California To Wal-Mart: Enough! No More Taxpayer Subsidized Profits For You

That's not the choice since Walmart isn't closing stores. The choice is keep Wal-Mart employees subsidized with tax payers money or don't.

THere's a simple solution: end the programs that subsidize Walmart employees. Walmart isn't to blame for that. Turds like you are.

Judges call bullshit on that.

Turds like Reagan and Junebug Bush are responsible. Your bobbleheaded Icon, the biggest spender as a pct of national debt at inauguration, bragged...
“The Earned Income Tax Credit is the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress.” - NeoConRon
The specific purpose of Reagan's exploding of this liability to taxpayers is corporate welfare, aka, a wage subsidy to ensure low wages. Among Reagan's last triumphs was to expand EITC for the third time in eight years because he didn't believe George Bush supported voodoo economics. 2011 cost to taxpayers? $60kkk.

His fiscal heir, Junebug Bush, a halfwit inheritor from Tejas, wouldn't allow price competition in his medicare expansion bill, bragging...
"The Medicare Prescription Drug Modernization Act is the greatest advance in health care coverage for America's seniors since the founding of Medicare." - Junebug, 'daddy always said the best part of me run down my mama's leg,' Bush
Not only did costs of drugs EXPLODE corporate profits due to Bush's criminalizing free market competition, this is probably the biggest closed-market corporate welfare bill ever passed in the USA. Junebug put a straight up fucking on old folks yet like his icon believed he done good. 2011 cost to taxpayers? $55kkk. The bills are among the most expensive kicks in the nuts to taxpayers before ObamaCare, which is true to ReagaNUT form in being a corporate welfare program.

You fucking nutballs really know how to pick'em.

Bush! Reagan! Bush! Reagan! Bush! Reagan! Yada, yada, yada . . . .


When you recovery your sanity, perhaps you can discuss the issue like a rational person.
How many times have people tried to tell others that just because it's profitable for Wal MArt doesn't mean its good for America? Answer: Too many

Just because you tell people silly things over and over again doesn't mean it's true.

Tell me, if Wall mart wasn't good for the people, why would the people voluntarily give them their money?

Walmart, like any other business, makes money by providing goods and services to people.

That's the beauty of capitalism. In a Free market, you make money by serving the wants and needs of others. The more people you can help, the more money you make.

Why are you so opposed to people being helped?

If you put your thinking cap on, you might actually be able to see a downside.

There's no "down-side" aside from the hatred that success conjures up in envious mediocrities
How many times have people tried to tell others that just because it's profitable for Wal MArt doesn't mean its good for America? Answer: Too many

Just because you tell people silly things over and over again doesn't mean it's true.

Tell me, if Wall mart wasn't good for the people, why would the people voluntarily give them their money?

Walmart, like any other business, makes money by providing goods and services to people.

That's the beauty of capitalism. In a Free market, you make money by serving the wants and needs of others. The more people you can help, the more money you make.

Why are you so opposed to people being helped?

If you put your thinking cap on, you might actually be able to see a downside.

What is the downside of people recieving goods and services they value enough to voluntarily pay for?
Just because you tell people silly things over and over again doesn't mean it's true.

Tell me, if Wall mart wasn't good for the people, why would the people voluntarily give them their money?

Walmart, like any other business, makes money by providing goods and services to people.

That's the beauty of capitalism. In a Free market, you make money by serving the wants and needs of others. The more people you can help, the more money you make.

Why are you so opposed to people being helped?

If you put your thinking cap on, you might actually be able to see a downside.

What is the downside of people recieving goods and services they value enough to voluntarily pay for?
I think he meant for you to put on your economic ignorance or bigotry cap....If not both. :lol:
THere's a simple solution: end the programs that subsidize Walmart employees. Walmart isn't to blame for that. Turds like you are.

Judges call bullshit on that.

