California now telling their citizens to use air horns for their rampant crime in cities like Oakland.

And you cant say it has deterred it either. May be double? Where'd you get that number from, dipshit?
You made a definitive claim that the death penalty is "not a deterrent." Unless you have empirical evidence to prove your point -- you are simply expressing an opinion.
I am saying that you will not prevent most crimes with punishment alone, it requires a change in society,, it is a social and economic issue. We all want the easy, reptilian brain solution, "throw the sob in prison, that will fix everything!" . If someone deserves prison, yes, go for it, don't expect crime stats to move much. If I mention G_d or interactions with poor people, moving of money to social programs and outreach I will be dismissed. These are better long term deterrents, a!ong with work for people.
The various "three strikes" laws proved that punishment does reduce crime levels. Criminals in prison don't commit crimes except against other prisoners.
You made a definitive claim that the death penalty is "not a deterrent." Unless you have empirical evidence to prove your point -- you are simply expressing an opinion.
LEOs have known for decades that he death penalty isn't a deterrent. Criminals are as dumb as a box of rocks, each and every one of them in prison was absolutely sure he would never get caught so nothing would deter him.
LEOs have known for decades that he death penalty isn't a deterrent. Criminals are as dumb as a box of rocks, each and every one of them in prison was absolutely sure he would never get caught so nothing would deter him.
My reasons for believing in the death penalty has less to do with deterrents and more to do with justice.
I know, in general, that is what you were saying.

You are just flat out incorrect. The justice system does need reform as prison is very poorly concaved atm as it prioritizes punishment over reform BUT the number one thing you can do to reduce crime is to enforce the law as close to 100 percent as possible. If you are caught every time you commit a crime, it is very unlikely you are going to commit that crime.

No, there are not. Simply asserting it is pointless. Society wide, enforcement of law is the absolute best deterrent from crime that exists. This is uniform amongst ALL successful societies. That should be an obvious indicator of how successful the idea has been.

Blaming crime on economics, while there are drivers there, does not fix crime at all and is a vastly more nuanced and complex conversation. One thing we do know, whatever the economic situation of the nation, some form of law enforcement is necessary for a large society to function.
Crime.and punLet me ask n
The various "three strikes" laws proved that punishment does reduce crime levels. Criminals in prison don't commit crimes except against other prisoners.
Yet,.the U.S has the most imprisojed citizens in the far. Therefore, it isnt working. Clearly the pipeline continues to be filled. Maybe you have a Security Industrial.Complex as we do in Canada, just with a different focus.
You made a definitive claim that the death penalty is "not a deterrent." Unless you have empirical evidence to prove your point -- you are simply expressing an opinion.

Yet you can't admit you just made up your figures. Or better yet show us the studies that show the death penalty is a deterrent.
We are. Lots of 1/6ers thrown in jail. Some for decades. It's glorious.
LefTard Logic:

Jail these patriotic bastards -


Don't jail these filthy savages-


Every time you psycho loons speak you lose credibility. NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention can take you seriously.

That's right folks. Told their citizens that stealing anything that is worth less than $1k dollars isn't even a crime.

All of them getting what's coming.

I have an air horn. It has a very loud BANG and air shoving a projectile in their direction.
I nave a crazy idea.


We should have a federal death penalty for drug dealers, pedophiles and anyone that goes out and intentionally, knowingly and willingly kills someone for starters. No state choice anymore.

Crazy people should be seperated from society until either they die or are treated properly. It's not their fault they are crazy but the majority shouldn't suffer the few. It's for their own good and ours because they can't function in society and society can't function with them in it.

Illegals should be kicked out and the border closed.

And all the other criminals should be treated like the criminals they are. And longer jail time isn't the answer, more lasting punishment is the answer.

And if anyone tries to whine the only response should be "don't break the law and you'll be fine".

All of those can be implemented easily in one years time and the end result is a safer society with a better grade of people out walking the streets. Once implemented in 2 years time there will be a major increase in the safety and quality of our society. In 10 years time there would be a reduction of people in jail probably because people will be scared to commit crimes, as they should be.
We should have a federal death penalty for drug dealers, pedophiles and anyone that goes out and intentionally, knowingly and willingly kills someone for starters. No state choice anymore.

Crazy people should be seperated from society until either they die or are treated properly. It's not their fault they are crazy but the majority shouldn't suffer the few. It's for their own good and ours because they can't function in society and society can't function with them in it.

Illegals should be kicked out and the border closed.

And all the other criminals should be treated like the criminals they are. And longer jail time isn't the answer, more lasting punishment is the answer.

And if anyone tries to whine the only response should be "don't break the law and you'll be fine".

All of those can be implemented easily in one years time and the end result is a safer society with a better grade of people out walking the streets. Once implemented in 2 years time there will be a major increase in the safety and quality of our society. In 10 years time there would be a reduction of people in jail probably because people will be scared to commit crimes, as they should be.

I always make the argument, ”Are you less dead if a ‘crazy’ person kills you than a ‘sane’ person?”

I do not buy that CRAZY people should not suffer the same consequences as sane people for crimes.
I always make the argument, ”Are you less dead if a ‘crazy’ person kills you than a ‘sane’ person?”

I do not buy that CRAZY people should not suffer the same consequences as sane people for crimes.

I meant crazy people seperated from society as in just the ones running around homeless, harassing people, causing problems, and so on. There is a chance they can get help.

But if you're crazy and kill people then you need to be executed. There is no place for them in society, never will be. It's a mercy for those people in the end because they will never know peace.
We should have a federal death penalty for drug dealers, pedophiles and anyone that goes out and intentionally, knowingly and willingly kills someone for starters. No state choice anymore.

Crazy people should be seperated from society until either they die or are treated properly. It's not their fault they are crazy but the majority shouldn't suffer the few. It's for their own good and ours because they can't function in society and society can't function with them in it.

Illegals should be kicked out and the border closed.

And all the other criminals should be treated like the criminals they are. And longer jail time isn't the answer, more lasting punishment is the answer.

And if anyone tries to whine the only response should be "don't break the law and you'll be fine".

All of those can be implemented easily in one years time and the end result is a safer society with a better grade of people out walking the streets. Once implemented in 2 years time there will be a major increase in the safety and quality of our society. In 10 years time there would be a reduction of people in jail probably because people will be scared to commit crimes, as they should be.
Drug dealers should be executed? Does that mean if someone sells a joint, they get the firing squad?

Crazy people should be separated...define crazy. According to the CDC, about 19% of adults received mental health treatment in 2019. How many of those qualify as "crazy"? Products - Data Briefs - Number 380 - September 2020
Where do you plan to put these crazy people, and how will it be paid for?

What is the more lasting punishment you're talking about? Of course you've already said you want to execute more people, but what about those who aren't executed, what is the more lasting punishment you're talking about that doesn't involve longer jail time?

I won't bother trying to get into questions about the reliability of criminal convictions and people exonerated for murder convictions and how that could play out if we were to increase the number of people who are put to death.

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