California To Wal-Mart: Enough! No More Taxpayer Subsidized Profits For You

They devastate local economies in a number of ways including diverting the market away from locally grown or produced items. They replace cool, local mom and pop shops with bland, monolithic monstrosities. They flood the market with cheap crap produced halfway around the world under the most horrible conditions imaginable. They over harvest to such a degree as to cause environmental catastrophes which they later to no responsibility for. Shall I go on?

Got it. It's Walmart's fault that others can't provide the same services for the cost they do.

You can't possibly be this dense. It's called cost shifting and it's how major corporations become cost competitive. Are you trying to justify the reasons why you support such an evil empire?
You can't possibly be this dense.

Cost of the goods is not the only reason people shop at certain stores.
And while we're at it..

Wal-Mart Expands Check Cashing Services - DailyFinance

Like it does on many products and services, Wal-Mart's check-cashing fees largely undercut those charged by a typical check-cashing outlet, where consumers pay an average of 2% to 4% of the face value of the check to cash it.

In New York, for example, it costs $18.60 to cash a $1,000 check and $93 for a $5,000 check in a check-cashing store. Those rates are set by the state Superintendent of Banks. [[GASP - those leftists are helpful]] By contrast, Wal-Mart charges $3 to cash checks up to $1,000 and $6 for checks up to $5,000.Like it does on many products and services, Wal-Mart's check-cashing fees largely undercut those charged by a typical check-cashing outlet, where consumers pay an average of 2% to 4% of the face value of the check to cash it.

Seems like Walmart is going down the list of Leftist problems that they can't solve and fixing them. Predatory PayDay lenders eh? Where's the "DONE" button?

Wait a minute!!!! Hold the line!!!!!

Stephen Altobelli, a spokesman for the Financial Service Centers of America -- which represents mom-and-pop to publicly traded check cashing stores -- isn't too worried about Wal-Mart putting his members out of business or forcing them to match prices. He says most of the customers who use check-cashing services live in the inner city where banks and big box retailers like Wal-Mart and Kmart are typically not found.

Oh ain't that cute.. No Walmarts allowed in those Liberal leftist bastions... So no cheap check cashing and income tax prep.. And the SPOKESMOUTH for the predatory lenders ain't worried, he's bashing Walmart as hard as he can along with DotCom and the misdirected minions...

Clean-up on Aisle 4... I think DotCom got a little sick of this..
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They devastate local economies in a number of ways including diverting the market away from locally grown or produced items. They replace cool, local mom and pop shops with bland, monolithic monstrosities. They flood the market with cheap crap produced halfway around the world under the most horrible conditions imaginable. They over harvest to such a degree as to cause environmental catastrophes which they later to no responsibility for. Shall I go on?

Got it. It's Walmart's fault that others can't provide the same services for the cost they do.

You can't possibly be this dense. It's called cost shifting and it's how major corporations become cost competitive. Are you trying to justify the reasons why you support such an evil empire?

Corporations aren't able to shift their costs onto anyone. Only government has the power to do that.
Got it. It's Walmart's fault that others can't provide the same services for the cost they do.

You can't possibly be this dense. It's called cost shifting and it's how major corporations become cost competitive. Are you trying to justify the reasons why you support such an evil empire?

Corporations aren't able to shift their costs onto anyone. Only government has the power to do that.

That's too true. Corporations can ask, but it's up to the government officials to grant their wishes - and the Court to sign off on it. Buncha whores.
How many times have people tried to tell others that just because it's profitable for Wal MArt doesn't mean its good for America? Answer: Too many

Just because you tell people silly things over and over again doesn't mean it's true.

Tell me, if Wall mart wasn't good for the people, why would the people voluntarily give them their money?

Giving money has nothing to do with how good or hurtful something is. People fund all types of things i.e. wars, false advertising, flat out lies, etc.

Walmart, like any other business, makes money by providing goods and services to people.

That's the beauty of capitalism. In a Free market, you make money by serving the wants and needs of others. The more people you can help, the more money you make.

Why are you so opposed to people being helped?

Ok so now you're just being stupid. "Why don't you want people helped?" ahaha! Lions aren't dangerous. Lions once were cubs. Why do you hate baby animals? :rofl:

Don't be stupid
And while we're at it..

Wal-Mart Expands Check Cashing Services - DailyFinance

Like it does on many products and services, Wal-Mart's check-cashing fees largely undercut those charged by a typical check-cashing outlet, where consumers pay an average of 2% to 4% of the face value of the check to cash it.

In New York, for example, it costs $18.60 to cash a $1,000 check and $93 for a $5,000 check in a check-cashing store. Those rates are set by the state Superintendent of Banks. [[GASP - those leftists are helpful]] By contrast, Wal-Mart charges $3 to cash checks up to $1,000 and $6 for checks up to $5,000.Like it does on many products and services, Wal-Mart's check-cashing fees largely undercut those charged by a typical check-cashing outlet, where consumers pay an average of 2% to 4% of the face value of the check to cash it.

