California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

The health care systems of all the social welfare countries are all collapsing...they can't afford them and the treatment levels are getting worse every year.....From Canada to Japan.....they all suck.....and are gettting worse......
If this actually ends up passing just sit back and enjoy the chaos. :laugh2:

A sweeping measure that would establish government-run universal healthcare in California cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday as scores of supporters crammed into the Capitol to advocate for a single-payer system.

The Senate Health Committee approved the measure on a 5-2 vote after a nearly three-hour hearing, but Democrats and Republicans alike signaled unease with the major question still unanswered in the legislation: how the program would be paid for.

The bill, SB 562, would establish a publicly run healthcare plan that would cover everyone living in California, including those without legal immigration status. The proposal would drastically reduce the role of insurance companies: The state would pay for all medical expenses, including inpatient, outpatient, emergency services, dental, vision, mental health and nursing home care.

The measure says the program would be funded by "broad-based revenue," but does not specify where that money would come from.

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

We here in CA are our own country so it's past time to leave red state Amuhreca behind to enjoy their 'health-care-by-emergency-room' boondoggle.

Single-payer will simplify the entire industry and normalize care and payment. And again for anyone that doesn't like California either leave or don't stop by. Freedom of choice is still in place, exercise it. Well, red staters rarely exercise but I digress.

Please...leave......and enjoy your healthcare...just try not to live past 50 when they start refusing to take care of your basic healthcare needs.
CA is the perfect test facility. Have at it.
I thought they already tried single payer in Vermont - didn't work. What are they going to do different in Cali? Typical Dems, let's do whatever we want and worry about how to pay for it later. Only way CA gets bailed out is if the Dems take back control of the WH and both Houses of congress.
The first question I have is how they intend to square Single Payer with the fact that they're essentially a sanctuary state.

My second question is how they intend to keep their doctors.

Like left wingers everywhere...they will build a wall to keep the people in.......
How much more can they handle?
State of California Debt Clock

It'll be MUCH cheaper than the current system. Americans pay over 30% of every health care dollar to Administration. Single payer countries pay less than 10% and the doctor's receptionist does all his billing. No 3rd party billing companies, no insurance company claims departments.

The single payer systems around the world are failing.......from Canada to japan...they can't afford them and the quality is going down at a rapid long as you are young and healthy and don't need love it...get older...and you see the reality of government run healthcare...
We here in CA are our own country so it's past time to leave red state Amuhreca behind to enjoy their 'health-care-by-emergency-room' boondoggle.

Single-payer will simplify the entire industry and normalize care and payment. And again for anyone that doesn't like California either leave or don't stop by. Freedom of choice is still in place, exercise it. Well, red staters rarely exercise but I digress.

Why don't you ask Vermont how that worked out? Ever hear of Green Mountain Care? Probably not, because it never got off the ground. The legislature thought they were going to show us all and passed a universal health care bill in 2011, without addressing the funding aspect, of course. When they actually began to figure out how they were going to pay for it and came to the conclusion that they would need to implement an 11% payroll tax on the populace, at a minimum, they scrapped the program.

If the legislature in the most liberal state in the country was too fearful to enact that on their residents how do you think the people of California are going to react to the same proposal when you're already one of the highest taxed states in the country? Bare in mind, Vermont is also a largely homogeneous population. They didn't have to fund million of people from the third world with little to no education who rely on the state for the most basic of needs.

Yet somehow the entire rest of the free world does it.

No...they don't...their "free" healthcare is collapsing all over the world..they can't afford the costs and the quality of care is killing patients....

Let it happen there and there will be a reference as to why we should or should not move it to the rest of the nation. That is how it is supposed to work after all.

I am willing to bet that most will simply ignore the results though and paint whatever picture fits their partisan position.

Let it happen there and there will be a reference as to why we should or should not move it to the rest of the nation. That is how it is supposed to work after all.

I am willing to bet that most will simply ignore the results though and paint whatever picture fits their partisan position.

No.....the democrat/left wing/socialists will destroy healthcare in California...then blame republicans for not giving them enough money to pay for it....

