California: Progressive Paradise

No it isn't. The state is a literal shit hole.
Not as bad as Tezass.
Lol. lying pos. This is how bad texas is.

View attachment 284797

A 1300 sq ft house as opposed to this in Texas:

View attachment 284798

1800 sq ft at a fraction of the cost. You filthy liars make me sick! Plus we don't have to go around defenseless here.
You could not get me to live in the shithole tezas. And 1million is cheap for a home here and there is no need to worry about defending anything.
Good, We've got all the progressive douche bags we need. Right, you don't have any need to defend. You are a lying sack of garbage.

List of shootings in California - Wikipedia
THREE MASS SHOOTINGS in less than a week: reaction from CA — restraining order against MAXINE WATERS’ opponent — DEVIN NUNES sues again — BERNIE back in CA

Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Not as bad as Tezass.
Lol. lying pos. This is how bad texas is.

View attachment 284797

A 1300 sq ft house as opposed to this in Texas:

View attachment 284798

1800 sq ft at a fraction of the cost. You filthy liars make me sick! Plus we don't have to go around defenseless here.
You could not get me to live in the shithole tezas. And 1million is cheap for a home here and there is no need to worry about defending anything.
Good, We've got all the progressive douche bags we need. Right, you don't have any need to defend. You are a lying sack of garbage.

List of shootings in California - Wikipedia
THREE MASS SHOOTINGS in less than a week: reaction from CA — restraining order against MAXINE WATERS’ opponent — DEVIN NUNES sues again — BERNIE back in CA

Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.
Lol. lying pos. This is how bad texas is.

View attachment 284797

A 1300 sq ft house as opposed to this in Texas:

View attachment 284798

1800 sq ft at a fraction of the cost. You filthy liars make me sick! Plus we don't have to go around defenseless here.
You could not get me to live in the shithole tezas. And 1million is cheap for a home here and there is no need to worry about defending anything.
Good, We've got all the progressive douche bags we need. Right, you don't have any need to defend. You are a lying sack of garbage.

List of shootings in California - Wikipedia
THREE MASS SHOOTINGS in less than a week: reaction from CA — restraining order against MAXINE WATERS’ opponent — DEVIN NUNES sues again — BERNIE back in CA

Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

Look who is talking? You are a very good example of a cockroach and filthy human being.
You proved yourself here.

I’m not changing the subject. Idiot. I’m just wondering why are you so bitter about us?
I understand you have a miserable life but leave the fuck us alone.
You could not get me to live in the shithole tezas. And 1million is cheap for a home here and there is no need to worry about defending anything.
Good, We've got all the progressive douche bags we need. Right, you don't have any need to defend. You are a lying sack of garbage.

List of shootings in California - Wikipedia
THREE MASS SHOOTINGS in less than a week: reaction from CA — restraining order against MAXINE WATERS’ opponent — DEVIN NUNES sues again — BERNIE back in CA

Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

Look who is talking? You are a very good example of a cockroach and filthy human being.
You proved yourself here.

I’m not changing the subject. Idiot. I’m just wondering why are you so bitter about us?
I understand you have a miserable life but leave the fuck us alone.
California is turning into a shithole.
They’re always looking to create some sort of ‘paradise,’ those wacky totalitarians, aren’t they?
Remember that great ‘Workers Paradise’ behind the Iron Curtain???
Now….the American version……California.

1.Did Longfellow live in California????
Maybe not….but he sure knew about it:

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

Life is but an empty dream!

For the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

2.“Everyone thinks California is our most progressive state. And why not? It imposes the highest tax on the richest one percent. It is aggressively implementing Obamacare. And it is standing up to President Donald Trump on everything from immigration to the environment.

And yet the Golden State is also number one in poverty and inequality in America.

3.If racism is more than just saying nasty things — if it is, as scholars like James Baldwin, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Michelle Alexander and countless others have described, embedded into socioeconomic structures — then California isn’t just the least progressive state. It’s also the most racist.

4.Homeless encampments of hundreds of people have cropped up around the state in the last two years. Occasionally, they are ravaged by hepatitis A,…

5….workers in California earn 11 percent more than their counterparts nationally. But that amount is not enough to make up for mortgage payments and rents that are 44 percent and 37 percent higher (respectively) than the national average.

6.Environmentalism is used to justify de facto racial segregation in California’s housing. Environmental lawsuits are a major reason for longer delays and higher costs of new housing. “The core legal structure of CEQA,” notes housing attorney Jennifer Hernandez, “protects the existing characteristics of those neighborhoods and thus perpetuates land use practices founded in race and class discrimination.”

