California to raise its gas tax, already the highest in the nation to 53.6-cents per gallon on July 1

This is a recent development schmuck. People in California all got a major raise recently. Maybe you should have stuck around. LOL. You would have got a huge raise. Of course you'd still be barely getting by but........

And who cares about the poor people who make less than that? Suddenly you want to do what for poor people who have no job skills?

And you are right Harry. We have no idea what goes on in California. That's why you try to use it as a boogieman and say they suck and the rest of America is great. Fine, go move to Texas. People seem real happy in Texas. Rampage Capital of America the last 5 years.

Now you will blame it on Democratic cities within the Great State of Texas I'm sure. LOL.
every one in cal got a raise? sure they did ......california has a lot of crime too you dumbass.....and who gives a shit about texas.....and i got a 8% raise when i left the state tax in sure say a lot of stupid shit.....geezus you do a lot of rambling,are you posting high again?...
When's the last time you delivered mail in California? Did you read this part of my post?

In 2020, the average annual pay of employees in California totaled to 79,495 U.S. dollars. This is a significant increase from 2001, when the average annual pay of employees was 41,327 U.S. dollars.

That looks to me like everyone except you got a huge raise Harry. Maybe they were trying to tell you something. Get out?
it doesnt matter when last delivered mail i still belong to the union and get their monthly magazine....and it tells how much they make.....not 79K.....

25% of the population are earning less than 66,000.....50% earn 60K to 100K
.this chart is more like it..... carriers make more per hour with better benefits than most of these jobs,,,,
Why would anyone have sympathy for those that can't afford California and choose to live in a dust bowl? Or as most Americans would say, a 'shit hole'.
Ask me. I live in what's considered the most desirable place on earth. Vancouver Island.
"Most desirable place on earth"? Pull the other one, it's got bells on it. I spent almost two years at Fort Lewis Washington 153 miles south of you. The climate in the coastal Pacific Northwest is lousy. It's covered with triple canopy rain forest. The average humidity is north of eighty percent, it almost never breaks seventy-seven degrees Fahrenheit, there are only two months where there are less than ten days of rain, there are seven months where there are more than fifteen days of rain. Moss grows on anything that doesn't move. You are as delusional about that as you are about everything else.
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Wrong. A gallon of gas is 4.54 liters.
Oh, and Montreal pays over 80 cents CAD for a US gallon.

Plus about 12 cents city tax? Let me know when you calm down a bit.
You are off by nearly twenty five percent. A gallon contains 3.78541 liters. 4.54 liters is 1.19 gallons. The average price in US dollars per US gallon in Montreal between March and April was $6.23 in the USA in April it was $4.13 You were paying two dollars and ten cents US per gallon than we were.
No again! But it's a common mistake to not use imp. ounces when measuring a liter against a UsG. Americans don't know how many ounces there are in each. Sharpen that pencil boy.

However, you can calculate in US ounces too and you'll still be disappointed when you end up with that same persistent 3.94!
Dang Cletus!
You are converting one side of the equation and not the other. That's as stupid as not converting from statute to maritime miles. We are converting both sides of the equation and have used multiple conversion sites to prove you wrong. For once in your life admit that you made a mistake and move on. All you are doing in making yourself look even more stupid than you usually do.
Unlivable for ordinary working class people who presume they can afford to live in the 'milk and honey' of the country.

Gasoline tax is a great way to even out the income inequality, by issueing gas cards to low income people when it's warranted.

cents per liter x 4 to equal a US gallon +- a few cents.

Canada's gas tax is much higher but on overall taxes Americans pay more. And that's not even taking into account all the social benefits Canadians receive that America's don't receive.

What do Americans 'really' want?
Bankrupcy if you need to have an appendectomy?
Spoken like a socialist POS.............Give the state all your money and if we deem you worthy we will give you peasants a little back.
it doesnt matter when last delivered mail i still belong to the union and get their monthly magazine....and it tells how much they make.....not 79K.....

25% of the population are earning less than 66,000.....50% earn 60K to 100K
.this chart is more like it..... carriers make more per hour with better benefits than most of these jobs,,,,
Was this not true?

In 2020, the average annual pay of employees in California totaled to 79,495 U.S. dollars. This is a significant increase from 2001, when the average annual pay of employees was 41,327 U.S. dollars.

If it is, then it explains why things are more expensive in California.

This is why I'm against raising the minimum wage. All it does is raise inflation.
Was this not true?

In 2020, the average annual pay of employees in California totaled to 79,495 U.S. dollars. This is a significant increase from 2001, when the average annual pay of employees was 41,327 U.S. dollars.

If it is, then it explains why things are more expensive in California.

This is why I'm against raising the minimum wage. All it does is raise inflation.
no.....people who work in the stores and factory jobs do not make 80K a year.....there are a lot of wealthy people along the coast were the wealthy live, they are the ones making that or better .....the avg worker in cal make less than that......when i was in the PO there were people with masters degrees working there because the pay was better and the benefits were way better than most many places have 5 weeks off a year that you can bank?....13 sick days a year that you can bank?.....dam good health ins....a much better retirement than SS.....those wealthy peoples income is what raises that avg you show....the link i put there shows reality....
no.....people who work in the stores and factory jobs do not make 80K a year.....there are a lot of wealthy people along the coast were the wealthy live, they are the ones making that or better .....the avg worker in cal make less than that......when i was in the PO there were people with masters degrees working there because the pay was better and the benefits were way better than most many places have 5 weeks off a year that you can bank?....13 sick days a year that you can bank?.....dam good health ins....a much better retirement than SS.....those wealthy peoples income is what raises that avg you show....the link i put there shows reality....
I told you that my friends daughter is a common worker, who has at least some schooling in the medical field, and she makes $85K.

