California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

CA is the perfect test facility.

Have at it.

I thought they already tried single payer in Vermont - didn't work. What are they going to do different in Cali? Typical Dems, let's do whatever we want and worry about how to pay for it later.

Only way CA gets bailed out is if the Dems take back control of the WH and both Houses of congress.
CA is the perfect test facility. Have at it.
I thought they already tried single payer in Vermont - didn't work. What are they going to do different in Cali? Typical Dems, let's do whatever we want and worry about how to pay for it later. Only way CA gets bailed out is if the Dems take back control of the WH and both Houses of congress.
The first question I have is how they intend to square Single Payer with the fact that they're essentially a sanctuary state.

My second question is how they intend to keep their doctors.
Establish a universal healthcare system is not a bad idea because many people without work or doing occasional jobs can't pay for their doctors.
But I've heard California has a huge debt so I don't understand where they're gonna find the money and who's gonna pay for this... :dunno:

State of California Debt Clock
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Works great in countries with homogeneous populations with few parasites....this is going to fail miserably in California.
California survives because it has been able to shift much of the medical care for the indigent to federal programs. There are more people not paying for medical care than pay. California believes they will solve their fiscal issues by taking the medicare funds. If they can shift medicare from those over 65 to those under 35 they might have a shot.

Nothing California has done has made sense. There is no train. Calexit fell apart. Hopefully this falls aoart too.
If this actually ends up passing just sit back and enjoy the chaos. :laugh2:

A sweeping measure that would establish government-run universal healthcare in California cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday as scores of supporters crammed into the Capitol to advocate for a single-payer system.

The Senate Health Committee approved the measure on a 5-2 vote after a nearly three-hour hearing, but Democrats and Republicans alike signaled unease with the major question still unanswered in the legislation: how the program would be paid for.

The bill, SB 562, would establish a publicly run healthcare plan that would cover everyone living in California, including those without legal immigration status. The proposal would drastically reduce the role of insurance companies: The state would pay for all medical expenses, including inpatient, outpatient, emergency services, dental, vision, mental health and nursing home care.

The measure says the program would be funded by "broad-based revenue," but does not specify where that money would come from.

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

Just as Romney care in Mass. was so too I hope CalHealth works out. I'm all in favor of California trying this. Be the biggest experiment to date and maybe if
they can get it right who knows? But with a state population of 39 million which is still a little over 10% of the USA population it will be interesting to see how THAT
heterogeneous population that mirrors somewhat the USA heterogeneous population will fare. By far the best laboratory state in the union to test single payer!
Works great in countries with homogeneous populations with few parasites....this is going to fail miserably in California.
I totally agree! But when you have situations like this:
The ethnic composition of the LAUSD student population is primarily Latino (73.4%); the remainder are African American (10.0%), White (8.8%), Asian (3.9%), Filipino (2.2%), Pacific Islander (.04%), American Indian (.04%) and two or more races, not Latino, (1%).
In all, 92 languages other than English are spoken in LAUSD schools.
Los Angeles Unified School District - LARAEC

Single payer doctor in LA... has to deal with 92 languages....
Doctors in Calif are unionized. Isn't that what everyone wants ... see their doctor with a picket sign "ON STRIKE... die on your own dime!"

Santa Cruz County Docs Ratify Contract
March 15, 2017
After 13 bargaining sessions over last 6 months, the UAPD Bargaining Team reached a tentative agreement with Santa Cruz County on January 31, 2017. The new contract went into effect in March after being ratified by by the UAPD membership and approved by the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors.

