California Senator-‘Half My Family’ Here Illegally

There's no such thing as a false social security card. What would you use it for? A job? As soon as they hire you, you'd be flagged. You can't use for anything because as soon as the number hits a federal database, it will be flagged.

Sure there is, its a card with a fake or stoelen SS number.

Its identity theft and horrible. These fucks need to go back to their country and apply like normal people.
When you can get an ITIN number from the IRS, why would anyone need a fraudulent SS card?

illegal immigrants can get itin numbers?

Got a link for that?
Try google my friend, you will believe your own search results before you accept mine

I did google.

found NO links allowing illegal immigrants itin numbers.
The Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to ensure that people – including unauthorized immigrants – pay taxes even if they do not have a Social Security number and regardless of their immigration status
I would call this unbelievable. But we are talking about Commiefornia


California State Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De Léon (D-Los Angeles) said last Tuesday that “half his family” was in the country illegally, using false documents, and eligible for deportation under President Trump’s new executive order against “sanctuary” jurisdictions.
De Léon, who introduced the bill, made his remarks at a hearing in Sacramento on SB54, the bill to make California a “Sanctuary State.

He said (at 1:27:34 in the video that follows):

… I can tell you half of my family would be eligible for deportation under [President Donald Trump’s] executive order, because if they got a false Social Security card, if they got a false identification, if they got a false driver’s license prior to us passing AB60, if they got a false green card, and anyone who has family members, you know, who are undocumented knows that almost entirely everybody has secured some sort of false identification. That’s what you need to survive, to work. They are eligible for massive deportation.

California State Senate Leader: 'Half My Family' Here Illegally

There's no such thing as a false social security card. What would you use it for? A job? As soon as they hire you, you'd be flagged. You can't use for anything because as soon as the number hits a federal database, it will be flagged.

Sure there is, its a card with a fake or stoelen SS number.

Its identity theft and horrible. These fucks need to go back to their country and apply like normal people.
When you can get an ITIN number from the IRS, why would anyone need a fraudulent SS card?

illegal immigrants can get itin numbers?

Got a link for that?
Try google my friend, you will believe your own search results before you accept mine

According to this, illegals still need stolen ss numbers to file taxes and obama ENCOURAGED it.

IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes
Sure there is, its a card with a fake or stoelen SS number.

Its identity theft and horrible. These fucks need to go back to their country and apply like normal people.
When you can get an ITIN number from the IRS, why would anyone need a fraudulent SS card?

illegal immigrants can get itin numbers?

Got a link for that?
Try google my friend, you will believe your own search results before you accept mine

I did google.

found NO links allowing illegal immigrants itin numbers.
That took you all of 6 seconds, jerk off. At least wait a short time before you lie
I looked it up before I asked the question, moron.

Did see where it is considered illegal
Sure there is, its a card with a fake or stoelen SS number.

Its identity theft and horrible. These fucks need to go back to their country and apply like normal people.
When you can get an ITIN number from the IRS, why would anyone need a fraudulent SS card?

illegal immigrants can get itin numbers?

Got a link for that?
Try google my friend, you will believe your own search results before you accept mine

I did google.

found NO links allowing illegal immigrants itin numbers.
The Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to ensure that people – including unauthorized immigrants – pay taxes even if they do not have a Social Security number and regardless of their immigration status

The kids are citizens, podjos, so the families are going nowhere.
Boy I hope Trump ends that with an EO. (-:

Birth Right Citizenship is a made up right. That's like saying that a couple here on vacation plops out a kid, that kid is a U.S. citizen. That's utter nonsense.
Made up? Read the constitution, fruit loop. I just can't believe this complete ignorance

A person who is “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States is a person who is “not subject to any foreign power”—that is, a person who was entirely native to the United States, not the citizen or subject of any foreign government.

Why is it then that foreign ambassadors who have children here, their children are not U.S. citizens?
There's no such thing as a false social security card. What would you use it for? A job? As soon as they hire you, you'd be flagged. You can't use for anything because as soon as the number hits a federal database, it will be flagged.

