California refuses to turn over voter rolls in the investigation into voter fraud

This is ridiculous..if you haven't done anything wrong why not turn over the records?

Because it is none of their business. There is no need to know here.

The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.
it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

Voter information is not a matter of national security

I do believe the integrity of our elections is a matter of national security.
Because it is none of their business. There is no need to know here.

The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.
it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

Voter information is not a matter of national security

I do believe the integrity of our elections is a matter of national security.

Yep...if it wasnt some dastardly politicians could flood our country with undesirables to win elections thus changing the course the citizenry of that country chooses.

Gee,that sounds so familiar.....
Clearly, Uncle Vlad is behind this. He gave Trump key swing states, and overloaded the CA voter rolls with dead people, Illegals and fictitious people to give Hillary the popular vote and Republicans in CA are protecting him
Gee,that sounds so familiar.....

You must be in that Fox Demographic sweet spot eh LOL

Hosemann tells Trump commission: "Go jump in the Gulf"
Source: Hattiesburg American

Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann's
response to Donald Trump's commission seeking info on all states' registered voters is "go jump in the Gulf" -- he doesn't plan to provide such records.

. . .

Republican Hosemann
said his office has not receive a letter, but he was provided a copy from another secretary of state.

"As all of you may remember, I fought in federal court to protect Mississippi voters' rights for their privacy and won," Hosemann said. "In the event I were to receive correspondence from the commission requesting (what the other state received) ... My reply would be: They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico :boobies:and Mississippi is a great state to launch from."

Hosemann said the copy of the letter he received asked the state for full first and last names and middle initials of registered voters, addresses, dates of birth, political party, last four digits of Social Security numbers, voter history from 2006 on, information regarding any felony convictions, military status and other info.

Read more:
The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

This may be a shock to you, but your voter information is already public information.

Not the information the commission is asking for.
The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

This may be a shock to you, but your voter information is already public information.

Not the information the commission is asking for.
So far 21 states have refused to comply with the "Advisory Commission on Election Integrity."
They are: California, Connecticut, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. Some of these are "red" states, so Sarah Halibut Sanders can STFU about how a refusal to comply must be politically motivated.

21 states refusing to provide voter data to Trump election panel
Why would anyone expect a real estate mogul's tax returns to be completely honest and true? Are yours?

That's the point. We don't expect a real estate mogul to be honest. But we do expect that of a president. If the two are mutually exclusive, than we shouldn't lower our presidential standards to make it possible.
They are not...we are talking about a tax return filed two years ago before he was elected. But you still are missing my point. Trump could have lied on everyone of his tax returns since he began his company and that still would not make him as corrupt as the average DC democrat. So in my opinion we are better off with Trump than any democrat. Get It?
Gee,that sounds so familiar.....

You must be in that Fox Demographic sweet spot eh LOL

Hosemann tells Trump commission: "Go jump in the Gulf"
Source: Hattiesburg American

Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann's
response to Donald Trump's commission seeking info on all states' registered voters is "go jump in the Gulf" -- he doesn't plan to provide such records.

. . .

Republican Hosemann
said his office has not receive a letter, but he was provided a copy from another secretary of state.

"As all of you may remember, I fought in federal court to protect Mississippi voters' rights for their privacy and won," Hosemann said. "In the event I were to receive correspondence from the commission requesting (what the other state received) ... My reply would be: They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico :boobies:and Mississippi is a great state to launch from."

Hosemann said the copy of the letter he received asked the state for full first and last names and middle initials of registered voters, addresses, dates of birth, political party, last four digits of Social Security numbers, voter history from 2006 on, information regarding any felony convictions, military status and other info.

Read more: Hosemann tells Trump commission 'go jump in the Gulf' on voter records

That would lead me to believe Hosemann has something to hide as well. I'd think you'd be interested in voter fraud in Mississippi since Hosemann got voter I.D. laws passed in Mississippi.
They are: California, Connecticut, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. Some of these are "red" states, so Sarah Halibut Sanders can STFU about how a refusal to comply must be politically motivated.