7. Consider:

· In the name of helping the poor and protecting the environment, California has placed myriad restrictions and fees on building new housing units, driving up their price;

· Progressive local governments like San Francisco and Santa Monica block even those housing projects that comply with zoning laws progressives had agreed to;

8. Progressive leaders who daily denounce Republicans as racist have blithely presided over a significant decline in the academic performance of black and Latino eighth graders relative to their counterparts in other states. Today, less than 40 percent of non-white and non-Asian students meet state educational standards… When the cost of living is taken into account, California spends less on K-12 education than all but four other states.

9. A decade-long reform effort in Washington, D.C. showed that student performance can be improved significantly by rewarding teachers for performance and replacing underperforming teachers.
But California has rejected similar reforms. Progressives won’t even allow delaying teacher tenure from two to three years to ensure high-quality teachers.” Number One in Poverty, California Isn't Our Most Progressive State -- It's Our Most Racist One

How about changing the name of the state from California, to ‘Hypocricia’?

Or, should the name be reserved for the entire Democrat Party????
By limiting new housing they increase the value of existing houses and that increases the property tax revenues.
I.E. Dem politicians do it because they are greedy
Lol. lying pos. This is how bad texas is.

View attachment 284797

A 1300 sq ft house as opposed to this in Texas:

View attachment 284798

1800 sq ft at a fraction of the cost. You filthy liars make me sick! Plus we don't have to go around defenseless here.
You could not get me to live in the shithole tezas. And 1million is cheap for a home here and there is no need to worry about defending anything.
Good, We've got all the progressive douche bags we need. Right, you don't have any need to defend. You are a lying sack of garbage.

List of shootings in California - Wikipedia
THREE MASS SHOOTINGS in less than a week: reaction from CA — restraining order against MAXINE WATERS’ opponent — DEVIN NUNES sues again — BERNIE back in CA

Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

For god sake? A low class filthy human being like you have a god?
Trust me I will never live in Texas. You stay the fuck out of California.
Lol. lying pos. This is how bad texas is.

View attachment 284797

A 1300 sq ft house as opposed to this in Texas:

View attachment 284798

1800 sq ft at a fraction of the cost. You filthy liars make me sick! Plus we don't have to go around defenseless here.
You could not get me to live in the shithole tezas. And 1million is cheap for a home here and there is no need to worry about defending anything.
Good, We've got all the progressive douche bags we need. Right, you don't have any need to defend. You are a lying sack of garbage.

List of shootings in California - Wikipedia
THREE MASS SHOOTINGS in less than a week: reaction from CA — restraining order against MAXINE WATERS’ opponent — DEVIN NUNES sues again — BERNIE back in CA

Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

You live near Thockmorton, Texas with 800 populations.
No fucking wonder you are so fucking miserable.

You are a red neck asshole.
Lol. lying pos. This is how bad texas is.

View attachment 284797

A 1300 sq ft house as opposed to this in Texas:

View attachment 284798

1800 sq ft at a fraction of the cost. You filthy liars make me sick! Plus we don't have to go around defenseless here.
You could not get me to live in the shithole tezas. And 1million is cheap for a home here and there is no need to worry about defending anything.
Good, We've got all the progressive douche bags we need. Right, you don't have any need to defend. You are a lying sack of garbage.

List of shootings in California - Wikipedia
THREE MASS SHOOTINGS in less than a week: reaction from CA — restraining order against MAXINE WATERS’ opponent — DEVIN NUNES sues again — BERNIE back in CA

Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

Burned alive?

Two days ago North Texas was hit with 10 Tornadoes with $2 billions in damages.

I pray for the Texans for fast recovery. I also pray that there should be no more tornadoes coming to Texas or Florida this year.
Lol. lying pos. This is how bad texas is.

View attachment 284797

A 1300 sq ft house as opposed to this in Texas:

View attachment 284798

1800 sq ft at a fraction of the cost. You filthy liars make me sick! Plus we don't have to go around defenseless here.
You could not get me to live in the shithole tezas. And 1million is cheap for a home here and there is no need to worry about defending anything.
Good, We've got all the progressive douche bags we need. Right, you don't have any need to defend. You are a lying sack of garbage.

List of shootings in California - Wikipedia
THREE MASS SHOOTINGS in less than a week: reaction from CA — restraining order against MAXINE WATERS’ opponent — DEVIN NUNES sues again — BERNIE back in CA

Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

I will trashed you. I am trashing you.

But belittling or trashing places where people are sufferings ....... YOU are a good example of a lowest class of Americans.
You could not get me to live in the shithole tezas. And 1million is cheap for a home here and there is no need to worry about defending anything.
Good, We've got all the progressive douche bags we need. Right, you don't have any need to defend. You are a lying sack of garbage.

