California refuses to turn over voter rolls in the investigation into voter fraud

The California Democrats' refusal to turn this information over is probably the best proof of guilt they can provide.
Strawman What If:

So..what if Calif is forced to hand it all over...and it IS found there was massive voter fraud by illegals, dead people, etc. and there is concrete evidence to prove it. Those balking..would you be upset to know the system was abused for one party over the other? Or would you want to keep hiding that knowledge for whatever reason?

Just curious.

Well I would be surprised- since so far there has been absolutely no evidence to support it.

But if the evidence shows that there was massive voter fraud- to benefit anyone- I would want criminal prosecution.

Remember though- this is a commission that was started simply because President Snowflake claimed that there was massive voter fraud- not because there is any evidence that there was any.

Now- what if it is found that there was massive voter fraud in Texas- and that got Trump elected?

Would you care?
The California Democrats' refusal to turn this information over is probably the best proof of guilt they can provide.

Exactly- just like Donald Trump's refusal to turn over his tax records is proof of his guilt.
Are they worried we'll find enough illegals, dead people and other fraud to account for the popular vote?


California's top elections officer to Trump's voting fraud panel: No

President Trump's voter fraud commission will not be getting the names and addresses of California's registered voters. The panel's request was denied on Thursday by Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who said it would only "legitimize" false claims of massive election cheating last fall.

heh - you're gonna love being 12. what, 3 more years to go?
You derps and your memes.

There is an investigation into collusion by Donald Trump with the Russians to fix our election. He's admitted they did indeed do that. The investigation is to determine who helped them here in the US. Saying the 'investigation' proves nothing is like saying a detective investigating a crimes proves nothing. No shit, the INVESTIGATION is an effort to find proof or the lack thereof.

Ben Gassy on the other hand was a 4 year long witch hunt to harm someone politically which turned out to be nothing. Cons have no problem with this waste of 20 million dollars of taxpayer money, but Trump colluding with an enemy to fix our elections must be swept under the rug as soon as possible?

Try being an American for 5 minutes rather than a partisan hack.

No, there is a WITCH-HUNT...just as PRESIDENT Trump said.
Obama "colluded with Russia more than Trump ever has...remember the open Microphone?
Obama to Putin: I'll have more room to maneuver after the 2012 elections" (uncle Tom grin on his traitorous face)
Oh...and Al Gore, ....perhaps you conveniently forgot the Uranium deal the Clintons worked on with Russia?

Did you attend your brains funeral? It apparently was still-born.
Somehow you still seem to be loitering around life like a good little indoctrinated Democrat zombie without it.

Wow you have been triggered! Eat those memes with both hands dorpy.

Never a defense of drumpf, always a deflection.
Subpoena the records and be sure that the subpoena says that if the records have been destroyed, you'll do 15 to life.
Get the fuck outta here....this orange mf needs to release the fuckin lies he keep telling about Russia, that along with his tax returns.
Put your helmet on and hush.
I don't interact with the mentally ill. It's a reflex of Mine. That fact that you're just another racist is just adding to the ick factor. You can hush or I'll just eliminate you from My feed.
Since when do I give a rats fuck about you, let alone conversing with you, like get over yourself.
Yet you reply as if it matters. I'll skip the rent payment for your head this month.
Well I would be surprised- since so far there has been absolutely no evidence to support it.
But if the evidence shows that there was massive voter fraud- to benefit anyone- I would want criminal prosecution.
Remember though- this is a commission that was started simply because President Snowflake claimed that there was massive voter fraud- not because there is any evidence that there was any.
Now- what if it is found that there was massive voter fraud in Texas- and that got Trump elected?
Would you care?

No evidence? What kind of advanced moron ARE YOU?
---> Refusal to cooperate with requests for voter information (California)
---> Refusal to cooperate with voter ID laws (California, NewYork, Oregon, Colorado etc)
---> Open borders (ALL Democrats want this)
---> Driver licenses for illegal immigrants (California, NewYork etc)
---> Refusal to turn over dangerous illegal immigrants to Federal authorities
---> Sanctuary cities - WHY? If libtards are so concerned about their well being go to THEIR country and spend heavily to help them AT HOME!

But nooooo...fucktard leftnuts like Obama will spend $80,000 a NIGHT on a luxury vacation (LOOK IT UP!!) All the while making taxpayers pay for illegals. F'n HYPOCRITES !!!!

Juuuuuust a fucking coincidence that those are the states with Sanctuary cities and heavy Communist/Socialist/Progressive populations.?

NO. It's to get desperately needed illegal votes because Democrats CAN NOT win FAIR elections where only AMERICANS vote.

Are you really THAT much of a total idiot? Really?
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Wow you have been triggered! Eat those memes with both hands dorpy.
Never a defense of drumpf, always a deflection.

