California now has $2.4 billion surplus. Another liberal success

Yeah, move to Florida where your business could disappear completely...:lol:

Huge sinkhole swallows homes in Florida

Yeah, thankfully, we don't have to worry about earthquakes and falling into the Pacific ocean. Or brush fires. Or mud slides.

Or wall-to-wall people EVERY place you go and EVERY thing you do. I've been there. I know.

And the cost of living in California? Stupid. Beyond stupid

My boy's in-laws came down (from the People's Republic) and were flattened by the house he just bought for $200k (he did kinda steal it :) )

They make twice as much money as he does, a fact they like to remind he and his wife of, but they live like shit.

Know why? Because the house my boy got for $200k you couldn't TOUCH in Taxachusetts (where they're from) for less than half a million. If that. Likely more than that.

And while his Property taxes are $2,500 a year, their taxes (on a house that doesn't compare, it's a cracker box) in the People's Republic are over $6,000 a year on a shit box.

Not to mention their Income Taxes. And City Taxes. And general cost of living.

It works out. We don't make as much money as people in some other high-end States, (he's only making around 75k) but we live better.

A LOT better.

I've lived in both Florida and California. You can have your sinkholes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and humidity. I'll take CA any day over Florida.
Yeah, move to Florida where your business could disappear completely...:lol:

Huge sinkhole swallows homes in Florida

Yeah, thankfully, we don't have to worry about earthquakes and falling into the Pacific ocean. Or brush fires. Or mud slides.

Or wall-to-wall people EVERY place you go and EVERY thing you do. I've been there. I know.

And the cost of living in California? Stupid. Beyond stupid

My boy's in-laws came down (from the People's Republic) and were flattened by the house he just bought for $200k (he did kinda steal it :) )

They make twice as much money as he does, a fact they like to remind he and his wife of, but they live like shit.

Know why? Because the house my boy got for $200k you couldn't TOUCH in Taxachusetts (where they're from) for less than half a million. If that. Likely more than that.

And while his Property taxes are $2,500 a year, their taxes (on a house that doesn't compare, it's a cracker box) in the People's Republic are over $6,000 a year on a shit box.

Not to mention their Income Taxes. And City Taxes. And general cost of living.

It works out. We don't make as much money as people in some other high-end States, (he's only making around 75k) but we live better.

A LOT better.

I've lived in both Florida and California. You can have your sinkholes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and humidity. I'll take CA any day over Florida.
I've lived in both Florida and kullyfornia. You can have your wild fires, rocky coast lines, filth and pollution, mud slides, gang bangers, illegal aliens and EARTH QUAKES. I'll take FL any day over kullyfornia.
California is an economic sinkhole, a financial basketcase that democrats pretend is still functioning. Meanwhile, our companies move to China. Not all of them, a lot have moved to Texas.
This is a perfect example of the stupidity and dishonesty of dimocraps and why they should never be in charge of anything.

California's real debts are 'off budget'. And the temporary upsurge in money they got was from an unconstitutional, ex post facto tax that has businesses in California PISSED OFF.

Jerry Brown Stands Atop California's Collapsing House Of Cards - Forbes

And they are absolutely hemorrhaging jobs and people to other States, particularly Texas.

California isn't running a surplus. Unless you count lying dirtbag dimocrap scum.

They have a surplus of them.

Enjoy it while you can, dimocrap liars. It's all you got. It's all you know how to do.


When the dust clears, California will be bankrupt AGAIN sooner than you think.

Its Cities are setting records for bankruptcy filings. And the State will soon follow

Your insane little rant has nothing to do with what I responded to. Avatar claimed that no spending was cut and that is patently false. California did what economist call cutting spending and raising revenue...a balanced approach.

Just as you can't "tax your way to prosperity", you can't cut your way there either. You need both which is what CA did and it has placed them well on the road to recovery.

Accounting gimmick aren't a surplus. this thread is full of examples of the gimmicks. Note the OP hasn't replied to any of them, because there is no reply as there is no "surplus":cuckoo:

california was just selected as the most inefficiently run state
Bleh, can't stand Florida, the humidity and insects just ruin it for me. Some of the northwestern beaches along the gulf are nice though.
California might be inefficiently run, but the legislature can lie about it and say it's efficiently run. Democrats believe it.

There's no budget surplus. They can't even cook the books enough to make it appear as if there is a surplus. Democrats can only get far enough to say there is a projected budget surplus. To the democrat low cognitive democrat this means that a budget surplus actually exists.
California's high taxes are driving the people that can afford the move to Texas!

The people who move to Texas will regret it. I lived in California in the early 90's when they were having the first major recession in recent history. Utah was the destination of choice back then. It probably looked good on paper - beautiful mountains, big enough to have some cultural amenities and good restaurants and you could buy about 3 times the house there as in Cali. But then they discovered that there's this ultra-conservative/religious vibe that's repulsive to anyone who's not used to it. Also the weather sucks about 50% of the time and I won't even go into the moronic liquor laws... Most of the transplants left after a few years.
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I'll take FL any day over kullyfornia.
Absolutely. Northwest Florida (Florida Panhandle) is a great area to live. Very family friendly. Either Escambia County (Pensacola), or Okaloosa county. Great folks there!
I'll take FL any day over kullyfornia.
Absolutely. Northwest Florida (Florida Panhandle) is a great area to live. Very family friendly. Either Escambia County (Pensacola), or Okaloosa county. Great folks there!

