California To Wal-Mart: Enough! No More Taxpayer Subsidized Profits For You

This bill will go nowhere. I'm sure Walmart is paying the state's minimum wage and would bet they are paying the market rate which is probably above the minimum.

How can you fine a business for obeying the law?

By changing the law.
This bill will go nowhere. I'm sure Walmart is paying the state's minimum wage and would bet they are paying the market rate which is probably above the minimum.

How can you fine a business for obeying the law?

By changing the law.

Fox must be championing Wally World judging by the responses from the conz here. Their owners have enough net worth to build gold cars but their employees have to go to the gov't for HC & get enough to eat w/o spending the rent money.
They don't really even provide a service if you look at what they're actually doing- selling stuff made in communist china/under-cutting American business' & workers so, in the end, you end up paying full price through externalities. Know what externalities are?

Too bad Bush II borrowed so much from the Chinese to fund (charge) his wars on the credit cards or we could simply raise tariffs on chinese goods. I rarely buy chinese stuff & small ticket items at that.
So, now you are trying do decide who does and doesn't get to raise a family? Fuck you. What if one of those poor families with shitty skill sets gives birth to the doctor that finds a cure for cancer, or figures out a way to make renewable, non polluting energy a dirt cheap proposition?

"Sere" was supposed to be "dere" as in redneck for "their" autocorrect sucks...

Or what if that kid got conceived immaculately and is called Jesus..

Or what if those parents decide to abort him? Oh --- no problem there eh?

You want to snap out of miracles and fantasy or are you stuck?

Maybe family planning involves more than a pill and a D & C... Maybe there should be money available for baby food...

If parents decide to abort...that's their sin, isn't it? Who the fuck are you to decide for them? I guess you feel that poor, uneducated people aren't capable of producing intelligent offspring? Guess you're into that whole eugenics thing that the right accuses the left of.

Didn't say anything about how I feel about abortion.. Just that parental responsibility starts with an honest appraisal of economics, not just a hard-on and a kiss.. I was just pointing out how the left have this disgust for terminating fictictous miracle babies based on economic realities, but not on abortion as tool for ending that cancer-curing doctor..
For years, Wal-Mart—and other large retail operators—have been piling up huge profits by controlling their labor costs through paying employees sub-poverty level wages. As a result, it has long been left to the taxpayer to provide healthcare and other subsidized benefits to the many Wal-Mart employees who are dependent on Medicaid, food stamp programs and subsidized housing in order to keep their families from going under.

With Medicaid eligibility about to be expanded in some 30 states, as a result of the Affordable Care Act, Wal-Mart has responded by cutting employee hours—and thereby wages—even further in order to push more of their workers into state Medicaid programs and increase Wal-Mart profits. Good news for Wal-Mart shareholders and senior management earning the big bucks—not so good for the taxpayers who will now be expected to contribute even larger amounts of money to subsidize Wal-Mart’s burgeoning profits.

How many times have people tried to tell others that just because it's profitable for Wal MArt doesn't mean its good for America? Answer: Too many

Legislation is now making its way through the California legislature—with the support of consumer groups, unions and, interestingly, physicians—that would levy a fine of up to $6,000 on employers like Wal-Mart for every full-time employee that ends up on the state’s Medi-Cal program—the California incarnation of Medicaid.

The amount of the fine is no coincidence.

A report released last week by the Democratic staff of the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce, estimates that the cost of Wal-Mart’s failure to adequately pay its employees could total about $5,815 per employee each and every year of employment.

That's $6000 per employee times how many employees = $$BIG BUCKS$$$

After analyzing data released by Wisconsin’s Medicaid program, the Democratic staff of the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce estimates that a single 300- person Wal-Mart Supercenter store in Wisconsin likely costs taxpayers at least $904,542 per year and could cost taxpayers up to $1,744,590 per year – about $5,815 per employee.”


What I always find fascinating is that the very people who are so critical of the subsidies provided by Obamacare to lower-earning Americans (how many times have these people reminded us that “someone is paying for these subsidies”) never seem to have much of a problem with the subsidies we pay to support Wal-Mart’s massive profits by picking up the healthcare tab for so many of the company’s employees. But then, those who support taxpayers doing the job that Wal-Mart should be doing tend to be the same folks who are quick to suggest that nobody is forcing workers to take a job at Wal-Mart. Apparently, these people are operating under the opinion that a Wal-Mart worker earning below the federal poverty level wouldn’t readily move to a better paying job if such a job were available to that worker.