Seems like Walmart is going down the list of Leftist problems that they can't solve and fixing them. Predatory PayDay lenders eh? Where's the "DONE" button?

Wait a minute!!!! Hold the line!!!!!

Stephen Altobelli, a spokesman for the Financial Service Centers of America -- which represents mom-and-pop to publicly traded check cashing stores -- isn't too worried about Wal-Mart putting his members out of business or forcing them to match prices. He says most of the customers who use check-cashing services live in the inner city where banks and big box retailers like Wal-Mart and Kmart are typically not found.

Oh ain't that cute.. No Walmarts allowed in those Liberal leftist bastions... So no cheap check cashing and income tax prep.. And the SPOKESMOUTH for the predatory lenders ain't worried, he's bashing Walmart as hard as he can along with DotCom and the misdirected minions...

Clean-up on Aisle 4... I think DotCom got a little sick of this..

Great points. WalMart has cheaper check cashing prices but WalMarts are too big to be in the Inner cities. Its a land problem not that "liberals wont let a WalMart here" thing.

You've shown that their cash checking prices are great and that's a great point to be made in a check cashing prices thread. This is a WalMart puts the tax burden of their employees on us thread. You haven't shown whats great about that.
And while we're at it..

Wal-Mart Expands Check Cashing Services - DailyFinance

Like it does on many products and services, Wal-Mart's check-cashing fees largely undercut those charged by a typical check-cashing outlet, where consumers pay an average of 2% to 4% of the face value of the check to cash it.

In New York, for example, it costs $18.60 to cash a $1,000 check and $93 for a $5,000 check in a check-cashing store. Those rates are set by the state Superintendent of Banks. [[GASP - those leftists are helpful]] By contrast, Wal-Mart charges $3 to cash checks up to $1,000 and $6 for checks up to $5,000.Like it does on many products and services, Wal-Mart's check-cashing fees largely undercut those charged by a typical check-cashing outlet, where consumers pay an average of 2% to 4% of the face value of the check to cash it.

Seems like Walmart is going down the list of Leftist problems that they can't solve and fixing them. Predatory PayDay lenders eh? Where's the "DONE" button?

Wait a minute!!!! Hold the line!!!!!

Stephen Altobelli, a spokesman for the Financial Service Centers of America -- which represents mom-and-pop to publicly traded check cashing stores -- isn't too worried about Wal-Mart putting his members out of business or forcing them to match prices. He says most of the customers who use check-cashing services live in the inner city where banks and big box retailers like Wal-Mart and Kmart are typically not found.

Oh ain't that cute.. No Walmarts allowed in those Liberal leftist bastions... So no cheap check cashing and income tax prep.. And the SPOKESMOUTH for the predatory lenders ain't worried, he's bashing Walmart as hard as he can along with DotCom and the misdirected minions...

Clean-up on Aisle 4... I think DotCom got a little sick of this..

Great points. WalMart has cheaper check cashing prices but WalMarts are too big to be in the Inner cities. Its a land problem not that "liberals wont let a WalMart here" thing.

You've shown that their cash checking prices are great and that's a great point to be made in a check cashing prices thread. This is a WalMart puts the tax burden of their employees on us thread. You haven't shown whats great about that.

New York City Officials To Walmart: Keep Out : NPR

They say New York City has everything. But it doesn't have a Walmart.

Unions and politicians in the Big Apple have kept the retailer out, but Walmart wants in, and even a hostile City Council probably can't stop it.

You know how Walmart has those greeters at the door? At a New York City Council meeting Thursday, about 100 people stood outside to offer this salutation to Walmart: "Don't come in! Not in our communities."

"One thing about real New Yorkers is that we don't shut up," said Valerie Jean, one of those anti-Walmart greeters.

The City Council hearing on the impact of a Walmart store in the Big Apple lasted four long hours. When it came to hating Walmart, the council stacked it deep and sold it cheap.

Councilman Charles Barron, who represents the east New York neighborhood that Walmart has been eyeing, set the tone.

"Don't even think about coming into east New York," he said. "We're desperate for jobs, but we're not going to take anything. We want jobs with dignity, jobs with integrity, jobs with self-respect."

Care to refine your statement? where are plenty of sites where big box stores can be located in poor neighborhoods. But for some reason the NYC council (a liberal bastion if there ever was one) has an issue with them....
@ Marty, You said "for some reason the NYC council has an issue with them". From your link can you not find the reason? Should the council approve every company or be labeled as "haters"? What makes WalMart different that they should approve them and not others who go thru the same process?
Got it. It's Walmart's fault that others can't provide the same services for the cost they do.