Indeed. In 2.5 years when I retire we are planning on a move to the Navarre, Milton area. Also considering Ocklawaha Fl.

I'll take FL any day over kullyfornia.
Absolutely. Northwest Florida (Florida Panhandle) is a great area to live. Very family friendly. Either Escambia County (Pensacola), or Okaloosa county. Great folks there!

The beaches around the Pensacola area are absolutely amazing....white sugary looking sand, teal blue waters. Man, those were some of the best beaches I've ever seen in my life, and I've lived in California, Hawaii, Oregon, Michigan, and now in New England.

Although Oregon beaches are pretty cool with the mountains in the background. The few times I went to them there was always jellyfish washed up on the shore.
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My post was about California, not Illinois. And writing 'my ass' next to a quote is a poor debate tactic. You lose.

Deluding yourself into believing that Californian Democrats can and will crawl out from under $340 billion in liabilities through "adjustments to revenue and benefits" is testament to your inability to comprehend state finances and your blind faith in Liberals.

Conservatives were predicting the Californian Democrats couldn't solve the budget deficit either not too long ago too.

Conservatives always make stupid predictions. We're still waiting for the massive inflation from QE2. And what ever happened to the cheering Iraqis predicted ten years ago?

Tell you what, why don't conservatives just shut the f___ up instead, and let liberals run things. California has proven what can be accomplished when conservative power is brought to an end.

California Counties: California?s unemployment rate by county - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times

you notice how its only the wealthy areas doing ok....20 counties out of 58 below the State avg....keep believing the shit your fed Valveta....
California is an economic sinkhole, a financial basketcase that democrats pretend is still functioning. Meanwhile, our companies move to China. Not all of them, a lot have moved to Texas.

They give more tax dollars to the federal government then they take. They're always incredible leaders in technology and education. Plus a huge agricultural sector. If California is a basket case it's only cause it's so huge and diverse.
Deluding yourself into believing that Californian Democrats can and will crawl out from under $340 billion in liabilities through "adjustments to revenue and benefits" is testament to your inability to comprehend state finances and your blind faith in Liberals.

Conservatives were predicting the Californian Democrats couldn't solve the budget deficit either not too long ago too.

Conservatives always make stupid predictions. We're still waiting for the massive inflation from QE2. And what ever happened to the cheering Iraqis predicted ten years ago?

Tell you what, why don't conservatives just shut the f___ up instead, and let liberals run things. California has proven what can be accomplished when conservative power is brought to an end.

California Counties: California?s unemployment rate by county - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times

you notice how its only the wealthy areas doing ok....20 counties out of 58 below the State avg....keep believing the shit your fed Valveta....

Other then Los Angeles County all the populated areas have pretty low unemployment. Northern Cal in particular is doing really good. Orange County and San Diego County are in good shape too, both really heavily populated. The rural nowhere-ville places like Imperial and the far north are where the unemployment spikes.
California is so broke we can't afford to feed prisoners. A federal judge has ordered the release of 225,000 state prisoners.

Here is where it gets good.

Kamala Harris, uber liberal attorney general has a plan. She will "rehome" prisoners with families in residential neighborhoods. Then they will give up their criminal ways, get a job and be criminals no more. The families will feed the prisoners taking a large burden off the state.

The only thing missing from the plan is how to force families in residential neighborhoods to agree to rehoming.


That's bizarre.

there is no link....because that has never been talked about....just more unfounded bullshit from one of the biggest bullshitters on this site....
Your insane little rant has nothing to do with what I responded to. Avatar claimed that no spending was cut and that is patently false. California did what economist call cutting spending and raising revenue...a balanced approach.

Just as you can't "tax your way to prosperity", you can't cut your way there either. You need both which is what CA did and it has placed them well on the road to recovery.

Accounting gimmick aren't a surplus. this thread is full of examples of the gimmicks. Note the OP hasn't replied to any of them, because there is no reply as there is no "surplus":cuckoo:

california was just selected as the most inefficiently run state

it is also considered the most Ungovernable.....
Conservatives were predicting the Californian Democrats couldn't solve the budget deficit either not too long ago too.

Conservatives always make stupid predictions. We're still waiting for the massive inflation from QE2. And what ever happened to the cheering Iraqis predicted ten years ago?

Tell you what, why don't conservatives just shut the f___ up instead, and let liberals run things. California has proven what can be accomplished when conservative power is brought to an end.

California Counties: California?s unemployment rate by county - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times

you notice how its only the wealthy areas doing ok....20 counties out of 58 below the State avg....keep believing the shit your fed Valveta....

Other then Los Angeles County all the populated areas have pretty low unemployment. Northern Cal in particular is doing really good. Orange County and San Diego County are in good shape too, both really heavily populated. The rural nowhere-ville places like Imperial and the far north are where the unemployment spikes.

and you do realize that the populated areas that are doing ok are were the rich people live....they basically have always been doing good.....the other 38 Counties who are doing poorly are part of the State too....

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