California: There are three genders.

The reason that so many so-called primitive societies were able to find a simple solution to this 'problem' was that simple solutions of that nature just made life easier. They were faced with individuals whose gender identity didn't match the junk their pants (or whatever they wore)

so they effectively said, fuck it, let the individual be the gender he believes he is. That meant he, were it a he, could take up the female roles in that society, do 'his' part, and that was the end of it.

So can you enlighten us all, did these men poop babies out their assholes?

Coming to think of it, it does start to make sense. Perfectly explains how this massive piece of turd poster could manifest.
Anyone remember the movie 'Little Big Man'? Remember the so-called 'berdache' in that movie?

Never heard of it before, but are you seriously trying to put forth something that is intended as a comical work of fiction, in order to prove your nonsensical anti-scientific claim? I guess I shouldn't find that at all surprising, given how divorced you already obviously are from objective reality.
Never heard of it before, but are you seriously trying to put forth something that is intended as a comical work of fiction

How do you come to know or suspect that a movie of which you've "never heard" before is in fact a work of fiction? Have you also not heard of documentary movies?
Yet you have the temerity to talk about "objective reality"....

The individual character in the movie is fictitious, but the nature of the character is compliant with historical fact.
Leftists really helping the middle class out as usual.

"The state of California will now legally recognize non-binary as a third gender on official state identification documents.

In June, the District of Columbia followed Oregon's lead and began offering the gender-neutral choice of "X" on driver licenses and identification cards, and similar legislation is currently pending in New York."

California legally recognizes a third gender on driver's license

Even in a creationism museum, you won't encounter anything so blatantly anti-science. And now, they are making it the law. Unhinged regressivism on display.

Since gender is cultural, not biological, there is no anti-science about it.

That is funny.
Frankly, if someone thinks they are woman, or vice versa, and self-identifies accordingly, yet I think they are the opposite of what they think, I don't really care so long as, in line with whatever they claim to be, they comport themselves as a lady or a gentleman. Hell, if one claims to be a plant, I'm fine with that too so long as one is, for the time during which I must interact with them, as unobnoxious as are most plants.

This is all about RW'ers clinging to their deep seated irreversible bigotry towards homosexuals. This is their last ditch effort to win some sort of victory in their desire to deny gays equal rights. They consider transgenderism or anything of the sort under any other name,

to just another part of the gay rights issue.
Well, let's be clear. Gender identity and sexual identity are not at all the same things. I write that not to disagree with you or to challenge the verity of your assertion, but rather because conflating the two isn't a valid either. Insofar as you have conflated the two, however, I cannot agree with you.

I'm talking about branches on the same tree.
Okay....I'm not sure I know what "tree" contains all those things, but I think I understand what you mean. TY for the clarification.
why? Deranged from what?

^^^^ A man looking at his dick and thinking "I'm a woman"....that sort of mental derangement :smoke:

Why does it have to be about genitals?

Okay, let's just have Biology 101 then:

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You're ineducable. I explained earlier that 'gender' is not exclusively a biological construct.

Their too dumb. Gender is a social construct.

Of course research has shown that it could be tied to having the "brainwiring" of the opposite sex. So maybe some biological connection! Of course, that would mean that these people can't help it.

Thank you califorina.

Gender is not a social construct. Y'all really are this delusional and deranged.
The reason that so many so-called primitive societies were able to find a simple solution to this 'problem' was that simple solutions of that nature just made life easier. They were faced with individuals whose gender identity didn't match the junk their pants (or whatever they wore)

so they effectively said, fuck it, let the individual be the gender he believes he is. That meant he, were it a he, could take up the female roles in that society, do 'his' part, and that was the end of it.

So can you enlighten us all, did these men poop babies out their assholes?

Coming to think of it, it does start to make sense. Perfectly explains how this massive piece of turd poster could manifest.

How do men with vasectomies make babies? How many babies do nuns have?
Frankly, if someone thinks they are woman, or vice versa, and self-identifies accordingly, yet I think they are the opposite of what they think, I don't really care so long as, in line with whatever they claim to be, they comport themselves as a lady or a gentleman. Hell, if one claims to be a plant, I'm fine with that too so long as one is, for the time during which I must interact with them, as unobnoxious as are most plants.