California To Wal-Mart: Enough! No More Taxpayer Subsidized Profits For You - Forbes

:clap2: This move will make other business think twice before thinking they can just get the tax payer to foot their bills

wal mart will immediatelyy make each and every employee living in the shit hole known as Californication a part time employee. Problem solved.
Fox must be championing Wally World judging by the responses from the conz here. Their owners have enough net worth to build gold cars but their employees have to go to the gov't for HC & get enough to eat w/o spending the rent money.
They don't really even provide a service if you look at what they're actually doing- selling stuff made in communist china/under-cutting American business' & workers so, in the end, you end up paying full price through externalities. Know what externalities are?

Too bad Bush II borrowed so much from the Chinese to fund (charge) his wars on the credit cards or we could simply raise tariffs on chinese goods. I rarely buy chinese stuff & small ticket items at that.

Youre bound and determine to remain ignorant I guess. I told you what those billions mean to an individual Walmart worker.. And the owner(s) COULD build gold cars, but instead most of that $8000Mill is reinvested back INTO WALMART so that MORE people can benefit from the store and employment.

But go ahead --- ignore all that and be blinded by the fact that SOME PEOPLE OWN Walmart and that value shows up in their net wealth... How do you leftists understand Capitalism when you don't know how Capital is generated and held?

You got nothing but class warfare rhetoric, opportunistic PILLAGING of selected companies, and no solutions to actually GET THOSE people covered for healthcare. That's what I've learned from this thread.
Youre bound and determine to remain ignorant I guess. I told you what those billions mean to an individual Walmart worker.. And the owner(s) COULD build gold cars, but instead most of that $8000Mill is reinvested back INTO WALMART so that MORE people can benefit from the store and employment.

But go ahead --- ignore all that and be blinded by the fact that SOME PEOPLE OWN Walmart and that value shows up in their net wealth... How do you leftists understand Capitalism when you don't know how Capital is generated and held?

You got nothing but class warfare rhetoric, opportunistic PILLAGING of selected companies, and no solutions to actually GET THOSE people covered for healthcare. That's what I've learned from this thread.

What left-wing turds are really complaining about when they whine about private wealth is the fact that government doesn't own all productive enterprises. If we abolished all fortunes over a certain amount, we would inevitably be abolishing capitalism. Anyone who offers such a lament is a communist, pure and simple.
LOL, those running California are just way too smart..nothing like running all businesses out of your state..
How many times have people tried to tell others that just because it's profitable for Wal MArt doesn't mean its good for America? Answer: Too many

Just because you tell people silly things over and over again doesn't mean it's true.

Tell me, if Wall mart wasn't good for the people, why would the people voluntarily give them their money?

Walmart, like any other business, makes money by providing goods and services to people.

That's the beauty of capitalism. In a Free market, you make money by serving the wants and needs of others. The more people you can help, the more money you make.

Why are you so opposed to people being helped?
Youre bound and determine to remain ignorant I guess. I told you what those billions mean to an individual Walmart worker.. And the owner(s) COULD build gold cars, but instead most of that $8000Mill is reinvested back INTO WALMART so that MORE people can benefit from the store and employment.

But go ahead --- ignore all that and be blinded by the fact that SOME PEOPLE OWN Walmart and that value shows up in their net wealth... How do you leftists understand Capitalism when you don't know how Capital is generated and held?

You got nothing but class warfare rhetoric, opportunistic PILLAGING of selected companies, and no solutions to actually GET THOSE people covered for healthcare. That's what I've learned from this thread.

What left-wing turds are really complaining about when they whine about private wealth is the fact that government doesn't own all productive enterprises. If we abolished all fortunes over a certain amount, we would inevitably be abolishing capitalism. Anyone who offers such a lament is a communist, pure and simple.

Xactly.... DotCom looks at that WalMart owner with $8,000,000,000 and starts imaging gold cars and how the person has STOLEN all of that from the 2.2Mill WalMart workers. What he refuses to see is that MOST of that "wealth" is actually the operating Capital of Walmart itself. It's STOCK in the company. That the person CHOOSES to invest rather than buy gold cars or yachts.

And even if they hog-tied the dude and tar/feathered him and STOLE that $8000Mill dollars, that they could NOT CASH THAT CHECK without tanking the company and putting themselves out of job. Because the capital investment in their employment would VANISH.

But seriously BriPat -- I think they're too stupid to understand all that. They just want to rape the company and not worry where the wealth went.
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If this law is passed, it is highly doubtful that Wal-Mart or other large box stores will leave California, but you can bet they will reduce to the mazimum extent possible the number of full time employees they have in California. Especially, any who would qualify for Medicaid.

