California Worst State for Retirees

Uninsured motorist coverage is only effective when the at fault driver is truly "uninsured"...meaning has zero insurance coverage. The problem is, most of the southern cockroaches purchases a policy with the minimum amount of coverage required by the state of when they rear end you in your 7 Series BMW their insurance company offers you $5k and basically tells you to file a civil suit on their insured southern cockroach personally to recover the difference...What can you sue an illegal cockroach for?
I know this as I have been a victim of their filth in this regard twice...which is partly why I harbor the hatred I do for the filthy fucks.
Minimum California Car Insurance Coverage
California requires drivers to carry at least the following coverages:
  • Bodily Injury Liability Coverage: $15,000 per person / $30,000 per accident minimum
  • Property Damage Liability Coverage: $5,000 minimum
  • Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Coverage: $15,000 per person / $30,000 per accident minimum
  • Uninsured Motorist Property Damage Coverage: $3,500 minimum

Say WTF ?

Only $5,000 minimum what kind of crap is that ...

God damn south Carolina requires a minimum of $25,000

Unbelievable isn't it? Fucking bullshit is what it it goes like this...this shithole of a state Mexifornia issues illegal wetbacks a driver's license then offers a subsidized insurance policy with coverage that barely meets the states minimum requirements. How many autos on the road can you repair for under $5k the event of an accident?
My youngest daughter was driving my 11 day old car and was rear ended by a drunk illegal cockroach...$19k in damage to the car and a broken wrist..had to pay my deductible to cover the car as the roach only had the $5k in coverage and my health insurance had to pick up most of the tab for her wrist. My insurance companies intended to sue the driver until they found out he was illegal....they told me there was no point in seeking a judgement against an illegal as they have no assets and there is nothing to attach a judgment to as they really have no formal identity such as social security number etc. These filthy subhumans are almost above the law in some ways...Gotta love our sanctuary shitholes that put illegals first...huh?’d be so much better if you had gotten nothing out of it because he wasn’t allowed a drivers license and had zero insurance.

So you can drive around there with no driver's license?

Buy a car with no car insurance

And I just thought of something

People in the rest of the country is subsiding California cheap auto insurance for illegals this is bullshit

Mother fuck the rest of the country is paying higher rates for illegal s to drive in California

That's exactly right

I just sent a email to my senators Lindsay Graham and Tim Scott about this lol I even included this link...

I am going to bitch going to contact local newspaper and t.v. stations I am fucking pissed .
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Well I just sent a letter to the local Newspaper "ask Willie " column and to the other two Newspapers in they upstate of South Carolina I am going to fire up these redneck's so the know they are paying higher car insurance to subsidies illegal Mexicans in California.
Now two television station reporters :)

Good on you bud!
More people need to be willing to take action against the lunacy. We need to take better care of our own citizens FIRST!

It's funny news reports s few weeks ago said car insurance was going up because all the retards texting about also because these states instead of deporting illegals giving them driver's license and lowering their minimum rates ...

This is not right .
Now two television station reporters :)

Good on you bud!
More people need to be willing to take action against the lunacy. We need to take better care of our own citizens FIRST!

It's funny news reports s few weeks ago said car insurance was going up because all the retards texting about also because these states instead of deporting illegals giving them driver's license and lowering their minimum rates ...

This is not right .

The media is forbidden to use the word "illegal" and or inform you of all the ways illegals are costing you money.
Now two television station reporters :)

Good on you bud!
More people need to be willing to take action against the lunacy. We need to take better care of our own citizens FIRST!

It's funny news reports s few weeks ago said car insurance was going up because all the retards texting about also because these states instead of deporting illegals giving them driver's license and lowering their minimum rates ...

This is not right .

The media is forbidden to use the word "illegal" and or inform you of all the ways illegals are costing you money.

It seems so
California is a great state to retire if you have money. that's why its filled with rich people who pay lots of taxes, except food not taxed, calif knows every one has to eat.

Not necessarily. Prop 13 homes. My Mothers home is appraised for $5M, with a yearly property tax of $1,500.00.

Nooo, she's grandfathered (or grandmothered if you prefer) in. Had she not been able to benefit from Prop 13 she would have been kicked out on her ass decades ago because she wouldn't have been able to pay the property taxes. You can thank Jarvis & Gann for making it possible for her to keep her home. Progressives, like you, would have kicked her to the curb long ago so they could give her home to someone with more money. That's how progressives work don't ya know.

My Father was in the casino business in Vegas. My Mother was a teacher in Vegas then California. With my Fathers 'pension' and my Mother's retirement income she does VERY well.

btw; I'm not a progressive, I'm a capitalist who doesn't believe in fucking the people that make me all of my monies.

Bull crap. You're a progressive loon who lies about everything. There is not a single position you have taken that is not an extremist progressive platform. Not one. You have been proven to have lied so many times that nothing you write will ever be believed. You're almost as bad as fakey mcfakerson. And the fact remains that if you're middle class, you can't afford to live in California as a retiree unless you made your money, and bought your home, long, long ago.