The new agreement provides:

  • A new top salary step (4% increase from the previous step) effective the first full pay period after Board of Supervisor approval.
  • Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for all classifications of 2.5%, 2.75% and 2.75%.
  • Equity adjustment for psychiatrists of 2%, 2%, and 1.75%.
  • A new board certification differential of 2.5% effective April 7, 2018.
  • Additional money for CME reimbursement.
  • Doctors will be eligible for a quality incentive of up to 5% of base hourly rate and productivity incentive of up to 10% of base hourly rate effective July 1, 2017. Management will meet and confer with UAPD to set the criteria for each incentive.
  • A full day holiday on December 24 effective 2018, up from half of a day.
  • Shortens the PEPRA 401(a) vesting period from 5 years of service instead of 6.
  • Increases long term disability maximum insured salary to $15,000.
  • Increases life insurance plan premium to $100,000.
  • Improves information provided to the union.
  • Grants telehealth protections (telehealth will not cause positions to be eliminated and remains voluntary).
  • Increases employer contributions to health insurance.
In addition, in exchange for the improvements listed below, the current contract’s overtime provisions that provide time and one-half pay for hours worked beyond 40 hours a week will be eliminated:

  • $12.00/hr for on-call duty and after hours medical phone services (up from $10/hr).
  • Doctors will be granted Administrative Leave of 80 hours per year for full-timers (prorated for part-timers) to be used for time off or cashed out.
  • Additional shifts of four hours or more of patient care, which is assigned in addition to a scheduled work day or scheduled day off, including weekends, will be compensated at the straight-time rate.
Santa Cruz County Docs Ratify Contract
I am all for any state adopting a single payer system with the proviso that if it fails the rest of us in the other 49 states are not responsible for picking up the tab. I wish 'em luck, I really do but it's hard to see it fiscally pan out.
If this actually ends up passing just sit back and enjoy the chaos. :laugh2:

A sweeping measure that would establish government-run universal healthcare in California cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday as scores of supporters crammed into the Capitol to advocate for a single-payer system.

The Senate Health Committee approved the measure on a 5-2 vote after a nearly three-hour hearing, but Democrats and Republicans alike signaled unease with the major question still unanswered in the legislation: how the program would be paid for.

The bill, SB 562, would establish a publicly run healthcare plan that would cover everyone living in California, including those without legal immigration status. The proposal would drastically reduce the role of insurance companies: The state would pay for all medical expenses, including inpatient, outpatient, emergency services, dental, vision, mental health and nursing home care.

The measure says the program would be funded by "broad-based revenue," but does not specify where that money would come from.

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

We here in CA are our own country so it's past time to leave red state Amuhreca behind to enjoy their 'health-care-by-emergency-room' boondoggle.

Single-payer will simplify the entire industry and normalize care and payment. And again for anyone that doesn't like California either leave or don't stop by. Freedom of choice is still in place, exercise it. Well, red staters rarely exercise but I digress.
Want to know how Single Payer works try the VA.
How much more can they handle?
State of California Debt Clock

It'll be MUCH cheaper than the current system. Americans pay over 30% of every health care dollar to Administration. Single payer countries pay less than 10% and the doctor's receptionist does all his billing. No 3rd party billing companies, no insurance company claims departments.

You know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about health care cost!

A) single payer countries don't have HIPAA to contend with.
B) The single BIGGEST contributor to health insurance costs which they pass on in the form of premiums of which 80% of premiums go out in claims is this:
Here READ the facts don't do guessing or spouting off with out any basis!
If this actually ends up passing just sit back and enjoy the chaos. :laugh2:

A sweeping measure that would establish government-run universal healthcare in California cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday as scores of supporters crammed into the Capitol to advocate for a single-payer system.

The Senate Health Committee approved the measure on a 5-2 vote after a nearly three-hour hearing, but Democrats and Republicans alike signaled unease with the major question still unanswered in the legislation: how the program would be paid for.

The bill, SB 562, would establish a publicly run healthcare plan that would cover everyone living in California, including those without legal immigration status. The proposal would drastically reduce the role of insurance companies: The state would pay for all medical expenses, including inpatient, outpatient, emergency services, dental, vision, mental health and nursing home care.

The measure says the program would be funded by "broad-based revenue," but does not specify where that money would come from.

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

We here in CA are our own country so it's past time to leave red state Amuhreca behind to enjoy their 'health-care-by-emergency-room' boondoggle.

