California NAACP Proposes Removing National Anthem

Is it time to get rid of our National Anthem?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 84.0%
  • Other, and I'll explain

    Votes: 1 4.0%

  • Total voters
next week they will demand they change the name of the Black Hawks to "Godamn Whitey Racists"
:argue: Oh, so now the far left,,NAACP have concluded that our national anthem is racist? Where were all of the people in 2009?
God, if The Star Spangled Blanner is so racist, then all of those rap songs that frequently use the "N" word in their lyrics are not racist?
You would think that the NAACP would be more concerned over changing the name of the nation on "Niger" instead of rewriting the S.S.B. and remove all of those lyrics pertaining the glory of slavery out of the lyrics.
See my point?

:argue: Oh, so now the far left,,NAACP have concluded that our national anthem is racist? Where were all of the people in 2009?
God, if The Star Spangled Blanner is so racist, then all of those rap songs that frequently use the "N" word in their lyrics are not racist?
You would think that the NAACP would be more concerned over changing the name of the nation on "Niger" instead of rewriting the S.S.B. and remove all of those lyrics pertaining the glory of slavery out of the lyrics.
See my point?

i didnt know Hillary was 1/32nd Loony Bird
Can you imagine if one of our 57 States was called "White Hampshire"? you think the NAACP would of remained quiet?
Once you bend to the will of haters and people with chips on their shoulders they will always return for more. Statues were just the beginning. Interesting that Obama didn't do anything about this for 8 years.

Iv'e tuned it out...I just laugh at them now. My whole life blacks have been bitching and moaning. Some of them walk around just waiting to be insulted. It will never end so just don't pay attention to it. Let them swim in their own hatred of white folk and America.

It will cost them in the long always does. Americas history is grand in comparison and if you think otherwise you are a fool.
Once you bend to the will of haters and people with chips on their shoulders they will always return for more. Statues were just the beginning. Interesting that Obama didn't do anything about this for 8 years.

Iv'e tuned it out...I just laugh at them now. My whole life blacks have been bitching and moaning. Some of them walk around just waiting to be insulted. It will never end so just don't pay attention to it. Let them swim in their own hatred of white folk and America.

It will cost them in the long always does. Americas history is grand in comparison and if you think otherwise you are a fool.
i dont know what they are gonna do when they run out of white statues to crap on.
:argue: Oh, so now the far left,,NAACP have concluded that our national anthem is racist? Where were all of the people in 2009?
God, if The Star Spangled Blanner is so racist, then all of those rap songs that frequently use the "N" word in their lyrics are not racist?
You would think that the NAACP would be more concerned over changing the name of the nation on "Niger" instead of rewriting the S.S.B. and remove all of those lyrics pertaining the glory of slavery out of the lyrics.
See my point?

You see that dumb ass on Tucker last night? Like every liberal I ever hear, he couldn't support his rhetoric with reality. And like all of them, he wouldn't let it go to confirm his brain is more powerful than his ass.

The song says whether you're a paid redcoat or slave redcoat, we're going to put a cap in your ass. Dumb fuck black victim role loving liberal says it's about slavery. WTF? He's not that important, and none of his opinions matter. He's only a victim of liberal propaganda, snowflakes and the bacteria they carry.

I challenge you liberals to defend his position, and explain HOW THE FUCK THIS SONG ADVOCATES SLAVERY IN THE USA. READY, GO.

:argue: Oh, so now the far left,,NAACP have concluded that our national anthem is racist? Where were all of the people in 2009?
God, if The Star Spangled Blanner is so racist, then all of those rap songs that frequently use the "N" word in their lyrics are not racist?
You would think that the NAACP would be more concerned over changing the name of the nation on "Niger" instead of rewriting the S.S.B. and remove all of those lyrics pertaining the glory of slavery out of the lyrics.
See my point?

You see that dumb ass on Tucker last night? Like every liberal I ever hear, he couldn't support his rhetoric with reality. And like all of them, he wouldn't let it go to confirm his brain is more powerful than his ass.

The song says whether you're a paid redcoat or slave redcoat, we're going to put a cap in your ass. Dumb fuck black victim role loving liberal says it's about slavery. WTF? He's not that important, and none of his opinions matter. He's only a victim of liberal propaganda, snowflakes and the bacteria they carry.

I challenge you liberals to defend his position, and explain HOW THE FUCK THIS SONG ADVOCATES SLAVERY IN THE USA. READY, GO.

so where in the SSB is the N word mentioned?

You see that dumb ass on Tucker last night? Like every liberal I ever hear, he couldn't support his rhetoric with reality. And like all of them, he wouldn't let it go to confirm his brain is more powerful than his ass.

