California shows how to balance budget

...his tax increase, gaining an additional $50 billion over the next seven years...

An extremely optimistic projection of increased revenues that has yet to be realized. We'll see.

With rich folks and businesses leaving the state as recent reports indicate, I wouldn't hold my breath.
I'll believe California has a balanced budget when I see it. I assure you they aren't taking into consideration the current exodus from their state getting even larger due to them being overwhelmingly the highest taxed people in the country. There will be no balanced budget in California as long as the current circus of clowns are in charge.
California, the favorite whipping boy for some Nutter's, is showing how to move from billions in deficit spending to a balanced budget with the prospect of surpluses in the near future. And that in just 2 years.

How did Gov. Brown and the Democrat-controlled legislature do it so fast? Spending cuts, higher taxes and an improved economy, a three-pronged attack on the deficit. Unlike the mantra of the right which advocates only cuts in spending, the Governor and the Legislature realized it takes much more than that to produce a healthy economy and budget.

Can California be a template for Washington? Not so long as the Nutter's in the House cling to their Grover Norquist pledge.

But but all the righties and conservatives are calling it socialism!

How could paying taxes that we should allready be paying solve the problem!?
California, the favorite whipping boy for some Nutter's, is showing how to move from billions in deficit spending to a balanced budget with the prospect of surpluses in the near future. And that in just 2 years.

How did Gov. Brown and the Democrat-controlled legislature do it so fast? Spending cuts, higher taxes and an improved economy, a three-pronged attack on the deficit. Unlike the mantra of the right which advocates only cuts in spending, the Governor and the Legislature realized it takes much more than that to produce a healthy economy and budget.

Can California be a template for Washington? Not so long as the Nutter's in the House cling to their Grover Norquist pledge.

But but all the righties and conservatives are calling it socialism!

How could paying taxes that we should allready be paying solve the problem!?
:lol: sheeple like you are ready to believe anything.....:lol:
California, the favorite whipping boy for some Nutter's, is showing how to move from billions in deficit spending to a balanced budget with the prospect of surpluses in the near future. And that in just 2 years.

How did Gov. Brown and the Democrat-controlled legislature do it so fast? Spending cuts, higher taxes and an improved economy, a three-pronged attack on the deficit. Unlike the mantra of the right which advocates only cuts in spending, the Governor and the Legislature realized it takes much more than that to produce a healthy economy and budget.

Can California be a template for Washington? Not so long as the Nutter's in the House cling to their Grover Norquist pledge.

But but all the righties and conservatives are calling it socialism!

How could paying taxes that we should allready be paying solve the problem!?
:lol: sheeple like you are ready to believe anything.....:lol:

I'll believe it when I see a balanced budget.
But but all the righties and conservatives are calling it socialism!

How could paying taxes that we should allready be paying solve the problem!?
:lol: sheeple like you are ready to believe anything.....:lol:

I'll believe it when I see a balanced budget.

Why won't you take Moonbeam's word on it? He would never lie........

Actually, quite a few things ran Cali into the ground, Prop 13 included, and much of it involved republicans.

Please be less fucking stupid.

What party has run the State just about forever??

What party is the majority in the legislature and has been since forever??

Try not to be so fucking stupid.

What party which up until the last election cycle could effectively block almost any legislation as a minority party?

Please pull your head out of your rather enormous ass and actually try to know what you're braying about before braying.

Oh so all those Dems in Cali haven't been running that State since forever?? The Dems weren't the ones who made all those deals with the Public Sector Unions?? The Dems aren't the majority in the legislature??

Please pull your fucking head out of your enormous fat ass and actually know what your braying about. Asshole.
What party has run the State just about forever??

What party is the majority in the legislature and has been since forever??

Try not to be so fucking stupid.

What party which up until the last election cycle could effectively block almost any legislation as a minority party?

Please pull your head out of your rather enormous ass and actually try to know what you're braying about before braying.