This is all about RW'ers clinging to their deep seated irreversible bigotry towards homosexuals. This is their last ditch effort to win some sort of victory in their desire to deny gays equal rights. They consider transgenderism or anything of the sort under any other name,

to just another part of the gay rights issue.
Well, let's be clear. Gender identity and sexual identity are not at all the same things. I write that not to disagree with you or to challenge the verity of your assertion, but rather because conflating the two isn't a valid either. Insofar as you have conflated the two, however, I cannot agree with you.

I'm talking about branches on the same tree.
Okay....I'm not sure I know what "tree" contains all those things, but I think I understand what you mean. TY for the clarification.

Try putting it under the broad classification of sexual orientation.

I was simply trying to say that the social conservatives on the Right, having pretty much lost their anti-gay rights battles,
are now clinging to this 'gender' thing as one last battle they can fight against equal rights for those who don't conform to their desired dictates.
Leftists really helping the middle class out as usual.

"The state of California will now legally recognize non-binary as a third gender on official state identification documents.

In June, the District of Columbia followed Oregon's lead and began offering the gender-neutral choice of "X" on driver licenses and identification cards, and similar legislation is currently pending in New York."

California legally recognizes a third gender on driver's license

Even in a creationism museum, you won't encounter anything so blatantly anti-science. And now, they are making it the law. Unhinged regressivism on display.

Since gender is cultural, not biological, there is no anti-science about it.

It's downright preposterous that a conservative deigns to proffer what science can or cannot show as part of an argument they make for or against anything. That science has yet to establish whether exists or does not the Biblical God has never stopped many conservatives from believing such a being does exist. That the preponderance of climate scientists agree that anthropogenic climate change is real and material has not stopped many conservatives from accepting as much and the implications thereof.

Instead, what many conservatives do is ascribe to and cite science's findings when it affirms a political objective they have and reject them when they don't, sometimes even going as far as to assert that scientists subvert scientific method to political preferences...that even as those very conservatives exercise nothing resembling the rigor of the scientific method in presenting their opposing ideas. I'm sorry, but one cannot be taken seriously or as credible when one does that.

Of course climate change is real. The climate has been changing since the earth has had a climate. It doesn't take too much common sense to figure that one out.
Which has ZERO to do with the discussion of biological gender, dude.
We are not discussing biological gender. Idiot.

Lol, maybe YOU are not, but the rest of the country is other than the usual libtards.

In alice in wonderland they have social genders. They can be whatever they want.

Would you support amending the Constitution to prohibit any state from having a law allowing a transgender to change the sex designation on their birth certificate?
Leftists really helping the middle class out as usual.

"The state of California will now legally recognize non-binary as a third gender on official state identification documents.

In June, the District of Columbia followed Oregon's lead and began offering the gender-neutral choice of "X" on driver licenses and identification cards, and similar legislation is currently pending in New York."

California legally recognizes a third gender on driver's license

Even in a creationism museum, you won't encounter anything so blatantly anti-science. And now, they are making it the law. Unhinged regressivism on display.
Since gender is cultural, not biological, there is no anti-science about it.

Dear NYcarbineer
Do you acknowledge there are two beliefs here
*One set that defines gender based on genetics and birth
*One set like you that goes by internal identity by the person's confirmation which is faith based and not proven by science

Do you believe in "separation of church and state" applying to people keeping their Christian or theist beliefs out of govt and public policy because these are faith based , not proven by science, and can't be imposed or established against the beliefs of others ?

If so, why doesn't this same principles apply to LGBT beliefs that aren't proven and can only be chosen freely based on faith?

Why is it okay for govt to establish faith based LGBT beliefs policies and practices but not other creeds?

If Christian's are told NO you can't have crosses prayers or proselytizing in public schools assemblies or property, why are people punished for asking to remove LGBT references they don't believe in and which exclude their beliefs as complained about with Christian's?

