California smashing snowfall records!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
200% above normal........ :oops-28:

Top story over at DRUDGE right now!!!

More losing for the AGW religion.........seeing its worst year ever!! And President Trump just getting started on these cult assholes!!

Lots to look forward to.........and more bad PR for the alarmist clowns as California is buried in snow and will be for months!!!:coffee:
Contrary to common thinking, the glaciers of the Sierra Nevada are not holdovers from the Pleistocene, or Ice Age, an epoch that began 2.6 million years ago and ended 11,000 years ago as Earth entered its current period of warming. Today’s glaciers are remnants of the so-called Little Ice Age, an intervening period of cooling lasting from roughly 1350 to 1850. Many possible causes for the Little Ice Age have been offered, including altered ocean circulation patterns, weakening solar radiation, and volcanic eruptions that released vast plumes of sunlight-blocking ash and sulfate high into the atmosphere.

Late-season pit-and-pinnacle formations on Lyell Glacier.

During Muir’s visit to the Lyell and Maclure in the 1870s, the ice would have been near its maximum extent from the Little Ice Age glaciation. Since then the melting has been rapid and unrelenting. According to Andrew Fountain, a geology professor at Portland State, the surface area covered by the Sierra’s roughly 1,700 glaciers and permanent snowfields has dwindled by about 55 percent and now covers a mere 46 square miles. Glaciers throughout the American West and worldwide have experienced a similar ebb. In the Colorado Rockies, glaciers and snowfields have lost 42 percent of their area; the Cascades, 48 percent; and Glacier National Park, 66 percent. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, alpine glaciers around the globe have been in a state of “negative mass balance” – a condition in which melting exceeds snow accumulation – for 21 years. NOAA also reports that the world’s alpine glaciers have lost, on average, 50 feet of thickness since 1980.

The date of the start of this mass retreat is conspicuous – 1850 or thereabouts, the moment when humanity began generating huge quantities of carbon dioxide by burning coal to power the steam engines of the Industrial Revolution. Muir, too, saw the fingerprint of warming and understood it to be part of a larger global trend. “Every glacier in the world is smaller than it once was,” Muir wrote. “All the world is growing warmer, or the crop of snow flowers is diminishing.”

The Dying Glaciers of California

Going to take more than one good year to restore the glaciers to Muir's day.
200% above normal........ :oops-28:

Top story over at DRUDGE right now!!!

More losing for the AGW religion.........seeing its worst year ever!! And President Trump just getting started on these cult assholes!!

Lots to look forward to.........and more bad PR for the alarmist clowns as California is buried in snow and will be for months!!!:coffee:

So -- here's a clue Californicators.. When you have to open the gates to your reservoirs in AMPLE precipt years because they are full and flood people and property --- it's time to BUILD MORE reservoirs.. :biggrin:

They'll never get the simple logic of that and whine about the water rationing and the next "drought"... Without GW as a boogey man -- the politicians might be the target of anger when the well runs dry again in 10 or 15 years.
Yes, typical engineer approach. Just build the damned thing, and ignore the geology it is built on. A number of people in California and Idaho have died for that concept. Build more reservoirs, but only on ground that will support them. Also going to be damned costly, since the bottom land flooded is usually already in agriculture.
The Drought ended when Trump was inaugurated.
you know that's accurate:

200% above normal........ :oops-28:

Top story over at DRUDGE right now!!!

More losing for the AGW religion.........seeing its worst year ever!! And President Trump just getting started on these cult assholes!!

Lots to look forward to.........and more bad PR for the alarmist clowns as California is buried in snow and will be for months!!!:coffee:
Ah look....another moron who thinks weather = climate.
200% above normal........ :oops-28:

Top story over at DRUDGE right now!!!

More losing for the AGW religion.........seeing its worst year ever!! And President Trump just getting started on these cult assholes!!

Lots to look forward to.........and more bad PR for the alarmist clowns as California is buried in snow and will be for months!!!:coffee:

So -- here's a clue Californicators.. When you have to open the gates to your reservoirs in AMPLE precipt years because they are full and flood people and property --- it's time to BUILD MORE reservoirs.. :biggrin:

They'll never get the simple logic of that and whine about the water rationing and the next "drought"... Without GW as a boogey man -- the politicians might be the target of anger when the well runs dry again in 10 or 15 years.
We dont need the water. We need electricity to pump the water. Electricity is extremely expensive in california, hence water is now a crippling expense for the cities budgets.

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