Sure there is, its a card with a fake or stoelen SS number.

Its identity theft and horrible. These fucks need to go back to their country and apply like normal people.
When you can get an ITIN number from the IRS, why would anyone need a fraudulent SS card?

illegal immigrants can get itin numbers?

Got a link for that?
Try google my friend, you will believe your own search results before you accept mine

According to this, illegals still need stolen ss numbers to file taxes and obama ENCOURAGED it.

IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes
FOS as usual
I would call this unbelievable. But we are talking about Commiefornia


California State Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De Léon (D-Los Angeles) said last Tuesday that “half his family” was in the country illegally, using false documents, and eligible for deportation under President Trump’s new executive order against “sanctuary” jurisdictions.
De Léon, who introduced the bill, made his remarks at a hearing in Sacramento on SB54, the bill to make California a “Sanctuary State.

He said (at 1:27:34 in the video that follows):

… I can tell you half of my family would be eligible for deportation under [President Donald Trump’s] executive order, because if they got a false Social Security card, if they got a false identification, if they got a false driver’s license prior to us passing AB60, if they got a false green card, and anyone who has family members, you know, who are undocumented knows that almost entirely everybody has secured some sort of false identification. That’s what you need to survive, to work. They are eligible for massive deportation.

California State Senate Leader: 'Half My Family' Here Illegally
Boy is he in trouble the next time the family gets together. What a turkey! It is probably true, though, what he's talking about.
When you can get an ITIN number from the IRS, why would anyone need a fraudulent SS card?

illegal immigrants can get itin numbers?

Got a link for that?
Try google my friend, you will believe your own search results before you accept mine

I did google.

found NO links allowing illegal immigrants itin numbers.
That took you all of 6 seconds, jerk off. At least wait a short time before you lie
I looked it up before I asked the question, moron.

Did see where it is considered illegal
Dypshyte, I posted the fact that you were to pathetically lazy to look up. Time to quit your bullshyte
illegal immigrants can get itin numbers?

Got a link for that?
Try google my friend, you will believe your own search results before you accept mine

I did google.

found NO links allowing illegal immigrants itin numbers.
That took you all of 6 seconds, jerk off. At least wait a short time before you lie
I looked it up before I asked the question, moron.

Did see where it is considered illegal
Dypshyte, I posted the fact that you were to pathetically lazy to look up. Time to quit your bullshyte

and you didn't provide a link to your bullshyte
Sure there is, its a card with a fake or stoelen SS number.

Its identity theft and horrible. These fucks need to go back to their country and apply like normal people.
When you can get an ITIN number from the IRS, why would anyone need a fraudulent SS card?

illegal immigrants can get itin numbers?

Got a link for that?
Try google my friend, you will believe your own search results before you accept mine

According to this, illegals still need stolen ss numbers to file taxes and obama ENCOURAGED it.

IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes
FOS as usual

Wow i call his bluff and he says that....i think you're full of shit bro. Unless you have a contradicting article, do ya?
Try google my friend, you will believe your own search results before you accept mine

I did google.

found NO links allowing illegal immigrants itin numbers.
That took you all of 6 seconds, jerk off. At least wait a short time before you lie
I looked it up before I asked the question, moron.

Did see where it is considered illegal
Dypshyte, I posted the fact that you were to pathetically lazy to look up. Time to quit your bullshyte

and you didn't provide a link to your bullshyte

Yep i smahed his bullshit and he had no comeback...hilarious.
In 1884, the Supreme Court in Elk v. Wilkins noted that the language of the Civil Rights Act was condensed and rephrased in the Fourteenth Amendment and that courts can therefore look to the Civil Rights Act to understand better the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court reasoned that if a person is a foreign citizen, then their children are likewise not constitutionally under the jurisdiction of the United States, and therefore not entitled to citizenship. In fact, the Court specifically then added that this rule is why the children of foreign ambassadors are not American citizens.