You can't possibly be this dense. It's called cost shifting and it's how major corporations become cost competitive. Are you trying to justify the reasons why you support such an evil empire?
You can't possibly be this dense.

Cost of the goods is not the only reason people shop at certain stores.

Oh, really? So what do you like about Walmart besides the low prices? The stunning architecture? The spiffy displays? The cheerful employees? The colorful characters? The ultra-efficient checkout lines? The crappy quality foods?
Thank God I don't live in that miserable state.

I think I'll show my support by going to Walmart and buying something today.
Got it. It's Walmart's fault that others can't provide the same services for the cost they do.

You can't possibly be this dense. It's called cost shifting and it's how major corporations become cost competitive. Are you trying to justify the reasons why you support such an evil empire?

Corporations aren't able to shift their costs onto anyone. Only government has the power to do that.

You mean our government or the governments of other countries that look the other way on issues like pollution and human rights violations?
@ Marty, You said "for some reason the NYC council has an issue with them". From your link can you not find the reason? Should the council approve every company or be labeled as "haters"? What makes WalMart different that they should approve them and not others who go thru the same process?

Yet we have Targets, Costcos, BJ's, Best Buys, Kmarts (if the damn things still exist) and all are "big box stores" some in low income areas.

Why not walmart? You say its due to sizing issues, all the above seem to fit...

Keep flopping around, its fun to watch.
If you put your thinking cap on, you might actually be able to see a downside.

What is the downside of people recieving goods and services they value enough to voluntarily pay for?

They devastate local economies in a number of ways including diverting the market away from locally grown or produced items. They replace cool, local mom and pop shops with bland, monolithic monstrosities. They flood the market with cheap crap produced halfway around the world under the most horrible conditions imaginable. They over harvest to such a degree as to cause environmental catastrophes which they later to no responsibility for. Shall I go on?

All pluses if you're an America-hating rw.

If you have a conscience and if you love your country, you shop locally. Period.
@ Marty, You said "for some reason the NYC council has an issue with them". From your link can you not find the reason? Should the council approve every company or be labeled as "haters"? What makes WalMart different that they should approve them and not others who go thru the same process?

Yet we have Targets, Costcos, BJ's, Best Buys, Kmarts (if the damn things still exist) and all are "big box stores" some in low income areas.

Why not walmart? You say its due to sizing issues, all the above seem to fit...

Keep flopping around, its fun to watch.

So you believe that there are no Walmarts in low income areas? Is that what you're saying?
me either. Its a American REAL job-killing enterprise. Not only do their supply chain practices harm U.S. manufacturers, they also cause American Mom & Pop businesses to shutter on Main St.
Oh, how old, economically ignorant, socialist success hater memes die hard! :lmao:

Dot Com nailed it.
Oddball, why not a retort with factoids to back up your snide comment?

Don't hold your breath.

Its easy for rw's to defend Rs taking jobs out of the country and shitting on our own businesses. Its what they do.
@ Marty, You said "for some reason the NYC council has an issue with them". From your link can you not find the reason? Should the council approve every company or be labeled as "haters"? What makes WalMart different that they should approve them and not others who go thru the same process?

Yet we have Targets, Costcos, BJ's, Best Buys, Kmarts (if the damn things still exist) and all are "big box stores" some in low income areas.

Why not walmart? You say its due to sizing issues, all the above seem to fit...

Keep flopping around, its fun to watch.

So you believe that there are no Walmarts in low income areas? Is that what you're saying?

Your statement:

WalMart has cheaper check cashing prices but WalMarts are too big to be in the Inner cities. Its a land problem not that "liberals wont let a WalMart here" thing.

I just showed a place where Liberals don't want Walmart in, and it has nothing to do with land/space, it has to do with them not liking Wal Marts Buinsess model.

That is thier right. What you do not have the right to do is lie about it.
What is the downside of people recieving goods and services they value enough to voluntarily pay for?

They devastate local economies in a number of ways including diverting the market away from locally grown or produced items. They replace cool, local mom and pop shops with bland, monolithic monstrosities. They flood the market with cheap crap produced halfway around the world under the most horrible conditions imaginable. They over harvest to such a degree as to cause environmental catastrophes which they later to no responsibility for. Shall I go on?

All pluses if you're an America-hating rw.

If you have a conscience and if you love your country, you shop locally. Period.

I live in a city, you know what we produce locally, outside the city?

Oranges, limes, lemons, beef, strawberries, and that's about it. You just aren't too bright are you?
You can't possibly be this dense. It's called cost shifting and it's how major corporations become cost competitive. Are you trying to justify the reasons why you support such an evil empire?

Corporations aren't able to shift their costs onto anyone. Only government has the power to do that.

You mean our government or the governments of other countries that look the other way on issues like pollution and human rights violations?

I like tomatoes on my sandwiches.

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