California now has $2.4 billion surplus. Another liberal success

Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion - SFGate

Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion
Melody Gutierrez
Updated 10:38 pm, Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sacramento --

For the first time in nearly a decade, California is collecting more revenue than it is spending and will finish the fiscal year with an extra $2.4 billion, according to a report released Wednesday by the Legislature's nonpartisan budget analyst.

The good news comes after an era that saw one of the worst budget crises in California history - the fiscal shortfall sank to $60 billion in the 2009-10 budget, the state controller mailed IOUs to vendors in 2009 and state lawmakers slashed programs year after year to make ends meet.

Now, thanks to the passage of Proposition 30 last year and the improving economy, California is looking at surpluses for the next six years - even after the temporary taxes under Prop. 30 expire, according to the Legislative Analyst's Office.

They did not have a spending problem at any point. They had a "the GOP has power" problem. Once the voters finally culled the GOP from any real power in Sacramento, the Democrats got down to governing responsibly. They now have funds to spend on education for hispanics and blacks, and services for young women who want to obtain an abortion.

The rest of the country has a lot to learn from California.

CA is bankrupt.. they have BILLIONS in unfunded liabilities.... but hey, keep telling yourself they're in the black.

Bleh, can't stand Florida, the humidity and insects just ruin it for me. Some of the northwestern beaches along the gulf are nice though.
California is a beautiful place ruined by the infestation of liberalism.

It is unfortunate that they managed to get control of the education system. California will never be saved and I'll forever miss Her beauty.
If I was the OP I would just logout...and never come back in shame.
How embarrassing.
Conservatives were predicting the Californian Democrats couldn't solve the budget deficit either not too long ago too.

Conservatives always make stupid predictions. We're still waiting for the massive inflation from QE2. And what ever happened to the cheering Iraqis predicted ten years ago?

Tell you what, why don't conservatives just shut the f___ up instead, and let liberals run things. California has proven what can be accomplished when conservative power is brought to an end.

California Counties: California?s unemployment rate by county - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times

you notice how its only the wealthy areas doing ok....20 counties out of 58 below the State avg....keep believing the shit your fed Valveta....

Other then Los Angeles County all the populated areas have pretty low unemployment. Northern Cal in particular is doing really good. Orange County and San Diego County are in good shape too, both really heavily populated. The rural nowhere-ville places like Imperial and the far north are where the unemployment spikes.

Except for the bloated coasts, California is republican! It's just top heavy with the megacities. Like Colorado is weighed down with the albatross of Denver.

With the exception of a few slum cities like Santa Ana and Anaheim, Orange County is a patchwork of gated communities surrounded by walls, many with their own armed private security. They keep out the poor minorities by ultra high homeowner association fees. Even if there is 100% financial assistance to help a poor person buy one of those overpriced homes, they can't afford the homeowner association fees. There isn't just one either. The Homeowner's Association has a monthly fee. There is a neighborhood association fee and in some cases, there is a landscaping fee paid block by block. The HOA fees are like another mortgage.
The OP is historically and economically ignorant. The surplus in CA is a FICTION. Part was driven by people cashing out before the cap gains rate increased; part is fueled by the temporary social media bubble...and the rest is bogus government accounting.

Pension funds are sorely underfunded for the gross benefits "promised" by politicians in exchange for the support of our corrupt and incompetent public sector employees.
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You realize that it's impossible to miraculously have a $2.4 billion surplus overnight, right?

No cuts in taxes or spending tells me this is compete bullcrap.

What prompted the turnaround?

Three things: Major spending cuts over the last few years, big tax increases approved by voters in November and general improvement in the economy.

California's finances are golden again

Another "bitter clinger" I see. Did ya miss Post #45? The only miracle here is that Californians were stupid enough to purge the minority party so that no one could see the "creative bookkeeping" and the preparation of lies.

The Sacramento Bee got the story right. There is $40Bill+++ moved off book to "special projects".. That's $40Bill in checks going out that are NOT COUNTED in this "miracle"...

Except for the bloated coasts, California is republican! It's just top heavy with the megacities. Like Colorado is weighed down with the albatross of Denver.

That statement right there shows the average intelligence of Republicans. Why would anyone want to live anywhere in California except the coasts? Hot and desolate for the most part once you go inland.
Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion - SFGate

Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion
Melody Gutierrez
Updated 10:38 pm, Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sacramento --

For the first time in nearly a decade, California is collecting more revenue than it is spending and will finish the fiscal year with an extra $2.4 billion, according to a report released Wednesday by the Legislature's nonpartisan budget analyst.

The good news comes after an era that saw one of the worst budget crises in California history - the fiscal shortfall sank to $60 billion in the 2009-10 budget, the state controller mailed IOUs to vendors in 2009 and state lawmakers slashed programs year after year to make ends meet.

Now, thanks to the passage of Proposition 30 last year and the improving economy, California is looking at surpluses for the next six years - even after the temporary taxes under Prop. 30 expire, according to the Legislative Analyst's Office.