Turds like Reagan and Junebug Bush are responsible. Your bobbleheaded Icon, the biggest spender as a pct of national debt at inauguration, bragged...
“The Earned Income Tax Credit is the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress.” - NeoConRon
The specific purpose of Reagan's exploding of this liability to taxpayers is corporate welfare, aka, a wage subsidy to ensure low wages. Among Reagan's last triumphs was to expand EITC for the third time in eight years because he didn't believe George Bush supported voodoo economics. 2011 cost to taxpayers? $60kkk.

His fiscal heir, Junebug Bush, a halfwit inheritor from Tejas, wouldn't allow price competition in his medicare expansion bill, bragging...
"The Medicare Prescription Drug Modernization Act is the greatest advance in health care coverage for America's seniors since the founding of Medicare." - Junebug, 'daddy always said the best part of me run down my mama's leg,' Bush
Not only did costs of drugs EXPLODE corporate profits due to Bush's criminalizing free market competition, this is probably the biggest closed-market corporate welfare bill ever passed in the USA. Junebug put a straight up fucking on old folks yet like his icon believed he done good. 2011 cost to taxpayers? $55kkk. The bills are among the most expensive kicks in the nuts to taxpayers before ObamaCare, which is true to ReagaNUT form in being a corporate welfare program.

You fucking nutballs really know how to pick'em.

Bush! Reagan! Bush! Reagan! Bush! Reagan! Yada, yada, yada . . . .


When you recovery your sanity, perhaps you can discuss the issue like a rational person.

You don't have to be dancing a jig while playing a fiddle to succeed here.
Still it helps to remember your own points well enough to defend them.

And it helps if one can read and do math at the same time.
My posts are 100% accurate including the quotes.

Not so much.
Mostly horse puckey.
And the rest is windbuggery.
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How many times have people tried to tell others that just because it's profitable for Wal MArt doesn't mean its good for America? Answer: Too many

That's $6000 per employee times how many employees = $$BIG BUCKS$$$


:clap2: This move will make other business think twice before thinking they can just get the tax payer to foot their bills

Can you really be this stupid???

Obviously you can...

If you want to vent your anger on someone why not your parents for cutting off your oxygen supply???

Wal-Mart's not the problem dumbass, its idiots like you, get up off your ass and contribute something positive...

Otherwise STFU...

You can always tell when someone has nothing to add. They usually froth at the mouth, ask rhetorical questions and call names. Really creative names I might add

There is nothing to add, your point is ridiculous, I would be happy to come up with more creative names to call you, but you're not worthy...

Wal-Mart and the other retailers paying minimum wages are not the problem, the problem is the belief we need to let people sit on their ass and draw government support, if you can't pay your bills working at Wal-Mart, get a different job...

Idiot and dumbass will suffice...
They won't be missed by me, I never set foot in a Walmart.

me either. Its a American REAL job-killing enterprise. Not only do their supply chain practices harm U.S. manufacturers, they also cause American Mom & Pop businesses to shutter on Main St.
Oh, how old, economically ignorant, socialist success hater memes die hard! :lmao:
Just because you tell people silly things over and over again doesn't mean it's true.

Tell me, if Wall mart wasn't good for the people, why would the people voluntarily give them their money?

Walmart, like any other business, makes money by providing goods and services to people.

That's the beauty of capitalism. In a Free market, you make money by serving the wants and needs of others. The more people you can help, the more money you make.

Why are you so opposed to people being helped?

If you put your thinking cap on, you might actually be able to see a downside.

What is the downside of people recieving goods and services they value enough to voluntarily pay for?

They devastate local economies in a number of ways including diverting the market away from locally grown or produced items. They replace cool, local mom and pop shops with bland, monolithic monstrosities. They flood the market with cheap crap produced halfway around the world under the most horrible conditions imaginable. They over harvest to such a degree as to cause environmental catastrophes which they later to no responsibility for. Shall I go on?
They devastate local economies in a number of ways including diverting the market away from locally grown or produced items. They replace cool, local mom and pop shops with bland, monolithic monstrosities. They flood the market with cheap crap produced halfway around the world under the most horrible conditions imaginable. They over harvest to such a degree as to cause environmental catastrophes which they later to no responsibility for. Shall I go on?