The song says whether you're a paid redcoat or slave redcoat, we're going to put a cap in your ass. Dumb fuck black victim role loving liberal says it's about slavery. WTF? He's not that important, and none of his opinions matter. He's only a victim of liberal propaganda, snowflakes and the bacteria they carry.

I challenge you liberals to defend his position, and explain HOW THE FUCK THIS SONG ADVOCATES SLAVERY IN THE USA. READY, GO.

:iagree: These clowns will use any dopey thing they can find, to push their sorry existence at the end of the welfare spout, pouring tax dollars on them, one way or another.
The entire argument is Bull Shit., The third verse is taken completely out
of context. The "hirelings" are the mercs that the Brits were paying and the
slaves were the one's serving in the British Army and Navy that were promised
freedom for their service which the Brits never honored.

All of that aside the NAACP is starting this nonsense to give cover to the Jaboni's kneeling at NFL games. That's all this is about.

Remember it is never to late to honor the wishes of ABRAHAM Lincoln and
ship everyone of these clowns back to where they came from.

You see that dumb ass on Tucker last night? Like every liberal I ever hear, he couldn't support his rhetoric with reality. And like all of them, he wouldn't let it go to confirm his brain is more powerful than his ass.

The song says whether you're a paid redcoat or slave redcoat, we're going to put a cap in your ass. Dumb fuck black victim role loving liberal says it's about slavery. WTF? He's not that important, and none of his opinions matter. He's only a victim of liberal propaganda, snowflakes and the bacteria they carry.

I challenge you liberals to defend his position, and explain HOW THE FUCK THIS SONG ADVOCATES SLAVERY IN THE USA. READY, GO.

:iagree: These clowns will use any dopey thing they can find, to push their sorry existence at the end of the welfare spout, pouring tax dollars on them, one way or another.[/QUOTE]
i still find it amusing that here we are in 2525 and now they discovered that the SSB is all about putting slaves back in chains?
:argue: Oh, so now the far left,,NAACP have concluded that our national anthem is racist? Where were all of the people in 2009?
God, if The Star Spangled Blanner is so racist, then all of those rap songs that frequently use the "N" word in their lyrics are not racist?
You would think that the NAACP would be more concerned over changing the name of the nation on "Niger" instead of rewriting the S.S.B. and remove all of those lyrics pertaining the glory of slavery out of the lyrics.
See my point?

The country NIGER in Africa is pronounced NIJER though.
However the whole thing that the NAACP is missing here is that, when we are singing the National anthem, we are singing it as a way to feel American together. No they have dug up some technicallity that may have a thread of truth, and using that to damage the spirit of other people. All the while claiming they stand for something good.
Honestly I think they are fucked in the head and assholes. neverthe less , the country of Niger has nothing to do with it.
:argue: Oh, so now the far left,,NAACP have concluded that our national anthem is racist? Where were all of the people in 2009?
God, if The Star Spangled Blanner is so racist, then all of those rap songs that frequently use the "N" word in their lyrics are not racist?
You would think that the NAACP would be more concerned over changing the name of the nation on "Niger" instead of rewriting the S.S.B. and remove all of those lyrics pertaining the glory of slavery out of the lyrics.
See my point?

The country NIGER in Africa is pronounced NIJER though.
However the whole thing that the NAACP is missing here is that, when we are singing the National anthem, we are singing it as a way to feel American together. No they have dug up some technicallity that may have a thread of truth, and using that to damage the spirit of other people. All the while claiming they stand for something good.
Honestly I think they are fucked in the head and assholes. neverthe less , the country of Niger has nothing to do with it.
i dont know how they are teaching our children nowadays about the nation of Niger and why it's called Niger.
It's beyond words really. You have to wonder what causes it. I have it narrowed down to the following. What do you guys think? Any other possibilities?

A. They've been rewired by liberalism to become dumb snowflakes. And I mean DUMB snowflakes.

B. They're just nasty hateful people, miss-wired at birth and/or since birth.

C. They're dishonest, corrupt, and have bad intentions.
The National Anthem is a song about a flag and a battle and has nothing to do with race.

But leave it the leftist idiots who are ALWAYS looking for a reason to label something racist, just to stir up some controversy. :cuckoo:
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Once you bend to the will of haters and people with chips on their shoulders they will always return for more. Statues were just the beginning. Interesting that Obama didn't do anything about this for 8 years.

Iv'e tuned it out...I just laugh at them now. My whole life blacks have been bitching and moaning. Some of them walk around just waiting to be insulted. It will never end so just don't pay attention to it. Let them swim in their own hatred of white folk and America.

It will cost them in the long always does. Americas history is grand in comparison and if you think otherwise you are a fool.
i dont know what they are gonna do when they run out of white statues to crap on.
Probably throw a party to celebrate. We need to make sure to put the losers of the civil war where they belong. In the garbage heap or in a museum. Personally I dont care which.

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