California shows how to balance budget

so is that an admission you cant find real facts to back your claim that revenues fall when taxes rise?
Find your own damn links, I gave you the sources. Do your own damn research.

The idea that you know more than Dr Art Laffer about these things...priceless!

Dr laffer is a partisan hack you asshole.

Now you cant provide ANY links can you?

Now why do you believe in shit that is only stated on partisan hack sites?

Hack sites like the WSJ and public statements from California State Controller John Chiang? Whatever.

do you know who owns the WSJ now?

Go get Chaings statement
Now PROVE taxes cause fewer revenues liked you claimed

Educate yourself...if that's possible. Plenty of examples. If you can actually read better than you write, try this one:

[ame=]The End of Prosperity: How Higher Taxes Will Doom the Economy--If We Let It Happen: Arthur B. Laffer, Stephen Moore, Peter Tanous: Books[/ame]

You can also look to when we raised tax rates in the early 90s and guess what? It didn't raise any tax revenues...that's the point. In 1989, federal revenues were 19.3% of GDP. In 1991, after the tax rate hikes, revenues slipped to 19.1%. According to the WSJ, the rich in particular paid LESS taxes after the rates where raised - $6.5 billion less! The WSJ report stated "81% of the revenues expected from the 1990 budget deal failed to materialize"

Or, you could look to your own damn state! In the first month after the passage of Prop 30, revenue was DOWN. California State Controller John Chiang has announced that "total state revenue for the month of November 2012 fell $806.8 million, or 10.8%, below budget."

Oops, not off to a good start.

THIS is all you gave fool
yea but your a fucki ng liar who still refuses to back up with fact your claim that taxes cause revenue decreases.

Take that up with your state's Controller and the WSJ. I cited cases in which higher tax rates lead to less revenue. There are several more in Laffer's book. You can deny all you like, those are the facts.

And please, stop spamming my profile. It's just silly.
TM has no clue of the fact that all of the taxation and over regulation going on this loony bin is causing employers, large medium and small, to pack up and boogie, thereby taking thousands of well paid taxpayers with 'em.

Bottom line, this state is screwed.
PROOVE your assertion with FACTS assholes


this is why your party is dying.

You people just lap up whatever your rold by the right and dont give a shit if they are lying to you to get your fucking money.

good god people
see how its becomes absolutely NOTHING but silly personal insults once the facts abondon them?
There is not a car assembly line left in California and New England

Guess again...

Tesla Motors | Premium Electric Vehicles

They just hit the benchmark of making 100 cars in a day up from 5 per day.

Well, isn't that special......I guess that makes up for the state now losing one of it's biggest employers, Chevron, who's pulling up stakes and fleeing this loony bin.

And now another huge employer, Intel, is chirping about fleeing this loony bin.

You might want to check your facts. Chevron is still headquartered in San Ramon. The moved 800, mostly technical positions, to Houston.
A google search may not be proof of anything, yet it is revealing in itself.
A google search using "higher state taxes reduces revenue" turned up the following:

Tax Flight Is a Myth — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Tax Flight Is a Myth — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities - Cached
Aug 4, 2011 ... Higher State Taxes Bring More Revenue, Not More Migration ... Attacks on sorely
-needed increases in state tax revenues often include the ...
Historic Tax Cuts and Economic Growth | Lessons of Lower Tax Rates
404 Page Not Found - Cached - Similar
Aug 13, 2003 ... For instance, history tells us that tax revenues grow and "rich" taxpayers pay ...
Conversely, periods of higher tax rates are associated with sub par economic ...
Examining the three major United States episodes of tax rate ...
Tax Flight Is a Myth: Higher State Taxes Bring More Revenue, Not ... - Cached
Aug 12, 2011 ... Attacks on sorely-needed increases in state tax revenues often ... Low taxes can
prevent a state from maintaining the kinds of high-quality ...
States facing a fiscal cliff of their own - The Hill's Congress Blog - Cached
Dec 10, 2012 ... In addition, some states would see revenue increases from ... federal income tax,
the corresponding result on the state side is a higher state tax ...
Are States Facing Their Own Fiscal Cliffs? - Tax Analysts - Cached
2 Also, there would be revenue increases in some states because they have ...
tax, the corresponding result on the state side is a higher state tax deduction, ...
Economists warn tax increase to cut La. revenue | Home | The ... - Cached
Dec 18, 2012 ... True higher income taxes will hurt state revenue. ... Federal Medicaid
reimbursement rates decreased and states picked up the bill for billions of ...
AP Says Higher State Tax Collections 'Could' Reduce Public-Sector ... - Cached
Jun 14, 2012 ... U.S. states expect to collect higher tax revenue in the coming budget year ... 30%
of all state spending (assuming modest increases elsewhere).
Download the graphic. - Pew Center on the States Cliff Factsheet_Final_illinois.pdf - Cached
increase or decrease in revenues is noted where possible. N/A indicates the
state is not ... Increased federal taxes would lead to higher deductions on the
state ...
How States would be Affected by Obama's Proposed Tax Increases ... - Cached
Oct 25, 2012 ... As such, we apportion the revenue effects of the president's proposals ... The
president's proposed tax increases on high-income earners have ...
TEMPORARY TAXES TO FUND EDUCATION ... - State of California - Cached
Additional state tax revenues of about $6 billion annually from 2012–13 through
2016–17. Smaller ... increases the existing 9.3 percent PIT rates on higher ...

Every link is to an opinion piece. What this says to me is that the "facts" to fully support either side simply are not there. Since real life situations are unique and the same exact conditions are unlikely to be present in every situation, nobody knows for certain what will actually happen, only what could happen.

Disagreement with your fellow citizens over differing opinions which neither side can prove is a very poor reason to be uncivil.
There is NO basis in fact that proves taxes decrease revenues.

Look, you drunken stooge......The fact of the matter is, Employers of all sizes are fleeing this state in droves, thereby taking thousands of well paid taxpayers with them......When businesses flee, or just close up shop altogether, due to over TAXATION and regulation, it leads to huge losses in revenue to the state.

No links are needed, no studies are needed....It's a FACT!

Now, make sure you feed that mutt of yours, before your daily blackout session hits at the daily prescribed time of 3:30 pm......I worry about that poor lil' bugger.
What this says to me is that the "facts" to fully support either side simply are not there. Since real life situations are unique and the same exact conditions are unlikely to be present in every situation, nobody knows for certain what will actually happen, only what could happen.

Exactly! There are cases in which revenues increased following tax rate hikes and there are cases where just the opposite occurred. MANY things effect the economy and therefore the revenues realized.

All we're saying is that Brown's PROJECTIONS make the assumption revenues will skyrocket following the tax rate hike. This after his own Controller pointed out a decrease in revenues in the first month following the rate hike. So sure, Brown MAY be correct, but it's by no means "money in the bank". Time will tell.

Thanks for a reasonable post.
Guess again...

Tesla Motors | Premium Electric Vehicles

They just hit the benchmark of making 100 cars in a day up from 5 per day.

Well, isn't that special......I guess that makes up for the state now losing one of it's biggest employers, Chevron, who's pulling up stakes and fleeing this loony bin.

And now another huge employer, Intel, is chirping about fleeing this loony bin.

You might want to check your facts. Chevron is still headquartered in San Ramon. The moved 800, mostly technical positions, to Houston.
Not For long.

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