California refuses to turn over voter rolls in the investigation into voter fraud

The Democrats think they're entitled to break the law and cheat during elections, and this is just more proof of that arrogance.
If the polls were honest and true; California would not have a problem producing them. This proves beyond any doubt that the voter rolls in California are bogus and the elections in CA are rigged.

Where is the commission going to store the sensitive voter data? Based on past practice, the russians may have already hacked the commissions server, and are just waiting for them to fill it with every voters personal information.

I'm sure we can figure it worries. Now that Obama is out of office hacking and wiretapping is no longer a concern.
Where is the commission going to store the sensitive voter data? Based on past practice, the russians may have already hacked the commissions server, and are just waiting for them to fill it with every voters personal information.

I'm sure we can figure it worries. Now that Obama is out of office hacking and wiretapping is no longer a concern.

The same one who set up the commission, claims the russians didn't hack computer systems with voter records. How can they protect something, when they can't even acknowledge there's a threat against it.
Voter rolls are not private records.

Actually they should subpoena the secretary of states registered voter records. Those would contain any illegals who tried to vote, while the DMV records have nothing to do with anything..

Look- i am fine with combating voter fraud- even the imaginary voter fraud of 5 million illegals.

But I will point out again- who has the authority to 'subpoena' the secretaries of states for their voter records?
The Democrats think they're entitled to break the law and cheat during elections, and this is just more proof of that arrogance.

LOL Blackrook is busy listening to the voices in his head- and Michael Savage again.
The Democrats have been crooks ever since the Democratic Party was created with Thomas Jefferson, all the way through Andrew Jackson, and the Confederacy. They are also the guys behind slavery, Indian genocide, segregation, KKK lynchings, abortion, and the enslavement of the black race through the welfare state.

So why do you think that black's- 90% of whom are Democrats- are busy enslaving the black race?

If the polls were honest and true; California would not have a problem producing them. This proves beyond any doubt that the voter rolls in California are bogus and the elections in CA are rigged.

If Trump's tax records were honest and true, Trump would not have a problem producing them. This proves beyond any doubt that Trump's tax returns are fraudulant and that Trump is a crook.

Well I would be surprised- since so far there has been absolutely no evidence to support it.
But if the evidence shows that there was massive voter fraud- to benefit anyone- I would want criminal prosecution.
Remember though- this is a commission that was started simply because President Snowflake claimed that there was massive voter fraud- not because there is any evidence that there was any.
Now- what if it is found that there was massive voter fraud in Texas- and that got Trump elected?
Would you care?

No evidence? What kind of advanced moron ARE YOU?
---> Refusal to cooperate with requests for voter information (California)
---> Refusal to cooperate with voter ID laws (California, NewYork, Oregon, Colorado etc)
---> Open borders (ALL Democrats want this)
---> Driver licenses for illegal immigrants (California, NewYork etc)
---> Refusal to turn over dangerous illegal immigrants to Federal authorities
---> Sanctuary cities - WHY? If libtards are so concerned about their well being go to THEIR country and spend heavily to help them AT HOME!

Yep- no evidence.

Even your imaginary stuff- like 'open borders'.

No more than Trump refusing to show his tax returns is 'evidence' that he cheated on his taxes.
Subpoena the records and be sure that the subpoena says that if the records have been destroyed, you'll do 15 to life.

Hmmmm 'subpoena' them under what authority?
A criminal investigation. Voter rolls are not private records.

What 'criminal investigation'?

Voter rolls are under the authority of States.

And I know Conservatives hate the concept of state's rights, but States, under their own constitution's- control their own voter's records.

So far all you have is a Presidential commission- with no authority over anyone- politely asking for information so they can go on a wild goose chase trying to support President Snowflake's lie about illegal votes.

And California has chosen to tell them to go pound sand.
Look- i am fine with combating voter fraud- even the imaginary voter fraud of 5 million illegals.

But I will point out again- who has the authority to 'subpoena' the secretaries of states for their voter records?

Normally I would say the records should be subpoenaed, but knowing what we know now about russian hacking, and Trumps refusal to even acknowledge what they did. It would be foolish to let the commission put the entire countries voter record database onto a single server that may have already been hacked by the russians.
The Democrats think they're entitled to break the law and cheat during elections, and this is just more proof of that arrogance.
Alot of hypocrisy here, but seeing as you don't understand the basics of history why bother with other issues. These California voter information is none of your business random person :) Also information was leaked on conservative voters so again there is real risk here, but u kno nun of ur boosness rite
If Trump's tax records were honest and true, Trump would not have a problem producing them. This proves beyond any doubt that Trump's tax returns are fraudulant and that Trump is a crook.

Why would anyone expect a real estate mogul's tax returns to be completely honest and true? Are yours? A polished politician like Hillary or Obama with top dollar tax consultants on the payroll can make their tax returns look like the returns of a choir boy.
So if you still think his returns no matter what is in them will lessen his support with his base you can forget it. We know the game and no one on earth can tell me Trump is more crooked than your average DC democrat. So stop wasting your time.
Why would anyone expect a real estate mogul's tax returns to be completely honest and true? Are yours?

That's the point. We don't expect a real estate mogul to be honest. But we do expect that of a president. If the two are mutually exclusive, than we shouldn't lower our presidential standards to make it possible.
The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

This may be a shock to you, but your voter information is already public information.
California refuses to turn over voter rolls in the investigation into voter fraud
Of course. So has Massachusetts and Virginia, with more states to come.

How would you react if President Obama (praise be unto Him!) wanted states to send him your:

Party affiliation
Social Security number
Date of Birth
Voting history


This is all public record already.
This is ridiculous..if you haven't done anything wrong why not turn over the records?

Because it is none of their business. There is no need to know here.

The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.
it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

Voter information is not a matter of national security
This is ridiculous..if you haven't done anything wrong why not turn over the records?

Because it is none of their business. There is no need to know here.

The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.
it's called national security and the pres trumps all.

Voter information is not a matter of national security

Voter fraud most certainly is.

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