Oh so all those Dems in Cali haven't been running that State since forever?? The Dems weren't the ones who made all those deals with the Public Sector Unions?? The Dems aren't the majority in the legislature??

Please pull your fucking head out of your enormous fat ass and actually know what your braying about. Asshole.

They've been in the majority, yes, but since you're obviously unfamiliar with how the legislature worked up until recently, let me assist you in pulling your pointy head out of your ass:

California's problems largely have to do with ballot propositions from the 70s-80s that instituted permanent rule by a Republican minority and made it impossible to the balance the budget. It's an excellent model of the catastrophe America's currently headed toward because Republican filibuster abuse is moving the entire nation to California's broken "rule by the 40%" model.

You're a really, really good whiny little bitch, but you know fuckall about CA politics.
What party which up until the last election cycle could effectively block almost any legislation as a minority party?

Please pull your head out of your rather enormous ass and actually try to know what you're braying about before braying.

Oh so all those Dems in Cali haven't been running that State since forever?? The Dems weren't the ones who made all those deals with the Public Sector Unions?? The Dems aren't the majority in the legislature??

Please pull your fucking head out of your enormous fat ass and actually know what your braying about. Asshole.

They've been in the majority, yes, but since you're obviously unfamiliar with how the legislature worked up until recently, let me assist you in pulling your pointy head out of your ass:

California's problems largely have to do with ballot propositions from the 70s-80s that instituted permanent rule by a Republican minority and made it impossible to the balance the budget. It's an excellent model of the catastrophe America's currently headed toward because Republican filibuster abuse is moving the entire nation to California's broken "rule by the 40%" model.

You're a really, really good whiny little bitch, but you know fuckall about CA politics.

You blame Republicans for the fiscal mess in California?

Oh so all those Dems in Cali haven't been running that State since forever?? The Dems weren't the ones who made all those deals with the Public Sector Unions?? The Dems aren't the majority in the legislature??

Please pull your fucking head out of your enormous fat ass and actually know what your braying about. Asshole.

They've been in the majority, yes, but since you're obviously unfamiliar with how the legislature worked up until recently, let me assist you in pulling your pointy head out of your ass:

California's problems largely have to do with ballot propositions from the 70s-80s that instituted permanent rule by a Republican minority and made it impossible to the balance the budget. It's an excellent model of the catastrophe America's currently headed toward because Republican filibuster abuse is moving the entire nation to California's broken "rule by the 40%" model.

You're a really, really good whiny little bitch, but you know fuckall about CA politics.

You blame Republicans for the fiscal mess in California?


Newp. I blame both parties; it's a hot mess thanks to fools on both sides.

The idiot I originally responded to blamed only the democrats, and did so because she clearly know fuckall about how CA runs and it's politics.
No, it is an admission you are an ignorant ass bite.

Glad we got that cleared up.

Now stay off my profile page or I'll drop a house on you.

so is that an admission you cant find real facts to back your claim that revenues fall when taxes rise?
See that's how much of a radical ideologue Obama is, Jerry Brown looks sane and sensible and adult in comparison.

And we had two Moderate Republican Presidential Candidates who failed to call him out on it
An old proverb applies here, never count your chickens before they hatch. One final observation, did I miss the section regarding CALPERS unfunded public employee retirement liabilities?
An old proverb applies here, never count your chickens before they hatch. One final observation, did I miss the section regarding CALPERS unfunded public employee retirement liabilities?

Everything is fine there......Move along now......The budget is balanced!!! Calpers is doing fine!!! No further questions......Move along......

I'll believe California has a balanced budget when I see it.

Yeah, I'd like to see the state turn it around, especially so that they don't end up going hat in hand to Obama.

But I dunno, this one doesn't pass the smell test.

Can California be a template for Washington? Not so long as the Nutter's in the House cling to their Grover Norquist pledge.
It can also not work as long as the nutter's in the Senate and the White House cling to their not cuts mantra.

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