California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

If this actually ends up passing just sit back and enjoy the chaos. :laugh2:

A sweeping measure that would establish government-run universal healthcare in California cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday as scores of supporters crammed into the Capitol to advocate for a single-payer system.

The Senate Health Committee approved the measure on a 5-2 vote after a nearly three-hour hearing, but Democrats and Republicans alike signaled unease with the major question still unanswered in the legislation: how the program would be paid for.

The bill, SB 562, would establish a publicly run healthcare plan that would cover everyone living in California, including those without legal immigration status. The proposal would drastically reduce the role of insurance companies: The state would pay for all medical expenses, including inpatient, outpatient, emergency services, dental, vision, mental health and nursing home care.

The measure says the program would be funded by "broad-based revenue," but does not specify where that money would come from.

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

And when they finally go bankrupt they'll look to the rest of the country to bail them out. I say let them drown in their own debt and leave the rest of us out of it.

I agree and higher debt they will have.

Single payer only works for those who don't have money to pay for themselves.

Everyone else will be paying up the ass to support the freeloaders.
So the legislation is now dead. Even the Marxists had to admit they had no practical way to pay for it.

‘Woefully incomplete’ universal health bill dead for the year in California

NEW PEW STUDY: Support for single-payer health care among Democrats rose 16 points since 2014. 83% now support it.

Public support for ‘single payer’ health coverage grows, driven by Democrats

Crazy Bernie might've lost the primary but he won in terms of public opinion
So the legislation is now dead. Even the Marxists had to admit they had no practical way to pay for it.

‘Woefully incomplete’ universal health bill dead for the year in California

NEW PEW STUDY: Support for single-payer health care among Democrats rose 16 points since 2014. 83% now support it.

Public support for ‘single payer’ health coverage grows, driven by Democrats

Crazy Bernie might've lost the primary but he won in terms of public opinion
And there never was a need!
I expect massive special interests are going to spend astronomical sums on ad campaigns for and against this measure, 99.999 percent of which will be total bullshit.
Study: Single-payer plan would save California $37 billion per year

The new study estimates it would cost California $331 billion to provide health care to everyone living in the state — less than the $368.5 billion spent today in a system that leaves millions without coverage.

They just scrapped their universal health care legislation because they have no way to pay the estimated $400 billion price tag.
The people don't want to pay the higher tax rate that would be required to support it.

That's the motto of both the Left and the Right: "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it!"
HAHAHA: Understatement of the year:

“SB 562 was sent to the Assembly woefully incomplete,” Rendon said in a statement. “Even senators who voted for SB 562 noted there are potentially fatal flaws in the bill, including the fact it does not address many serious issues, such as financing, delivery of care, cost controls, or the realities of needed action by the Trump administration and voters to make SB 562 a genuine piece of legislation.

Remember that California single payer plan? Yeah... never mind. - Hot Air
If this actually ends up passing just sit back and enjoy the chaos. :laugh2:

A sweeping measure that would establish government-run universal healthcare in California cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday as scores of supporters crammed into the Capitol to advocate for a single-payer system.

The Senate Health Committee approved the measure on a 5-2 vote after a nearly three-hour hearing, but Democrats and Republicans alike signaled unease with the major question still unanswered in the legislation: how the program would be paid for.

The bill, SB 562, would establish a publicly run healthcare plan that would cover everyone living in California, including those without legal immigration status. The proposal would drastically reduce the role of insurance companies: The state would pay for all medical expenses, including inpatient, outpatient, emergency services, dental, vision, mental health and nursing home care.

The measure says the program would be funded by "broad-based revenue," but does not specify where that money would come from.

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

And when they finally go bankrupt they'll look to the rest of the country to bail them out. I say let them drown in their own debt and leave the rest of us out of it.

I agree and higher debt they will have.

Single payer only works for those who don't have money to pay for themselves.

Everyone else will be paying up the ass to support the freeloaders.
^^ Bullshit
So the legislation is now dead. Even the Marxists had to admit they had no practical way to pay for it.

‘Woefully incomplete’ universal health bill dead for the year in California

NEW PEW STUDY: Support for single-payer health care among Democrats rose 16 points since 2014. 83% now support it.

Public support for ‘single payer’ health coverage grows, driven by Democrats

Crazy Bernie might've lost the primary but he won in terms of public opinion

We know how polls go ...

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