California: There are three genders.

Anyone remember the movie 'Little Big Man'? Remember the so-called 'berdache' in that movie?
Yeah, because movies disprove science since....well NEVER have.

The movie depicted a real cultural characteristic that was prevalent in many Native American societies:

Encyclopedia of the Great Plains | BERDACHE

And as you see by the childish response, these people are rendered speechless with the facts.
"Gender is cultural"

Leftists really helping the middle class out as usual.

"The state of California will now legally recognize non-binary as a third gender on official state identification documents.

In June, the District of Columbia followed Oregon's lead and began offering the gender-neutral choice of "X" on driver licenses and identification cards, and similar legislation is currently pending in New York."

California legally recognizes a third gender on driver's license

Even in a creationism museum, you won't encounter anything so blatantly anti-science. And now, they are making it the law. Unhinged regressivism on display.

Since gender is cultural, not biological, there is no anti-science about it.

It’s also a civil liberties issue, where the Constitution recognizes the right to self-determination, the right to make personal decisions about one’s life, including the right to make decisions as to gender.

Needless to say, authoritarian conservatives are frightened by such expressions of individual liberty, and seek to compel conformity, the consequence of their fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.
Leftists really helping the middle class out as usual.

"The state of California will now legally recognize non-binary as a third gender on official state identification documents.

In June, the District of Columbia followed Oregon's lead and began offering the gender-neutral choice of "X" on driver licenses and identification cards, and similar legislation is currently pending in New York."

California legally recognizes a third gender on driver's license

Even in a creationism museum, you won't encounter anything so blatantly anti-science. And now, they are making it the law. Unhinged regressivism on display.

Since gender is cultural, not biological, there is no anti-science about it.

It's downright preposterous that a conservative deigns to proffer what science can or cannot show as part of an argument they make for or against anything. That science has yet to establish whether exists or does not the Biblical God has never stopped many conservatives from believing such a being does exist. That the preponderance of climate scientists agree that anthropogenic climate change is real and material has not stopped many conservatives from accepting as much and the implications thereof.

Instead, what many conservatives do is ascribe to and cite science's findings when it affirms a political objective they have and reject them when they don't, sometimes even going as far as to assert that scientists subvert scientific method to political preferences...that even as those very conservatives exercise nothing resembling the rigor of the scientific method in presenting their opposing ideas. I'm sorry, but one cannot be taken seriously or as credible when one does that.
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Leftists really helping the middle class out as usual.

"The state of California will now legally recognize non-binary as a third gender on official state identification documents.

In June, the District of Columbia followed Oregon's lead and began offering the gender-neutral choice of "X" on driver licenses and identification cards, and similar legislation is currently pending in New York."

California legally recognizes a third gender on driver's license

Even in a creationism museum, you won't encounter anything so blatantly anti-science. And now, they are making it the law. Unhinged regressivism on display.

Since gender is cultural, not biological, there is no anti-science about it.

It’s also a civil liberties issue, where the Constitution recognizes the right to self-determination, the right to make personal decisions about one’s life, including the right to make decisions as to gender.

Needless to say, authoritarian conservatives are frightened by such expressions of individual liberty, and seek to compel conformity, the consequence of their fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

Holy shit, the retard army has arrived.

You have liberty to choose your actions without coercion. You don't have the "right" to decide what your gender or any other objective characteristics are.

Otherwise I am going to identify as an attack helicopter and bomb the shit out of you. It's muh right to do so!
Leftists really helping the middle class out as usual.

"The state of California will now legally recognize non-binary as a third gender on official state identification documents.

In June, the District of Columbia followed Oregon's lead and began offering the gender-neutral choice of "X" on driver licenses and identification cards, and similar legislation is currently pending in New York."

California legally recognizes a third gender on driver's license

Even in a creationism museum, you won't encounter anything so blatantly anti-science. And now, they are making it the law. Unhinged regressivism on display.

Since gender is cultural, not biological, there is no anti-science about it.
By far the dumbest shit I have ever read.

It's a fact. We get it, RWnuts think facts are dumb, if they don't like them.

Nah, it's just your inability to accept the biological fact that there are only two genders, outside of extremely rare chromosome mutations.

It does make you look even dumber than you already are (very dumb).
No, it’s just another sad example of conservatives frightened by change, diversity, and dissent, and the authoritarian right’s desire to compel conformity.
Leftists really helping the middle class out as usual.

"The state of California will now legally recognize non-binary as a third gender on official state identification documents.

In June, the District of Columbia followed Oregon's lead and began offering the gender-neutral choice of "X" on driver licenses and identification cards, and similar legislation is currently pending in New York."

California legally recognizes a third gender on driver's license

Even in a creationism museum, you won't encounter anything so blatantly anti-science. And now, they are making it the law. Unhinged regressivism on display.

Since gender is cultural, not biological, there is no anti-science about it.

It’s also a civil liberties issue, where the Constitution recognizes the right to self-determination, the right to make personal decisions about one’s life, including the right to make decisions as to gender.

Needless to say, authoritarian conservatives are frightened by such expressions of individual liberty, and seek to compel conformity, the consequence of their fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

Holy shit, the retard army has arrived.

You have liberty to choose your actions without coercion. You don't have the "right" to decide what your gender or any other objective characteristics are.

Otherwise I am going to identify as an attack helicopter and bomb the shit out of you. It's muh right to do so!

A good sign of defeat...the Strawmen start showing up.

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