That is why Congress can specify that the children of foreign diplomats and foreign soldiers are not Americans by birth. They’re not “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States. Congress’s INA does not grant them citizenship; federal law never has.
The kids are citizens, podjos, so the families are going nowhere.
Boy I hope Trump ends that with an EO. (-:

Birth Right Citizenship is a made up right. That's like saying that a couple here on vacation plops out a kid, that kid is a U.S. citizen. That's utter nonsense.
This made up right has lasted 150 years and will last another 150 years.
Those darn negroes. If only they had immigrated like everyone else, we wouldn't have needed that "person born in or naturalized" language in the 14th. Minorities are always asking for extra rights. That's why I stand with President Donald Trump (-:
When you can get an ITIN number from the IRS, why would anyone need a fraudulent SS card?

illegal immigrants can get itin numbers?

Got a link for that?
Try google my friend, you will believe your own search results before you accept mine

According to this, illegals still need stolen ss numbers to file taxes and obama ENCOURAGED it.

IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes
FOS as usual

Wow i call his bluff and he says that....i think you're full of shit bro. Unless you have a contradicting article, do ya?
TINs are used for tax purposes only. The IRS initiated the program with two primary incentives. First, ITINs enable individuals with a U.S. filing obligation to comply with U.S. tax laws even when they are not eligible to receive a SSN. The sheer volume of foreign individuals working, studying, and conducting business in the U.S. necessitates a process by which these persons may account for their income and take advantage of certain U.S. tax benefits.

This is a particularly compelling incentive for resident aliens who intend to undertake the nationalization process to become a U.S. citizen. Prospective citizens must establish good moral character before his or citizenship application will be accepted. Compliance with U.S. tax laws represents a positive step toward establishing one’s moral character in this context. Thus, the availability of ITINs incentivizes legal compliance with filing obligations for many foreign individuals residing and working in the U.S
The kids are citizens, podjos, so the families are going nowhere.
Boy I hope Trump ends that with an EO. (-:

Birth Right Citizenship is a made up right. That's like saying that a couple here on vacation plops out a kid, that kid is a U.S. citizen. That's utter nonsense.
This made up right has lasted 150 years and will last another 150 years.
Those darn negroes. If only they had immigrated like everyone else, we wouldn't have needed that "person born in or naturalized" language in the 14th. Minorities are always asking for extra rights. That's why I stand with President Donald Trump (-:

Who said anything about negroes?
In 1884, the Supreme Court in Elk v. Wilkins noted that the language of the Civil Rights Act was condensed and rephrased in the Fourteenth Amendment and that courts can therefore look to the Civil Rights Act to understand better the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court reasoned that if a person is a foreign citizen, then their children are likewise not constitutionally under the jurisdiction of the United States, and therefore not entitled to citizenship. In fact, the Court specifically then added that this rule is why the children of foreign ambassadors are not American citizens.

That is why Congress can specify that the children of foreign diplomats and foreign soldiers are not Americans by birth. They’re not “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States. Congress’s INA does not grant them citizenship; federal law never has.
Yes, and unfortunately foreigners who are here and not employed by a foreign govt are subject to our laws, so their kiddies born here are citizens

a permanent domicile and residence in the United States and who were carrying on business there other than for the Chinese government

United States v. Wong Kim Ark - Wikipedia
The kids are citizens, podjos, so the families are going nowhere.
Boy I hope Trump ends that with an EO. (-:

Birth Right Citizenship is a made up right. That's like saying that a couple here on vacation plops out a kid, that kid is a U.S. citizen. That's utter nonsense.
This made up right has lasted 150 years and will last another 150 years.
Those darn negroes. If only they had immigrated like everyone else, we wouldn't have needed that "person born in or naturalized" language in the 14th. Minorities are always asking for extra rights. That's why I stand with President Donald Trump (-:

Who said anything about negroes?
That's where the 14th came from Soggy. It was a civil war amendment. The definition of persons couldn't be "citizens," because the negroes were not citizens.
The far righties are owned by their betters, yet again.

children citizens are . . . citizens

That won't . . . change

Trump wants to keep families together . . . here

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