California refuses to turn over voter rolls in the investigation into voter fraud

hey shit for brains, voter rolls are public information, candidates and committees etc have equal access to this kind of information. Having gotten such information myself at different times over the years I know this for fact. Now FOI may well not apply to this since I put that in a form of a question which you obviously ignored like most anything else that does not fit your narrow political narrative.
The objection is not about voter rolls. The objection is to providing private data about voters to a shady Presidential Commission for a database of private and personal information. Theoretically, however, there is an objection to Executive Branch incursion into what has historically and Constitutionally a state issue.
You voter registration is not private information, moron.
The Commission is not just asking for voter registration moron. They are asking for all kinds of private information about the voters on the registration rolls.
Like where they lived? How do you expect them to determine whether a voter was a legal resident without that?

Snowflakes will argue that voter fraud does not exist, so there should be no audit of voter rolls for accuracy.
The Constitution gives that authority to the individual states, which all have their own individuals laws and voting systems. Show where the Executive Branch and President have the Constitutional authority to interfere or involve itself with voting in an individual state, or for that matter, compile a database of private information about voters.
The objection is not about voter rolls. The objection is to providing private data about voters to a shady Presidential Commission for a database of private and personal information. Theoretically, however, there is an objection to Executive Branch incursion into what has historically and Constitutionally a state issue.
You voter registration is not private information, moron.
The Commission is not just asking for voter registration moron. They are asking for all kinds of private information about the voters on the registration rolls.
Like where they lived? How do you expect them to determine whether a voter was a legal resident without that?

Snowflakes will argue that voter fraud does not exist, so there should be no audit of voter rolls for accuracy.
The Constitution gives that authority to the individual states, which all have their own individuals laws and voting systems. Show where the Executive Branch and President have the Constitutional authority to interfere or involve itself with voting in an individual state, or for that matter, compile a database of private information about voters.

Requesting information is not "interfering." It couldn't be more obvious that you don't want Americans to know the truth.
Are they worried we'll find enough illegals, dead people and other fraud to account for the popular vote?


California's top elections officer to Trump's voting fraud panel: No

President Trump's voter fraud commission will not be getting the names and addresses of California's registered voters. The panel's request was denied on Thursday by Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who said it would only "legitimize" false claims of massive election cheating last fall.
Good bye thread: "At least 25 states resist sweeping data request by voting commission " Washington Post
Are they worried we'll find enough illegals, dead people and other fraud to account for the popular vote?


California's top elections officer to Trump's voting fraud panel: No

President Trump's voter fraud commission will not be getting the names and addresses of California's registered voters. The panel's request was denied on Thursday by Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who said it would only "legitimize" false claims of massive election cheating last fall.
Good bye thread: "At least 25 states resist sweeping data request by voting commission " Washington Post
Red ones and Blues ones.
Are they worried we'll find enough illegals, dead people and other fraud to account for the popular vote?


California's top elections officer to Trump's voting fraud panel: No

President Trump's voter fraud commission will not be getting the names and addresses of California's registered voters. The panel's request was denied on Thursday by Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who said it would only "legitimize" false claims of massive election cheating last fall.

he's yours too too bad for your dumb ass
Are they worried we'll find enough illegals, dead people and other fraud to account for the popular vote?


California's top elections officer to Trump's voting fraud panel: No

President Trump's voter fraud commission will not be getting the names and addresses of California's registered voters. The panel's request was denied on Thursday by Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who said it would only "legitimize" false claims of massive election cheating last fall.
Good bye thread: "At least 25 states resist sweeping data request by voting commission " Washington Post
Red ones and Blues ones.
Green ones and yellow ones
This is ridiculous..if you haven't done anything wrong why not turn over the records?

Because it is none of their business. There is no need to know here.

The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.
it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

Voter information is not a matter of national security
If illegals are interfering in our elections it is. Why all the Russia Russia?
Because it is none of their business. There is no need to know here.

The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.
it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

Voter information is not a matter of national security
If illegals are interfering in our elections it is. Why all the Russia Russia?
Because you made up the part about illegals interfering with the elections. Republicans in Congress don’t want anything to do with Trump’s voter-fraud probe
The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.
it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

Voter information is not a matter of national security
If illegals are interfering in our elections it is. Why all the Russia Russia?
Because you made up the part about illegals interfering with the elections. Republicans in Congress don’t want anything to do with Trump’s voter-fraud probe

Is that because they're crooked?
The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

This may be a shock to you, but your voter information is already public information.

