California orders no EV charging over Labor Day weekend

Or we can leave things alone since they work so well. Nah, can't do that. Democrats always look to make more problems for everybody
This one isn’t a D vs R problem. This is a “smart people who can’t leave well enough alone” problem. These folks literally believe that they “know better” than the rest of us and just want to “help us” make better decisions.
This one isn’t a D vs R problem. This is a “smart people who can’t leave well enough alone” problem. These folks literally believe that they “know better” than the rest of us and just want to “help us” make better decisions.
It’s a D problem created by Democrats.
They shutdown nuke plants and refused to build any reliable energy source.
And a day after killing fossil fuel cars tell their citizens to not charge their EV’s because they’ve run out of electricity.

Democrats have made the Babylon Bee obsolete.
My Governor is outspoken he’s against what California has done. He’s a Republican.
So what? Has he actually done anything to STOP IT? Has he passed legislation to ensure nothing like it can happen on your state?

Words walk and actions talk. That’s the problem with so many people… they don’t have the guts to actually LIVE the words that come out of their mouths.
Coming soon to the US......


Related to this is the BIG move of utility companies giving away "Free" smart thermostats.
Smart thermostats, by design, and they say so in plain English, give the utility company the ability to change your thermostat.
As of now, you can simply walk over to it and manually set it back and they will leave you alone.
That will change.
This is a move by utility companies to eventually control electrical usage via government "emergency powers" - which, again, if Democrats maintain control - THIS WILL HAPPEN. 100%.
It is the only reason smart thermostats are being employed. They serve absolutely no other purpose, none, other than your utility company can change your thermostat.
The smart thermostat override system is about $6.

Amazon product ASIN B0051USN3A
Coming soon to the US......

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This is by design. The left is outlawing gas powered cars, mandating EVs, then jacking up the price of electricity to the point where only the wealthy can afford cars. This is what they WANT.
This is by design. The left is outlawing gas powered cars, mandating EVs, then jacking up the price of electricity to the point where only the wealthy can afford cars. This is what they WANT.

And the next #CoronaHoax2020 type scam will be more powerful, if people don't have personal cars in which to travel; and are forced to use crowded public transit systems, which can be restricted or shut down on the false premise of controlling the spread if the next scamdemic.
The smart thermostat override system is about $6.

Amazon product ASIN B0051USN3A
Read again... the utility company can override your override. It is in the tiny print.
All of these thermostats have a manual setting, and you can override what the utility company set it to.
Buuut - the utility company can override the manual setting and lock you out of it. Which is what they did.
People went to their thermostat and were totally locked out.
Read again... the utility company can override your override. It is in the tiny print.
All of these thermostats have a manual setting, and you can override what the utility company set it to.
Buuut - the utility company can override the manual setting and lock you out of it. Which is what they did.
People went to their thermostat and were totally locked out.
Tape a hand warmer to the temp sensor.

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