If Christian's are not allowed to harass others, who believe in the right to reject beliefs in Jesus or God that are faith based preferences, by imposing their own beliefs, why is it okay to bully and penalize people for rejecting LGBT beliefs as faith based and not proven?
Best thing about freedom, which libs believe is only on their side regarding whether society should accept a persons identity crises, is that I also have the freedom to not accept that behavior as a norm and never will.
The goofy warden bitch at the prison said gender was assigned to you at birth and I asked her who assigned it? She wouldn't say....
What's the big outrage other than yeah, california does it so it must be crazy. So now, if police pull over a motorist, or question a suspect, they know who they're dealing with, especially if there's an arrest or if there's an accident. But, california... ripe for outrage from the ultra right.
Which has ZERO to do with the discussion of biological gender, dude.
We are not discussing biological gender. Idiot.

Lol, maybe YOU are not, but the rest of the country is other than the usual libtards.

In alice in wonderland they have social genders. They can be whatever they want.

Would you support amending the Constitution to prohibit any state from having a law allowing a transgender to change the sex designation on their birth certificate?

No I don't support making an amendment for social engineering concepts.
Leftists really helping the middle class out as usual.

"The state of California will now legally recognize non-binary as a third gender on official state identification documents.

In June, the District of Columbia followed Oregon's lead and began offering the gender-neutral choice of "X" on driver licenses and identification cards, and similar legislation is currently pending in New York."

California legally recognizes a third gender on driver's license

Even in a creationism museum, you won't encounter anything so blatantly anti-science. And now, they are making it the law. Unhinged regressivism on display.
Since gender is cultural, not biological, there is no anti-science about it.

Dear NYcarbineer
Do you acknowledge there are two beliefs here
*One set that defines gender based on genetics and birth
*One set like you that goes by internal identity by the person's confirmation which is faith based and not proven by science

Do you believe in "separation of church and state" applying to people keeping their Christian or theist beliefs out of govt and public policy because these are faith based , not proven by science, and can't be imposed or established against the beliefs of others ?

If so, why doesn't this same principles apply to LGBT beliefs that aren't proven and can only be chosen freely based on faith?

Why is it okay for govt to establish faith based LGBT beliefs policies and practices but not other creeds?

If Christian's are told NO you can't have crosses prayers or proselytizing in public schools assemblies or property, why are people punished for asking to remove LGBT references they don't believe in and which exclude their beliefs as complained about with Christian's?

If Christian's are not allowed to harass others, who believe in the right to reject beliefs in Jesus or God that are faith based preferences, by imposing their own beliefs, why is it okay to bully and penalize people for rejecting LGBT beliefs as faith based and not proven?

You're asking a rhetorical question which has a very simple answer. They're intolerant of other views.
Leftists really helping the middle class out as usual.

"The state of California will now legally recognize non-binary as a third gender on official state identification documents.

In June, the District of Columbia followed Oregon's lead and began offering the gender-neutral choice of "X" on driver licenses and identification cards, and similar legislation is currently pending in New York."

California legally recognizes a third gender on driver's license

Even in a creationism museum, you won't encounter anything so blatantly anti-science. And now, they are making it the law. Unhinged regressivism on display.

Since gender is cultural, not biological, there is no anti-science about it.

It's downright preposterous that a conservative deigns to proffer what science can or cannot show as part of an argument they make for or against anything. That science has yet to establish whether exists or does not the Biblical God has never stopped many conservatives from believing such a being does exist. That the preponderance of climate scientists agree that anthropogenic climate change is real and material has not stopped many conservatives from accepting as much and the implications thereof.

Instead, what many conservatives do is ascribe to and cite science's findings when it affirms a political objective they have and reject them when they don't, sometimes even going as far as to assert that scientists subvert scientific method to political preferences...that even as those very conservatives exercise nothing resembling the rigor of the scientific method in presenting their opposing ideas. I'm sorry, but one cannot be taken seriously or as credible when one does that.
Of course climate change is real. The climate has been changing since the earth has had a climate. It doesn't take too much common sense to figure that one out.

Equivocation in and of itself as well as by way of oversimplification of the term I used.
That the preponderance of climate scientists agree that anthropogenic climate change is real and material has not stopped many conservatives from accepting as much and the implications thereof.
Best thing about freedom, which libs believe is only on their side regarding whether society should accept a persons identity crises, is that I also have the freedom to not accept that behavior as a norm and never will.

Your identity crisis is your belief that anyone who not identical to you must somehow be afflicted with some sort of pernicious abnormality.

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