California To Wal-Mart: Enough! No More Taxpayer Subsidized Profits For You

I sure hope this causes Wal Mart to leave California. Fire all those people move. Surely they can find just as many customers in China or India. Or move to Nevada and only sell to California on line. Become another Amazon!

Of course if such a bill did make it into law, imagine what that would do to the agriculture industry and all the low paid illegals they employ.

This bill might be the death knell for democrats in California. It might be the straw that finally makes things so bad, it shows the state exactly what democrats will do when given power.

Wal Mart is not leaving CA. The market is too big and it's are packed with their prime customer base: Low to middle incomers.

For once this is not a bad law. For a while now many of these big box retailers used medicaid and state equivalence of medicaid as their benefit programs. I know they have HR people at every location that advises how to get on these programs. They give them the paperwork, tell them what to send, what to say and where to go.

It's disgusting and wrong. They're the wealthest non-oil company in the world, it's immoral they don't provide affordable healthcare for their employees! However, that is their choice. Nonetheless, the taxpayor shouldn't have to pick up the bill to take care of this!
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What I always find fascinating is that the very people who are so critical of the subsidies provided by Obamacare to lower-earning Americans (how many times have these people reminded us that “someone is paying for these subsidies”) never seem to have much of a problem with the subsidies we pay to support Wal-Mart’s massive profits by picking up the healthcare tab for so many of the company’s employees. But then, those who support taxpayers doing the job that Wal-Mart should be doing tend to be the same folks who are quick to suggest that nobody is forcing workers to take a job at Wal-Mart. Apparently, these people are operating under the opinion that a Wal-Mart worker earning below the federal poverty level wouldn’t readily move to a better paying job if such a job were available to that worker.

Because, for starters, it's not only Wal-Mart employees getting these "subsidies" you ignorant fucking hack.

...doing business in the People's Republic of Kalifornia. Yes, yes it will.

They broke no law, nor is anyone forced to work at WalMart dumbshit. This would be hysterical if it weren't so pathetic. You central planners put a program like Medi-Cal into place and then bitch when people take advantage of it. The irony is thick and the hypocrisy overwhelming. Good luck with that. one forces them to work there....they could just become COMPLETE burdens on society....

In a Socialist society, sure. In a free society, no. Anyone working for WalMart is free to seek employment elsewhere. Your conclusion that it's either WalMart or the dole is bullshit.

So no one working at WalMart has a career? God you're dumb.

and with so many of our formerly good paying jobs gone for sweatshops in 3rd world countries....those jobs that were left behind are the shitty ones.

Now why do you think so many jobs have been shipped overseas? Think it has anything to do with government meddling in wages, healthcare, regulations and other screwing with the labor market? You're either dumb or extremely obtuse.

I still say the answer to this is a Nationwide private sector strike....stock up on 2-3 weeks worth of food and pull a Lech Walesa. If all the low income workers organized they could bring these companies to their knees and force them into treating their.employees better

Good luck asshole. With union membership deteriorating for decades now, you should have no problem with your little plan. :doubt:

All it takes is enough people who get tired of being shit on. Which is rapidly happening....look at the NYC fast food strike.
Another suicide attempt by the peoples republick of California. Kick out Walmart and force people to pay more for everything.

If we get rid of Walmart, maybe the mom & pop stores will come back if they haven't been completely killed off.
A lot of smart mom and pop stores are boutique-type businesses, which cater to a higher class clientele who will always pay for better products and service.

I think she means the ones that overcharged for substandard merchandise.
For once this is not a bad law.

Well, no it is. It's really bad law. It's bad law covering for the stupid 'unintended consequences' of another bad law. The Welfare State was adopted for just this reason - to maintain a compliant underclass of workers for industry. If you don't like it, join those of us fighting it.
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But it's OK for them to pay an unsustainable wage and force the taxpayer to make up the difference?

Yea, it's corporations that passed all these entitlements...:cuckoo:

Dumb as a fucking rock you are.

Oh....that's right...I forget who I'm talking'd rather see those employees starve, or see both parents working 80 hours/ week while their kids are left unattended...then you'll bitch about the lack of morals and good parenting that cause these kids to do all kinds of drugs, have unprotected sex and of course, "kill sere babies".'s immoral they don't provide affordable healthcare for their employees!

Tell us, why should ANY company be forced to provide healthcare to its employees? Why not milk? How about clothes? Certainly clothes and food are more important than health insurance.