My position is that the middle class worker doesn't make enough money and hasn't since the mid-seventies.

You think that the middle class worker should be paid like we buy fish, the market price.

That makes me pro-middle class.

That makes you pro-Putin.

And the fact remains that if you're middle class, you don't have the option to live wherever you want as a retiree because your employer screwed you.
California is a great state to retire if you have money. that's why its filled with rich people who pay lots of taxes, except food not taxed, calif knows every one has to eat.

Not necessarily. Prop 13 homes. My Mothers home is appraised for $5M, with a yearly property tax of $1,500.00.

Yup, and guaranteed she didn't pay anywhere close to $5M.

My Father purchased the property in 1966 for $26,500 as a vacation home.

Where? In Beverly Hills or the Colony?

Orange County.
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees

Good, don't retire here. Our traffic is bad enough without a bunch of old fucks making it worse.

Hell yeah....keep all those "old fucks" away...we need the space for the southern cockroaches (wetbacks) that drive uninsured to expand. Makes perfect sense...right?

See, CA is smarter than other states. We let our undocumented get drivers they are required to get insurance.
Real smart. How about this dumbass...”don’t let undocumented Into the state to begin with.”

How about this dumb-ass...Arrest, trial, jail, loss of business for any person that knowingly hires an illegal alien.
California is a great state to retire if you have money. that's why its filled with rich people who pay lots of taxes, except food not taxed, calif knows every one has to eat.

Not necessarily. Prop 13 homes. My Mothers home is appraised for $5M, with a yearly property tax of $1,500.00.

Yup, and guaranteed she didn't pay anywhere close to $5M.

My Father purchased the property in 1966 for $26,500 as a vacation home.

Where? In Beverly Hills or the Colony?

Orange County.

Must have had a lot of acreage to go with it then. Twenty six thousand went a real long way in Orange county in the 1960's. A long way... Kind of a weird place for a vacation home though, Dana Point?
If they don't own a car, they don't need to be insured.

I have the solution to uninsured motorists that doesn't include drivers with insurance paying for those without insurance. Eliminate the uninsured motorists protection and, instead, add a tax to the cost of gasoline so that anyone buying gas pays the insurance.

Uninsured motorist coverage is only effective when the at fault driver is truly "uninsured"...meaning has zero insurance coverage. The problem is, most of the southern cockroaches purchases a policy with the minimum amount of coverage required by the state of when they rear end you in your 7 Series BMW their insurance company offers you $5k and basically tells you to file a civil suit on their insured southern cockroach personally to recover the difference...What can you sue an illegal cockroach for?
I know this as I have been a victim of their filth in this regard twice...which is partly why I harbor the hatred I do for the filthy fucks.
Minimum California Car Insurance Coverage
California requires drivers to carry at least the following coverages:
  • Bodily Injury Liability Coverage: $15,000 per person / $30,000 per accident minimum
  • Property Damage Liability Coverage: $5,000 minimum
  • Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Coverage: $15,000 per person / $30,000 per accident minimum
  • Uninsured Motorist Property Damage Coverage: $3,500 minimum

Say WTF ?

Only $5,000 minimum what kind of crap is that ...

God damn south Carolina requires a minimum of $25,000

Unbelievable isn't it? Fucking bullshit is what it it goes like this...this shithole of a state Mexifornia issues illegal wetbacks a driver's license then offers a subsidized insurance policy with coverage that barely meets the states minimum requirements. How many autos on the road can you repair for under $5k the event of an accident?
My youngest daughter was driving my 11 day old car and was rear ended by a drunk illegal cockroach...$19k in damage to the car and a broken wrist..had to pay my deductible to cover the car as the roach only had the $5k in coverage and my health insurance had to pick up most of the tab for her wrist. My insurance companies intended to sue the driver until they found out he was illegal....they told me there was no point in seeking a judgement against an illegal as they have no assets and there is nothing to attach a judgment to as they really have no formal identity such as social security number etc. These filthy subhumans are almost above the law in some ways...Gotta love our sanctuary shitholes that put illegals first...huh?’d be so much better if you had gotten nothing out of it because he wasn’t allowed a drivers license and had zero insurance.

I think you elected to miss the part where I said I paid my deductible...had he not been covered at all...the uninsured motorists coverage on my policy would have kicked in and the deductible is waived.
Offering illegal Mexicans a license and some bootleg insurance coverage is just creating more incentive for them to be here and just another way for this shithole of a state to make their illegal lives here a little easier.

It's not about making it "easy" for the undocumented, it's about making our roads safer.

How Offering Driver's Licenses To Immigrants Here Illegally Makes Roads Safer
how do you retire in a state that usually on fire?

Not to mention who wants to pay a million dollars for a one bedroom house 350 sq ft.

Depends on where you are I suppose. My wifes flat in Paris (on the Isle de la Cite) is around 300 square meters, but does have its own parking spot, and she's been offered 1.6 million Euro for it. Thankfully she said no. I love the place!
That's interesting. I don't have a womb yet under obummercare you claim I have to pay for pregnancy insurance. What gives?

Why? You are.