Not the information the commission is asking for.
Mr. Trump should, "lead the way" by providing his tax returns.
hey shit for brains, voter rolls are public information
If it's public information why is Pence asking the states to "turn over the voter rolls"? Just publicly look at them. Why do they need the Sec of States?

And I'm the shit for brains?
California refuses to turn over voter rolls in the investigation into voter fraud
Of course. So has Massachusetts and Virginia, with more states to come.

How would you react if President Obama (praise be unto Him!) wanted states to send him your:

Party affiliation
Social Security number
Date of Birth
Voting history

Not one wingnut on this forum has the BALLS to answer this question honestly.
What is California hiding?

what??? the cancer of progressive left wing shit has taken over them in Cali
One has to ask. How did Trump make a claim right after the election that 5 million people voted illegally if he didn't have the returns? He knowingly made a false claim. And now he's on a fishing trip to find 3 people that voted illegally so he can claim 'he was close'.

What an absolute piece of shit. What adult could watch this orange-spittoon lie every day and still support him? He lost his mind and went absolutely batshit on tweeting today to masterbate himself to another woman 'bleeding from wherever'.
so maybe he does know. all they have to do is hand over the information. Failing to do so, validates his claim.

That is not so. Not handing the information over is proof of nothing. You are the one who has to prove it. get a warrant from a judge.

Because it is none of their business. There is no need to know here.

The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.
it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

It is not national security. Pres does not trump all.

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.

The records will be subpoena'd. If this guy wants to catch federal time, he will.

Subpoenaed for what? The largest witch hunt in the history of this country. A judge who is a true conservative would quash this. Maybe you are the one who needs to do some time Nazi.
some posts like this are soo stupid, there is no possible reply that covers the it.

You are the one who is stupid. You masquerade as a American but you prove that you are in-American. There is such a thing as the Fourth Amendment

It's obvious this dude doesn't care about the integrity of the elections.

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.

I love how you're triggered...
If you dont have anything to hide....

That is your only argument? You claim to be a American but you have no idea what makes America great. The fact that the government cannot pry into matters that they have no business in. If you believe a crime has been committed then get a warrant. You might have heard about the 4th amendment which requires the federal government to get a warrant. You do not have to be guilty of anything to demand this. It proves that you are a fake conservative.
I believe those records are the property of the government and not you. you volunteer your information for the right to vote. you have no privacy.

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.

I love how you're triggered...
If you dont have anything to hide....

That is your only argument? You claim to be a American but you have no idea what makes America great. The fact that the government cannot pry into matters that they have no business in. If you believe a crime has been committed then get a warrant. You might have heard about the 4th amendment which requires the federal government to get a warrant. You do not have to be guilty of anything to demand this. It proves that you are a fake conservative.

The government cant "pry" into voter fraud?
What a fuken dolt!!

This is a states rights issue. States are charged with maintaining voter rolls not the federal government. This is a clear violation of it. Typical Trump supporters. They support a police state rather than the constitution.
yeah sure, like russia russia russia right. you fks just assume we'll cave to your nonsense and that ain't fking true. so, those names will be retrieved and will be looked at. if russia russia russia is sooooo fking important for interference an illegal voting in our election is twice as threatening. now you don't like that and we all get that, fk all american citizen is your motto. understood. you are a traitor.

You are the traitor to this country. There is no evidence of large scale illegal voting and this is nothing but a fishing expedition. Ignorant Trump supporters are trying so hard to say that Trump won the popular vote and they are willing to do anything and terrorize anyone to get it done. You belong in Nazi Germany. Get your fucking ass out of this country.
One has to ask. How did Trump make a claim right after the election that 5 million people voted illegally if he didn't have the returns? He knowingly made a false claim. And now he's on a fishing trip to find 3 people that voted illegally so he can claim 'he was close'.

What an absolute piece of shit. What adult could watch this orange-spittoon lie every day and still support him? He lost his mind and went absolutely batshit on tweeting today to masterbate himself to another woman 'bleeding from wherever'.
so maybe he does know. all they have to do is hand over the information. Failing to do so, validates his claim.