Explain it to us using logic and reason, if you can.
So Repubs when giving a choice between subsidizing business and not. They chose to subsidize. Then complains about the people who are being subsidized. Then demonize the people are being subsidized while ignoring the company that is making a MINT from your tax dollars.

Repubs are a strange bunch. They would stand in front of Walmart to yell at the employees for being on Welfare but not the company that employs them so little that they have to be on welfare while that company is making stupid cash.

It's always the little guy with the repubs....

Read the thread YOU started dumb fuck. We're (not that I'm a Republican) mocking you for wanting to single out who is allowed to receive welfare.

Seriously, on what grounds do you stand on when claiming Wall-mart should be fined/taxed/whatever more because an amount of their employee's are on welfare, but not apply that same rule to every single business large or small that have even a single employee on welfare? You have made the perfect case against welfare, and I agree, get rid of it.

People simply point out that Wall-Mart will (probably) leave the state if you un-fairly require them to pay more while waiving that tax/fee/whatever on companies you either like or simple don;t make enough political points attacking.

But it's OK for them to pay an unsustainable wage and force the taxpayer to make up the difference? I love it....welfare for the poor? You fuckin' despise it.....welfare for multibillion dollar corporations? You support the shit out of it.

BTW....Walmart isn't going anywhere. They are making money hand over fist and even with the regulation, they will still make money hand over fist. Oh, they will bawl and whine and bluster and threaten....but they won't leave and they won't raise prices...because people will then just go to Target or some other store.

You see, the issue is that you guys are so brainwashed to the right wing talking points that you NEVER consider one thing...that they just might be lying to you to keep the gravy train rolling for as long as possible.

Then they say "I'm for ending everything" Woop de fucking do. It will never happen and you can feel comfortable in supporting something that will never happen or has ever happened ANYWHERE. one forces them to work there....they could just become COMPLETE burdens on society....

In a Socialist society, sure. In a free society, no. Anyone working for WalMart is free to seek employment elsewhere. Your conclusion that it's either WalMart or the dole is bullshit.

So no one working at WalMart has a career? God you're dumb.

Now why do you think so many jobs have been shipped overseas? Think it has anything to do with government meddling in wages, healthcare, regulations and other screwing with the labor market? You're either dumb or extremely obtuse.

I still say the answer to this is a Nationwide private sector strike....stock up on 2-3 weeks worth of food and pull a Lech Walesa. If all the low income workers organized they could bring these companies to their knees and force them into treating their.employees better

Good luck asshole. With union membership deteriorating for decades now, you should have no problem with your little plan. :doubt:

All it takes is enough people who get tired of being shit on. Which is rapidly happening....look at the NYC fast food strike.

Of course, when most people are "tired of being shit on", they seek employment elsewhere. But again, good luck with your little plan. I have no problem with voluntary actions that do not involve the force of government.
For once this is not a bad law.

Well, no it is. It's really bad law. It's bad law covering for the stupid 'unintended consequences' of another bad law. The Welfare State was adopted for just this reason - to maintain a compliant underclass of workers for industry. If you don't like it, join those of us fighting it.

Interesting point of view. One of the BIG issues with the welfare state and government provided pension plans is rapid inflation and explosion in the cause of living! In the 60s a man could provide for two-four kids, a stay at home wife, own one's home and do it without a bachelor's degree, not be in management, not own the business and be in a relative working class position. Nowadays, most of the time both parents need to work, you have to tips the scales of $100K to provide effectly for your family and a $100K+ bachelor degree doesn't guarantee a job, it only provides you creditability in filling out an application. one forces them to work there....they could just become COMPLETE burdens on society....

In a Socialist society, sure. In a free society, no. Anyone working for WalMart is free to seek employment elsewhere. Your conclusion that it's either WalMart or the dole is bullshit.

So no one working at WalMart has a career? God you're dumb.

Now why do you think so many jobs have been shipped overseas? Think it has anything to do with government meddling in wages, healthcare, regulations and other screwing with the labor market? You're either dumb or extremely obtuse.

I still say the answer to this is a Nationwide private sector strike....stock up on 2-3 weeks worth of food and pull a Lech Walesa. If all the low income workers organized they could bring these companies to their knees and force them into treating their.employees better

Good luck asshole. With union membership deteriorating for decades now, you should have no problem with your little plan. :doubt:

All it takes is enough people who get tired of being shit on. Which is rapidly happening....look at the NYC fast food strike.