How is that high speed rail going in about the dam that almost burst when they believed the man made global warming nuts that droughts in California would be permanent...then they had record rainfalls and the dam almost broke because they refused to spend money to maintain it...
If this actually ends up passing just sit back and enjoy the chaos. :laugh2:

A sweeping measure that would establish government-run universal healthcare in California cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday as scores of supporters crammed into the Capitol to advocate for a single-payer system.

The Senate Health Committee approved the measure on a 5-2 vote after a nearly three-hour hearing, but Democrats and Republicans alike signaled unease with the major question still unanswered in the legislation: how the program would be paid for.

The bill, SB 562, would establish a publicly run healthcare plan that would cover everyone living in California, including those without legal immigration status. The proposal would drastically reduce the role of insurance companies: The state would pay for all medical expenses, including inpatient, outpatient, emergency services, dental, vision, mental health and nursing home care.

The measure says the program would be funded by "broad-based revenue," but does not specify where that money would come from.

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

Holy shit, time to grab out the popcorns.

They will have no toilet paper in no time, trying hard to be the shittiest state...
As long as those of us not living in California don't have to pay for any of it or help bail them out if it goes bust fine by me.
If this actually ends up passing just sit back and enjoy the chaos. :laugh2:

A sweeping measure that would establish government-run universal healthcare in California cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday as scores of supporters crammed into the Capitol to advocate for a single-payer system.

The Senate Health Committee approved the measure on a 5-2 vote after a nearly three-hour hearing, but Democrats and Republicans alike signaled unease with the major question still unanswered in the legislation: how the program would be paid for.

The bill, SB 562, would establish a publicly run healthcare plan that would cover everyone living in California, including those without legal immigration status. The proposal would drastically reduce the role of insurance companies: The state would pay for all medical expenses, including inpatient, outpatient, emergency services, dental, vision, mental health and nursing home care.

The measure says the program would be funded by "broad-based revenue," but does not specify where that money would come from.

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

We here in CA are our own country so it's past time to leave red state Amuhreca behind to enjoy their 'health-care-by-emergency-room' boondoggle.

Single-payer will simplify the entire industry and normalize care and payment. And again for anyone that doesn't like California either leave or don't stop by. Freedom of choice is still in place, exercise it. Well, red staters rarely exercise but I digress.
Good luck to ya. Wouldn't want to be ya. You will serve as a lesson to rhe rest of the country.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
If this actually ends up passing just sit back and enjoy the chaos. :laugh2:

A sweeping measure that would establish government-run universal healthcare in California cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday as scores of supporters crammed into the Capitol to advocate for a single-payer system.

The Senate Health Committee approved the measure on a 5-2 vote after a nearly three-hour hearing, but Democrats and Republicans alike signaled unease with the major question still unanswered in the legislation: how the program would be paid for.

The bill, SB 562, would establish a publicly run healthcare plan that would cover everyone living in California, including those without legal immigration status. The proposal would drastically reduce the role of insurance companies: The state would pay for all medical expenses, including inpatient, outpatient, emergency services, dental, vision, mental health and nursing home care.

The measure says the program would be funded by "broad-based revenue," but does not specify where that money would come from.

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

We here in CA are our own country so it's past time to leave red state Amuhreca behind to enjoy their 'health-care-by-emergency-room' boondoggle.

Single-payer will simplify the entire industry and normalize care and payment. And again for anyone that doesn't like California either leave or don't stop by. Freedom of choice is still in place, exercise it. Well, red staters rarely exercise but I digress.
How's that $10B bullet train scheduled to be completed next year going?
WHAT? ITS $200B and NOT GETTING DONE UNTIL 2040 NOW??? :itsok:
It's spposed to cost $40 billion.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
If this actually ends up passing just sit back and enjoy the chaos. :laugh2:

A sweeping measure that would establish government-run universal healthcare in California cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday as scores of supporters crammed into the Capitol to advocate for a single-payer system.

The Senate Health Committee approved the measure on a 5-2 vote after a nearly three-hour hearing, but Democrats and Republicans alike signaled unease with the major question still unanswered in the legislation: how the program would be paid for.

The bill, SB 562, would establish a publicly run healthcare plan that would cover everyone living in California, including those without legal immigration status. The proposal would drastically reduce the role of insurance companies: The state would pay for all medical expenses, including inpatient, outpatient, emergency services, dental, vision, mental health and nursing home care.