21 states refusing to provide voter data to Trump election panel

In one of the cases that Kobach brought, it was proof that a dead person had voted, based on social security saying he was dead, and another because the person date other because the date of birth was 1901 so the person would be over 110 years old.

In the first case a local paper found the person who was wrongly listed as dead, and the other the date of birth was a typo. Instead of trying to prove voter fraud, they should look into the accuracy of records used to kick people off the voter roles and the thousands of people disenfranchised.
That would lead me to believe Hosemann has something to hide as well. I'd think you'd be interested in voter fraud in Mississippi since Hosemann got voter I.D. laws passed in Mississippi.

Trump's refusal to release his tax returns as has been done by all candidates for over 45 years is convincing evidence that Orange Gorilla has some over ripe bananas he wants to hide ....even the reddest of red States , Mississippi, and even Kobach 's own State is not going to go along with Krazy Kobach

by the way this happened with Kobach a week ago...what is your Kris Kobach trying to hide there sucker
Kris Kobach fined for misleading court and refusing to produce documents ...
Gee,that sounds so familiar.....

You must be in that Fox Demographic sweet spot eh LOL

Hosemann tells Trump commission: "Go jump in the Gulf"
Source: Hattiesburg American

Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann's
response to Donald Trump's commission seeking info on all states' registered voters is "go jump in the Gulf" -- he doesn't plan to provide such records.

. . .

Republican Hosemann
said his office has not receive a letter, but he was provided a copy from another secretary of state.

"As all of you may remember, I fought in federal court to protect Mississippi voters' rights for their privacy and won," Hosemann said. "In the event I were to receive correspondence from the commission requesting (what the other state received) ... My reply would be: They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico :boobies:and Mississippi is a great state to launch from."

Hosemann said the copy of the letter he received asked the state for full first and last names and middle initials of registered voters, addresses, dates of birth, political party, last four digits of Social Security numbers, voter history from 2006 on, information regarding any felony convictions, military status and other info.

Read more: Hosemann tells Trump commission 'go jump in the Gulf' on voter records

That would lead me to believe Hosemann has something to hide as well. I'd think you'd be interested in voter fraud in Mississippi since Hosemann got voter I.D. laws passed in Mississippi.

So you're suddenly okay with voter I.D.?
You know it's almost as if you feel a disturbance in the force, like conservatives themselves are finally starting to understand the risk with Trump not just with this issue but overall with him and his minions. A few Republicans castigated him on the lowlife tweets he made of MJ and Mika, the hostility conservatives are showing their reps and sens at townhalls, and now this.

It may be too soon to say, but we may be getting close to enough of these people realizing how out there Trump and his alt-right are and they don't want it now that it's coming into clear view.
Well, this is going swimmingly!

Mike Pence's Indiana Sec Of State flatly said no. And the Mississippi SoS - another Republican - said of Pence and Kobach “They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico and Mississippi is a great state to launch from".

Hosemann on Trump voter ID request: ‘Go jump in the Gulf’


Ahh, shit - Jesus in shades beat me to it!
Voter rolls are not private records.

Actually they should subpoena the secretary of states registered voter records. Those would contain any illegals who tried to vote, while the DMV records have nothing to do with anything..

Look- i am fine with combating voter fraud- even the imaginary voter fraud of 5 million illegals.

But I will point out again- who has the authority to 'subpoena' the secretaries of states for their voter records?
The Attorney General.
Subpoena the records and be sure that the subpoena says that if the records have been destroyed, you'll do 15 to life.

Hmmmm 'subpoena' them under what authority?
A criminal investigation. Voter rolls are not private records.

What 'criminal investigation'?

Voter rolls are under the authority of States.

And I know Conservatives hate the concept of state's rights, but States, under their own constitution's- control their own voter's records.

So far all you have is a Presidential commission- with no authority over anyone- politely asking for information so they can go on a wild goose chase trying to support President Snowflake's lie about illegal votes.

And California has chosen to tell them to go pound sand.
Which will lead to a criminal investigation. Serious allegations have been made, and they need to be investigated.

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