California Worst State for Retirees

Say WTF ?

Only $5,000 minimum what kind of crap is that ...

God damn south Carolina requires a minimum of $25,000

Unbelievable isn't it? Fucking bullshit is what it it goes like this...this shithole of a state Mexifornia issues illegal wetbacks a driver's license then offers a subsidized insurance policy with coverage that barely meets the states minimum requirements. How many autos on the road can you repair for under $5k the event of an accident?
My youngest daughter was driving my 11 day old car and was rear ended by a drunk illegal cockroach...$19k in damage to the car and a broken wrist..had to pay my deductible to cover the car as the roach only had the $5k in coverage and my health insurance had to pick up most of the tab for her wrist. My insurance companies intended to sue the driver until they found out he was illegal....they told me there was no point in seeking a judgement against an illegal as they have no assets and there is nothing to attach a judgment to as they really have no formal identity such as social security number etc. These filthy subhumans are almost above the law in some ways...Gotta love our sanctuary shitholes that put illegals first...huh?’d be so much better if you had gotten nothing out of it because he wasn’t allowed a drivers license and had zero insurance.

I think you elected to miss the part where I said I paid my deductible...had he not been covered at all...the uninsured motorists coverage on my policy would have kicked in and the deductible is waived.
Offering illegal Mexicans a license and some bootleg insurance coverage is just creating more incentive for them to be here and just another way for this shithole of a state to make their illegal lives here a little easier.

It's not about making it "easy" for the undocumented, it's about making our roads safer.

How Offering Driver's Licenses To Immigrants Here Illegally Makes Roads Safer

How about making our roads safer by deporting illegals

Why should I have to subsidies California's criminal and treasonous policy's ?

It's not like I expected a realistic answer from a Trumpsters...
6th largest economy of the WORLD.

Comparison between U.S. states and countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia

What a miserable life in California.

Haha...I'll play along....let's try this again. Let me know how many links to .GOV sources I need to post...haha....I know it's tough for you Lefties to wrap your tiny little peanut size minds around it want to believe soooo bad that people in Mexifornia aren't living just like the human cockroaches in Mexico...but're wrong.
Remember, GDP does not translate for the lower 2/3's of the population.
If Silicon Valley and Hollyweird is kicking ass and making the spreadsheet look good does no one really care that the rest of the state is living like filthy cockroaches? I mean, I thought "you people" hated But, but, but....this is different...right....but, but, but GDP!
Allow this to sink in:
CA=12% of the national population..33% of the nations welfare recipients
CA=20.4% of residents live in poverty, the highest rate in the nation
CA=Home to more illegals than any other state..coincidence?
CA=Home to more incarcerated than any other state
Loon York, another blue state shithole is fighting CA for that number one spot.
This was published on September 12, 2017
Census Bureau Poverty Statistics Published

How about this dumb-ass...Arrest, trial, jail, loss of business for any person that knowingly hires an illegal alien.

So you want to fill the jails now with elite liberals?


Kick the illegals out

Jail the bad guys and the illegals won't come.

Yep, and when you leave your keys in your ignition and someone steals your's not the thieves's yours for incentivizing them...ain't that right?

If it's illegal to leave your keys in the car, than yes.

Ahhhh, you authoritarians are all alike aren't you... I do agree that jailing bad guys is a good thing, but so long as the GOVERNMENTS are handing out the goodie bags the illegals will continue to come now won't they.....

Illegals come here for jobs, blacks and bubba's go for the 'goodie bags.'

Remove the job incentive means no illegals.
So you want to fill the jails now with elite liberals?


Kick the illegals out

Jail the bad guys and the illegals won't come.

Yep, and when you leave your keys in your ignition and someone steals your's not the thieves's yours for incentivizing them...ain't that right?

If it's illegal to leave your keys in the car, than yes.

Ahhhh, you authoritarians are all alike aren't you... I do agree that jailing bad guys is a good thing, but so long as the GOVERNMENTS are handing out the goodie bags the illegals will continue to come now won't they.....

Illegals come here for jobs, blacks and bubba's go for the 'goodie bags.'

Remove the job incentive means no illegals.

"Blacks and bubbas" need Sanctuary City city protections? Whaaaaa? Me thinks you is full of horse poo. And based on your past history, I know I am correct.
Jail the bad guys and the illegals won't come.

Yep, and when you leave your keys in your ignition and someone steals your's not the thieves's yours for incentivizing them...ain't that right?

If it's illegal to leave your keys in the car, than yes.

Ahhhh, you authoritarians are all alike aren't you... I do agree that jailing bad guys is a good thing, but so long as the GOVERNMENTS are handing out the goodie bags the illegals will continue to come now won't they.....

Illegals come here for jobs, blacks and bubba's go for the 'goodie bags.'

Remove the job incentive means no illegals.

"Blacks and bubbas" need Sanctuary City city protections? Whaaaaa? Me thinks you is full of horse poo. And based on your past history, I know I am correct.

Remove the job incentive means no illegals.
Yep, and when you leave your keys in your ignition and someone steals your's not the thieves's yours for incentivizing them...ain't that right?

If it's illegal to leave your keys in the car, than yes.

