California results suggest blue wave has created and ebbed


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The nation is just past halftime in the 2018 primary election cycle. Twenty states with a majority of House districts, 228 of the total 435, have held their primaries, and all but the three with runoffs have chosen their Republican and Democratic nominees.

California results suggest blue wave has crested and ebbed

More away than sheep realize , even sheep are waking up guess it will suck to be a sheep left behind as others aren't die hard idiots.
Each of those three "analyses" are provided by highly biased sources.

I wonder what an objective source would say.
There never was any possibility of a blue wave...with African Americans and young Americans leaving the Democrat party for the Trump party the dems have no chance at all in 2018 or 2020.....
Each of those three "analyses" are provided by highly biased sources.

I wonder what an objective source would say.

My guess is that the Ds will fall short of winning the house but not by a lot. A 5-10 seat R majority will be dicey. The real problem for the Ds is that they do not have the money to defend their senate seats. About 10-15 of the 25 D senate seats will be retained but not only all R senate seats will be fully funded so will the challengers so maybe two new D senators. If cloture is automatic for the next four years, as seems likely they are screwed long term as well.
In California, Democrats did what they had to. They got nearly all the candidates they wanted and were not shut out. Republicans have several districts where they will have to navigate a moderate-very conservative split. Also you cannot ignore the rest of the country. In NJ, only Chris Smith seems a sure bet to return. Based on results, 1 seat is likely gone, another is a lean towards being gone and 1 Republican incumbent is in serious trouble. In New Mexico, a Democrat sweep is very possible, and Democrats did well in Iowa.
Each of those three "analyses" are provided by highly biased sources.

I wonder what an objective source would say.

My guess is that the Ds will fall short of winning the house but not by a lot. A 5-10 seat R majority will be dicey. The real problem for the Ds is that they do not have the money to defend their senate seats. About 10-15 of the 25 D senate seats will be retained but not only all R senate seats will be fully funded so will the challengers so maybe two new D senators. If cloture is automatic for the next four years, as seems likely they are screwed long term as well.

I do think that Democrats still seem likely to take over the House but not by much. More moderate Democrats could hold the balance of power in such a scenario. However the Senate is not likely to change much. There are 6 seats up for grabs. 3 Democrat and 3 Republicans at this point in time. 5 of them are tossups and 1 leans Democrat.
I knew Jerry Brown-like-shit's recent comment about American taxpayers being the "real freeloaders" would have negative repercussions for the Democrats. Even in California. People are so tired of the D's publicly badmouthing America and scolding its people.

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