List of shootings in California - Wikipedia
THREE MASS SHOOTINGS in less than a week: reaction from CA — restraining order against MAXINE WATERS’ opponent — DEVIN NUNES sues again — BERNIE back in CA

Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

I will trashed you. I am trashing you.

But belittling or trashing places where people are sufferings ....... YOU are a good example of a lowest class of Americans.
I've got you so triggered you can't even form a coherent sentence. Go ahead and ride that california horse into the ground. You deserve it.
You could not get me to live in the shithole tezas. And 1million is cheap for a home here and there is no need to worry about defending anything.
Good, We've got all the progressive douche bags we need. Right, you don't have any need to defend. You are a lying sack of garbage.

List of shootings in California - Wikipedia
THREE MASS SHOOTINGS in less than a week: reaction from CA — restraining order against MAXINE WATERS’ opponent — DEVIN NUNES sues again — BERNIE back in CA

Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

For god sake? A low class filthy human being like you have a god?
Trust me I will never live in Texas. You stay the fuck out of California.
If you think anyone in their right mind would move to that shithole you are more braindead than I thought.
You could not get me to live in the shithole tezas. And 1million is cheap for a home here and there is no need to worry about defending anything.
Good, We've got all the progressive douche bags we need. Right, you don't have any need to defend. You are a lying sack of garbage.

List of shootings in California - Wikipedia
THREE MASS SHOOTINGS in less than a week: reaction from CA — restraining order against MAXINE WATERS’ opponent — DEVIN NUNES sues again — BERNIE back in CA

Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

Look who is talking? You are a very good example of a cockroach and filthy human being.
You proved yourself here.

I’m not changing the subject. Idiot. I’m just wondering why are you so bitter about us?
I understand you have a miserable life but leave the fuck us alone.
At least we dont have to step in shit in town or worry about being burned alive. Oh, we have electricity to pump our 2.50 cent a gallon gas. PS: proofread your posts because you so triggered you cant form proper sentences.

Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

For god sake? A low class filthy human being like you have a god?
Trust me I will never live in Texas. You stay the fuck out of California.
If you think anyone in their right mind would move to that shithole you are more braindead than I thought.

Oh Palm Spring, Ca what an ugly place.

World's Best Palm Springs California Stock Pictures, Photos, and Images - Getty Images
Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

For god sake? A low class filthy human being like you have a god?
Trust me I will never live in Texas. You stay the fuck out of California.
If you think anyone in their right mind would move to that shithole you are more braindead than I thought.

Oh Palm Spring, Ca what an ugly place.

World's Best Palm Springs California Stock Pictures, Photos, and Images - Getty Images
Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

For god sake? A low class filthy human being like you have a god?
Trust me I will never live in Texas. You stay the fuck out of California.
If you think anyone in their right mind would move to that shithole you are more braindead than I thought.

Oh Palm Spring, Ca what an ugly place.

World's Best Palm Springs California Stock Pictures, Photos, and Images - Getty Images

Dang, apparently you haven't been to Palm Springs in quite some time.


Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

Look who is talking? You are a very good example of a cockroach and filthy human being.
You proved yourself here.

I’m not changing the subject. Idiot. I’m just wondering why are you so bitter about us?
I understand you have a miserable life but leave the fuck us alone.
At least we dont have to step in shit in town or worry about being burned alive. Oh, we have electricity to pump our 2.50 cent a gallon gas. PS: proofread your posts because you so triggered you cant form proper sentences.

I also live here.
Oh what an ugly place La Jolla, Ca

World's Best La Jolla Stock Pictures, Photos, and Images - Getty Images

Just wondering do you feel good doing all these bashing where people lives?

Why are you so bitter about California?
Is this making you feel better?

So let me repeat it again.
Why are you so bitter about California?

Do you feel good trashing where people lives?

Is this making you feel better?
Lol, stop changing the subject cockroach. If you hurry you can get out before your stupid ass is burned alive but for God's sake stay the hell out of texas. We have enough filth here.

Look who is talking? You are a very good example of a cockroach and filthy human being.
You proved yourself here.

I’m not changing the subject. Idiot. I’m just wondering why are you so bitter about us?
I understand you have a miserable life but leave the fuck us alone.
At least we dont have to step in shit in town or worry about being burned alive. Oh, we have electricity to pump our 2.50 cent a gallon gas. PS: proofread your posts because you so triggered you cant form proper sentences.

I have not seen a piece of shit here.

But I know you are a piece of shit human being.

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