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California Water Crises. Who Should They Blame?,Democrats,Bush Or Illegal Aliens?

they can blame their government. that has been taken over by someone with a nickname of, Moonbeam from back in the 60's, the red boned tree huggers/peta types. and then they have the likes of Baba Boxer and Pelsoi...Gawd help them all having to live up there. they have destroyed that beautiful state. soon it will be called, Mexifornia
gov brown aint responsible for the drought steph....if arnold or another republican was gov right now,they would be faced with the same situation.....california has had quite a few droughts since the 60's and the republicans over the years havent done much about it themselves.....no one....republican or democrat, seems to want to build desalination plants for at least the farmers use.... what ya gonna do?....

didn't I read where they have been tearing down a lot their dams in the state? as for the desalination that is a head scratcher why they aren't building these things. I blame some on their government. they are a bunch of dingbats being led by someone nicknamed, Moonbeam...lol
they are tearing down i think 4 dams,could be more, that are listed by the federal government as ones that pose high or significant safety hazards

like i said steph....brown did not create the drought.....and the desal plants were shot down before he got here.....
great question: what caused the water shortage? I thought global warming were going to flood California.

A problem of priorities...............They are running out of water...........but hey let's build this instead............


Oh for fucks sake. It'd be fantastic if all you idiots who don't understand the Californian economy or reasons behind the drought could just shut the fuck up about it already.

We get it, California should be forced to stand on its own because liberals, completely ignoring that 80% of our water usage is agricultural and I'd bet money all you whiny babies eat our food.
This is a national problem..............Because if they run out of water and decide to move these wacked out liberals may move into our areas.............

Being in Construction..............FAST TRACK PIPE LINES AND DE-SALINATION PLANTS QUICK.............

Get them the dang water so THEY WILL STAY IN CALIFORNIA...............

In Alabama, there is no closed season on cars with California plates

In Colorado back in the 90's, they would have a Tomato war. they couldn't stand Californians coming in for ski season acting all snobby. so they gathered tons of rotten tomato and had a battle between the states....Colorado kicked butt every year...lol
i bet they enjoyed all that california revenue though....

yeah I suppose so. didn't make it any more pleasant living there during ski season
hey, doesn't California usually run their "Come To California" ads this time of year? what will they say? Welcome To California, Yes Its Paradise on the West, but we don't have any more water to give to the hotels. oh well.
they dont need to run ads....Cal gets 6,364,000 tourists a year,how many does your state get....and Disneylands parking lot seems to have a lot cars everytime i go by....and the Motels dont seem to be hurting....lots of tourist walking around....:dunno:
This is a national problem..............Because if they run out of water and decide to move these wacked out liberals may move into our areas.............

Being in Construction..............FAST TRACK PIPE LINES AND DE-SALINATION PLANTS QUICK.............

Get them the dang water so THEY WILL STAY IN CALIFORNIA...............

i heard about that story too. plenty of water in the Spacific Ocean! why didn't Moonhead start the process 20 years ago !!!

20 years ago the Governator was Ahnold. Jerry Brown wasn't even in a political office.
no he wasnt.....it was wilson.....
i just used "20 Years Ago" as a ball park figure. just back when MoonBall looked more like one of the Beatles.
then you mean 40 years ago.....

2006 proposed Desalination plants California...................

Poseidon withdraws Huntington Beach desalination permit application coastal commission tables vote Update 89.3 KPCC

After eight hours of discussion and public comment, the California Coastal Commission decided Wednesday to put off a vote on an application to build a desalination plant in Huntington Beach.

The commissioners voted unanimously to hold off a final decision on the controversial proposal. Shortly after, the company seeking to build the plant, Poseidon Water, withdrew its application.

The commission staff wants Poseidon to do a study of the ocean floor off Huntington Beach to determine the feasibility of using subsurface intakes to bring water into the proposed plant.

Commission staff had recommended approval of the project if Poseidon used those intakes. And there was a motion before commissioners to vote on that recommendation.

Environmental groups Orange County Coastkeeper, the Surfrider Foundation and the Sierra Club have been fighting the project. They say the proposed plant's use of open ocean intakes would harm marine life and the ocean ecosystem. They also said the plant's use of energy would generate greenhouse gas emissions.

Pamela Crouch, with Orange County Coastkeeper, said the "no decision" is a win for opponents. She said it became clear as commissioners deliberated that Poseidon didn't have enough votes to get its application request approved.

"It is a victory for us because it means that Poseidon did not have the votes they needed to pass their project," Crouch said after the meeting. "It is also a bit astonishing that after all these years, – it's been seven years that we've been suggesting we work together – it finally took this to get them to just do the right thing."

The company wanted to use existing open-ocean water intakes to bring seawater to the plant. Opponents say those intakes harm marine life, and the state has required they be phased out by 2020.

Enviro Wacks putting hurdles in front of those trying to build the dang things..........
This is a national problem..............Because if they run out of water and decide to move these wacked out liberals may move into our areas.............

Being in Construction..............FAST TRACK PIPE LINES AND DE-SALINATION PLANTS QUICK.............

Get them the dang water so THEY WILL STAY IN CALIFORNIA...............

i heard about that story too. plenty of water in the Spacific Ocean! why didn't Moonhead start the process 20 years ago !!!

