California now has $2.4 billion surplus. Another liberal success

California's high taxes are driving the people that can afford the move to Texas!

Or Arizona, New Mexico, Utah...
They used to go to Washington and Oregon...Those states have become blue bastions of liberalism and of course high tax states with very high costs of living.
It is entertaining to watch lefties try to make success out of a complete and total failure. Does cash deficit mean anything to you, or the propagandists that only gave numbers they wanted? Of course you are aware that California's cash deficit has increased by $15.9 billion from June 2013 through October of 2013. Here are the stats:

Cash Deficit at the end of June $2.4 billion

Cash Deficit at the end of July $10.9 billion

Cash Deficit at the end of Aug. $12.4 billion

Cash Deficit at the end of Sept. $14.7 billion

Cash Deficit at the end of Oct. $18.3 billion

Do deficits count? California is borrowing money from Wall Street and stealing from Trust Funds—a little more each month.

Furthermore, here is additional info about, uhhh liberal success - the fiscal problems in this state, they are monumental. Despite supposedly passing a balanced budget California is steeped in unfathomable debt. While the state’s operating budget is roughly $90 billion, the outstanding debt is $127 billion. Add to that the staggering unfunded liability associated with the pension obligations made to current and future state employees. According to a study conducted by Stanford University that total currently stands at over $500 billion! How California will ever pay for this is not even a question—California just can’t pay for it.
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TAX THE RICH THAT MAKES MORE THEN 1 million per year at 39% percent on capita gains and income.

It works...

It works to the extent that people of means stop investing and remove their money from the economy. Brilliant.
hey genius.....That confiscatory tax rate you flamers keep wishing for?
You people are so fucking blinded by your own greed that you fail to recognize the fact that those with 401k's, mutual funds and other investments throgh their employers are also subject to your proposed theft.
Look Mr green with envy, the government gets but ONE bite at the apple.
That's all.
Stow it.
Giving more to government to spend is like giving more food to a fat person so that he can lose weight.
It is creative accounting, PR Hype, and counting your chickens befor they hatch.. Dems assume massive tax increases wont have negative effects eventually on their revenue.. But put that aside and its mostly about smoke and mirrors.

Reason Foundation - Gov. Brown Uses Tricks to 'Balance' CA Budget
Beyond the hopeful predictions, the governor has also distorted how much money is actually being spent.*Sacramento Bee*Columnist*Dan Walters notes:

…there's been so much recent jockeying on how the state keeps its books that referring merely to the general fund as the budget is not only incomplete, but downright misleading to the voting and taxpaying public.

The tendency has been to shift expenditures from the general fund to new special funds and that has the effect – intended or coincidental – of flattening out general fund numbers and thus making the growth of state spending look smaller than it has been.
For all of Gov. Brown’s talk about spending cuts and “fiscal discipline,” his budget forecasts a 5 percent jump in state spending, rising from $93 billion in 2012‑13 to $97.7 billion in 2013‑14. But as Walters notes, you need to add in all the other spending that is not included in those numbers: nearly $41 billion in special funds and over $7 billion in bond funds. Suddenly, the state is spending over $145 billion in 2013-14, not $97.7 billion-

See more at: Reason Foundation - Gov. Brown Uses Tricks to 'Balance' CA Budget
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Spend even MORE every year, encourage money to leave, and hide spending OFF BOOK to make the general fund look good for the dupes... THATS what wiping out folks who understand fiscal really does for you.. Makes thhe lying a breeze. Great job my leftist buds. How soon before the unpaid creditors make liers out of you?
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You realize that it's impossible to miraculously have a $2.4 billion surplus overnight, right?

No cuts in taxes or spending tells me this is compete bullcrap.
Tax increases never balance budgets.

Remember that.

Oh come on.
Dems here in Illinois raise taxes 67% a few years ago.
We now have the worst in the nation credit rating.
And a $97 billion pension shortfall.
We just need another 67% tax hike.

Hey...they have a balanced they can bail out all those bankrupt cities. Their programs work so good....they are swimming in them.
Here's the problem folks..

California now has $2.4 billion surplus. Another liberal success

Only leftist dupes are stupid enough to believe this..
Takes 25 seconds to uncover the truth.. If you can read..
Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion - SFGate

Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion
Melody Gutierrez
Updated 10:38 pm, Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sacramento --

For the first time in nearly a decade, California is collecting more revenue than it is spending and will finish the fiscal year with an extra $2.4 billion, according to a report released Wednesday by the Legislature's nonpartisan budget analyst.

The good news comes after an era that saw one of the worst budget crises in California history - the fiscal shortfall sank to $60 billion in the 2009-10 budget, the state controller mailed IOUs to vendors in 2009 and state lawmakers slashed programs year after year to make ends meet.

Now, thanks to the passage of Proposition 30 last year and the improving economy, California is looking at surpluses for the next six years - even after the temporary taxes under Prop. 30 expire, according to the Legislative Analyst's Office.

They did not have a spending problem at any point. They had a "the GOP has power" problem. Once the voters finally culled the GOP from any real power in Sacramento, the Democrats got down to governing responsibly. They now have funds to spend on education for hispanics and blacks, and services for young women who want to obtain an abortion.

The rest of the country has a lot to learn from California.

The state is over $400 billion in debt, how the fuck can anyone claim they never had a spending problem?
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BS. They don't have a Surplus.

Tick Tock Tick Tock.

Leftist desperately trying to show Liberal Utopia Works.
BS. They don't have a Surplus.

Tick Tock Tick Tock.

Leftist desperately trying to show Liberal Utopia Works.

Be fair, just because every other surplus they had over the last decade disappeared doesn't mean this one will.

Except, of course, the article in the OP pointed out how the Democrats want more spending.
BS. They don't have a Surplus.

Tick Tock Tick Tock.

Leftist desperately trying to show Liberal Utopia Works.

Be fair, just because every other surplus they had over the last decade disappeared doesn't mean this one will.

Except, of course, the article in the OP pointed out how the Democrats want more spending.

I doubt very seriously they have a surplus at all..............According to the California debt clock site it's still growing...................

I hope I'm wrong, but I seriously doubt that.

BTW Please don't stand still too long in Cali, or they may find a way to TAX THAT.................It's just what they do in their UTOPIA,....................
Ah, the "rich are leaving California is droves" myth.

Yet another rightwing myth. They find a handful of examples that fit their wishful thinking, then chain e-mail the stories to themselves through their accounts.

Canadians who come to the US for medical services, black voters who are driven around from precinct to precinct to vote again and again, massive inflation from QE2, and most costly of all, WMD in Iraq.

The rightwing myth machine is always at work.

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