California unveils Native American monument at Capitol, replacing missionary statue toppled in 2020

Blacks returning to Africa was offered in the form of creating Liberia. If that offer still stands I do not know.
lol yes, and they immediately set up a slave worked plantation economy. Hilarious stuff considering all their modern day sniveling, and not only there but in the British one, too..
I know nothing about that but it won't require very much to convince me.
I know nothing about that but it won't require very much to convince me.

I let people do their own homework. It's easily found. You won't find anybody who is stupid enough to refute it, they will just shift the subject with some bullshit or other.

'native Americans' were genociding each other for centuries , so they have no room for sniveling, and obviously Whitey wasn't 'genociding' them or they wouldn't be here running around crying about us.

Claiming 'Cortez wiped out the Aztecs with 500 soldiers' is also idiotic; he had over 200,000 willing allies among other native tribes who hated those homocidal psychopaths.
This is a bs argument.

It is only BS because you can't refute it.

The Pre-Columbian tribes were unlike how most portray them a rather violent group. With kidnappings, slavery, and human sacrifice being practiced by the majority of tribes of North America.

And with our own version of the "Barbarian Hoards" attacking any group they run across. Only moving on when forced to by larger tribes that were tired of their attacks and putting them in their place.

I often chuckle at the "romanticism" that people place upon the Indians, which shows they have no clue what they were really like.
I don't believe any of this. Native Indians had some sort of "border" or area of ethnic/cultural/linguistic boundaries and when the Europeans went to "the new world" they bartered for land in conjunction with Indian permission. Breaking those agreements is what was "stolen" so don't try denying it.
We had no border because Canada, The United States and Mexico did not exist. It was all Turtle Island.
Why would you need a border to separate countries when there are no countries to separate?
Take your time. Think it over.

lol rubbish. They fought over hunting and fishing grounds, and to take slaves, and when Whitey came they fought over the fur trade and running extortion rackets, i.e. greed and arrogance. You just whine because you lost and these days you can score some money if enough idiots can be led to believe your stupid fake history fictions. Most of your 'reservations' are crime infested shitholes and rape factories, and fronts for crooked casinos.
lol rubbish. They fought over hunting and fishing grounds, and to take slaves, and when Whitey came they fought over the fur trade and running extortion rackets, i.e. greed and arrogance. You just whine because you lost and these days you can score some money if enough idiots can be led to believe your stupid fake history fictions. Most of your 'reservations' are crime infested shitholes and rape factories, and fronts for crooked casinos.
Of all the people talking about Native American Indians on the thread, this guy knows the least.
Exactly. My great gradmother on my moms side was in a situation like that in the south. Her parents were part of a cherokee tribe. These guys make disingenuous claims, purposefully leaving out critical facts. This is just like the blacks owned slaves tale.
There is a great documentary on Amazon called "Rumble." It's basically about contributions by Natives to American music, but they dig in to aspects of slavery and the relationship between blacks and natives. It seems most of the slaves that came here on ships were men. They ended up mating with native women which is why a high percentage of black people have native blood.

I also learned that it was illegal for a slave to own a drum. The whites were afraid the slave would use it to plan an insurrection. If a slave owned a drum he would be killed.
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All you did was forget to win lol. Were typing in English lol.
Putting GLASNOST and DudleySmith on ignore was the best part of my day.
That's a lie but be generous and make it the best part of your year.
i take that back. The best part of my day is going to be my gig tonight with some amazing musicians. Ignoring those 2 cipos starts tomorrow.
You should contact USMB and inform them there's something wrong with your "ignore" button. It doesn't work very well. Anyway, there are no "amazing musicians" who need a kazoo player so stop telling lies. :auiqs.jpg:

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