most logical thing, is it?
Stupid mistakes like killing your husband? Yeah.

I'm not real keen on the lighter sentence for domestically abused folks because it idk kind of encourages them to stay with said abuser until it gets to that point knowing that they'll get a lighter sentence.

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