No, people who work in factories and stores make minimum wage, which is $15 hr. That's $31,000 a year. Now I believe you that you are not a republican, because you are advocating for what? You want to pay low skilled workers more than $15K a hr? Wow! What about the small business owner? You're killing them Harry. Those jobs aren't means to be able to raise a family on Harry. Those are for kids, college students, part time moms, retirees, immigrants.

Boy, you sound a lot like me when I argue for all middle class/poor Americans. Only you think it's a unique problem in Cali. Well now I'm starting to see Republicans point. Capitalism needs ditch diggers. Low skill, low wage. For kids, not American men and women. Go get a better job. You can't? In America? Maybe you should go back to school. Can't afford school? Wow! Preachin to the choir Harry.
People who make minimum wage probably live with their parents or have 3 roommates.
California lawmakers appear unlikely to pause the annual summer increase in the state's gasoline tax ahead of a May 1 deadline, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office said on Monday.

Newsom, a Democrat, had previously expressed support for helping California motorists experiencing pain at the pump by waiting to implement a 5.6% tax hike scheduled to take effect on July 1. The tax is used to fund roads and other infrastructure projects; the state's Legislative Analyst's Office projected the tax will generate about $8.8 billion in revenue during the 2021-22 fiscal year.

But lawmakers will almost certainly fail to stop the gas tax increase from taking place because they would need to pass legislation by Sunday in order to do so – and have yet to introduce a bill on the matter.

California to raise its gas tax, already the highest in the nation

Dems are completely tone deaf......Meh, suck it up CA, it's what you voted for.

he price of a U-Haul out of that shit-hole state just went up....Again.
I hear the Dems refuse to suspend the gas tax. Bastards.
You are off by nearly twenty five percent. A gallon contains 3.78541 liters. 4.54 liters is 1.19 gallons. The average price in US dollars per US gallon in Montreal between March and April was $6.23 in the USA in April it was $4.13 You were paying two dollars and ten cents US per gallon than we were.
I went round and round with that stupid, drunken, commie canuck over this subject. He referred to a US gallon as being 4.54 liters and when I proved him wrong he edited his remarks to just "gallon" when I educated him that a US gallon is not an "Imperial gallon." The duck is one of the dumbest trolls on this board.
I told you that my friends daughter is a common worker, who has at least some schooling in the medical field, and she makes $85K.

No, people who work in factories and stores make minimum wage, which is $15 hr. That's $31,000 a year. Now I believe you that you are not a republican, because you are advocating for what? You want to pay low skilled workers more than $15K a hr? Wow! What about the small business owner? You're killing them Harry. Those jobs aren't means to be able to raise a family on Harry. Those are for kids, college students, part time moms, retirees, immigrants.

Boy, you sound a lot like me when I argue for all middle class/poor Americans. Only you think it's a unique problem in Cali. Well now I'm starting to see Republicans point. Capitalism needs ditch diggers. Low skill, low wage. For kids, not American men and women. Go get a better job. You can't? In America? Maybe you should go back to school. Can't afford school? Wow! Preachin to the choir Harry.
yea no shit dumbass....why dont you quit putting words in peoples mouths....
You are off by nearly twenty five percent. A gallon contains 3.78541 liters.
In fact you didn't even get that right, but it's doubtful you'll ever be able to figure out the reason why. Concerned American, the pissant was taught his mistake on this very subject. Ask him.
In fact you didn't even get that right, but it's doubtful you'll ever be able to figure out the reason why. Concerned American, the pissant was taught his mistake on this very subject. Ask him.
Duvk math has exactly what to do wirh leftist Cali taxing itss people into oblivian?
In fact you didn't even get that right, but it's doubtful you'll ever be able to figure out the reason why. Concerned American, the pissant was taught his mistake on this very subject. Ask him.
Fuck off, duck. You're lying again. Go down another bottle, you disingenuous fuck. A US gallon is 3.785 liters. You failed to READ and confused a US gallon with an Imperial gallon and tried to cover your stupidity with lies. ESAD. BTW, tell us again how you are paying 0.80 CAD for a US gallon of gas in Montreal.
Fuck off, duck. You're lying again. Go down another bottle, you disingenuous fuck. A US gallon is 3.785 liters. You failed to READ and confused a US gallon with an Imperial gallon and tried to cover your stupidity with lies. ESAD.
No my little friend, a US gallon is not precisely 3.785. You fail to understand that because you weren't aware of the little known fact that most aren't aware of either.

Elevate the debate and harden your position for a while.

Then in a few days I'll take you down with the others who still don't get it.

You're not messing with an ordinary American duck in your pond this time kid!
No my little friend, a US gallon is not precisely 3.785. You fail to understand that because you weren't aware of the little known fact that most aren't aware of either.

Elevate the debate and harden your position for a while.

Then in a few days I'll take you down with the others who still don't get it.

You're not messing with an ordinary American duck in your pond this time kid!
Duck gonna go to lower decimals to crawfish out of failure?


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