The measure says the program would be funded by "broad-based revenue," but does not specify where that money would come from.

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

We here in CA are our own country so it's past time to leave red state Amuhreca behind to enjoy their 'health-care-by-emergency-room' boondoggle.

Single-payer will simplify the entire industry and normalize care and payment. And again for anyone that doesn't like California either leave or don't stop by. Freedom of choice is still in place, exercise it. Well, red staters rarely exercise but I digress.
Good luck to ya. Wouldn't want to be ya. You will serve as a lesson to rhe rest of the country.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

Yeah cons have been saying this type thing about The Golden State for decades, like "businesses are leaving CA in droves". Yet California's economy is twice as large as the next largest state or thereabouts. Our economy ranks 6th among nations in the world. We hear the nonsense you love to say over and over and none of it every comes true.

On the other hand take a look at a red state like Kansas where the Republicans took over and drove it off a cliff.

And don't worry, if we try something and it fails, I mean nobody is perfect, we learn from it and other states learn from it and try a new approach. We aren't afraid of being on the edge of the knife. Someone has to lead so get in line at the back and wish us luck. When the ship is sailing off to find the new world they have no time to listen to people stuck on shore yelling at them how they're going to sail off the edge of the Earth. Life isn't a spectator sport.
This is great news! Healthcare cost will go down big time in California and everyone will have it.

Wish Oregon would hurry up.
Why would it be chaos to eliminate all this redundant medical Admin?

It's going to be an unmitigated shit show. California already has an unsustainable long term debt obligation.
What if it lowers costs? They are something like the 5 largest economy in the world maybe they show us it can be done

It will lower the cost...Every other first world nation on earth has it and has already proven without a doubt.

The liberterian would rather pay the insurance company twice as much.
This is great news! Healthcare cost will go down big time in California and everyone will have it.

Wish Oregon would hurry up.
States rights! Lol. Look at Republicans crying about what one state wants to do. Look at the Republicans now shitting themselves like when Colorado legalized pot
This is great news! Healthcare cost will go down big time in California and everyone will have it.

Wish Oregon would hurry up.
States rights! Lol. Look at Republicans crying about what one state wants to do. Look at the Republicans now shitting themselves like when Colorado legalized pot

They only root for states rights when they're abolishing government and giving tax breaks to the rich. Otherwise these people love big fascist government when it comes to telling you how to live your life or if you can smoke the grass.
This is great news! Healthcare cost will go down big time in California and everyone will have it.

Wish Oregon would hurry up.
States rights! Lol. Look at Republicans crying about what one state wants to do. Look at the Republicans now shitting themselves like when Colorado legalized pot

Can't speak for everyone you are talking about but I'm just putting down an "I told you so" marker for when Moonbeam screws the pooch.
Why would it be chaos to eliminate all this redundant medical Admin?

It's going to be an unmitigated shit show. California already has an unsustainable long term debt obligation.
What if it lowers costs? They are something like the 5 largest economy in the world maybe they show us it can be done

It will lower the cost...Every other first world nation on earth has it and has already proven without a doubt.

The liberterian would rather pay the insurance company twice as much.
Free market capitalism when government can do it more efficiently. Some things shouldn't be privatized. This is one of them.

The other day I heard what waste happens at hospitals. My mom had Alzheimers and when we took her to hospice they threw out her drugs and ordered all new ones. Meanwhile some poor person can't afford that drug.
This is great news! Healthcare cost will go down big time in California and everyone will have it.

Wish Oregon would hurry up.
States rights! Lol. Look at Republicans crying about what one state wants to do. Look at the Republicans now shitting themselves like when Colorado legalized pot

Can't speak for everyone you are talking about but I'm just putting down an "I told you so" marker for when Moonbeam screws the pooch.
I think you'll see they get it done in a much cheaper and more efficient way. It will challenge the healthcare industry just like green threatens Exxon.

It will suck to kill an industry but you don't keep something around just because it provides jobs.

Republicans didn't mind sending good paying union manufacturing jobs overseas but they worry about the insurance industry? They make nothing. And have an unnecessary profit motive.

Canadians Australians and Brits love their countries healthcare

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