Depending on how the legislation is worded in its final form, this law could have some serious unintended consequences for agriculture, the building trades and small manufacturing companies. However, in liberal la la land, unintended consequences are fine as long as they get to spear one of their hated corporations.
This is exactly why progressive economies are the world poorest

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take a guess how many Illegal Immigrants are being subsidized with taxpayer money in California?

but they dump on Walmart..that government is one big JOKE
That's not the choice since Walmart isn't closing stores. The choice is keep Wal-Mart employees subsidized with tax payers money or don't.

THere's a simple solution: end the programs that subsidize Walmart employees. Walmart isn't to blame for that. Turds like you are.

Judges call bullshit on that.

Turds like Reagan and Junebug Bush are responsible. Your bobbleheaded Icon, the biggest spender as a pct of national debt at inauguration, bragged...
“The Earned Income Tax Credit is the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress.”
The specific purpose of Reagan's exploding of this liability to taxpayers is corporate welfare, aka, a wage subsidy to ensure low wages. Among Reagan's last triumphs was to expand EITC for the third time in eight years because he didn't believe George Bush supported voodoo economics. 2011 cost to taxpayers? $60kkk.

His fiscal heir, Junebug Bush, a halfwit inheritor from Tejas, wouldn't allow price competition in his medicare expansion bill, bragging...
"The Medicare Prescription Drug Modernization Act is the greatest advance in health care coverage for America's seniors since the founding of Medicare."​
Not only did costs of drugs EXPLODE without free market competition, this is probably the biggest single corporate welfare bill ever passed in the USA. Junebug put a straight up fucking on old folks yet like his icon believed he done good. 2011 cost to taxpayers? $55kkk. The bills are among the most expensive kicks in the nuts to taxpayers before ObamaCare, which is true to ReagaNUT form in being a corporate welfare program.

You fucking nutballs really know how to pick'em.
Yeah, and all that is Wally World's fault in what way?
If this law is passed, it is highly doubtful that Wal-Mart or other large box stores will leave California, but you can bet they will reduce to the mazimum extent possible the number of full time employees they have in California. Especially, any who would qualify for Medicaid.

Depending on how the legislation is worded in its final form, this law could have some serious unintended consequences for agriculture, the building trades and small manufacturing companies. However, in liberal la la land, unintended consequences are fine as long as they get to spear one of their hated corporations.
Oh shit....Between moronic crap like this and Obolshevikcare, virtually every employer would have a HUGE incentive to eliminate full-time positions altogether.

If you aren't a contractor or business owner, the average American is going to need to hold down two jobs to survive.
How many times have people tried to tell others that just because it's profitable for Wal MArt doesn't mean its good for America? Answer: Too many

Just because you tell people silly things over and over again doesn't mean it's true.

Tell me, if Wall mart wasn't good for the people, why would the people voluntarily give them their money?

Walmart, like any other business, makes money by providing goods and services to people.

That's the beauty of capitalism. In a Free market, you make money by serving the wants and needs of others. The more people you can help, the more money you make.

Why are you so opposed to people being helped?

If you put your thinking cap on, you might actually be able to see a downside.
Another suicide attempt by the peoples republick of California. Kick out Walmart and force people to pay more for everything.

That's not the choice since Walmart isn't closing stores. The choice is keep Wal-Mart employees subsidized with tax payers money or don't.

THere's a simple solution: end the programs that subsidize Walmart employees. Walmart isn't to blame for that. Turds like you are.

Judges call bullshit on that.

Turds like Reagan and Junebug Bush are responsible. Your bobbleheaded Icon, the biggest spender as a pct of national debt at inauguration, bragged...
“The Earned Income Tax Credit is the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress.” - NeoConRon
The specific purpose of Reagan's exploding of this liability to taxpayers is corporate welfare, aka, a wage subsidy to ensure low wages. Among Reagan's last triumphs was to expand EITC for the third time in eight years because he didn't believe George Bush supported voodoo economics. 2011 cost to taxpayers? $60kkk.

His fiscal heir, Junebug Bush, a halfwit inheritor from Tejas, wouldn't allow price competition in his medicare expansion bill, bragging...
"The Medicare Prescription Drug Modernization Act is the greatest advance in health care coverage for America's seniors since the founding of Medicare." - Junebug, 'daddy always said the best part of me run down my mama's leg,' Bush
Not only did costs of drugs EXPLODE corporate profits due to Bush's criminalizing free market competition, this is probably the biggest closed-market corporate welfare bill ever passed in the USA. Junebug put a straight up fucking on old folks yet like his icon believed he done good. 2011 cost to taxpayers? $55kkk. The bills are among the most expensive kicks in the nuts to taxpayers before ObamaCare, which is true to ReagaNUT form in being a corporate welfare program.

You fucking nutballs really know how to pick'em.
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