That is not so. Not handing the information over is proof of nothing. You are the one who has to prove it. get a warrant from a judge.

The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.
it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

It is not national security. Pres does not trump all.

The records will be subpoena'd. If this guy wants to catch federal time, he will.

Subpoenaed for what? The largest witch hunt in the history of this country. A judge who is a true conservative would quash this. Maybe you are the one who needs to do some time Nazi.
some posts like this are soo stupid, there is no possible reply that covers the it.

You are the one who is stupid. You masquerade as a American but you prove that you are in-American. There is such a thing as the Fourth Amendment

It's obvious this dude doesn't care about the integrity of the elections.

I love how you're triggered...
If you dont have anything to hide....

That is your only argument? You claim to be a American but you have no idea what makes America great. The fact that the government cannot pry into matters that they have no business in. If you believe a crime has been committed then get a warrant. You might have heard about the 4th amendment which requires the federal government to get a warrant. You do not have to be guilty of anything to demand this. It proves that you are a fake conservative.
I believe those records are the property of the government and not you. you volunteer your information for the right to vote. you have no privacy.

I love how you're triggered...
If you dont have anything to hide....

That is your only argument? You claim to be a American but you have no idea what makes America great. The fact that the government cannot pry into matters that they have no business in. If you believe a crime has been committed then get a warrant. You might have heard about the 4th amendment which requires the federal government to get a warrant. You do not have to be guilty of anything to demand this. It proves that you are a fake conservative.

The government cant "pry" into voter fraud?
What a fuken dolt!!

This is a states rights issue. States are charged with maintaining voter rolls not the federal government. This is a clear violation of it. Typical Trump supporters. They support a police state rather than the constitution.
yeah sure, like russia russia russia right. you fks just assume we'll cave to your nonsense and that ain't fking true. so, those names will be retrieved and will be looked at. if russia russia russia is sooooo fking important for interference an illegal voting in our election is twice as threatening. now you don't like that and we all get that, fk all american citizen is your motto. understood. you are a traitor.

You are the traitor to this country. There is no evidence of large scale illegal voting and this is nothing but a fishing expedition. Ignorant Trump supporters are trying so hard to say that Trump won the popular vote and they are willing to do anything and terrorize anyone to get it done. You belong in Nazi Germany. Get your fucking ass out of this country.

Ya might just want to fade into the background boi.....
If the polls were honest and true; California would not have a problem producing them. This proves beyond any doubt that the voter rolls in California are bogus and the elections in CA are rigged.

You are a piece of Trump trash. I suppose the Mississippi Secretary of State is hiding something. He told the commission to jump in the gulf. The list includes ND,SD, Tennessee, and Utah to name a few.

The same can be said about trumps tax returns, and a great deal of other details kept from the public.

Trumps tax returns are none of your business.

Voter information is none of your business or Trump's either.
One has to ask. How did Trump make a claim right after the election that 5 million people voted illegally if he didn't have the returns? He knowingly made a false claim. And now he's on a fishing trip to find 3 people that voted illegally so he can claim 'he was close'.

What an absolute piece of shit. What adult could watch this orange-spittoon lie every day and still support him? He lost his mind and went absolutely batshit on tweeting today to masterbate himself to another woman 'bleeding from wherever'.
so maybe he does know. all they have to do is hand over the information. Failing to do so, validates his claim.

That is not so. Not handing the information over is proof of nothing. You are the one who has to prove it. get a warrant from a judge.

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.
it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

It is not national security. Pres does not trump all.

Subpoenaed for what? The largest witch hunt in the history of this country. A judge who is a true conservative would quash this. Maybe you are the one who needs to do some time Nazi.
some posts like this are soo stupid, there is no possible reply that covers the it.

You are the one who is stupid. You masquerade as a American but you prove that you are in-American. There is such a thing as the Fourth Amendment

It's obvious this dude doesn't care about the integrity of the elections.

That is your only argument? You claim to be a American but you have no idea what makes America great. The fact that the government cannot pry into matters that they have no business in. If you believe a crime has been committed then get a warrant. You might have heard about the 4th amendment which requires the federal government to get a warrant. You do not have to be guilty of anything to demand this. It proves that you are a fake conservative.
I believe those records are the property of the government and not you. you volunteer your information for the right to vote. you have no privacy.