Single-payer will simplify the entire industry and normalize care and payment. And again for anyone that doesn't like California either leave or don't stop by. Freedom of choice is still in place, exercise it. Well, red staters rarely exercise but I digress.
Want to know how Single Payer works try the VA.

It's simple, if you aren't in CA don't go, if you are, leave. California leads the way in the country, as CA goes so goes the country. There will be other states that do the same.

Conservatives get used to the idea, your draconian ways are slowly going the way of the dodo bird. You cling to them like ants on a turd in the toilet. Hold on it is about to roll over.
We here in CA are our own country so it's past time to leave red state Amuhreca behind to enjoy their 'health-care-by-emergency-room' boondoggle.

Single-payer will simplify the entire industry and normalize care and payment. And again for anyone that doesn't like California either leave or don't stop by. Freedom of choice is still in place, exercise it. Well, red staters rarely exercise but I digress.

Why don't you ask Vermont how that worked out? Ever hear of Green Mountain Care? Probably not, because it never got off the ground. The legislature thought they were going to show us all and passed a universal health care bill in 2011, without addressing the funding aspect, of course. When they actually began to figure out how they were going to pay for it and came to the conclusion that they would need to implement an 11% payroll tax on the populace, at a minimum, they scrapped the program.

If the legislature in the most liberal state in the country was too fearful to enact that on their residents how do you think the people of California are going to react to the same proposal when you're already one of the highest taxed states in the country? Bare in mind, Vermont is also a largely homogeneous population. They didn't have to fund million of people from the third world with little to no education who rely on the state for the most basic of needs.
We here in CA are our own country so it's past time to leave red state Amuhreca behind to enjoy their 'health-care-by-emergency-room' boondoggle.

Single-payer will simplify the entire industry and normalize care and payment. And again for anyone that doesn't like California either leave or don't stop by. Freedom of choice is still in place, exercise it. Well, red staters rarely exercise but I digress.

Why don't you ask Vermont how that worked out? Ever hear of Green Mountain Care? Probably not, because it never got off the ground. The legislature thought they were going to show us all and passed a universal health care bill in 2011, without addressing the funding aspect, of course. When they actually began to figure out how they were going to pay for it and came to the conclusion that they would need to implement an 11% payroll tax on the populace, at a minimum, they scrapped the program.

If the legislature in the most liberal state in the country was too fearful to enact that on their residents how do you think the people of California are going to react to the same proposal when you're already one of the highest taxed states in the country? Bare in mind, Vermont is also a largely homogeneous population. They didn't have to fund million of people from the third world with little to no education who rely on the state for the most basic of needs.

Yet somehow the entire rest of the free world does it.
We here in CA are our own country so it's past time to leave red state Amuhreca behind to enjoy their 'health-care-by-emergency-room' boondoggle.

Single-payer will simplify the entire industry and normalize care and payment. And again for anyone that doesn't like California either leave or don't stop by. Freedom of choice is still in place, exercise it. Well, red staters rarely exercise but I digress.

Why don't you ask Vermont how that worked out? Ever hear of Green Mountain Care? Probably not, because it never got off the ground. The legislature thought they were going to show us all and passed a universal health care bill in 2011, without addressing the funding aspect, of course. When they actually began to figure out how they were going to pay for it and came to the conclusion that they would need to implement an 11% payroll tax on the populace, at a minimum, they scrapped the program.

If the legislature in the most liberal state in the country was too fearful to enact that on their residents how do you think the people of California are going to react to the same proposal when you're already one of the highest taxed states in the country? Bare in mind, Vermont is also a largely homogeneous population. They didn't have to fund million of people from the third world with little to no education who rely on the state for the most basic of needs.

Yet somehow the entire rest of the free world does it.

So once again where are your FACTS? Where are your links!!!
YUP Cuba comes to mind!

Or this fact about Canadians...
The Fraser Institute, a Canadian public policy think tank, estimates that 52,513 Canadians received non-emergency medical treatment in the U.S. and other countries in 2014, a 25 percent jump from the roughly 41,838 who sought medical care abroad the previous year.

Or Sweden... wait time!!!