Got it. It's Walmart's fault that others can't provide the same services for the cost they do.
If you put your thinking cap on, you might actually be able to see a downside.

What is the downside of people recieving goods and services they value enough to voluntarily pay for?

They devastate local economies in a number of ways including diverting the market away from locally grown or produced items. They replace cool, local mom and pop shops with bland, monolithic monstrosities. They flood the market with cheap crap produced halfway around the world under the most horrible conditions imaginable. They over harvest to such a degree as to cause environmental catastrophes which they later to no responsibility for. Shall I go on?
Total fucking lies.

I heard those total fucking lies in the late '80s when the do-gooders in Steamboat Springs were trying to keep Wally World out....None of those oft-parroted total fucking lies has yet come to pass, nearly 25 years later.

Get a new routine.
I think he meant for you to put on your economic ignorance or bigotry cap....If not both. :lol:

Can't do it. I don't own one. They havent sold one at walmart yet...:)

They won't be missed by me, I never set foot in a Walmart.

me either. Its a American REAL job-killing enterprise. Not only do their supply chain practices harm U.S. manufacturers, they also cause American Mom & Pop businesses to shutter on Main St.
Oh, how old, economically ignorant, socialist success hater memes die hard! :lmao:

Dot Com nailed it.
Oddball, why not a retort with factoids to back up your snide comment?
me either. Its a American REAL job-killing enterprise. Not only do their supply chain practices harm U.S. manufacturers, they also cause American Mom & Pop businesses to shutter on Main St.
Oh, how old, economically ignorant, socialist success hater memes die hard! :lmao:

Dot Com nailed it.
Oddball, why not a retort with factoids to back up your snide comment?
I already refuted it with my previous post of IRL experience.

Try scrolling back a tad, ya lazy ass. :lol:
They devastate local economies in a number of ways including diverting the market away from locally grown or produced items. They replace cool, local mom and pop shops with bland, monolithic monstrosities. They flood the market with cheap crap produced halfway around the world under the most horrible conditions imaginable. They over harvest to such a degree as to cause environmental catastrophes which they later to no responsibility for. Shall I go on?

Got it. It's Walmart's fault that others can't provide the same services for the cost they do.

Like solving the cost of prescription drugs for Millions of underinsured or uninsured individuals. Walmart has done more for encouraging low-cost healthcare than a stadium full of politicians. Or even a Democratic Convention full of bleeding hearts...

There's a real reason they hate 'em...
They devastate local economies in a number of ways including diverting the market away from locally grown or produced items. They replace cool, local mom and pop shops with bland, monolithic monstrosities. They flood the market with cheap crap produced halfway around the world under the most horrible conditions imaginable. They over harvest to such a degree as to cause environmental catastrophes which they later to no responsibility for. Shall I go on?

Got it. It's Walmart's fault that others can't provide the same services for the cost they do.

Like solving the cost of prescription drugs for Millions of underinsured or uninsured individuals. Walmart has done more for encouraging low-cost healthcare than a stadium full of politicians. Or even a Democratic Convention full of bleeding hearts...

There's a real reason they hate 'em...
They hate every success story that doesn't involve their do-goodery.

Look at the wringer those assholes in the District of Criminals have put both Microsoft and Apple through.
They devastate local economies in a number of ways including diverting the market away from locally grown or produced items. They replace cool, local mom and pop shops with bland, monolithic monstrosities. They flood the market with cheap crap produced halfway around the world under the most horrible conditions imaginable. They over harvest to such a degree as to cause environmental catastrophes which they later to no responsibility for. Shall I go on?

Got it. It's Walmart's fault that others can't provide the same services for the cost they do.

You can't possibly be this dense. It's called cost shifting and it's how major corporations become cost competitive. Are you trying to justify the reasons why you support such an evil empire?

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