California refuses to turn over voter rolls in the investigation into voter fraud

yeah you are a sure winner LOL the envy of the net LOL
No not the envy of the net but the respect of my family, my employees, my customers, and all of the business owners I do business with. I've spent the last 30 years building something I can be proud of and something to leave to my children...I've succeeded beyond my dreams despite sharing a nation with lazy commie give me dupes like you.
I am no match for your Stupid I grant you that LOL you are a Podunk Rube submissive bitchette ...end of story "Mr Winner" bwuaahahahahsahahah
I toy with you dupe you are a play thing to entertain myself with until my family arrives so thanks for that. Dupe.
yeah you are a sure winner LOL the envy of the net LOL
No not the envy of the net but the respect of my family, my employees, my customers, and all of the business owners I do business with. I've spent the last 30 years building something I can be proud of and something to leave to my children...I've succeeded beyond my dreams despite sharing a nation with lazy commie give me dupes like you.
Fuck you you little braggart bitchette suck ass and you are a podunk moron asshole ...sad weak Bimbo...Shit heads like you are still butt hurt a Black man was POTUS

Trump Just Undermined The Work Of His Own 'Election Integrity' Probe | HuffPost
yeah you are a sure winner LOL the envy of the net LOL
No not the envy of the net but the respect of my family, my employees, my customers, and all of the business owners I do business with. I've spent the last 30 years building something I can be proud of and something to leave to my children...I've succeeded beyond my dreams despite sharing a nation with lazy commie give me dupes like you.
Fuck you you little braggart bitchette suck ass and you are a podunk moron asshole ...sad weak Bimbo...Shit heads like you are still butt hurt a Black man was POTUS

Trump Just Undermined The Work Of His Own 'Election Integrity' Probe | HuffPost

Tyrone .. it looks like you're ready for a riot and all that free stolen stuff..
Fuck you you little braggart bitchette suck ass and you are a podunk moron asshole ...sad weak Bimbo...Shit heads like you are still butt hurt a Black man was POTUS
Yeah I knew libs always bring up skin color when your getting you ass handed to you. Only little boys go there...Obama was the worst president this nation has ever had. And watching you get pissed that his and your dreams are toast gives me so much pleasure that words cannot begin to describe. DUPED BOY! By the way Obama was not a black man, he wasn't a man of any color he is a whiny little boy commie just like you. :badgrin:
There was no ‘fraud’ to ‘investigate.’

The claim is just another of Trump’s many lies.

Why not settle the dilemma once and for all, do an honest investigation and quit wasting taxpayers money making excuses?

Democrat resistance looks like a sure sign that they have full knowledge of fraud and corruption.
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What are the states refusing hiding?

Hello Buddy, they would rather waste money resisting and paying off lawyers than use the money for honorable causes like feeding and housing the poor there policies have created.

What are the states refusing hiding?

Hello Buddy, they would rather waste money resisting and paying off lawyers than use the money for honorable causes like feeding and housing the poor there policies have created.

Hey Lump, how ya doin' pard?

Yeah kullyfornia knows they have illegals registered to vote. Pretty simple to see why they'd fight any type of voter registration audit.

What are the states refusing hiding?

Hello Buddy, they would rather waste money resisting and paying off lawyers than use the money for honorable causes like feeding and housing the poor there policies have created.

Hey Lump, how ya doin' pard?

Yeah kullyfornia knows they have illegals registered to vote. Pretty simple to see why they'd fight any type of voter registration audit.

I'm doing okay, the gullible morons are particularly entertaining and desperate this season... so that's fun...

What are the states refusing hiding?

Hello Buddy, they would rather waste money resisting and paying off lawyers than use the money for honorable causes like feeding and housing the poor there policies have created.

Hey Lump, how ya doin' pard?

Yeah kullyfornia knows they have illegals registered to vote. Pretty simple to see why they'd fight any type of voter registration audit.

I'm doing okay, the gullible morons are particularly entertaining and desperate this season... so that's fun...

You got that, brother Lump. The melt down is epic, and I love it.

The more gnashing of progtard teeth and whaling and crying, the better. You know something right is happening, and good for America.
You are a piece of Trump trash. I suppose the Mississippi Secretary of State is hiding something. He told the commission to jump in the gulf. The list includes ND,SD, Tennessee, and Utah to name a few
I'd rather be "Trump Trash" than to have Obama's butt juice all over my chin like you.
you are a submissive Trump bitchete ..weak sad and Bimbo is no way to live Chump

Mother Fucker what are you trying to hide in your taxes you Orange bitch LOL

Donald J. Trump [emoji818] @realDonaldTrump
Numerous states are refusing to give information to the very distinguished VOTER FRAUD PANEL. What are they trying to hide?