That is your only argument? You claim to be a American but you have no idea what makes America great. The fact that the government cannot pry into matters that they have no business in. If you believe a crime has been committed then get a warrant. You might have heard about the 4th amendment which requires the federal government to get a warrant. You do not have to be guilty of anything to demand this. It proves that you are a fake conservative.

The government cant "pry" into voter fraud?
What a fuken dolt!!

This is a states rights issue. States are charged with maintaining voter rolls not the federal government. This is a clear violation of it. Typical Trump supporters. They support a police state rather than the constitution.
yeah sure, like russia russia russia right. you fks just assume we'll cave to your nonsense and that ain't fking true. so, those names will be retrieved and will be looked at. if russia russia russia is sooooo fking important for interference an illegal voting in our election is twice as threatening. now you don't like that and we all get that, fk all american citizen is your motto. understood. you are a traitor.

You are the traitor to this country. There is no evidence of large scale illegal voting and this is nothing but a fishing expedition. Ignorant Trump supporters are trying so hard to say that Trump won the popular vote and they are willing to do anything and terrorize anyone to get it done. You belong in Nazi Germany. Get your fucking ass out of this country.

Ya might just want to fade into the background boi.....

I stand up to tyranny whether it is Republican or Democrat. You need to fade away and get out.
Subpoena the records and be sure that the subpoena says that if the records have been destroyed, you'll do 15 to life.

Hmmmm 'subpoena' them under what authority?
A criminal investigation. Voter rolls are not private records.

What 'criminal investigation'?

Voter rolls are under the authority of States.

And I know Conservatives hate the concept of state's rights, but States, under their own constitution's- control their own voter's records.

So far all you have is a Presidential commission- with no authority over anyone- politely asking for information so they can go on a wild goose chase trying to support President Snowflake's lie about illegal votes.

And California has chosen to tell them to go pound sand.

The Republican SOS in Mississippi gets my vote for the best response. He told them to go jump in the gulf.
If the polls were honest and true; California would not have a problem producing them. This proves beyond any doubt that the voter rolls in California are bogus and the elections in CA are rigged.

You are a piece of Trump trash. I suppose the Mississippi Secretary of State is hiding something. He told the commission to jump in the gulf. The list includes ND,SD, Tennessee, and Utah to name a few.

The same can be said about trumps tax returns, and a great deal of other details kept from the public.

Trumps tax returns are none of your business.

Voter information is none of your business or Trump's either.

You're seriously going to continue with this charade?
so maybe he does know. all they have to do is hand over the information. Failing to do so, validates his claim.

That is not so. Not handing the information over is proof of nothing. You are the one who has to prove it. get a warrant from a judge.

it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

It is not national security. Pres does not trump all.

some posts like this are soo stupid, there is no possible reply that covers the it.

You are the one who is stupid. You masquerade as a American but you prove that you are in-American. There is such a thing as the Fourth Amendment

It's obvious this dude doesn't care about the integrity of the elections.

I believe those records are the property of the government and not you. you volunteer your information for the right to vote. you have no privacy.

The government cant "pry" into voter fraud?
What a fuken dolt!!

This is a states rights issue. States are charged with maintaining voter rolls not the federal government. This is a clear violation of it. Typical Trump supporters. They support a police state rather than the constitution.
yeah sure, like russia russia russia right. you fks just assume we'll cave to your nonsense and that ain't fking true. so, those names will be retrieved and will be looked at. if russia russia russia is sooooo fking important for interference an illegal voting in our election is twice as threatening. now you don't like that and we all get that, fk all american citizen is your motto. understood. you are a traitor.

You are the traitor to this country. There is no evidence of large scale illegal voting and this is nothing but a fishing expedition. Ignorant Trump supporters are trying so hard to say that Trump won the popular vote and they are willing to do anything and terrorize anyone to get it done. You belong in Nazi Germany. Get your fucking ass out of this country.

Ya might just want to fade into the background boi.....

I stand up to tyranny whether it is Republican or Democrat. You need to fade away and get out.

You cant be more than 18,you'll need to send proof of age before I'll address you again.

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