They did not have a spending problem at any point. They had a "the GOP has power" problem. Once the voters finally culled the GOP from any real power in Sacramento, the Democrats got down to governing responsibly. They now have funds to spend on education for hispanics and blacks, and services for young women who want to obtain an abortion.

The rest of the country has a lot to learn from California.

But didn't California have a Republican Governor managing things for 8 of the past 10 years?

I don't know much about California, but just seems like an obvious question...
Obama and Harry Reid seem to say no a lot.

Who really is the party of "no"?
Except for the bloated coasts, California is republican! It's just top heavy with the megacities. Like Colorado is weighed down with the albatross of Denver.

That statement right there shows the average intelligence of Republicans. Why would anyone want to live anywhere in California except the coasts? Hot and desolate for the most part once you go inland.

You know that there's a Northern California and a Southern California right?
Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion - SFGate

Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion
Melody Gutierrez
Updated 10:38 pm, Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sacramento --

For the first time in nearly a decade, California is collecting more revenue than it is spending and will finish the fiscal year with an extra $2.4 billion, according to a report released Wednesday by the Legislature's nonpartisan budget analyst.

The good news comes after an era that saw one of the worst budget crises in California history - the fiscal shortfall sank to $60 billion in the 2009-10 budget, the state controller mailed IOUs to vendors in 2009 and state lawmakers slashed programs year after year to make ends meet.

Now, thanks to the passage of Proposition 30 last year and the improving economy, California is looking at surpluses for the next six years - even after the temporary taxes under Prop. 30 expire, according to the Legislative Analyst's Office.

They did not have a spending problem at any point. They had a "the GOP has power" problem. Once the voters finally culled the GOP from any real power in Sacramento, the Democrats got down to governing responsibly. They now have funds to spend on education for hispanics and blacks, and services for young women who want to obtain an abortion.

The rest of the country has a lot to learn from California.

But didn't California have a Republican Governor managing things for 8 of the past 10 years?

I don't know much about California, but just seems like an obvious question...

You mean Aaanold?

He was a Republican In Name Only....
Except for the bloated coasts, California is republican! It's just top heavy with the megacities. Like Colorado is weighed down with the albatross of Denver.

That statement right there shows the average intelligence of Republicans. Why would anyone want to live anywhere in California except the coasts? Hot and desolate for the most part once you go inland.

California has differing climates and differing landscapes. Once you teach Ventura it turns really green.
Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion - SFGate

Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion
Melody Gutierrez
Updated 10:38 pm, Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sacramento --

For the first time in nearly a decade, California is collecting more revenue than it is spending and will finish the fiscal year with an extra $2.4 billion, according to a report released Wednesday by the Legislature's nonpartisan budget analyst.

The good news comes after an era that saw one of the worst budget crises in California history - the fiscal shortfall sank to $60 billion in the 2009-10 budget, the state controller mailed IOUs to vendors in 2009 and state lawmakers slashed programs year after year to make ends meet.

Now, thanks to the passage of Proposition 30 last year and the improving economy, California is looking at surpluses for the next six years - even after the temporary taxes under Prop. 30 expire, according to the Legislative Analyst's Office.

They did not have a spending problem at any point. They had a "the GOP has power" problem. Once the voters finally culled the GOP from any real power in Sacramento, the Democrats got down to governing responsibly. They now have funds to spend on education for hispanics and blacks, and services for young women who want to obtain an abortion.

The rest of the country has a lot to learn from California.

But didn't California have a Republican Governor managing things for 8 of the past 10 years?

I don't know much about California, but just seems like an obvious question...

You mean Aaanold?

He was a Republican In Name Only....

Arnold tried his first two years. Hard.

But the California legislature was 80% dimocrap and he couldn't get anything done so he gave up and became a professional politician.

I don't blame him.
Except for the bloated coasts, California is republican! It's just top heavy with the megacities. Like Colorado is weighed down with the albatross of Denver.

That statement right there shows the average intelligence of Republicans. Why would anyone want to live anywhere in California except the coasts? Hot and desolate for the most part once you go inland.

You know that there's a Northern California and a Southern California right?

True, but I think wine country is mostly Democratic. Is Lake Tahoe and northwards Republican?
That statement right there shows the average intelligence of Republicans. Why would anyone want to live anywhere in California except the coasts? Hot and desolate for the most part once you go inland.

You know that there's a Northern California and a Southern California right?

True, but I think wine country is mostly Democratic. Is Lake Tahoe and northwards Republican?

Have you ever heard of a search engine? You fail at the internets.

2012 California County red blue map:

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Having a surplus by raising taxes on citizens is not success.

Kalifornia has a 360 BILLION dollar UNFUNDED Pension obligation.

They also have 60 Billion in UNFUNDED healthcare obligations.

They're anything but solvent.

The illegal and unconstitutional ex post facto tax hike will do more harm than good by running high-earning people and small businesses out of the State.

They have the wherewithal to pull themselves out of their looming financial disaster but they killed that possibility with their recent anti-fracking bill.

Kalifornia is the Terry Schiavo of States. Somebody needs to pull the plug on dimocraps.

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