Ahhhh, you authoritarians are all alike aren't you... I do agree that jailing bad guys is a good thing, but so long as the GOVERNMENTS are handing out the goodie bags the illegals will continue to come now won't they.....

Illegals come here for jobs, blacks and bubba's go for the 'goodie bags.'

Remove the job incentive means no illegals.

"Blacks and bubbas" need Sanctuary City city protections? Whaaaaa? Me thinks you is full of horse poo. And based on your past history, I know I am correct.

Remove the job incentive means no illegals.

I do agree on that part, but so long as the cities give sanctuary status, and give illegals medical aid that they won't give to their own citizens, they will continue to come. Like I said, they get loads of freebies from the American tax payer and they will milk it for all they can.

Immigrants in state illegally to get state-funded kidney transplants

Immigrants in state illegally to get state-funded kidney transplants

Undocumented Immigrants Win Access to Organ Transplant Waitlists, and a Shot at Life
14 Chicago patients in critical need of transplants went on a hunger strike to change hospital policy.

Undocumented Immigrants Win Access to Organ Transplant Waitlists, and a Shot at Life

Nearly $50 million in the California state budget will go to expanded legal services for immigrants

LA made $1.3B in illegal immigrant welfare payouts in just 2 years
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees

I'm just trying to figure out who California is actually good for other than rich liberals, Hollywood types, marijuana growers, pornography, vacationists with deep pockets and Mexican illegals.

The beach in Southern California has the best year-round climate of anywhere in the nation. Period.

Did you morons by marijuana stock when I told you to over a year ago? You'd be >+200% today.
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees

I'm just trying to figure out who California is actually good for other than rich liberals, Hollywood types, marijuana growers, pornography, vacationists with deep pockets and Mexican illegals.
If you do not mind actually working it is a great place to live and raise a family. I know the work aspect throws most can't servatives for loop but give it a try.
Say WTF ?

Only $5,000 minimum what kind of crap is that ...

God damn south Carolina requires a minimum of $25,000

Unbelievable isn't it? Fucking bullshit is what it it goes like this...this shithole of a state Mexifornia issues illegal wetbacks a driver's license then offers a subsidized insurance policy with coverage that barely meets the states minimum requirements. How many autos on the road can you repair for under $5k the event of an accident?
My youngest daughter was driving my 11 day old car and was rear ended by a drunk illegal cockroach...$19k in damage to the car and a broken wrist..had to pay my deductible to cover the car as the roach only had the $5k in coverage and my health insurance had to pick up most of the tab for her wrist. My insurance companies intended to sue the driver until they found out he was illegal....they told me there was no point in seeking a judgement against an illegal as they have no assets and there is nothing to attach a judgment to as they really have no formal identity such as social security number etc. These filthy subhumans are almost above the law in some ways...Gotta love our sanctuary shitholes that put illegals first...huh?’d be so much better if you had gotten nothing out of it because he wasn’t allowed a drivers license and had zero insurance.

I think you elected to miss the part where I said I paid my deductible...had he not been covered at all...the uninsured motorists coverage on my policy would have kicked in and the deductible is waived.
Offering illegal Mexicans a license and some bootleg insurance coverage is just creating more incentive for them to be here and just another way for this shithole of a state to make their illegal lives here a little easier.

It's not about making it "easy" for the undocumented, it's about making our roads safer.

How Offering Driver's Licenses To Immigrants Here Illegally Makes Roads Safer

How about making our roads safer by deporting illegals

Why should I have to subsidies California's criminal and treasonous policy's ?
Quit supporting rethuglians and Criminals and treasonous people won't have a place to live!
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees
I would not live in any state other than California. The other states have such stupid people living in them I can not socialize.

Yea we know you are allergic to this you pinko commie bastard

View attachment 168193
Sorry to inform you but it is the southern state people who are allergic to it. Are you going to call them commies? I just call them what they are, low IQ people.
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot be
Los Angeles shit all over the streets, San Francisco sidewalks also the toilet for thousands of homeless people, riots and looting, murders in Chicago, Baltimore, everywhere Dem's are in charge its a mess.

tter for retirees

photos of san francisco - Google Search

photos of construction underway in san francisco - Google Search
I know as I worked in construction until I retired. There is so much work in construction for all the electronic wizards to have a place to work and live. San Jose is just about the same. People coming in all the time.
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees
I would not live in any state other than California. The other states have such stupid people living in them I can not socialize.

Yea we know you are allergic to this you pinko commie bastard

View attachment 168193
Sorry to inform you but it is the southern state people who are allergic to it. Are you going to call them commies? I just call them what they are, low IQ people.

We are not the ones pissing on the flag now are we?

We are not the ones trying to get rid of the amendment's we don't like are we?

Are judges don't vote on emotions like libtards do..

Yes you are allergic to tbe Constitution....and don't even fucking deny it
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees
I would not live in any state other than California. The other states have such stupid people living in them I can not socialize.

Yea we know you are allergic to this you pinko commie bastard

View attachment 168193
Sorry to inform you but it is the southern state people who are allergic to it. Are you going to call them commies? I just call them what they are, low IQ people.
Like Reagan always said liberals favorite holiday is April 15th

Conservatives July 4th


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