20 years ago the Governator was Ahnold. Jerry Brown wasn't even in a political office.
no he wasnt.....it was wilson.....

Harry, you are correct sir. I can't subtract 20 from 2015. This is why I stay away from math. :redface:
hey i understand.....you are a liberal after all....
This is a national problem..............Because if they run out of water and decide to move these wacked out liberals may move into our areas.............

Being in Construction..............FAST TRACK PIPE LINES AND DE-SALINATION PLANTS QUICK.............

Get them the dang water so THEY WILL STAY IN CALIFORNIA...............

i heard about that story too. plenty of water in the Spacific Ocean! why didn't Moonhead start the process 20 years ago !!!

20 years ago the Governator was Ahnold. Jerry Brown wasn't even in a political office.
no he wasnt.....it was wilson.....
i just used "20 Years Ago" as a ball park figure. just back when MoonBall looked more like one of the Beatles.
then you mean 40 years ago.....
lol,ok 40, I just recall a time when Jerry was the Governor and we were all laughing at him.
Oh for fucks sake. It'd be fantastic if all you idiots who don't understand the Californian economy or reasons behind the drought could just shut the fuck up about it already.

We get it, California should be forced to stand on its own because liberals, completely ignoring that 80% of our water usage is agricultural and I'd bet money all you whiny babies eat our food.
Time to get off your HIGH HORSES..................


Perhaps you can calm down your Enviro Wacks long enough to allow them to be built...........

Oh hell no...............PIPELINES.................will these types fight that installation as well..............to pump water.......................................

LIONS, TIGERS AND BEARS.......................
This is a national problem..............Because if they run out of water and decide to move these wacked out liberals may move into our areas.............

Being in Construction..............FAST TRACK PIPE LINES AND DE-SALINATION PLANTS QUICK.............

Get them the dang water so THEY WILL STAY IN CALIFORNIA...............


No to worry. If I have to leave california, I'll still have enough money so I don't have to move into your hillbilly trailer park.
Oh for fucks sake. It'd be fantastic if all you idiots who don't understand the Californian economy or reasons behind the drought could just shut the fuck up about it already.

We get it, California should be forced to stand on its own because liberals, completely ignoring that 80% of our water usage is agricultural and I'd bet money all you whiny babies eat our food.
Time to get off your HIGH HORSES..................


Perhaps you can calm down your Enviro Wacks long enough to allow them to be built...........

Oh hell no...............PIPELINES.................will these types fight that installation as well..............to pump water.......................................

LIONS, TIGERS AND BEARS.......................

Nope, I think I'll stay up here so I can look down on all the MILLIONS OF AMERICANS WE FEED EVERY DAY.

But you could totally do your part and boycott all foods produced in CA.
A problem of priorities...............They are running out of water...........but hey let's build this instead............


dont worry they are getting some flak on that.....whats funny is the one going to vegas was shot down in a prior election....most s.californians would rather drive to vegas........
Wonder what the real truth is here...first its they have one yr ,,,,then its they have plenty.....then the 25% cut,,,,,,in 6 monthes will it be ooops figured wrong all gone.
and keep in mind, what happens when all the power in LA or San FRan goes out for weeks? gee, what will all those illegals do? go live in the woods?

I'm not sure residents of California qualify as "illegals" just because we stole the place from Mexico.

Actually. After Mexico lost the war the US paid for the land. To date we're the only ones to have ever done that.
Any of you hillbilly right wing turds who crawl out of the sewer with great happiness anytime you hear bad news, actually know what's happening in Cali? It's the weather dummies, not libruls.
Don t Build Harmful Desalination Facility on West Coast ForceChange


Dear California Coastal Commissioners,

I am writing to urge you to deny a Coastal Development Permit to Poseidon, the company that proposed a desalination facility in Huntington Beach. The facility would have a harmful environmental impact on the California coastline with its obsolete open intake pipe, which would suck in and kill fish and plankton. Its hyper-saline brine and cleaning byproduct releases would pollute and displace marine life. If built, this plant would have literal and environmental costs beyond the ocean ecosystem: water produced there would cost consumers who are forced by contract to buy the water significantly more than existing water supplies, and the plant itself would contribute to climate change by using enough electricity to power 30,000 homes.

There are far better methods of increasing California’s fresh water supply, including conservation: according to the Sierra Club, 60 percent of California’s fresh water goes toward landscaping. This desalination plant is the wrong answer to California’s fresh water problems.

Please take action to preserve California’s coast. Deny Poseidon permission to destroy our marine ecosystem.


How many of you Liberals signed that petition............................Sign the petition..........that DeSALT PLANT IS EVIL.................


I helped build a Gas Turbine Plant in Mohave back in the day right next to NEEDLES during the Black Outs in California.......................

Do you want to know why they built it there.....................Because they refused to build and invest in California due to regulations...............and just down the road was a Coal Burner running at 30% capacity because it would get fined for producing more power................

Only in California...........You bitch and moan...........set up new regs and wonder why no one wants to build there..............and now you stall on WATER............because Desalination is EVIL.............

Not all of you.................but you have a lot of Lunatics there..............keep them there.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

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