'Sweden's healthcare is an embarrassment'
That Sweden no longer keeps up with those countries is largely due to its inability to reduce its patient waiting times, which are some of the worst in Europe, as the latest edition of the Euro Health Consumer Index (EHCI) revealed in Brussels on Monday.

The 2014 EHCI also confirms other big problems within Swedish healthcare.

Sweden's overall ranking dropped from eleventh to twelfth place - a steady decline since 2007, when Sweden was in sixth place. Sweden saw itself surpassed by all other Nordic countries, and its gap from the top is growing.
'Sweden's healthcare is an embarrassment'

We here in CA are our own country so it's past time to leave red state Amuhreca behind to enjoy their 'health-care-by-emergency-room' boondoggle.

Single-payer will simplify the entire industry and normalize care and payment. And again for anyone that doesn't like California either leave or don't stop by. Freedom of choice is still in place, exercise it. Well, red staters rarely exercise but I digress.

Why don't you ask Vermont how that worked out? Ever hear of Green Mountain Care? Probably not, because it never got off the ground. The legislature thought they were going to show us all and passed a universal health care bill in 2011, without addressing the funding aspect, of course. When they actually began to figure out how they were going to pay for it and came to the conclusion that they would need to implement an 11% payroll tax on the populace, at a minimum, they scrapped the program.

If the legislature in the most liberal state in the country was too fearful to enact that on their residents how do you think the people of California are going to react to the same proposal when you're already one of the highest taxed states in the country? Bare in mind, Vermont is also a largely homogeneous population. They didn't have to fund million of people from the third world with little to no education who rely on the state for the most basic of needs.

Yet somehow the entire rest of the free world does it.

Yes, they do, and the quality of care is less as is the availability of services. They wait longer than we do to see doctors, particularly specialists, and to have surgeries done, and they have lower rates of surviving serious illnesses than we do. That's why wealthy foreigners come here to get treated instead of using their own socialist systems.

Furthermore, you are also trying to compare us to nations that are a fraction of the size of ours and again, like Vermont, most of which have a homogeneous population, quite unlike the U.S.

Singapore, where my mother is from, has one of the best healthcare systems in the world and it isn't nationalized.

Is Singapore’s "miracle" health care system the answer for America?
If this actually ends up passing just sit back and enjoy the chaos. :laugh2:

A sweeping measure that would establish government-run universal healthcare in California cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday as scores of supporters crammed into the Capitol to advocate for a single-payer system.

The Senate Health Committee approved the measure on a 5-2 vote after a nearly three-hour hearing, but Democrats and Republicans alike signaled unease with the major question still unanswered in the legislation: how the program would be paid for.

The bill, SB 562, would establish a publicly run healthcare plan that would cover everyone living in California, including those without legal immigration status. The proposal would drastically reduce the role of insurance companies: The state would pay for all medical expenses, including inpatient, outpatient, emergency services, dental, vision, mental health and nursing home care.

The measure says the program would be funded by "broad-based revenue," but does not specify where that money would come from.

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

And when they finally go bankrupt they'll look to the rest of the country to bail them out. I say let them drown in their own debt and leave the rest of us out of it.
I think their booming economy will save them as long as we get a dem in the WH before tRump can crash the country's economy.
If this actually ends up passing just sit back and enjoy the chaos. :laugh2:

A sweeping measure that would establish government-run universal healthcare in California cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday as scores of supporters crammed into the Capitol to advocate for a single-payer system.

The Senate Health Committee approved the measure on a 5-2 vote after a nearly three-hour hearing, but Democrats and Republicans alike signaled unease with the major question still unanswered in the legislation: how the program would be paid for.

The bill, SB 562, would establish a publicly run healthcare plan that would cover everyone living in California, including those without legal immigration status. The proposal would drastically reduce the role of insurance companies: The state would pay for all medical expenses, including inpatient, outpatient, emergency services, dental, vision, mental health and nursing home care.

The measure says the program would be funded by "broad-based revenue," but does not specify where that money would come from.

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test will be fun.....they can't build a train, let alone run a health care system.....

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