California refuses to turn over voter rolls in the investigation into voter fraud

I was incensed at the outrageous demands for voter info by the presidential advisory commission on voter fraud that I launched my air force, sailed my navy, marched my army and activated my property line defenses because of the voter history aspect of their demand.

I read my state's response and found out that it's not who you previously voted for but that you voted, or not. So I recalled my forces.

Whew, that was close.
One has to ask. How did Trump make a claim right after the election that 5 million people voted illegally if he didn't have the returns? He knowingly made a false claim. And now he's on a fishing trip to find 3 people that voted illegally so he can claim 'he was close'.

What an absolute piece of shit. What adult could watch this orange-spittoon lie every day and still support him? He lost his mind and went absolutely batshit on tweeting today to masterbate himself to another woman 'bleeding from wherever'.
so maybe he does know. all they have to do is hand over the information. Failing to do so, validates his claim.

That is not so. Not handing the information over is proof of nothing. You are the one who has to prove it. get a warrant from a judge.

The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.
it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

It is not national security. Pres does not trump all.

The records will be subpoena'd. If this guy wants to catch federal time, he will.

Subpoenaed for what? The largest witch hunt in the history of this country. A judge who is a true conservative would quash this. Maybe you are the one who needs to do some time Nazi.
some posts like this are soo stupid, there is no possible reply that covers the it.

You are the one who is stupid. You masquerade as a American but you prove that you are in-American. There is such a thing as the Fourth Amendment

It's obvious this dude doesn't care about the integrity of the elections.

I love how you're triggered...
If you dont have anything to hide....

That is your only argument? You claim to be a American but you have no idea what makes America great. The fact that the government cannot pry into matters that they have no business in. If you believe a crime has been committed then get a warrant. You might have heard about the 4th amendment which requires the federal government to get a warrant. You do not have to be guilty of anything to demand this. It proves that you are a fake conservative.
I believe those records are the property of the government and not you. you volunteer your information for the right to vote. you have no privacy.

I love how you're triggered...
If you dont have anything to hide....

That is your only argument? You claim to be a American but you have no idea what makes America great. The fact that the government cannot pry into matters that they have no business in. If you believe a crime has been committed then get a warrant. You might have heard about the 4th amendment which requires the federal government to get a warrant. You do not have to be guilty of anything to demand this. It proves that you are a fake conservative.

The government cant "pry" into voter fraud?
What a fuken dolt!!

This is a states rights issue. States are charged with maintaining voter rolls not the federal government. This is a clear violation of it. Typical Trump supporters. They support a police state rather than the constitution.
yeah sure, like russia russia russia right. you fks just assume we'll cave to your nonsense and that ain't fking true. so, those names will be retrieved and will be looked at. if russia russia russia is sooooo fking important for interference an illegal voting in our election is twice as threatening. now you don't like that and we all get that, fk all american citizen is your motto. understood. you are a traitor.

You are the traitor to this country. There is no evidence of large scale illegal voting and this is nothing but a fishing expedition. Ignorant Trump supporters are trying so hard to say that Trump won the popular vote and they are willing to do anything and terrorize anyone to get it done. You belong in Nazi Germany. Get your fucking ass out of this country.
Even if there was massive voter fraud, the right wing is literally, incredible, if they want us to believe, all illegals Only voted blue and not red.

Five million votes could sway low population red States, for their electoral vote.
I was incensed at the outrageous demands for voter info by the presidential advisory commission on voter fraud that I launched my air force, sailed my navy, marched my army and activated my property line defenses because of the voter history aspect of their demand.

I read my state's response and found out that it's not who you previously voted for but that you voted, or not. So I recalled my forces.

Whew, that was close.

They want the last 4 digits of your social secuirty number. Your full name and address and date of birth.

You know when anybody calls you up, and has to verify your identity, that's what they ask for. Whether it's your doctor, your bank, or insurance company. The information is ripe for identity theft.
You voter registration is not private information, moron.
The Commission is not just asking for voter registration moron. They are asking for all kinds of private information about the voters on the registration rolls.
Like where they lived? How do you expect them to determine whether a voter was a legal resident without that?

It is not up to them to determine that. It is a state issue.

Great!!! Than you wont mind when we make your state issue vote invalid.

You would like that because I am not a member of the cult of Trump. I think for myself.

You don't think! That is the problem with the left.
Why I slowly am leaning Libertarian, thank you 27 state's, I have to give up my personal information enough places. my SS # vote history and party affilation. are not your business. Just one more way to cause problems.
You are a piece of Trump trash. I suppose the Mississippi Secretary of State is hiding something. He told the commission to jump in the gulf. The list includes ND,SD, Tennessee, and Utah to name a few
I'd rather be "Trump Trash" than to have Obama's butt juice all over my chin like you.
You are a piece of Trump trash. I suppose the Mississippi Secretary of State is hiding something. He told the commission to jump in the gulf. The list includes ND,SD, Tennessee, and Utah to name a few
I'd rather be "Trump Trash" than to have Obama's butt juice all over my chin like you.
you are a submissive Trump bitchete ..weak sad and Bimbo is no way to live Chump

Mother Fucker what are you trying to hide in your taxes you Orange bitch LOL

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Numerous states are refusing to give information to the very distinguished VOTER FRAUD PANEL. What are they trying to hide?