Yeah...dumbasses who put me and my country in jeopardy trigger me.

Your ilk are the greatest scourge on this planet since the Bubonic plague
Voter rolls are not private records.

Actually they should subpoena the secretary of states registered voter records. Those would contain any illegals who tried to vote, while the DMV records have nothing to do with anything.

The claim is that DMV records were transfered to the secretary of state to register people. So just subpoena the california voter registrations.

But how are they going to guarantee the security of the data they collect?

They're asking for the names, addresses, date of birth, social security number, party registration, record of votes. What hackers can use for identity theft.
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Well I would be surprised- since so far there has been absolutely no evidence to support it.
But if the evidence shows that there was massive voter fraud- to benefit anyone- I would want criminal prosecution.
Remember though- this is a commission that was started simply because President Snowflake claimed that there was massive voter fraud- not because there is any evidence that there was any.
Now- what if it is found that there was massive voter fraud in Texas- and that got Trump elected?
Would you care?

No evidence? What kind of advanced moron ARE YOU?
---> Refusal to cooperate with requests for voter information (California)
---> (California, NewYork, Oregon, Colorado etc)
---> Open borders (ALL Democrats want this)
---> Driver licenses for illegal immigrants (California, NewYork etc)
---> Sanctuary cities - WHY? If libtards are so concerned about their well being go to THEIR country and spend heavily to help them AT HOME!

But nooooo...fucktard leftnuts like Obama will spend $80,000 a NIGHT on a luxury vacation (LOOK IT UP!!) All the while making taxpayers pay for illegals. F'n HYPOCRITES !!!!

Juuuuuust a fucking coincidence that those are the states with Sanctuary cities and heavy Communist/Socialist/Progressive populations.?

NO. It's to get desperately needed illegal votes because Democrats CAN NOT win FAIR elections where only AMERICANS vote.

Are you really THAT much of a total idiot? Really?
1.) Hey buddy, checking in: OBAMA SPENT 80,000 A MONTH OMG! Meanwhile coming to a total over his 8 years of office 4,823,206.88!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile trump per day costs an average of 3 million dollars, every trip to maralago being 3.6 million dollars. Not to mention he profits off these costs as he owns maralago More information: How much do Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago cost? Obama’s travel expenses were $97m over eight years. Trump is already at $23m after 10 weeks

2.) Open borders? I'm sorry what? If I remember Hillary wanted to build a fence and enforce stricter border control. Many other democrats also support this, again fake news.Donald Trump's claim that Hillary Clinton wants 'open borders' doesn't hold up your fake news may have come from Trumps rhetoric against Hillary Clinton.

3.) Driving licenses are legally logged and are only available for immigrants in 12 states, and require proof or residency. Also to note they are all logged as illegal immigrants and have to pass drivers instructional classes. All of the above states require proof of tax service, meaning the illegal immigrants are paying taxes. For more information 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - also you might want to read individual state laws on this as there is some variance.

4.) Next go research gerrymandering, then tell me if it was a perfectly fair election, this goes hand and hand with foreign governments involved in our election. Election fraud was prevalent in this election, there is just one source I'm sure you can find more.

5.) Next point, the obama administration was cutting down on sanctuary cities in general, and a new laws are in place to prevent that from happening. Go to your town hall and discuss that, as there are key advantages and disadvantages to sanctuary cities. More information on this:

6.) Heres why California and many other states are refusing to release information, ironically the same reason the right did not want a recount! also all the information on conservative voters has been logged and was leaked to the public recently, I'm sure thats something they are considering as well. More information on this:

Do your own research please instead of bending over to fake news. Complimentary lube for your butt hurt.
If the polls were honest and true; California would not have a problem producing them. This proves beyond any doubt that the voter rolls in California are bogus and the elections in CA are rigged.
The same can be said about trumps tax returns, and a great deal of other details kept from the public.
The Democrats have been crooks ever since the Democratic Party was created with Thomas Jefferson, all the way through Andrew Jackson, and the Confederacy. They are also the guys behind slavery, Indian genocide, segregation, KKK lynchings, abortion, and the enslavement of the black race through the welfare state.
If the polls were honest and true; California would not have a problem producing them. This proves beyond any doubt that the voter rolls in California are bogus and the elections in CA are rigged.

Where is the commission going to store the sensitive voter data? Based on past practice, the russians may have already hacked the commissions server, and are just waiting for them to fill it with every voters personal information.
Hey "Blackrook" your information is skewed, source Why Did the Democratic and Republican Parties Switch Platforms? The ideology that took place for most of those problems is the same ideology we see today in modern day republicans. That being said times have changed, and with time I imagine the party lines today will change in the future.
There is no change, the Democrats have always been the party of those who believe the ends justify the means.

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