9:07 AM - 1 Jul 2017

Poor left wing baby, more crying about taxes! Lol! You little nut jobs provide lots of laughs.

View attachment 136383
They will
Are they worried we'll find enough illegals, dead people and other fraud to account for the popular vote?


California's top elections officer to Trump's voting fraud panel: No

President Trump's voter fraud commission will not be getting the names and addresses of California's registered voters. The panel's request was denied on Thursday by Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who said it would only "legitimize" false claims of massive election cheating last fall.

Wonder if the Freedom of Information act would apply here. And voter lists are if memory serves public information.
False. And they are controlled by the States, not the Federal Government.

Your post is more evidence that conservatives are full of shit when they argue for States Rights.
Doesn't matter they participate in federal elections. Supreme Court will teach these governors who is authorized
The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.
it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

Voter information is not a matter of national security
If illegals are interfering in our elections it is. Why all the Russia Russia?
Because you made up the part about illegals interfering with the elections. Republicans in Congress don’t want anything to do with Trump’s voter-fraud probe
I merely answered a question
One has to ask. How did Trump make a claim right after the election that 5 million people voted illegally if he didn't have the returns? He knowingly made a false claim. And now he's on a fishing trip to find 3 people that voted illegally so he can claim 'he was close'.

What an absolute piece of shit. What adult could watch this orange-spittoon lie every day and still support him? He lost his mind and went absolutely batshit on tweeting today to masterbate himself to another woman 'bleeding from wherever'.
so maybe he does know. all they have to do is hand over the information. Failing to do so, validates his claim.

That is not so. Not handing the information over is proof of nothing. You are the one who has to prove it. get a warrant from a judge.

The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.
it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

It is not national security. Pres does not trump all.

The records will be subpoena'd. If this guy wants to catch federal time, he will.

Subpoenaed for what? The largest witch hunt in the history of this country. A judge who is a true conservative would quash this. Maybe you are the one who needs to do some time Nazi.
some posts like this are soo stupid, there is no possible reply that covers the it.

You are the one who is stupid. You masquerade as a American but you prove that you are in-American. There is such a thing as the Fourth Amendment

It's obvious this dude doesn't care about the integrity of the elections.

I love how you're triggered...
If you dont have anything to hide....

That is your only argument? You claim to be a American but you have no idea what makes America great. The fact that the government cannot pry into matters that they have no business in. If you believe a crime has been committed then get a warrant. You might have heard about the 4th amendment which requires the federal government to get a warrant. You do not have to be guilty of anything to demand this. It proves that you are a fake conservative.
I believe those records are the property of the government and not you. you volunteer your information for the right to vote. you have no privacy.

I love how you're triggered...
If you dont have anything to hide....

That is your only argument? You claim to be a American but you have no idea what makes America great. The fact that the government cannot pry into matters that they have no business in. If you believe a crime has been committed then get a warrant. You might have heard about the 4th amendment which requires the federal government to get a warrant. You do not have to be guilty of anything to demand this. It proves that you are a fake conservative.

The government cant "pry" into voter fraud?
What a fuken dolt!!

This is a states rights issue. States are charged with maintaining voter rolls not the federal government. This is a clear violation of it. Typical Trump supporters. They support a police state rather than the constitution.
yeah sure, like russia russia russia right. you fks just assume we'll cave to your nonsense and that ain't fking true. so, those names will be retrieved and will be looked at. if russia russia russia is sooooo fking important for interference an illegal voting in our election is twice as threatening. now you don't like that and we all get that, fk all american citizen is your motto. understood. you are a traitor.

You are the traitor to this country. There is no evidence of large scale illegal voting and this is nothing but a fishing expedition. Ignorant Trump supporters are trying so hard to say that Trump won the popular vote and they are willing to do anything and terrorize anyone to get it done. You belong in Nazi Germany. Get your fucking ass out of this country.
Sure there is . Hand over the rolls and we'll show you
Are they worried we'll find enough illegals, dead people and other fraud to account for the popular vote?


California's top elections officer to Trump's voting fraud panel: No

President Trump's voter fraud commission will not be getting the names and addresses of California's registered voters. The panel's request was denied on Thursday by Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who said it would only "legitimize" false claims of massive election cheating last fall.

Anyone with half a brain would realise that no illegal is stupid enough to walk into a voting precinct and face immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote.

Every state has it's own voting regulatiions and requirements. It is incumbent upon them to keep their voting databases secure for obvious reasons. If they have no evidence of voter fraud there will be no investigation.

Fact-checking Trump's repeated unsubstantiated voter fraud claim
Fact-checking two false claims by Trump alleging widespread voter fraud

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