9:07 AM - 1 Jul 2017
you are a submissive Trump bitchete ..weak sad and Bimbo is no way to live Chump
Yeah that's right and we Trump bitchete's beat your commie asses in the last 4 elections and look forward to doing it again. Oh by the way good news! Kennedy is going to retire from the SCOTUS and an angry Trump will be replacing him. In just a few years your Obama commie pinko America will be no more. Over baby! I think we call this ripping our nation back from your liberal clutches. DUPE!
you are a submissive Trump bitchete ..weak sad and Bimbo is no way to live Chump
Yeah that's right and we Trump bitchete's beat your commie asses in the last 4 elections and look forward to doing it again. Oh by the way good news! Kennedy is going to retire from the SCOTUS and an angry Trump will be replacing him. In just a few years your Obama commie pinko America will be no more. Over baby! I think we call this ripping our nation back from your liberal clutches. DUPE!
Thanks for agreeing you are a bitchette, bitchette matter what you are a Trump lil submissive Bitch and he is going to Fuck you good and proper

who the fuck is going to trust Trump other than his trusty Rube salad tossers
More than half the states refusing to provide voter data to Trump
Thanks for agreeing you are a bitchette, bitchette matter what you are a Trump lil submissive Bitch and he is going to Fuck you good and proper

who the fuck is going to trust Trump other than his trusty Rube salad tossers
No matter what you say it's always better to be a winner than a loser...take my word for it. America is being repaired and you hate that. that makes me smile every day dupe!
Thanks for agreeing you are a bitchette, bitchette matter what you are a Trump lil submissive Bitch and he is going to Fuck you good and proper

who the fuck is going to trust Trump other than his trusty Rube salad tossers
No matter what you say it's always better to be a winner than a loser...take my word for it. America is being repaired and you hate that. that makes me smile every day dupe!

sure bitchette you are a real winner I can tell lol what did you win a pint of Trump testicle sweat lol pathetic
I do not want to be a "Bitchette" for anyone up have you no pride " do you need to crawl and suck off some Orange Space freak in order to feel protected..that is so Sad weak Bimbo

Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, a Republican, had a particularly memorable response to the [Vote Investigation] panel’s calls: “They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico and Mississippi is a great State to launch from.”
sure bitchette you are a real winner I can tell lol what did you win a pint of Trump testicle sweat lol pathetic
I do not want to be a "Bitchette" for anyone up have you no pride " do you need to crawl and suck off some Orange Space freak in order to feel protected..that is so Sad weak Bimbo
Yeah it felt good to win in November and in the preceding 3 elections. it's going to feel even better to gain control of our courts once again. It really feels great to watch you dupe snowflakes cry and moan and trip all over yourselves with grief. Get back to me when your side figures out how to win, until then I will be the winner regardless of what you call it. it's winning! And when California's voter rolls are finally cleaned from illegal voters we will get California back too. Boy I bet you will want to call me a bitchette then, BUUUUUAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHAHAHAHA hey there is something brown and smelly on your chin.
sure bitchette you are a real winner I can tell lol what did you win a pint of Trump testicle sweat lol pathetic
I do not want to be a "Bitchette" for anyone up have you no pride " do you need to crawl and suck off some Orange Space freak in order to feel protected..that is so Sad weak Bimbo
Yeah it felt good to win in November and in the preceding 3 elections. it's going to feel even better to gain control of our courts once again. It really feels great to watch you dupe snowflakes cry and moan and trip all over yourselves with grief. Get back to me when your side figures out how to win, until then I will be the winner regardless of what you call it. it's winning! And when California's voter rolls are finally cleaned from illegal voters we will get California back too. Boy I bet you will want to call me a bitchette then, BUUUUUAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHAHAHAHA hey there is something brown and smelly on your chin.
you won big rube ...what is your income group bwuaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
you won big rube ...what is your income group bwuaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Hahahahahahahaha lmao. I'm sitting in the living room of my vacation house waiting for family to arrive while drinking a glass of seven hands Pinot Grigio and staring out at the pacific ocean. Tri Tip in the fridge to go with burgers and hot dogs this afternoon and Golf in the morning! Yes! It's all good believe me dupe. No worries!
And as a vet you are going to help pay my medical bills the rest of my life...thanks dupe!
Are they worried we'll find enough illegals, dead people and other fraud to account for the popular vote?


California's top elections officer to Trump's voting fraud panel: No

President Trump's voter fraud commission will not be getting the names and addresses of California's registered voters. The panel's request was denied on Thursday by Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who said it would only "legitimize" false claims of massive election cheating last fall.
Ya know... I think you should change your board name from "tigerred" to "triggered."

You got the Trump Derangement Syndrome bad, son.
sure bitchette you are a real winner I can tell lol what did you win a pint of Trump testicle sweat lol pathetic
I do not want to be a "Bitchette" for anyone up have you no pride " do you need to crawl and suck off some Orange Space freak in order to feel protected..that is so Sad weak Bimbo
But you are wrong...libs like you have been bent over a table taking it in from the dishonest dems forever and liking it. You are no match for me Tyrone so give it up.
you won big rube ...what is your income group bwuaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Hahahahahahahaha lmao. I'm sitting in the living room of my vacation house waiting for family to arrive while drinking a glass of seven hands Pinot Grigio and staring out at the pacific ocean. Tri Tip in the fridge to go with burgers and hot dogs this afternoon and Golf in the morning! Yes! It's all good believe me dupe. No worries!
And as a vet you are going to help pay my medical bills the rest of my life...thanks dupe!
sure you are :biggrin:

..your mental health bills I am sure are staggering ...:badgrin:
<---generic Trump submissive supporter :poop:
Backlash at Trump
request for
'confidential' voter data

sure bitchette you are a real winner I can tell lol what did you win a pint of Trump testicle sweat lol pathetic
I do not want to be a "Bitchette" for anyone up have you no pride " do you need to crawl and suck off some Orange Space freak in order to feel protected..that is so Sad weak Bimbo
But you are wrong...libs like you have been bent over a table taking it in from the dishonest dems forever and liking it. You are no match for me Tyrone so give it up.
yeah you are a sure winner LOL the envy of the net LOL

Growing Number of States Reject Voter Data Request From Trump's ...

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