Where did I compare health insurance to automobile insurance?

Women should not have to get additional insurance simply because they might become pregnant.

Why the fuck not ?

Men are at greater risk for heart disease. Should they have to pay more for health insurance?

For the most part, men write policy coverage's. It's a 'Bro' thang!
Uninsured motorist coverage is only effective when the at fault driver is truly "uninsured"...meaning has zero insurance coverage. The problem is, most of the southern cockroaches purchases a policy with the minimum amount of coverage required by the state of when they rear end you in your 7 Series BMW their insurance company offers you $5k and basically tells you to file a civil suit on their insured southern cockroach personally to recover the difference...What can you sue an illegal cockroach for?
I know this as I have been a victim of their filth in this regard twice...which is partly why I harbor the hatred I do for the filthy fucks.
Minimum California Car Insurance Coverage
California requires drivers to carry at least the following coverages:
  • Bodily Injury Liability Coverage: $15,000 per person / $30,000 per accident minimum
  • Property Damage Liability Coverage: $5,000 minimum
  • Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Coverage: $15,000 per person / $30,000 per accident minimum
  • Uninsured Motorist Property Damage Coverage: $3,500 minimum

Say WTF ?

Only $5,000 minimum what kind of crap is that ...

God damn south Carolina requires a minimum of $25,000

Unbelievable isn't it? Fucking bullshit is what it it goes like this...this shithole of a state Mexifornia issues illegal wetbacks a driver's license then offers a subsidized insurance policy with coverage that barely meets the states minimum requirements. How many autos on the road can you repair for under $5k the event of an accident?
My youngest daughter was driving my 11 day old car and was rear ended by a drunk illegal cockroach...$19k in damage to the car and a broken wrist..had to pay my deductible to cover the car as the roach only had the $5k in coverage and my health insurance had to pick up most of the tab for her wrist. My insurance companies intended to sue the driver until they found out he was illegal....they told me there was no point in seeking a judgement against an illegal as they have no assets and there is nothing to attach a judgment to as they really have no formal identity such as social security number etc. These filthy subhumans are almost above the law in some ways...Gotta love our sanctuary shitholes that put illegals first...huh?’d be so much better if you had gotten nothing out of it because he wasn’t allowed a drivers license and had zero insurance.

I think you elected to miss the part where I said I paid my deductible...had he not been covered at all...the uninsured motorists coverage on my policy would have kicked in and the deductible is waived.
Offering illegal Mexicans a license and some bootleg insurance coverage is just creating more incentive for them to be here and just another way for this shithole of a state to make their illegal lives here a little easier.

It's not about making it "easy" for the undocumented, it's about making our roads safer.

How Offering Driver's Licenses To Immigrants Here Illegally Makes Roads Safer

How about making our roads safer by deporting illegals

Why should I have to subsidies California's criminal and treasonous policy's ?
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees

Good, don't retire here. Our traffic is bad enough without a bunch of old fucks making it worse.

Hell yeah....keep all those "old fucks" away...we need the space for the southern cockroaches (wetbacks) that drive uninsured to expand. Makes perfect sense...right?

See, CA is smarter than other states. We let our undocumented get drivers they are required to get insurance.
Real smart. How about this dumbass...”don’t let undocumented Into the state to begin with.”

How about this dumb-ass...Arrest, trial, jail, loss of business for any person that knowingly hires an illegal alien.

So you want to fill the jails now with elite liberals?


Kick the illegals out
California is a great state to retire if you have money. that's why its filled with rich people who pay lots of taxes, except food not taxed, calif knows every one has to eat.

Not necessarily. Prop 13 homes. My Mothers home is appraised for $5M, with a yearly property tax of $1,500.00.

Nooo, she's grandfathered (or grandmothered if you prefer) in. Had she not been able to benefit from Prop 13 she would have been kicked out on her ass decades ago because she wouldn't have been able to pay the property taxes. You can thank Jarvis & Gann for making it possible for her to keep her home. Progressives, like you, would have kicked her to the curb long ago so they could give her home to someone with more money. That's how progressives work don't ya know.

My Father was in the casino business in Vegas. My Mother was a teacher in Vegas then California. With my Fathers 'pension' and my Mother's retirement income she does VERY well.

btw; I'm not a progressive, I'm a capitalist who doesn't believe in fucking the people that make me all of my monies.

Bull crap. You're a progressive loon who lies about everything. There is not a single position you have taken that is not an extremist progressive platform. Not one. You have been proven to have lied so many times that nothing you write will ever be believed. You're almost as bad as fakey mcfakerson. And the fact remains that if you're middle class, you can't afford to live in California as a retiree unless you made your money, and bought your home, long, long ago.

My position is that the middle class worker doesn't make enough money and hasn't since the mid-seventies.

You think that the middle class worker should be paid like we buy fish, the market price.

That makes me pro-middle class.

That makes you pro-Putin.

And the fact remains that if you're middle class, you don't have the option to live wherever you want as a retiree because your employer screwed you.

Then why do all the Northern middle class move down here when retired and buy huge homes on the lakes?

You are a moron

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