Power to the people not the fucking government. Besides it's their own damn fault for not paying attention 8n school. No one is forcing them to work there.
I sure hope this causes Wal Mart to leave California. Fire all those people move. Surely they can find just as many customers in China or India. Or move to Nevada and only sell to California on line. Become another Amazon!

Of course if such a bill did make it into law, imagine what that would do to the agriculture industry and all the low paid illegals they employ.

This bill might be the death knell for democrats in California. It might be the straw that finally makes things so bad, it shows the state exactly what democrats will do when given power.

Wal Mart is not leaving CA. The market is too big and that are packed with there prime customer base: Low to middle incomers.

For once this is not a bad law. For a while now many of these big box retailers used medicaid and state equivalence of medicaid as their benefit programs. I know they have HR people at every location that advise how to get on these programs. They give them the paperwork, tell them what to send, what to say and where to go.

It's disgusting and wrong. They're the wealthest non-oil company in the world, it's immoral they don't provide affordable healthcare for their employees! However, that is their choice. Nonetheless, the taxpayor shouldn't have to pick up the bill to take care of this!

and there it is. It's legal but its not right and we shouldn't have to pay for it either.
But it's OK for them to pay an unsustainable wage and force the taxpayer to make up the difference?

Yea, it's corporations that passed all these entitlements...:cuckoo:

Dumb as a fucking rock you are.

Oh....that's right...I forget who I'm talking'd rather see those employees starve

Strawman much?

, or see both parents working 80 hours/ week while their kids are left unattended...

Perhaps parents that are not capable of earning more than minimum wage (probably about 1-2% of workers) shouldn't be trying to raise a family until their skill set warrants more compensation.

Or are there bad choices my responsibility?

then you'll bitch about the lack of morals and good parenting that cause these kids to do all kinds of drugs, have unprotected sex and of course, "kill sere babies".

No, you're the one bitching. I make no judgement on another's morals and I couldn't care less what someone else puts into their body. Lastly, I have no idea what "sere" means, other than dry vegetation. Not too bright, are you?
One of the BIG issues with the welfare state and government provided pension plans is rapid inflation and explosion in the cause* of living!

So you're against the Federal Reserve and their relentless imposition of inflation? Excellent!

See how government meddling causes more problems than it helps?

*assume you mean 'cost'
For once this is not a bad law.

Well, no it is. It's really bad law. It's bad law covering for the stupid 'unintended consequences' of another bad law. The Welfare State was adopted for just this reason - to maintain a compliant underclass of workers for industry. If you don't like it, join those of us fighting it.

Interesting point of view. One of the BIG issues with the welfare state and government provided pension plans is rapid inflation and explosion in the cause of living! In the 60s a man could provide for two-four kids, a stay at home wife, own one's home and do it without a bachelor's degree, not be in management, not own the business and be in a relative working class position. Nowadays, most of the time both parents need to work, you have to tips the scales of $100K to provide effectly for your family and a $100K+ bachelor degree doesn't guarantee a job, it only provides you creditability in filling out an application.
What's that man's tax burden, in all areas and adjusted for inflation, today vs. back in the '60s?

Hint: It isn't lower.
yep. I see how all the usual suspect, Righties failed to address the fact that the fed is subsidizing Wally World while one of their owners has a net worth of $8,000,000,000+

well Righties?

Irrelevent and stupid.. Don't care if the owner has money..

Can you do the math? $8000Mil/(2.2Mill employees * 10 years) is $363 per employee per year for 10 years.. Yeah -- that'll pay for the health insurance...

Go ahead -- reduce that guy to penniless and see how many of those 2.2Mill employees lose their jobs when his replacement can't hack it..

you Righties take the cake, LITERALLY. :clap2: The owner has 8$ Billion net and foists the short-falls of her employees on the taxpayer (you nimrod) :thup:

U brought up the $8000Mill.. I showed you what that means to a Walmart employee.. You show me how TAKING that money fixes the healthcare insurance problem for Walmart employees.. Or do you just want to do the nimrod whine?

BTW _--- THE MAJORITY of that $8000Mill is in WALMART STOCK!!!! It's RE-INVESTED into the Company to pay for MORE JOBS and MORE Big BOx stores.. You want to see how excited the employees are to get that??

You think they'd hang onto it to provide jobs and benefits for others? Or just sell it off for new tennis shoes???
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News Flash everyone! Any State that has the Federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour or lower will be eligible for Medicaid if the state is doing the expansion. This doesn't just apply to Walmart!

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